Time passed by, and in a blink of an eye, most of the students on the four virtual maps from 02 to 05 had already reached the first obstacle area closest to the waiting area.

Although five maps were divided into the first round of individual competition, the fundamental purpose is to divert the 10 million students who signed up, so as not to overwhelm the server of the virtual map. exactly the same.

This also caused the students to adopt similar strategies when they were not familiar with the map in the early stage.

The only outlier: 01 map.

In the monitoring room of several test centers in Capital Star, all the proctors sat around in front of the monitors in the room.

A round-faced instructor tilted his head and asked his colleagues, "Are you still putting badges in the waiting area? Are you releasing water for your Second Army?"

"Release the water? I'm still releasing the flood!" The instructor of the Second Army stared at the surveillance screen with a flushed face, "A group of idiots! They were tricked into running around!"

When the others heard it, they understood that there were no badges in the waiting area at all!

However, in a waiting area without badges, the competition among students is more intense than those in the obstacle course with badges! And be real!

The instructors in the monitoring room knew the inside story of the distribution of badges, but the audience did not.

Therefore, in the first 10 minutes, after the audience entered and exited the five collective live broadcast rooms, more than half of the audience returned to the collective live broadcast room of Map 01.

[Maybe the distribution of badges on the five maps is different? You see how serious they are robbing. 】

[Maybe someone picked up the badge at the beginning of the game on other maps, but only map 01 has anyone seen it? 】

[Let's talk about who on the 01 map saw someone else pick up the badge? 】

[Looks like Huo Jiao who is following the 17th list? 】

【No way, why do I remember that the little brother from the Second Army saw it? 】

[It's definitely not Huo Jiao, you'll know when you go to Huo Jiao's personal live broadcast room and take a look. 】

Some viewers vaguely remembered that it was Huo Jiao who pointed out that Qiu Wenxiao had picked up the badge. Now seeing someone swearing that it was not Huo Jiao, they were puzzled and rushed into Huo Jiao's personal live broadcast room.

Huo Jiao jumped from the 17th place to the 8th place on the attention list, becoming the newcomer with the highest attention in an instant since the Star League live broadcast started.

Huo Jiao held the school uniform jacket from a foreign school that he didn't know where to find in one hand, and strode towards the first obstacle area. The wind whistled past his ears, vaguely blowing away some of the noise in the waiting area.

Seeing this, the bullet screens in the collective live broadcast room rattled.

【If Huo Jiao saw it, how could she give up her badge and leave early! 】

[Maybe she directed and acted herself from beginning to end? 】

[Fuck, can't you? ? ? ? 】

In the waiting area, Qiu Wenxiao was overwhelmed by the crowd and had to fight back with all his teeth and claws, shouting at the top of his voice, "I really didn't find the badge! You were all deceived!"

"Fart!" A student from the three armed forces was still trying to dig through Qiu Wenxiao's pockets, "I didn't find the badge, why are you covering it so tightly?!"

Qiu Wenxiao opened his eyes wide, "I didn't cover it hard, and you pulled my pants off! Huo Jiao lied to you! Look around, is there still a group of people around?!"

Audiences:! !

Is it really Huo Jiao who is directing and acting on his own? !

The others were yelled at by Qiu Wenxiao, they calmed down for a while, and hurriedly turned around.

The wind was blowing, and it was very cold.

Not to mention the first army behind them, even many people from their own military academy disappeared. Apart from them and Qiu Wenxiao, all that remained were the "corpses" lying on the ground.

The live broadcast camera on Map 01 suddenly zoomed up, allowing all viewers to watch the scene from a bird's-eye view.

In the huge oval square, there is a circle of people in the inner circle. They push each other, you press me, I step on you, no one's cheeks don't change shape.

And outside of them, there are circles of "corpses". After a rough calculation, hundreds of thousands of students were probably eliminated in such a short period of time.

Surviving cadets:

The corpses lying on the ground:

Qiu Wenxiao dressed in a hurry, shouting as he ran, "Chase! Catch up with Huo Jiao and take revenge! There is another army! They already knew Huo Jiao's virtues, so they didn't believe Huo Jiao's words at all, otherwise they would have run away early !"

Others: Makes sense! !

Here, while running, Huo Jiao changed into the outer school's training jacket. Although both sets of training uniforms were black, the collar and sleeves of the first army training uniform had golden embroidery patterns. Now this set , using blue embroidery.

If it was someone who didn't know Huo Jiao, at first glance, he would never have guessed that he was a student from the First Army.

Just like now, a student, when passing by her, encouraged her aloud, "Alumni, come on! Give glory to the armed forces!"

Huo Jiao raised his hand in response, "Glory to the three armies!"

When the man ran away, someone came up from behind and said, "Sister, you are amazing."

Huo Jiao turned his head to the sound, and saw a girl in a school uniform with ear-length short hair.

She knew each other, Shi Wei from the First Army, and a senior senior from the Mecha Individual Department.

In addition to Shi Wei, there are several hundred people here, all of them have physical fitness above S and A in various military academies, otherwise they would not be able to catch up with Huo Jiao who had just withdrawn after slandering Qiu Wenxiao.

According to the instructors in the monitoring room, their group is far ahead of the top students.

Originally, they might only be a few kilometers ahead of the others, but they were interrupted by Huo Jiao without warning, and many people were either folded in the waiting area, or their progress was slowed down, so that they could not be seen for a long distance behind them a figure.

Shi Wei's brows and eyes were full of heroism, and she spoke to Huo Jiao in a low voice, "In the past four years, this is the first time I've seen someone who can disrupt the situation like you. Fortunately, our family knows our own affairs."

