Reaching the other shore starting from the research and development of Yi Jin Jing

Chapter 240 Sweeping across two states and six counties! Lingbo takes a slight step and travels 4,80


Sun Tong!



"Too strong!"

"Why is this Yan Chuang so strong? Sun Tong is not weak, but he was beaten by Yan Chuang from beginning to end. Is it really so outrageous?"

"Haha! Sun Tong is going to be so angry! This Yan Chuang can really mess with people's mentality. If you are strong, you will be strong, and if you hit, you will hit. But he keeps chattering, pointing, and gesticulating at Sun Tong's 'Three Kings Cannon Hammer'. But Sun Tong can't do it." It’s so ventilated!”

"Yan Chuang is titled 'Xiantian Master' in the "Weapons Manual". Could it be that this person dares to point fingers at the Xiantian Grandmaster?"

"So insulting!"

Sun Tong came on the stage with great momentum and lasted for a long time in the ring. However, anyone with eyes could see that Yan Chuang was completely teasing Sun Tong. From beginning to end, he was doing it with ease, just waiting to defeat Sun Tong. The Three Kings Pao Hammer 'saw everything and said it thoroughly,' and then 'reciprocated the other's way', and beat Sun Tong off the stage with one of the unique skills of 'Three Kings Pao Fist', 'Master Three Hands'.

‘Gu Family Boxing’ Gu Qinglin, the number one person in the Shouzhang old school, is no match for Yan Chuang.

Sun Tong, the "Three Kings Cannon Hammer", the new talent of Shouzhang Academy, is also far behind Yan Chuang.

These two people came to the stage and were defeated and humiliated. Some people saw the joke, while others shared the same hatred. However, on the stage, Yan Chuang was unwavering. After he beat Sun Tong and stepped down, he acted like a normal person. From the "Three Kings Cannon" Hammer's departure and divergence are talking about boxing and martial arts——

"The 'Three Kings Cannon Hammer' in Guangling, Jianzhou, is different from the 'Three King Cannon Hammer' in Shouzhang. This is the surname of the three kings of Shouzhang Academy: 'Weicheng King', 'Lincheng King', and 'Yangcheng King'" Based on the cannon hammer, we have studied dozens of boxing principles, learned from the strengths of others, discarded the rough and picked the essence, discarded the false and retained the true, and based on the old and innovative creation, there are "twelve cannon methods", which are open-door cannon, mountain-splitting cannon, serial cannon, corner cannon and cross cannon. , the cannon on the back of the head, the cannon on the belly, the cannon on the sky, the cannon on the vagina, the cannon on the ground, the cannon on the heart, and the seven-star cannon."

"Three kings cannon hammer, stake and step are the most important."

"Everyone, look at me. My feet are straight forward and straight behind me. They are not even and straight. My feet are gripping the ground. My knees are swinging out. My legs are around my crotch and my buttocks are tucked in."

No no no!

This is not about boxing!

This is not about martial arts!

Does Shouzhang’s boxing skills need to be taught by a Jianzhou barbarian like you?

This is clearly humiliating Shouzhang and ridiculing no one in Shouzhang.

If you think about it carefully, there are really no decent masters in Shouzhang City at this time.

Yan Chuang set up the competition, and the timing he chose was too bad!

Off stage.

The disciples of Shouzhang Academy couldn't see Yan Chuang's arrogance on the stage. Seeing Sun Tong's failure, they made a joke. Some of the disciples shouted——

"Hurry and invite Elder Song Yan!"

"Song Yan is the number one among the ten men in longevity."

In the ring, Yan Chuang was giving a martial arts lecture, listening to all directions, and he was overjoyed when he heard that the disciples of Shouzhang Academy wanted to invite 'Song Yan', one of the ten disciples, to come over.

In July last year, the Department of Education announced the rankings of various universities, ranking Taikang University in Jianzhou at the 260th place and Guangling University in the 309th place.

Although Shouzhang Academy ranks last in Pengzhou, it ranks 281st among the 420 universities in the fifteen states of Dayan.

Higher than Guangling Academy.

