Rampant Online Games

Chapter 598: Public Relations Expert Sneijder

Chapter 598

In order to pursue combat effectiveness, Crazy Old Liu is ready to spend all his money.

There is no way, if this continues, the gap will become wider and wider, and in the future, I will be completely unable to hold my head up in front of favor or humiliation.

Soon, Lieyan Taotao opened the ranking list.

Then others are stupid!

When the main army is only level 40 and a few players have reached level 40...

Not to be surprised, to be forty-two?

And behind them are Lie Yan Tao and Colorful Enchantress?

There is no mistake!

These three people are almost all enemies of Kuangzhan Tianxia.

The higher they stand, the greater the dimensionality reduction blow to the mad war world!

"Damn it! Why did this happen! All three of them are forty-level two? This is definitely not a coincidence! What the hell did they do!"

Crazy Old Liu was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

It's a pity that there are no guild members around, and no one to vent to him.

After everyone knew that the president was in a bad mood, they all broke up decisively.

Therefore, Crazy Old Liu is now alone.

He couldn't figure out why the three of them would upgrade together.

After thinking about it, I still feel that they should have completed a secret and difficult task.

"This bastard is not surprised. After playing in the arena all day without going to rest, he is still fighting monsters to upgrade? Is his brain made of iron! Or was he kicked by a donkey!"

The crazy old Liu scolded her mother angrily.

It is foreseeable that with this wave of rushing to the ranks, the momentum on the forum will definitely become more and more heated.

If he is more rational, Crazy Old Liu should quickly go offline and sleep now.

That way at least we can get through tonight safely.

But he was a little irrational.

Knowing that the forum is dangerous, I clicked on it instinctively.

The forum was still so lively, with countless new posts popping up like mushrooms after rain.

Most of them are related to "not to be surprised".

Crazy Old Liu looked a little numb.

Such posts are not clicked at all.

At this moment, he saw an unexpected post.

The poster is Da Sima.

Because he regards the black soul as the number one enemy in his heart, Crazy Old Willow knows every senior member of the guild well.

If I remember correctly, Da Sima is the chief shield guard of the Black Soul.

Why is he posting?

The title of the post is "My Black Soul Guild has something to say!".

After clicking on it, Crazy Old Liu's face gradually became ugly.

This water friend named Da Sima spoke on behalf of Black Soul.

"In view of the fact that the president of our association, Jueying, is a friend, here I speak on behalf of the black soul. From now on, any guild is prohibited from chasing and killing the favor, otherwise, the black soul will come forward to stop it!"

The meaning of these words is obvious.

From now on, if those shameless guilds of yours dare to chase after you, you will not be surprised.

Then don't blame Black Soul for being rude!

"Asshole! Asshole!"

Crazy Old Willow growled with a distorted expression.

At the same time, Liu Yong sent a message: "Brother Liu, did you see it?"

"How can I not see it, this damn black soul is too crazy!"

Crazy Old Liu gritted his teeth and said.

Liu Yong said: "Crazy, very crazy. It stands to reason that they have no right to intervene in this kind of thing. Unfortunately, they don't hesitate to sweep our face for the sake of a flattery?"

Crazy Old Willow didn't answer, and continued to scroll down the post floor.

Sure enough, the netizens were all blown up.

"I'll go! The black soul is on the move! The Jingbao card is so big?"

"It's normal, Jing Baoyi Bo Yuntian, isn't it normal to be a real brother?"

"I just didn't expect that he has something to do with Jue Ying?"

"Bah! What is relationship? You use such a dirty word!"

"I heard that Jueying is a big warm guy, and Jingbao is Yibo Yuntian, a good young man. Oh my god, this CP is a good match, and my mother loves it!"

"Fuck off, rotten girl!"

"Haha, compared to these things, I want to know what it feels like to be fighting against the world and the light now?"

"I also want to know! Haha, weren't these guilds very attractive before? They have been suppressing and slandering Jingbao, and now it's cool to be slapped in the face?"

"Eat what you eat, what you eat!"


There is never a shortage of people who gloat on the Internet.

Especially wall grass.

Those who boasted about the mad war against the world and the light before, are now turning their backs.

Seeing this, Crazy Old Liu's face twisted violently: "These shameless people! These shameless people!"


"Hehe! Everyone, don't speak so harshly. Our guild has paid out bounties. It's natural that you are willing to hunt down favors and disgrace, but you don't want to and don't need to speak so harshly."

At this time, Ned bubbled up below the post.

Sneijder's appearance immediately aroused onlookers.

"I'll go, is there someone bubbling in the world of mad war?"

"Sneed, I heard that your boss got angry and humiliated me as a sword spirit, is it true?"

"Snyder, now that the world of madness is commenting on this ghost, don't you have anything to say?"



Sneijder seemed to be quite calm when he was watched by the crowd.

"Everyone, I know that the current reputation will be very unfavorable to me, and you will treat me as a hero, but I still want to say something here..."

"It's too simple for you to think. The world is still very good. We are now in the top three of the guild rankings, and the prosperity is about to catch up with the black soul. There are still many players applying to join the guild every day. And our guild leader is very helpful. Money, treat members very politely, daily guild benefits..."

Sneijder deserves to be the public relations representative of Mad War World.

In a few words, he spoke out the welfare of the mad war world.

Nowadays, if you want to form a guild, it won't work if you don't have any attractiveness.

Why are small and medium-sized guilds inferior to large guilds?

It's very simple, the guild will have money, if you join, you will get money, and if you complete certain tasks, you will also get money.

However, small and medium-sized guilds do not have enough financial resources, so naturally they do not have such benefits.

Counting it all together, the welfare of the mad war world in the grand guild is also top-notch.

Sneijder's diversion really worked.

Many people began to discuss welfare matters.

Sneijder continued to add more information: "In the near future, we will also add more information about benefits. Every brother who joins our club, as long as he is at the fortieth level or above, will receive a membership reward of 500 yuan within three days. If there are brothers If the contribution to the prosperity of the guild exceeds 50, the reward will be 300 yuan, and if it exceeds 100, the reward will be 1,000 yuan..."

He typed a bunch of words and read nonsense, but it attracted the attention of the onlookers.

"I'll go, is it so easy to make money in the mad war?"

"Sneed, there is a reward of 500 yuan for joining at level 40? Is it true?"

"If that's the case, won't I earn five hundred yuan if I join?"

Seeing this, Crazy Old Liu frowned.

There is this rule?

I do not know how?

He soon realized that this was part of Ned's plan to save the guild.

As the saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food.

Don't look at how much these netizens cast aside on Kuangzhan Tianxia.

But as long as you give him a little sweetness, won't he blow you to death?

Crazy Old Willow began to think that Sneijder's plan was good.

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