Children’s Story (1)

Mu Le was vigorously rubbed by him, causing her to feel disoriented and dizzy. She struggled to steady herself, but by the time she managed to regain her balance, Gu Mingyuan had already stood up.

He retrieved something that looked like a plastic box from the other end of the long table.

Mu Le’s head spun when she saw that thing. She widened her eyes, continuously retreating until she pressed herself against the wall, almost blending into her hiding spot.

Gu Mingyuan: “…”

It was evident that the little one was afraid of what he held in his hands. She might as well have written “Stay away” on her face.

He crouched down and pressed something. The plastic box gradually opened, revealing a large circular opening.

Mu Le: “…”

She recognized what Gu Mingyuan was holding—it was the very thing she woke up inside.

It was a cage!

And not just any cage, but an exceptionally intelligent high-tech one!

“No way. Wait a minute…” Mu Le finally understood. “Are you treating me like a pet?”

Gu Mingyuan placed the cage on the ground with the open side facing up.

After setting the cage down, he walked towards Mu Le.

Mu Le started to panic. She was so small, and it would be effortless for this man to pick her up and throw her into the cage.

But she had already retreated to the furthest point, and there was nowhere else to go.

Mu Le: “Wait, calm down. I haven’t destroyed your home or anything. It’s not necessary to capture and cage me, right…?”

Gu Mingyuan paused, furrowing his brows slightly as he looked at Mu Le.

Mu Le nervously stared back at him.

In the next moment, a small device placed on the table in front of him started to vibrate. Gu Mingyuan temporarily stopped his standoff with Mu Le and turned to press a button on the device.

A screen popped up above the device, and Mu Le stretched her neck to take a peek. The screen displayed a beautiful face that was both fierce and beautiful.

Could this be the owner of the house?

Mu Le saw Gu Mingyuan rub his temples and speak with a tinge of frustration to the person on the screen.

The person on the screen responded with surprise.

“Oh my goodness, you really have a pet.” Kong He’an covered her mouth. “Open the door for me quickly. I want to see it with my own eyes.”

Gu Mingyuan pressed the button on his holographic device to open the front door and reluctantly said, “Alright. You’re an expert on small animals, so come help me figure out what this little one is up to…”

“What do you mean by ‘expert on small animals’? Our interstellar dogs all have military licenses! Why discriminate when we’re colleagues…”

Kong He’an grumbled as she entered the room.

As Mu Le stayed in the corner, she saw the room’s door automatically open. Shortly after, the beautiful face that appeared on the holographic screen earlier was now right in front of her.

The person was wearing a military uniform, slightly shorter than Gu Mingyuan. Her face exuded a heroic charm, with eyes that slant upward like a hook.

Beautiful and fierce.

If it were a different situation, Mu Le would have wanted to cling to this person’s leg and say, “Beautiful sister, can I?”

Moreover, aside from the slightly intimidating appearance, this “beautiful sister” seemed like an ordinary human—at least much more approachable than the man with a pair of dark dragon horns.

Mu Le stared intently at the person, as if fixated on her savior.

Until ten seconds later.

Kong He’an saw Mu Le, and a hint of astonishment gleamed in her beautiful eyes. She quickly took three steps and arrived in front of Mu Le, excitedly exclaiming, “Oh my goodness, what a beautiful little one!”

Mu Le couldn’t understand what Kong He’an was saying. However, she did see that behind this “beautiful sister,” a splendid and magnificent fan of feathers seemed to burst open.

…Peacock feathers.

Mu Le averted her gaze.

This “beautiful sister” was probably not really a “sister.” After all, only the male peacock would display its feathers like that.

Kong He’an was completely unaware of Mu Le’s change in mood. He happily swayed his large tail, and the fluffy peacock feathers gently swayed, exuding an incredibly graceful and beautiful presence.

“Deputy Commander Kong,” Gu Mingyuan calmly called out to him, “if you drop any feathers in my room…”

Kong He’an immediately gathered his tail feathers.

“You’re already retired, so don’t be so strict!” Kong He’an complained, “Look at how scared this human is because of you.”

Gu Mingyuan fell silent for a moment. “I think the human I’m raising…is a bit foolish.”

Kong He’an: ?

Gu Mingyuan explained the scene he witnessed after his shower to Kong He’an.

“I was only gone for five minutes,” he said, “and this human made such a mess.”

Kong He’an sighed, “Don’t make baseless assumptions. Humans are very intelligent. They can even solve math problems!”

Gu Mingyuan: …

Mu Le couldn’t understand what they were saying, but she would have definitely defended herself if she could.

-—She’s not just good at math! She can handle advanced calculus too!

“It just needs a little guidance,” Kong He’an said, squatting in front of Mu Le and extending his hand. “Come, shake hands.”

Mu Le: “…………….”

She truly couldn’t understand.

But… is teaching a pet to “shake hands” really a cross-species habit?

Mu Le extended her small hand to Kong He’an.

Just as Kong He’an was about to shake her hand with a smile, a finger suddenly stretched between them.

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