Although he is not very tall, "Song Yan" who ranks first among the "Shou Zhang Ten Guys" is a legendary figure. He became an idiot in martial arts and cared little about secular affairs, but he is proficient in the sixteen secret martial arts of Shouzhang Academy. His attainments are all unfathomable, and his strength is unfathomable.

"Shou Zhang Song Yan!"

"Beating him alone is equivalent to beating the 'Ten Shouzhang Men' and all the masters of Shouzhang!"

This is too easy.

After all, on his way to Cizhou and then to Cangshan, the fundamental purpose of Yan Chuang's detour and stay in places like Pengzhou and Shouzhang was to experience martial arts from various places, communicate with masters from various states and counties, and then learn about boxing. , lectures on martial arts, and use the feedback obtained from "Teaching and Learning" to quickly increase their understanding of a county and a state.

Read thousands of books!

Travel thousands of miles!

Experience all kinds of martial arts!

In this way, relying on the feedback from "Teaching and Learning", regardless of whether it is useful at the time, these will be Yan Chuang's accumulation and foundation, and it may be of great use when.

one more.

Feedback and inspiration from "Teaching and Learning" can also promote the task progress of "Evolution", which is of great benefit to Yan Chuang's research and development of martial arts.

In the gap between the 'Jianzhou Competition' and 'Cangshan Sword Discussion', there will be competitions, challenges, and martial arts lectures along the way, constantly changing battlefields, constantly changing stages, and constantly changing audiences. Another 'fast lane' of the Law!

"Shou Zhang, Fugou, Qingyang."

"Xia Shi, Fuchang, Dongming."

"From Pengzhou to Qingzhou, Huizhou, Xiangzhou, Aizhou, Hezhou and Meizhou will follow."

"A state may pass through one county at least, and it may pass through two or three counties at most."

"Palace Master Yan really wants to fight all the way through like this?"

Fu Yunzhan looked at the two big flags on both sides of the ring, and then at the eight big characters on the two wooden stakes under Yan Chuang's feet in the middle of the ring, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Even though he thinks very highly of himself, he really doubts whether the group of them can successfully reach Cangshan Mountain if Yan Chuang does what he does.

Talk about Cizhou.

It’s unclear whether Pengzhou and Gyeongju can go out.

Yan Chuang!

So crazy!

"Brother Yan's behavior is unpredictable."

"According to Brother Yan himself, he fought all the way in order to see for himself the martial arts methods of various states and counties. But I guess, on the other hand, he was probably also building up his momentum to fight all the way. When he reached Cangshan Mountain, the sword discussion began , Brother Yan’s momentum has also accumulated to its peak in the battles along the way. When discussing swords in Cangshan, if you move forward indomitably, there will be no disadvantage!"

Wang Zhengyi tried to analyze the deeper meaning of Yan Chuang's actions.


"Pengzhou, Qingzhou, Huizhou, Xiangzhou, Aizhou, Hezhou, Meizhou, Cizhou."

"It traverses eight states and passes through 19 counties. Counting the time for setting up and fighting in each county, we can travel and stay for a day or two at most. In these two days, we have to travel and fight at the same time. We are okay, but Can Brother Yan hold on?"

Fu Yunzhan turned his head and looked aside.

Wang Zhengyi also looked.

All I could see was that Wang Ge's face was just slightly tired. He steeled himself and listened intently to Yan Chuang's martial arts lecture. Since Wang Ge was attacked by Tu Tiannan and Meng Nan from Guangling Academy, he has been working hard and successfully breaking through the limits. At this time, he formed a team with Yan Chuang and traveled with Yan Chuang. Not only did he often ask for help along the way, he was also unwilling to miss any of Yan Chuang's martial arts lectures.

Listen carefully!

Study hard!

Wang Ge truly admired Yan Chuang, listened and learned more seriously than anyone else, and cherished it especially.

On the side, Chen Ze also looked tired and serious, but his internal strength and endurance were slightly inferior to Wang Ge. At this time, he was more tired and had low energy. He often wandered and found it difficult to concentrate.

However, compared to Chen Ze, Su Ye and Zhong Hui were even more tired. Under Yan Chuang's endless chatter, as if hypnotized, the two of them fell asleep and fell asleep leaning on the wooden pile. Zhong Hui even snored slightly. Obviously very tired.

