"My throwing knife——"

"Can turn."

Yan Chuang stepped forward, raised his hand and stabbed the thief in the heart with a knife, then cut off the man's head with another knife.


He just picked up the throwing knife——

[Strange object·Flying knife (level 10): Hidden weapon, a small knife with a sharp blade, a blade as thin as paper, in the shape of a willow leaf, about four inches long. The end of the handle is tied with red and green silk, each about two inches long. (Characteristics: sharpness, acceleration, steering, energy-breaking)]

Level 10 flying knife!

Four major characteristics!

‘Turn’ + ‘Accelerate’!

Even gods are hard to defend against!

Yue Junyang thought that the shield could resist all attacks, but he was totally wrong!

"The shield is good!"

Yan Chuang picked up the large shield, which was half a man's height. As soon as he got his hands on it, the shield was heavy. It would probably weigh six to seven hundred kilograms in his hand. But as Yan Chuang’s heart moved——

"Little little little!"

The shield shrunk and returned to the size of a palm. Its weight also continued to decrease, becoming two or three kilograms heavier than a palm.

"No wonder!"

Yan Chuang suddenly realized!

No wonder this man didn't take out his shield to defend himself against the hidden arrows fired by Wang Kuan with his 'Zhentian Bow' when he was being pursued and received an arrow in vain.

Now it makes sense!

"Six to seven hundred pounds!"

"The defense is invincible, but running away is a problem."

How could he run away with such a heavy shield?

Yue Junyang was obviously very aware of this situation, so he would rather dodge and take an arrow than take out his shield and slow down his speed.

"This shield shouldn't be an ordinary weapon that breaks the limit."

Yan Chuang guessed.

Just like the 'Shocking Sky Bow', the 'Shocking Sky Bow' needs to break the limit level and it is best to be a strong limit-breaking person who practices muscle strength in order to exert its power.

Yan Chuang can't.

His strength was running low.

And this 'shield' is very likely to be the same, even higher than the requirements of the 'Zhentian Bow'. At least, Yan Chuang cannot fight flexibly with a shield weighing six to seven hundred kilograms. The dead thief in front of him is already broken. It’s a limited level, but he can’t do it either.

Gotta be stronger!

"Keep it first."

"I'll be able to use it sooner or later."

Yan Chuang put away the token, and then picked up the thief's bow.

Different from the 'Zhentian Bow', although Yue Junyang's bow is also a rare weapon, it is made of wood. When you hold it in your hand and look closely, you can see that the stem, horn, tendon, glue, silk, and lacquer are all made of six materials.


Yan Chuang can shoot an arrow with a bow. He can draw the full moon. The strength requirement is much smaller than that of the "Zhentian Bow", but correspondingly, the power is also much smaller. It can be regarded as a low-end version of the "Zhentian Bow": "Just enough to use." .”

Yan Chuang carried the powerful bow on his back.

Pick up the flying knife.

Put away the shield.

Carrying a powerful bow.

Just finished these——

Boom boom boom!

Wang Kuan, Jian Rong and Huo Zhen, two in front and one behind, were already chasing after them.

As soon as they arrived, they saw that Yan Chuang had a knife in his left hand, a bow on his right shoulder, and a corpse at his feet.

Huo Zhen was shocked: "Kill him now?"

That is a real limit-breaking powerhouse, and he is an authentic limit-breaking person who has begun to temper his body. It is much stronger than a first-time limit-breaking person like him.

But such a strong man was killed by Yan Chuang within a few dozen breaths at most?



Huo Zhen was shocked by Yan Chuang's speed in killing the enemy.

But Wang Kuan and Jian Rong ignored Yan Chuang and the body. Their eyes fell on the head-sized light ball next to Yan Chuang. When they looked at each other, they were both shocked——

"This is--"


"How can this be a star gate?"

"Why is there a star gate here?"

Wang Kuan and Jian Rong were shocked and suspicious.

