Reaching the other shore starting from the research and development of Yi Jin Jing

Chapter 337 The first sentence when we meet every day: What is your rank on the ladder? [Please give

Fortunately, the court still left some hope.

Lu Yuru respected Yan Chuang, and she was the first to express her position: "My little girl and the two thousand Lu family troops under her command are all at the command of Lord Yan, and we will fight wherever he tells us, without any hesitation!"

Tianjiao are all arrogant.

Lu Yuru also has it.

But on the one hand, she had to be guided by Yan Chuang to break through the "Four Elephants Sword" before she could reach the top level. Yan Chuang was almost half her master, so she respected him. Secondly, there is another pair of "Wisdom Eyes" who can see that Yan Chuang is carrying a treasure, guessing that Yan Chuang's luck is like a rainbow, and he only wants to contaminate his luck and repay his thighs.

On the one hand, I sincerely respect you.

On the one hand, I want to hug my thighs.

As a result, Lu Yuru returned to Yan Chuang both physically and mentally without any reservations. Naturally, she no longer had the arrogance and reserve of a prodigy in front of Yan Chuang.

Lu Yuru was not reserved and was the first to express his stance.

Ding Xiangguang was busy attacking Wei Lingshan, but was overtaken. She was the second to express her stance: "I and the five thousand Ding family troops under my command can only follow the lead of Lord Yan City!"

The situation of Ding Xiang and Lu Yuru is very similar. Both of them relied on Yan Chuang's guidance to become the best.


Deer jade recognizes people like a ‘smart eye’.

Ding Xiang is Yan Chuang who is bound by ‘mind reading’.

The two girls devoted themselves to Yan Chuang. If Yan Chuang was good, they would be better.

Compared to Lu Yuru.

Compared to cloves.

Situ Fei was just one level away. She came purely for Ding Xiang. As long as Ding Xiang was happy and could improve Ding Xiang's favorability towards her, Situ Fei could do anything, including being loyal to Yan Chuang——

"I'm not good at leading troops and I don't understand battle formations. I'll hand over the five thousand soldiers and horses under my command to Junior Sister Ding to train them on my behalf and let Junior Sister Ding and Lord Yan do whatever they want."

Situ Fei simply handed over the military power to Ding Xiang.

If you don’t love the country, you will love the beauty!

Situ Fei is very free and easy.

Of the seven who called themselves the masters of the army, three expressed their opinions on the spot.

Orange is great.

Peng Fanian and Jing Bao also had a very good impression of Yan Chuang. If they are willing to work together now, they will not hold Yan Chuang back: "We will fight side by side in the future, City Lord Yan, please give me your orders!"

It's just that the two of them are not like Lu Yuru, Ding Xiang, and Situ Fei who don't care about money. They put themselves on the same level as Yan Chuang, neither taking advantage of others nor being humble. They are normal.

Ban Xianfo is much more aloof, but he only has 800 troops, which can be ignored.

The remaining Wei Lingshan——

"My six thousand elite soldiers can be at your disposal, but you must give me at least one thousand kilograms of refined stones every month, and let me enter and exit the 'Gate of the Earth' at any time!"

"Gate gate?"

"What is the gate of the earth?"

"What is the earth gate?"

Peng Fanian and others were confused.

Among all the geniuses present——

Not even talking.

Ying Jifeng is not here.

The one with the deepest background is the daughter of the leader of the Black Eagle Sect and the saint of the Black Eagle Sect, Wei Lingshan. This witch obviously knows the mountains and seas world and the royal city very well, far better than anyone else, even the 'Dimen', 'Tiantai City', I have been exposed to them all in "Dungeon City", and maybe I have played in "Ladder City" a long time ago.

Wang Zhengyi was curious: "What is your rank on the ladder?"


The corner of Wei Lingshan's mouth raised slightly. This was her ladder score before participating in the Cangshan Sword Competition. She had improved a lot this time in the sword competition. She was confident of reaching 600 points when she entered the 'Ladder City'.

