The news that "Shadowless Foot" Yan Chuang was going to establish a sect in Suanzao Mountain spread from Taikang to Guangling, and from Guangling to Liyang with his invitations one after another.

The land of three counties!

Different sects and celebrities from all walks of life!

Yan Chuang sent out invitations to all the heroes from the three counties and invited them to Suanzao Mountain to watch the ceremony on December 12th.

The momentum is huge!

Everyone was shocked!

Some were surprised that Yan Chuang's steps were too big, such as the "Liuhe Boxing" Wang Kuan and the "Fujia Boxing" Jian Rong among the "Ten Guys" who had just graduated from Guangling Academy.

Jian Rong took the invitation, shook her head and said with a smile: "This Yan Chuang just went to Taikang Academy a few days ago and took away a good young man from my 'Fuquan' lineage. At this moment, he is not in Taikang It's easy to live in a school, but then you go to Jujube Mountain to establish a sect?"

can't read!

Jian Rong can’t understand!

Not only Jian Rong, but also Wang Kuan: "With Yan Chuang's strength, if he chooses a good place and manages it well, he may not be able to achieve a good climate. But I am not optimistic about choosing a strategic place like Jujube Mountain from the beginning!" "

Martial arts do not compete with martial arts schools!

To establish a martial arts academy, a martial artist only needs to have a good reputation in the city and be able to withstand the competition from his peers.

One person, one effort!

It's done!

But the sects are different——

Martial arts!

Martial arts!

What is a ‘door’?

The type of boxing is ‘men’!

Generally speaking, a type of boxing that has boxing principles, routines, equipment, and unique strength characteristics and training methods is called a "men".

For example, ‘Chengjia Quan’.

Originally, from 'Ma Bu Zhuang Kung' to 'Iron Fist', 'Chengjia Quan' had no shortage of routines and training methods, but the boxing principles and strength characteristics were inferior, and it could barely be called a 'sect'. , can be called 'Chengmen' and 'Chengmen Fist', which includes 'Tiger Shape Fist', 'Crane Shape Fist', 'Thousand Jin Drop', 'I-shaped Fuhu Fist', 'Ten Big Shape Fist' and ' Iron Thread Boxing, etc., each boxing method has been developed in depth, continuously enriched and refined, and is expected to eventually become a boxing method of the level of "Chengjia Quan", containing multiple levels.

But the previous ‘Cheng Family Boxing’ was still far-fetched.

Until Yan Chuang created the 'Liuhe Bafa Quan' and 'Five Shape Bafa Quan' on the basis of the original 'Cheng Family Boxing'——

These two boxing techniques.

One is the fighting method and theory of ‘Chengjia Quan’.

One is the training method of ‘Chengjia Quan’.

Play style!


Great success in boxing!

Since then, the 'Chengjia Quan' system has been completed and can be truly called 'Chengmen Quan'. It can be called 'Chengmen', 'Tiexianmen', etc., and it can recruit many disciples. Realize the jump from martial arts school to sect.

But this is still not a true sect.

The type of boxing is ‘men’!

So, what is ‘pai’?

‘Faction’ is a faction!

Only when you practice several similar boxing styles can you be called a ‘school’!

In Guangling, for example, the Songhe Sect has four martial arts styles called "Zhao Qian, Sun Li", which are similar and interlinked. On this basis, the Songhe Sect has both inner disciples who inherit the authentic sect, and outer disciples, although they cannot truly pass it on. , but you can also open a school outside to teach apprentices, travel as escorts, join the army, etc.

The inner disciples are studying martial arts intensively!

The outer disciples are struggling hard!

Eventually, these disciples became a force in the world and formed a faction of their own. This was a serious "sect"!



For example, martial arts schools can actually be regarded as sects, but they are just established and exist in new forms.

More authentic.

On a larger scale, there are the six major sects of Dayan, and on a smaller scale, there are the Xianxiashan and Songhe sects.

Big or small.

They are all sects.

But how easy is it to establish these sects?

It’s rare to see something passed down for hundreds of years!

There are simply too many sects to rise and fall because of one person.

"When Yan Chuang embarks on the road of becoming a master, it is the time when he is making rapid progress. If he wants to establish a sect at this time, he will interrupt his own rhythm and hinder his own future!"

"He doesn't have to!"

Wang Kuan couldn't understand why Yan Chuang was doing this, unless: "He has an agreement with Taikang Academy, and the drunkard's intention is not to drink!"

But it lies in——

"Take root in the old school and then disintegrate the old school?"

Jian Rong was startled, then shook her head: "Judging from Yan Chuang's experience, he is not this kind of person."

Ambush the mole!

Cultivate a traitor!

Although this is a routine used by many martial arts schools, including Guangling Academy, judging from Yan Chuang's past deeds and reputation, it is unlikely for him!

This is the name!

Be convincing!

"I don't understand!"

"However, I retreated for half a month and tempered all the 78 small tendons in both arms. I finally made progress in the first stage of muscle training. I was very quiet and thought about it, and I just happened to go out for a walk!"

Wang Kuan took the invitation, took another look at it, and couldn't help but smile: "Hundred Flowers Palace! This name really suits the occasion!"

Double Twelve!

Wild jujube mountain!

Yan Chuang wants to establish a faction!

The news was like a whirlwind, blowing through the three counties.


At the foot of Hanshan Mountain, Duan Jiu's home.

‘Flying Fox’ Zhou Bin took the invitation and said with a smile: “I just made a splash in the martial arts competition a few days ago. It’s only been a month, and he is actually going to establish a sect, and he also chose Suizao Mountain.”

Too anxious!

So arrogant!

After all, he is a young man, too young!