It's not their fault.

The two of them are slightly weaker, and Zhong Hui has not yet broken through the limit, and lacks a lot of internal strength. They are accompanied by genuine Jianzhou top eight players like Yan Chuang, Wang Zhengyi, Fu Yunzhan, Wang Ge, and Chen Ze, all the way from Jianzhou Wenden. The county marched urgently to Shouzhang County, Pengzhou. They marched eight hundred miles a day. They were so tired and exhausted that they couldn't listen to the lecture at all, so they slept on their backs.

I just arrived in Pengzhou.

This is just the beginning.

It is foreseeable that as time goes on, not only Su Ye and Zhong Hui will be tired, but Chen Ze, Wang Ge, and Fu Yunzhan will inevitably be tired, and their physical strength and energy will be greatly consumed.

How can we fight if we go to Cizhou and Cangshan in this state?

"I'm okay, I should be able to hold on."

"Otherwise, when we leave Qingzhou, our troops will be divided into two groups. One group will be led by Brother Fu, and we will pass through Huizhou and go straight to Cizhou."

"Brother Yan and I are together."

Not only was Wang Zhengyi 'unparalleled in supernatural power', he also had extremely strong energy and endurance. Even Yan Chuang might not be able to match him. He could march hurriedly day and night and fight for 30,000 miles.

This is a really good suggestion.

However, Wang Zhengyi was reluctant to leave Yan Chuang, so how could Fu Yunzhan be willing to leave?

"Not in a hurry."

"Look again."

Tap tap tap!

More than ten days later, on the official road from Dongming in Qingzhou to Nandun in Huizhou, seven horses were galloping, with five men and one woman on the horses. Judging from their appearance, they were all from the world.

Six people galloped, seven horses galloped, and one person galloped on foot.

The horse is swift!

The man ran surprisingly well.

I could only hear the wind whistling in my ears, and the trees on the roadside were retreating past me.

Wang Ge rode his horse galloping, looking at Yan Chuang standing aside, with a graceful figure, as if walking leisurely in the courtyard. There was no domineering pace in his steps. It was clearly a long-distance run, but Yan Chuang took one step to the left and one to the right. As the saying goes, 'the straight line is the shortest between two points. ' Yan Chuang was obviously not walking in a straight line, but his speed was strangely faster. He slid left and jumped right, sometimes falling behind and sometimes ahead of him.

When a man competes with a horse, he actually does not fall behind.

"Brother Yan!"

"I'm so convinced!"

Wang Zhengyi was convinced!

They left Jianzhou on the first day of April, from Pengzhou to Qingzhou, and now they will enter Huizhou. Along the way, they passed through six counties. They rode horses for 4,800 miles, but Yan Chuang actually only ran four miles on foot. Thousands and eight hundred miles.

Although he held essence stones in both hands to replenish his internal strength, running like this often lasted for several hours, regardless of day or night. When he passed by the county town, there were also arenas, fights, and martial arts lectures. Yan Chuang was as tough as iron, and he actually walked like this all the way. Persevered.

Fu Yunzhan and others felt exhausted even after riding so fast.

Yan Chuang was still in high spirits.

Even if he is Wang Zhengyi, there is only one person he admires!

Yan Chuang did not talk to Wang Zhengyi. He was focused on thinking about the "Lingbo Weibu". According to the footwork and relying on his strong internal strength, he stepped out step by step. As for who Wang Zhengyi, Fu Yunzhan and others were in front and behind, Yan Chuang had no idea. care.

He just runs.

Just think about ‘Lingbo Weibu’.

When running, the internal energy is constantly being consumed, but as the day goes by, the internal energy continues to increase.

Eliminate, eliminate, rise.

While running, Yan Chuang's internal strength continued to grow.

It’s not just ‘Lingbo Weibu’.

The ‘Lingbo Weibu’ drives the ‘Zixia Magic Power’, and the ‘Yi Jin Jing’ is running in the body all the time, whether sitting or standing, walking or running, all the time.

Three great magical powers!

Running like crazy!

Yan Chuang's internal energy surged and surged, seemingly endlessly.