When Situ Fei saw Wang Zheng asking this question, he knew: "The imperial court gave you this royal city, and as expected, it also handed over the 'Dimen' to you."

Only after entering the 'Ladder City' and fighting in the 'Ladder Battle' could Wang Zhengyi ask about the 'Ladder Points'.

Situ Fei's guess was correct.

But she didn't know that although Yan Chuang and others had an "earth gate", they were extremely poor. Before the six thousand essence stones were allocated for the first month, they had an "earth gate" but could only look at it but not enter it.

Therefore, Wang Zhengyi did not understand the value of the '568' ladder score that Situ Fei was quite proud of. He thought to himself: "I only played for one day and got 86 points. Lao Yan and Wang Ge only played for one day." A battle with 1,000 players will result in 99 points."

Over five hundred points?

At best, we can rush up in six or seven days!

It seems like nothing.



"Quite high."

Wang Zhengyi complimented him without much reaction.

When Wei Lingshan saw this, she looked at Yan Chuang and others, their expressions were all as usual. The corners of Wei Lingshan's mouth twitched and she couldn't help but curse: "Bitch!"

Yan Chuang and others are indeed country bumpkins.

Peng Fanian and others are more rustic, but after Wei Lingshan mentioned it and Wang Zhengyi explained it to them, they realized that——

"Gate Gate!"

"Ladder City!"


Only then did I know that there was such a great place under the King's City in the Mountain and Sea Realm!

For a while.

The geniuses who were originally lacking in interest were all excited at this moment.


After Ban Xianfo learned about the names of 'Dimen', 'Imperial City', 'Imperial City Envoy', etc., he finally expressed his position: "Master Yan City just gives orders. There are not many soldiers and horses under Ban's command, but the Abi knife in my hand is very sharp." , can be a pioneer!"

Ban Xianfo is not willing to succumb to Yan Chuang's power for the sake of bonuses and fine stones, but if it is for the "Ladder City" where a group of heroes gather and the limit is exceeded, if it is for the "underground city" that is mysterious and full of opportunities, ’, it’s not that we can’t cooperate.

Actually, the ‘dungeon’ is fine.

What really attracts Ban Xianfo is the ‘Tianti City’——

"Ladder battle!"

"A battle of a thousand men!"

For a warlike and murderous genius like him, I can't imagine what kind of paradise it is!

For Tianti City.

Ban Xianfo softened.

By this time, six of the seven most famous military leaders, including Liu Xin, Ma Hongniang and others, had also been seduced by the 'Tianti City' and the 'Underground City', and they all expressed their willingness to cooperate with Yan Chuang in rebuilding the 'Tangu King City'.

at last.

Only Wei Lingshan was left.

Yan Chuang smiled at the witch: "Saint, think about it again."

Then he ignored it, but gathered the other geniuses together, and said: "'Tangu Royal City' is mine and everyone's. I want to hear your opinions on how to rebuild it."

The royal city was rebuilt.

Thousands of threads.

Yan Chuang, Wang Zhengyi and the other five people alone could not have planned and planned poorly. At this time, the geniuses gathered and it was time to listen to their opinions.



Yan Chuang discovered that although these people were geniuses with extraordinary talents and superb martial arts skills, in terms of management, strategy and tactics, they were just like him, Wang Zhengyi and others, and they were just like shit!

Eyes full of peerless talent!

They are all vulgar warriors!

It’s useless!

"The basic boxing techniques of 'Xingyiquan' are mainly 'Three Body Styles', 'Five Elements Boxing' and 'Twelve Forms'."

"There are 'ten piles' in 'Three Postures'."

"'Five Elements Boxing' is 'splitting, collapsing, drilling, cannon, and horizontal'."

"The 'Twelve Shapes' are divided into 'dragon, tiger, monkey, horse, rooster, harrier, swallow, snake, hawk, eagle, eagle and bear'."