'Hua Yu' Duan Jiu has the latest news: "Yesterday, I was drinking with Brother Guan, and I heard him mention that Yan Chuang went to Taikang University to become a professor. In the first class, he taught the 'Butterfly Sect' Huo Zhen to break through to 'Ten guys' level."


What and what?

Zhou Bin was confused after hearing this!

He knows Yan Chuang!

I also know Huo Zhen!

I know more about the Guangling Ten Guys!

I also know about Taikang Academy!

Zhou Bin knew everything Duan Jiu said.


"You said that Yan Chuang went to Taikang Academy to become a professor and guided Huo Zhen to break through to the level of 'Shilao'?"

Zhou Bin didn't understand what was going on: "Aren't Yan Chuang and Cheng Fengxiao determined not to enter the academy? And Huo Zhen, his family has a big business and the Butterfly Sect is hard to leave. Even Wang Sheng ran away, but he is still staying behind. When did he join Taikang Academy, I didn’t know? Also, could Yan Chuang give guidance to Huo Zhen? And Huo Zhen was guided by him to achieve a breakthrough?!"

This is nothing!


None of them are right!


Duan Jiu told Zhou Bin the whole story, from Yan Chuang going to Taikang Academy, to his first martial arts lecture, to Luo Bing, Huo Zhen and other old Taikang faction coming to disrupt things.

From start to finish.

Very detailed.

"I see!"

Only then did Zhou Bin understand. Then, he finally realized the most important point in the news: "Yan Chuang pointed out that Huo Zhen broke through the realm of ten people! Huo Zhen is already at the level of ten people?!"

"Absolutely true!"

Duan Jiu held the invitation and looked north.

this moment.

His heart was restless!

Too healthy.

Peach Blossom Mountain, Butterfly School.

Huo Zhen stayed in seclusion for ten days, and finally came out of seclusion today: "After breaking the limit, my energy and blood increased greatly, and it has only stabilized today!"


Huo Zhen concentrated his energy on chopping his palms, and felt that his blood, energy, and control of his energy had more than doubled compared to ten days ago when he had not yet broken through!



More subtle!

Once you break through, it will really be a different world!

"This is just the limit of Qi and blood!"

"After the Qi and blood are stabilized."

"After that, we have to select the 'muscles, bones, skin and flesh' for tempering."

Although Huo Zhen did not enter the academy or join the new sect, he had a wide network of contacts and had a rough understanding of the practice after the Qi and blood limits were broken through various channels.

Now that his Qi and blood have broken through the limit, he will now be able to temper his physical body.

And at this time——

"Skin, bone, flesh!"

"It can all be tempered!"

"But I have a lot of energy, so I must choose a place to settle down as my major."

While in retreat.

Huo Zhen has been able to keenly sense that the energy and blood in his body are like a furnace, and he has been tempering the 'muscles, bones, skin and flesh' for a long time, but this is not really 'tempering', more accurately, it is just 'steaming' and 'nurturing'.

True tempering requires fierceness and purity!

"The five bodies are: bones, tendons, veins, flesh, and skin."

"When a human being is born, he first becomes sperm, then the brain and marrow are born. The bones are the trunk, the pulse is the camp, the tendons are strong, the flesh is the wall, the skin is hard and the hair is long, the grain enters the stomach, the pulse channels are unblocked, and the blood and Qi are flowing. .”

The ‘meridians’ in the five bodies are not meridians, but blood vessels. They actually refer to ‘qi and blood’, or ‘blood qi’.

Qi and blood connect the muscles, bones, skin and flesh.

Before breaking the limit, practice in general.

After breaking the limit, you need to focus on tempering.

"The bones are strong, powerful and powerful."

"The muscles have tight lines and strong energy."

"The meat is strong, plump and responsive."

"Skin is tough, strong, and invulnerable."

Each of the four has its own emphasis.

Huo Zhen has already chosen a direction.

However, when he was not in a hurry to practice, he took an invitation, read it again, and told the boy beside him: "Call Song Ji, Liang Heping, Shen Zhuang, and Fu Qiang to come see me."

Four Shows of Peach Mountain——

Song Ji, Liang Heping, Shen Zhuang, Fu Qiang!

These are the four major disciples of Huo Zhen, all of whom are extremely powerful.

"Yan Chuang established the faction!"

"I will do my best to help!"

Huo Zhen thought for a while, then moved to the study room and wrote four more letters. The recipients were Huang Chunqi, Liu Bing, Liu Tianhua and Gao Jiao.

These four people, together with Huo Zhen, are known in the world——

Taikang Five Righteousness!

time flies!

Taikang, Guangling, Liyang!

Yan Chuang sent invitations one after another, stirring up trouble in all directions. As the news spread that Yan Chuang was going to establish a sect in Suanzao Mountain, the news that he was guiding Huo Zhen to break the limit in Taikang Academy was also quietly spreading.

December 12th!

Jujube Mountain is destined to be lively!

But as the rightful leader who stirred up the storm, Yan Chuang was at ease, staying in the Sutra Pavilion and never letting go of the scroll.

Volumes of boxing manuals!

A variety of martial arts!




Even the landscapes, strange people and anecdotes!

Yan Chuang was immersed.

I meditate for three hours every day, practice boxing for one hour, and read books for the remaining eight hours.

People are sitting in the pavilion!

The boxing skills are so exciting!

A few months ago, in the collection room of the Cangwu Department in Guangling City, Yan Chuang was short of time and only had a brief taste. This time, in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of Taikang Academy, Yan Chuang really let go.

Eight hours a day!

One day is worth four days!

By consuming "experiences" to improve his concentration, Yan Chuang can read and think without any distractions, and his reading efficiency increases by more than ten times.

Four times and ten times again!

Yan Chuang studies, ten days can equal a year!

Great job!



Qi and blood!

Yan Chuang saw a lot of things, and he went through them item by item——

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