Time: [02:04:11]

Location: Griffin S09 Theater

Personnel: Griffin Commander-in-Chief / Captain of 141 Team - Chen Shusheng

"Hmm..." Chen Shusheng silently looked at the gradually collapsing mountain in his field of vision, I have to say that the effect is much better than he imagined, he originally thought that he could bury half of the people at most, but the result was a little unexpected, except for the sniper who was divided at the beginning, the rest of the team in the squad were buried by the collapsed mountain, and it could only be said that they had gained a lot.

But...... It's not quite over yet, at least until these people are wiped out completely....

"UMP45, aren't there any other heat source signals around? And what about the sniper's position?

Chen Shusheng didn't go to reap the results of the battle for the first time, but turned on the radio and asked how the situation was, after all, one of them had a person who broke away from the team before, and it was not suitable to rush forward in this situation, after all, the other party's sniper threat should be completely eliminated first, after all, those who are buried now, there are other weapons on their side that can be temporarily suppressed...

And considering that the number of people on the other side is so small....

UMP45: [No, that person seems to have hidden himself, and the external armor on the other party's body should have the function of regulating the temperature, at least the thermal imaging on our side has not been able to track the other party's location, and nothing has been found in the night vision mode, he may have hidden himself in the soil]

"This reaction speed is faster than I imagined..." Chen Shusheng stepped back slightly, and completely hid his body in the leeward side of the mountain, in this way, No matter how accurate the sniper is, he can't attack him, after all, there is a ridgeline in the way, and without a drone, the other party doesn't even know where it is.

"He shouldn't be able to see death without help..."Chen Shusheng snapped his fingers and called the AA-12 behind him, one of the biggest features of the shotgun humanoid is that it is heavy, which can help teammates carry more extra ammunition, so it is not difficult to help Chen Shusheng carry the mortar a little, after all, this model was originally intended to be carried by individual soldiers.

The biggest advantage of the mortar weapon is that it can directly attack the enemy from the top of the head, and if the sniper doesn't want to watch his team members being blown to pieces, it's better to move.

But Chen Shusheng did not immediately stuff shells into the barrel, he believed that the enemy's drone must have seen his movements at this moment, he needed the other party to see it to see how the other party reacted, if the other party was willing to waste this only high-altitude observation means, then Chen Shusheng could only laugh at the other party's life.

But somewhat surprisingly, there was no movement or other movement on the other side, and the entire battlefield remained as silent as death.

"Hmm... It seems that he is planning to die. Chen Shusheng no longer had any hesitation, and after a moment, he poured the cannonball into the barrel.


As the firing pin activated the detonator and then ignited the entire gunpowder, the cannonball was instantly shot out, straight into the sky like a carp jumping into the sky, and then when it reached the peak, it fell heavily again, that is, the carp that had completed its life's mission would finally be washed back to the bottom by the river.


As the dust of the explosion continued to rise, Chen Shusheng ordered everyone to stay still at the same time.

"Everyone, all of them are not allowed to move and remain hidden, the threat has not been completely eliminated." Chen Shusheng ordered everyone to stay still, and now he only needs to keep bombarding the enemy's position, and there is no need for everyone to step forward and continue to mend the knife.

And at the same time....

“Fuck!" The fox eagle who buried himself in the dirt scolded bitterly in his heart, the distance from his teammates at the moment is not very far, but he can't do anything about the opponent's position, and his intuition is also telling him that if he moves now, he will immediately suffer from the opponent's fire, although the armor on his body can protect him from the threat of small-caliber ammunition, but this does not mean that he can use his face to catch the opponent's mortar, although the anti-infantry ammunition is useless to him, but the anti-armor weapon is not necessarily, In addition, it is possible that the weak points of the joints such as the neck can be penetrated...

"Everyone is still alive..."The fox eagle lay motionless quietly, according to the team's own information combat network, he found that everyone was basically still alive, but there were inevitably some injuries in the body, and some even fainted, but fortunately, the life support system could operate normally, but their movements needed to be faster, because this operation did not take into account the possibility of requiring the team members to hold their breath for a long time, and everyone did not carry oxygen cylinders.