"The key to practicing is very simple. You only need to pay attention to seven points when you start practicing -"

Several school grounds were cleared from the ruins of Tangu Royal City to house Situ Fei and other seven troops as well as Yan Chuang's own troops, a total of 30,000 troops.

Headquarters campus.

Eight thousand eight hundred soldiers gradually lined up, and at a glance, it was endless, which was really shocking.

These are the two second-level reward troops and horses that Yan Chuang’s team received from the Cangshan Sword Discussion——

One second class and one first class, eight thousand people!

A second-grade ninth class, eight hundred people!

Total eight thousand eight hundred.

The number is large and the generals are vast.

But they are all new recruits. Yan Chuang's group, including the seven groups of Situ Fei and others, not to mention the generals, the soldiers are just some recruits temporarily recruited before the Cangshan sword debate. They come from all over the world and have a lot of training. Three to five months, even less than two months.

Really shitty.

Therefore, after receiving the troops and horses, the first thing Yan Chuang and others did was not to attack the city but to train troops. Behind these soldiers are families. They are other people’s sons, other people’s husbands, and other people’s fathers. Although they are soldiers, they are living lives. They are not NPCs or cold machines. Yan Chuang is a soldier. The Lord and the City Lord are naturally responsible for their lives and do not want to treat them as cannon fodder and die in vain.

Therefore, before going to war, we must first train soldiers and practice boxing.

Yan Chuangren was at the forefront of the commanding platform, holding a "white-horned trumpet". The sound boomed in all directions, and all 8,800 soldiers could hear it clearly.

There are also Baihua Palace disciples who have been practicing Xingyiquan for a long time, practicing in front of each square to ensure that every soldier can see Xingyiquan clearly.

Yan Chuang spreads ‘Xingyiquan’——

"There are seven essentials to practicing my Xingyiquan—"

"One is to slump the waist, the second is to shrink the shoulders, the third is to clasp the chest, the fourth is to push up, the fifth is to lift, the sixth is to be horizontal, and the seventh is to have clear lifts and turns."

"Drop the waist, that is, lift the tail."

"Shrinking the shoulders means pulling the shoulders back."

"Buckle the chest, which means opening the chest and releasing the Qi."

"The top means the top of the head, the top of the tongue, and the top of the hands."

"Lifting means lifting from the inside of the neck."

"Horizontal means rising, and smooth means falling."

"When it rises, it means drilling; when it falls, it means turning over. When it rises, it is horizontal, and when it falls, it is smooth."

"Practice boxing!"

"The most important thing is to stand firm!"

"Put your heels together, swing your toes out, and the angle between the outer edges of your feet is 90 degrees. Stand facing forward. Your hands hang naturally and your eyes look straight forward. This is called 'standing on heels.'"

"Stay still with your lower limbs, breathe smoothly, naturally raise the two palms in front of the navel, with the fingertips of the two palms facing each other, palms facing upward, inhale through the nose, slowly rise the hands through the chest to the mouth, and the air will be pressed into the lower abdomen by the pulmonary diaphragm through the meridians. , the lower abdomen is slightly bulging, then the palms of the two palms are turned downward, and slowly move down, and the Qi falls with the palms; sit on the wrists with the two palms, with the fingertips facing inward and relatively flat in front of the navel, looking forward. This is the 'Two Palm Lift Press' '."

The day's plan begins in the morning.

Yan Chuang trained his headquarters for two full hours in the morning, sometimes practicing hard and sometimes resting, breaking apart and crushing the basic pile skills of 'Xingyiquan' and handing them to these 8,800 soldiers.

‘Xingyi Quan’ goes from shallow to deep, and Yan Chuang goes from shallow to deep.

There is also "Teaching and Learning" (Level 3), which improves listeners' understanding efficiency by 100%. It is like spring breeze and rain, and many people can easily understand and practice it.

Luo Yi, the master of Xingyi Sect of Baihua Palace, Su Ye, the master of Bagua Sect, Zhou Yan, the master of Beiyue Jiange Pavilion, Zhong Hui, the master of Nanyue Jiange Pavilion, and others shuttled through various squares to inspect and supervise.