Yan Chuang was equally surprised: "How dare you mention Star Gate?"

Now you are no longer afraid of the ‘Stargate Iron Law’?


They also have star stones?

Yan Chuang is confused!

Wang Kuan and Jian Rong are confused!

Huo Zhen was also confused: "What is Star Gate?"

four people!

You look at me, I look at you!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Calm down for a while.

Wang Kuan first said: "This is the Star Gate, or it is more accurate to call it the 'Star Gate Prototype'. Next to it, you can be exempted from the supervision of the 'Star Gate Iron Law', and there is no need to avoid taboos."

I see!

Yan Chuang suddenly realized.

This is similar to the effect of the Star Stone.

However, the Star Stone only exempts the holder, while this ‘Star Gate Prototype’ is a range-based and regional exemption.


"Stargate prototype?"

Yan Chuang looked at the light group and then at Wang Kuan: "What Mr. Wang means is that this is not the real star gate?"

"of course not."

Wang Kuan shook his head and replied subconsciously, but after finishing speaking, he was stunned and turned to look at Yan Chuang: "Have you never seen the Star Gate?"

Jian Rong was also stunned: "That's not right! Last month, didn't you enter the Mountain and Sea Realm, kill Tu Lie, and seize a 'Shocking Sky Bow'?"

Jian Rong looked at Wang Kuan's 'Zhentian Bow' and almost suspected that her memory was confused.


Yan Chuang was silent.



Wang Kuan and Jian Rong were silent.


Huo Zhen was silent.

The scene was awkward for a moment.

After a moment, Yan Chuang sneered: "It was a slip of the tongue. I wanted to ask Mr. Wang what the 'Star Gate Prototype' is?"

Wang Kuan and Jian Rong looked at Yan Chuang with suspicious looks on their faces. Jian Rong said what she wanted to say directly and immediately asked: "Did you enter the Mountain and Sea Realm through the 'Star Gate Prototype' last time?"

This is the only way to explain that Yan Chuang cannot tell the difference between the 'Star Gate' and the 'Star Gate Prototype'.

A normal person wouldn't be able to ask that question.

at the same time.

This can also explain why Yan Chuang was able to rise rapidly in just half a year, from being unknown to the strong man he is today——

Killing beyond limits is like slaughtering a dog!



Yan Chuang is not only strong in boxing skills, he must also have powerful weapons that can make him win unexpectedly. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why he can kill quickly and break the level limit!

Wang Kuan and Jian Rong looked at Yan Chuang.

"I went through Mr. Jiang. I can't say the specific way. Mr. Jian forgives me." Yan Chuang knew that he had revealed his secret, but he had a tough mouth and obeyed Jiang Bianliu's words and blamed everything on Mr. Jiang.

"Mr. Jiang——"

Hearing this, Jian Rong did not ask any more questions. She explained to Yan Chuang: "The prototype of the Star Gate is similar to the light group in front of you. It was born between heaven and earth, connecting the mountains and seas. At the beginning, it was only the size of a grain of rice and could only serve one person. The shuttle is limited to one round trip per year, and the maximum amount of materials that can be carried does not exceed ten kilograms. Disillusionment may occur at any time. After that, by absorbing the essence of the sun, the moon, the power of the stars, and feeding with Qi and blood, the 'star gate prototype' will slowly It grows from the size of a grain of rice to the size of a fist, then to the size of a human head, then to the size of a millstone, and finally takes shape into a real star gate, the shape of a portal. This is the 'star gate' in each university."

Academy Star Gate!

Did it actually grow from such a light group?

Essence of the sun and moon!

The power of the stars!

Feeding with Qi and blood!

Yan Chuang was surprised in his heart: "It's actually similar to the Star Stone!"

The star stone also stores energy in this way, thereby opening the star gate. But unlike the ‘Academy Star Gate’ and the ‘Star Gate Prototype’, the ‘Star Stone’ does not have the ability to grow.