"Captain, can you hear me?" Fox Eagle whispered over the radio as the life system showed that the captain was still awake at the moment.

"Ahem, what a bitch..."The captain, who was buried deep under the rubble, looked around, he was crushed by the large pieces of rubble, but it was a blessing in disguise, and some of his body was still able to move, not buried here by tons of dirt like everyone else.

"What if you move around a little?" The captain asked, because he couldn't see the situation outside clearly at the moment, but he could feel the situation in the outside world through the huge vibration, and he must be very unoptimistic...

"It's not good, now the other party is bombarding our location with mortars, captain, your position is at the bottom, and it won't hurt you for a while, but the others are not so lucky..."

"I didn't expect them to use this method... Contacted the rescue forces? "There's no way to fight back in this situation, and the best thing to do is to wait for the rescue force to come.

"A distress signal has been sent, but it will take twenty minutes to arrive." The Fox Eagle replied.

"What a terrible mission..."

The captain didn't have a good idea at the moment, but being ambushed is often like this, just for a moment, the entire team was basically deprived of the ability to fight back, and the other party was also vigilant that he did not choose to use guns but used bombs and mortars to deal with them, avoiding the possibility of frontal combat.

"Do you know we have this kind of all-protective armor on us?" The captain couldn't think of any other answer for a while, and the other party had been trying to avoid direct contact with them from the beginning to now, as if he knew their combat patterns well.

"I must write a report after I go back this time..."The team leader said as he contacted a few members of the team who could still speak, and confirmed the status of everyone's actions.

"Wait?! How did the butcher get off the line? The captain found himself at this moment missing the butcher's signal, and he seemed to be out of the group.

"Is it because the equipment on your body has been crushed? Or is the antenna already damaged..."The captain didn't waste much thought on this matter, his breathing had become very difficult at the moment, he needed to make some choices, at the moment everyone had no decent ability to fight back, the enemy's shells were smashing this way little by little, and it seemed only a matter of time before they were all wiped out here.

The idea of surrender came to the captain's head, or rather, they could choose to surrender After all, as special team members, all of them have implanted positioning chips in their bodies, and the fast reaction force has already set off at this moment, they can pretend to surrender to ensure the survival and equipment of the team members, and when the time comes, they just need to wait for the rescue force to arrive...

At this moment, whether it is the fox eagle or the squad leader, this idea has come to mind at this moment, surrender in this case is allowed, and it can also be regarded as a part of tactics, after all, the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, and no one can guarantee that everything will be as successful as they expected.

An insidious plan popped up in the minds of the two....


"The other side should be about to surrender." Chen Shusheng said as he controlled the drone and flew over, and at this moment, the M16 and they had already completed the rendezvous with Chen Shusheng's location.

"The bomb is well planted, and it has the potential to be a sapper." As soon as the two sides met, Chen Shusheng began to praise the M16 mission very well.

"Come on, I don't want to keep swinging a shovel." M16 waved his hand to indicate that he couldn't do the job, and then said.

"Next time, please..." As soon as M16 spoke, Chen Shusheng grabbed the other party and then directly pressed his knuckles against M16's head.

"You're embarrassed to mention it! How long has this just passed? Ah, bring it up now, are you trying to empty all my warehouses?

"Isn't this a page-turner?" M16 immediately said that he was innocent, very innocent and helpless, and then turned his eyes to Chen Shusheng and asked.

"Commander, did you just say... Warehouse? M16's big eyes looked directly at Chen Shusheng, even with the night vision device, Chen Shusheng could feel that M16's eyes were shining.

"No, you heard me wrong." Chen Shusheng hurriedly let go of the hand holding M16, and said that he absolutely didn't, but as soon as he heard that there was wine and could manage the M16, where did he care about this direct anti-customer at the moment, and hugged Chen Shusheng's arm tightly, so he didn't plan to let go, and the whole person was almost attached to Chen Shusheng's body, which can be said to have taken advantage of Chen Shusheng and completely regarded Chen Shusheng as a brother.

What is the difference between men and women? Do men and women kiss each other? I don't know, as long as there is wine and it's good, the commander is my best brother, isn't it normal for brothers to hook up like fox friends?