Otherwise, those members of the first army would not have reacted so quickly.

Suddenly, there was a sudden exclamation in front.

"Fuck? The first obstacle area is the river and the rainforest? There are only a few broken stones to cross the river?"

"Who pushed me! If I fall, I have to take you down!"

"Ahhh! Why are you stepping on my foot? I have already stepped on this stone!"

"Hurry up! Can't you see the energy stone badge on the other side of the river?!"

Huo Jiao heard the voice and looked up. It turned out that there was a long river on the plain a hundred meters in front of her and Shi Wei.

This river is about six or seven meters wide, and its length is hard to say. It lies in front of everyone, and its left and right ends touch the edge of this virtual map.

On the other side of the river, the endless rainforest rose up, and a few energy stone badges shining with blue light could be vaguely seen on the path in the forest, but there were not many in number.

Dozens of stones of different shapes are scattered on the river, and the distance between each stone is one or two meters. The size of each stone is only the size of an adult's fist, and the area is so small that it is difficult to stand on one foot.

However, the few energy stone badges in the rain forest did not allow them to line up honestly and step on stones to cross the river in an orderly manner.


"Plop plop!"

Huo Jiao hadn't reached the river when he saw the three military cadets fighting for the stones so fiercely that they all fell down in order to cross the river earlier.

When she ran to the river, they were still splashing in the river.

Huo Jiao lowered his head and looked down. The river was too turbid to see what was in it, but the stones floating out of the river that he saw before could be vaguely distinguished as stone pillars that were narrow at the top and thick at the bottom.

A boy who fell just now jumped out of the water, raised his hand and wiped his face, "Who pushed me down! Wait for me to go up—"

Huo Jiao wondered, "What are you doing here? Don't you know how to swim? Just swim over."

She quickly jumped into the muddy river in front of her, and swam forward dully.

"That's right! Why should I go up there!" The boys belatedly realized that the rules did not require them to cross the river by stepping on stones, but when they saw a stone path on the river, they subconsciously felt that this round of assessment was to cross the river by stepping on stones.

He plunged into the river again, and followed him, speeding up to swim across the river.

Soon, the rest of the people stopped grabbing stones and jumped into the river one after another.

In the monitoring room, the instructors watched the students on the five virtual maps swim to the other side of the river one by one, and nodded with satisfaction, "It's not bad, the responses are quick, and I haven't been stupid for too long."

"Wait." An instructor pointed to one of the virtual maps, "What are they doing back???"

Although the other instructors haven't read it yet, for some reason they feel that he is talking about the 01 virtual map, and when they turn their heads to look, it is as expected.

Originally, what they paid the least attention to was the 01 virtual map, because Huo Jiao messed up so much at the beginning, resulting in only a few hundred people in the first echelon coming to the river, and when they plunged into the river to swim, it was not crowded at all.

02-05 The four virtual maps are just the opposite. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the first echelon. Just after jumping into the river, it was thick like a pot of porridge. After a while, a big fight broke out in the river. Looking at the virtual map of 01 Much more interesting.


They saw Shi Wei from the first army bent down to pick up the energy stone badge outside the rainforest after going up the river, instead of running forward, she turned around and ran back. Immediately afterwards, she handed the badge to Huo Jiao who was waiting in the river.

Instructors:? ? ?

At this moment, the people from the second echelon caught up, and they saw a few students in the river wearing the uniforms of the first army, "Stop! You are not a good thing in the first army!"

A military student was startled, and hurriedly climbed up the river to escape.


"Go down the river and chase after!"

They were just about to go down the river when suddenly a student wearing the uniform of the three armed forces emerged from the river.

Judging from the ball head on the arm, it is a girl.

The girl anxiously yelled at the student of the first army who ran away: "Your first army is not a good thing! You actually snatched other people's badges!"

Someone from the second echelon retorted, "Qiu Wenxiao said he doesn't have a badge!"

The girl didn't even look back, "I said I just picked up the badge!"

After returning home, Huo Jiao plunged into the river again, thinking to herself, fortunately she had pulled on a school uniform of the three armies early, otherwise they would have really been stared at by them.

Within a few seconds, Huo Jiao emerged from the river with his back to everyone in the second echelon, holding a new badge in his hand, and then he quickly climbed ashore and rushed into the rainforest, leaving only a wet spot for the students behind. The back view of the school uniform of the three armed forces.

Someone had already swam ashore, and when he saw this, he suddenly realized that he jumped into the river again decisively. Before he went down, he didn't forget to shout, "The badge is hidden in the river! Grab the badge!"

A few minutes later, the instructors in the monitoring room and the students who were looking at the 01 virtual map blankly were fighting wildly in the river.

Obviously the second echelon has only tens of thousands of people, but the intensity is no different from the battlefields with hundreds of thousands of people on other maps.

Some instructors couldn't bear it, and transferred to Huo Jiao's personal live broadcast room alone. The first time he cut it, he saw Huo Jiao and other first-echelon students holding dozens of badges dug out of the rainforest, Dumbly rushed out of the rainforest.

At this moment, the entire monitoring room was extremely silent.

After a long while, an instructor was in a trance, "I remember that there are 30,000 badges in the rainforest, and logically they should be snatched up."

"Yeah." Another instructor rubbed his temples with a headache, "When we thought that there would be hundreds of thousands, millions of students robbing them, we didn't bother to hide them and just threw them on the road so that they could fight quickly."

After he finished speaking, he pointed at the four maps 02-05, "Look, how much fun they played."

Other instructors:

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