Everything is in order.

Two hours later.

Morning exercise is over.

The martial arts lecture is over.

Yan Chuang stepped down and went into the tent to rest. In the tent, Jianzhou Admiral Ni Mengtong was sorting out the files. Seeing Yan Chuang arriving and knowing that today's martial arts lecture was over, she shook her head and said: "The city lord is really not worth wasting his energy on these new recruits."


Wang Zheng said angrily: "The imperial court is so disgusting! It recruits 100,000 new soldiers. The best trained ones have long been picked up by the Forbidden Army and the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion. The remaining 30,000 new soldiers are all unwanted crooked melons and jujubes. They are originally The burden and demobilization are all troubles, but they are dumped on us. They call them 'private armies' and 'family soldiers', but they actually want us to take care of food, drink and housing!"

A few days down.

Everyone knows the quality of the pieces that the sword geniuses received.

Ni Mengtong, Jiang Bianliu and others even found out that the 30,000 recruits assigned to them were selected from among 100,000 people. These 30,000 people were either of average physique or weak in military formation. Those who are proficient appear to be dull, or those who are thorny and disobedient to discipline, but they are all poor and difficult to train.

Others are also practicing, but the progress is limited and the results are not good.

The seven masters of the most famous army are all geniuses, and they are arrogant in martial arts, but when it comes to the military formation and the field of leading troops and training, they are all blind, and they have trained themselves to the point of getting angry, but with little effect.

These seven people are only practicing the most basic aspects of formation, military formation, discipline, orders, etc.

But what about Yan Chuang?

As soon as they come up, they have to teach boxing techniques and teach 8,800 soldiers how to practice ‘Xingyiquan’!

This is no longer the level of eating a big fat man in one bite, but the rhythm of trying to reach the sky in one step.

Ni Mengtong is not optimistic.

Wang Zhengyi is not optimistic.

Everyone is not optimistic about it.

Only the disciples in Baihua Palace who are responsible for truly teaching Xingyiquan, and only Luo Yi and other high-level officials who inspect and record records, only they know——

"Although it has only been a few days, these people have made great progress. Almost 10% of the soldiers have mastered the 'basic stakes' of the 'Three Body Postures'."

Luo Yi reported and burst into laughter.

One percent may not seem like much.

But if we zoom in to a large base of 8,800 people, there are still 8,900 people.

These people have mastered the "basic stakes" of the "Three Body Postures", which can barely be regarded as an introduction to "Xingyi Quan". As long as they persevere in the future, sooner or later they will more or less achieve certain attainments in "Xingyi Quan".

As the master of the Xingyi Sect, one of the five sects and pavilions of the Baihua Palace, Luo Yi is certainly happy to see the explosive growth of Xingyiquan disciples.

"You guys!"

"Don't listen to advice!"

Seeing that Yan Chuang, Luo Yi and others were optimistic, Ni Mengtong shook her head and gave no more advice. She handed a stack of documents to Yan Chuang, "This is the training plan I made for the eight recruits. It has been shortened as much as possible according to your requirements." The cycle, no matter how short, is three months! At least three months!”

Yan Chuang took it and looked through it at will.


Very professional.

He was not in a hurry to look, and turned to smile at Wang Zheng: "We have made the right decision to invite General Ni to this giant Buddha."

Wang Zhengyi was also polite: "General Ni was originally the governor of a state, and now he is willing to deign to condescend to Yu to serve as the general. This is a blessing to our entire Tangu capital."

The two held Ni Mengtong high.

They were indeed surprised by Ni Mengtong's arrival.

The royal city of Tangu is in ruins, with everything in ruins waiting to be renovated.

Led by Yan Chuang, Wang Zhengyi, Chen Ze, Wang Ge, Fu Yunzhan, and later Situ Fei and other military leaders and geniuses, although they are all acquired and limit-breaking masters, among them Chen Ze is even an innate grandmaster. .

But these people -

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