And after hooking the shoulders, shouldn't someone treat you after that?

"Get out of the way." Chen Shusheng raised his voice slightly, letting M16 know that it was not suitable to talk about this now.

"Understood." M16 also understood what Chen Shusheng meant, and immediately let go of his arm, while M4 on the side leaned in and asked.

"Commander, you just said that the enemy would surrender?" M4 said with some uncertainty, comparing the current situation with the capture of Green Bailey in the afternoon, but in the end, the other party did not choose to surrender no matter what, otherwise it would not have been captured alive.

"On a hillside without any shelter, facing an enemy of an elite Griffin combat humanoid with a mortar, its own team has been severely damaged, the entire squad is basically decapitated, and it is under the heavy blockade of the enemy, and this situation can only be completely powdered under the mortar bombardment." Chen Shusheng said as he transferred the picture on the terminal to M4.

"Test you, M4, what do you need to do if you want to continue the mission at this time? Any method can be used, remember, by any means. Chen Shusheng is looking forward to M4's answer.

"Hmm..." M4 looked at the content on the screen and thought carefully, the picture on the terminal marked the enemy's position very clearly, and the position of his own people was even more clear, and it was only at this time that M4 finally realized how careful the commander was about the layout of the battlefield.

"All positions can be easily kept in perfect places, whether it is the position of the machine gun or the sniper point, it can perfectly block any possible movement of the enemy, in the case of no cover overhead, everyone only needs to pull the trigger to limit the enemy's movement, and the mortar shells can blow up all the enemies without even correcting the trajectory..."M4 instantly felt that she had learned a lot, and frankly this was the first time she understood the commander's layout from a real command perspective...

"How can I break through..."Before M4 finished thinking about it, Chen Shusheng took the terminal back again.

"It's time." Chen Shusheng manipulated the terminal to transfer a drone and said as he operated it.

"This kind of special operators seem to be quite fierce, but in fact, the people in it are all mixed, especially the elite troops, your first reaction until they face this situation is not actually to fight to the death, generally speaking, only the rangers and green berets will have the spirit of fighting to the end, while the SEALs and Delta troop members are not so stubborn."

"Don't ask me why I know so much, you just need to remember, so that you can use it later, and you will have different options when facing different enemies."

"At certain times, these team members tend to choose to surrender when faced with an enemy like us who has no deep hatred, but don't think that they really intend to surrender, they will come out and surrender after their distress signal is sent." Chen Shusheng said as he waved his hand at RO635.

"RO635, lend me your horn and mount it on the drone, and start our persuasion work."

"Huh? What are you doing? My horn is custom-made. RO635 immediately hugged his own body, as if a knight would protect his drive.

"Don't worry, it won't break it for you." Chen Shusheng reached out to reach for it while patting his chest to reassure, but RO635 twisted his body to dodge.

“...... My hands are not groping, so I don't need to do this. Chen Shusheng deeply felt that he was distrusted, he was hurt, and he gave people the impression that he had always been honest and trustworthy, with a good style, kind and cheerful, and he was so sweet that he was treated like this, and he was really sad to be treated like this, obviously he has always been innocent.

"This is my most precious..."RO635 still wanted to resist stubbornly, but Chen Shusheng was directly a ruthless iron hand.

"Bring it to you."

“...... I'll do it myself. "In the face of Chen Shusheng's RO635, she still gave in, but she wanted to retain her last dignity and be very private, and share her precious ... It's still a little too shameful.

I saw that RO635 reluctantly fixed the horn on the drone.

"Alright... Be careful not to break it. It's precious, don't plate. RO635 looked at Chen Shusheng with dead eyes, while the latter spread his hands and said that there was no problem.

"Don't worry, I'm the most principled, I have always adhered to this kind of thing in equivalent exchange, and I will never prostitute other people's things for nothing." Chen Shusheng said as he flew the drone towards the other party.

"After all, if it's just a simple payment, it's just a prostitute." Chen Shusheng meditated silently in his heart, and RO635 only felt a chill spread to his spine.

"Alright, now let's move on to the topic." Chen Shusheng immediately drew everyone's attention back.

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