Or rather——

"The so-called star stone is actually the 'star gate prototype' that was solidified just after it was born?"

For a moment.

Yan Chuang had countless speculations in his mind.

Star stone!


Stargate prototype!

There are various similarities between them and they are inextricably linked.

Yan Chuang's mind was spinning.

Wang Kuan and Jian Rong didn't know what they were thinking.

Only Huo Zhen!

He is the most confused!

"What star gate?"

"What prototype?"

"What is the world of mountains and seas?"

"What riddles are you three doing?"

Huo Zhen became more and more confused the more he listened.

Although he is the leader of a sect, just like Cheng Fengxiao and Yan Chuang before him, he really doesn't know the secrets of the 'Star Gate' and the 'Mountain and Sea Realm'.

Since they met, Wang Kuan didn't hide it. He pointed at the light group and explained to Huo Zhen: "This light group is the foundation of the world's martial arts schools——"

"For example, Guangling Academy, such as Taikang Academy, all developed from such a 'star gate prototype'. They were nourished by the energy and blood of the elders of the inner dean and the ministers of Xuanwu Hall, and the energy was generated through batch after batch of graduates in the school. Breeding with blood, the 'Star Gate' is finally formed, allowing one to enter and exit a fantasy world called 'Mountain and Sea Realm' to acquire martial arts and resources."

"The 'Star Gate' can continue to grow after it is formed. The more masters there are in the academy and the richer the Qi and blood, the faster the Star Gate will grow. As the Star Gate grows, the number of people who can enter and exit each year and the number of people who can carry supplies will increase. The numbers will be improved accordingly.”

"In the ten years since the imperial court established its military power, there are no longer a handful of peasants enrolled in schools. The number of people working in agriculture is actually decreasing year by year. However, there is no news of food shortages in the fifteen states of the world. Even in recent years, even if there have been droughts and floods , there are states and counties with reduced grain production or even no harvests, but there are no tragic incidents of starving to death, what do you think is the reason?"

"Without him!"

"Mountain and Sea Realm!"

"Just because the land in the Mountain and Sea Realm is fertile, the food production is extremely high. By planting and harvesting grain in the Mountain and Sea Realm through the Star Gate, and then feeding back to Dayan, the fifteen states will never be in crisis of food shortage!"

I see!

I see!

Yan Chuang was completely transparent.

He had also thought about how to solve the food problem in Dayan Buwu in the past. But I just thought about it occasionally. Without the support of big data, Yan Chuang himself didn't have the time to investigate, so he just left it alone and didn't go into details.

At this time, after listening to Wang Kuan's explanation to Huo Zhen, he finally understood, or in other words, he only reacted and thought of this.

The world of mountains and seas!

Gather food widely!

This is where Dayan Buwu's confidence lies.

However, there are "quantity" restrictions in the 'Star Gate', and there are limits to the materials that can be carried. To supply the 40 million people in the fifteen states of Dayan, the amount of food required is huge.

Thousands of pounds!

A drop in the bucket!

Even one hundred thousand catties or one million catties is just a drop in the bucket.

Forty million people, if each person eats an average of 300 kilograms of grain a year, they will eat 120 billion kilograms of grain a year.

Four hundred and twenty schools!

On average, each university has to transport 280 million kilograms of grain from the mountains and seas, an average of 790,000 kilograms per day.

This is an astronomical figure!


"The fifteen states produce quite a lot of food every year. It's impossible to get all the food from the mountains and seas."

"Furthermore, in addition to the four hundred and twenty star gates in the four hundred and twenty schools, the imperial court also controls other star gates whose specific number and location are unknown."

Divide into zeros.

Each star gate and each school actually has a small amount of tasks.

For example, Guangling University.

You only need to turn in one million catties every year. If you convert it, it is only 10,000 shi, which is only 500 tons. Sprinkle water!

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