Yan Chuang ran through two continents and six counties for 4,800 miles.



There was a roar in the mind, and the internal energy in the body vibrated. The "Zixia Internal Energy" circulated throughout the body, surging in the two connecting meridians of the "Foot Jueyin Liver Meridian" and the "Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian". Then, the internal energy was powerful, and again Heading towards the third truth——

Yongquan, Rangu, Taixi, Dazhong, Shuiquan, Zhaohai, Fuliu, Jiaoxin, Zhubin, Yingu, Henggu, Dahe, Qixiang, Siman, Zhongzhu, Xingyu, Shangqu, Shi Guan, Yindu, Tonggu, Youmen, Bulang, Shenfeng, Lingxu, Shenzang, Yuzhong, Yufu!

Set twenty-seven points!

Fifty-four acupuncture points on the left and right sides!

In this way, the third main meridian 'Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian' is connected.

"The third level the day after tomorrow!"

"It's done!"

"the day after tomorrow!"

"It's done!"

Zhong Hui turned over and dismounted, sitting cross-legged on the ground. There was a faint silver light on her face, and the energy in her whole body was restrained. After a long time, when she opened her eyes again, there was a divine light in her eyes, and she finally understood the first principle.

This Zhong Hui!

Unexpectedly, before the 'qi and blood break the limit', the internal strength first makes breakthroughs along the way, achieving the 'acquired', breaking the limit without weakness!


"Congratulations to Junior Sister Zhong."

Zhong Hui opened her eyes and everyone congratulated her.

Wang Zheng smiled at Zhong Hui and said: "This journey of traveling through mountains and rivers, marching day and night, has made you very tired, but these 4,800 miles have been a great training for you. Your internal skills will be acquired, and you will not be weak from now on. Junior Sister Zhong will follow you." Brother Yan, this is right!"

Zhong Hui was also pleasantly surprised in her heart. She stood up, straightened her appearance, and then bowed to Yan Chuang and said gratefully: "Thank you Master Yan for teaching the Dharma and teaching me day and night!"

Everyone looked at it and nodded.

Yan Chuang deserves this great gift.

They all knew, including Zhong Hui herself, that if Yan Chuang hadn't taught her the 'Hunyuan Kung' and kept her by his side to teach her, it would be difficult for Zhong Hui to achieve what she has now.

The first serious meridian has been initially penetrated, and Zhong Hui has since embarked on a new track. Based on the "Hunyuan Gong" and the "Twelve True Meridians", he will embark on the road of "returning acquired nature to innate nature". This is also a broad road.

"The 'Hunyuan Gong' I teach you is completely opposite to most of the inner strength cultivation methods in the world. It is an extremely unique inner strength cultivation method from the outside to the inside. Although it takes a long time and the results are extremely slow, the practice is both There is no risk of going crazy and becoming a demon, and once mastered, it is extremely powerful. It is built both internally and externally. When faced with an enemy, every move is natural and has internal strength attached to it, and can defeat the enemy without even realizing it. Waiting for it. When the Hunyuan Gong is completed, it will be invincible and invincible."

Yan Chuang stretched out his hand to support Zhong Hui and motioned for Zhong Hui to stand up. He smiled and said: "You have worked hard and worked hard to transform your boxing skills and internal strength into the 'Hunyuan Gong'. You have accumulated all kinds of practice before. It was all melted into one furnace, and this was the breakthrough into the acquired world in one fell swoop. We must not slack off in the future. Not only must we continue to practice the "Hunyuan Gong", but we must also work hard to study various boxing techniques. In this way, we must practice both internally and externally, and the "Hunyuan Gong" Only then can we enter the country."

"Follow Master Yan's teachings!"

Zhong Hui became more and more respectful and treated Yan Chuang as his mentor.

Chen Ze smiled and said: "Congratulations, senior brother, after Jinpeng and Yutang, we have another great disciple who has broken the limit."

Zhong Hui and Yan Chuang are not called masters and disciples, but they are actually masters and disciples. It is not wrong to say that.


Zhong Hui's eyes lit up. After being treated like this by Chen Ze, she had the idea in her heart that maybe she could take her relationship with Master Yan a step further!

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