Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 973: Technology is too difficult, ask God

As the world's top four grain merchants, abcd's business in South Africa has plummeted, and the higher-ups have begun to hold accountable. The boss of adm South Africa is even more angry. Before the vice presidents held a meeting, they couldn't think of anything. He scolded his subordinates, but also Doesn't help.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to send more people to thoroughly investigate the sales of Changtian Technology's products, and by the way, remind those suppliers in the past, so that they can adjust their positions.

It's not that there was no competition from non-four major grain merchant companies before. Under the strong offensive of the United States, all of them withdrew from the South African market in disgrace.

This time, he is still full of confidence. After all, the United States is still the hegemon of the world, and his confidence is hardened!

Investigators flew out of the company like bees to the stores of various suppliers.

Ted is the old liaison of adm south africa.

He is in contact with John Foods, the second largest grain supplier in the Hoxton region of South Africa. This is a lucrative job, every time I go to "check" there is filial piety, and if the order is closed, there will be kickbacks. With this job, Ted lives a very nourishing life.

Not only do I have a second home in South Africa, there are countless women, but I also live in a big villa. Life is much better than that in the United States.

The store manager of John Foods has always been respectful to himself.

That feeling almost surpasses the satisfaction brought by money.

As for small suppliers? I don't even have the qualifications to see myself.

Just when John was still thinking about how much autumn wind he could have in the store of John's Food Company this time, he discovered something different, that is, there were a lot more customers buying food than before.

"It's such a good business, this time we need a little more! It's a bit expensive to raise a person outside." Ted parked the car directly at the door of the store, got out of the car and walked in swaggeringly.

This move aroused dissatisfaction among the people, because the cars cut off the queue, and everyone had to bypass the cars and line up.

"Who is this! Why are you so rude, park the car here, how can we still buy things?" Someone in the crowd said dissatisfied.

"Shut up, what is the identity of the person who drives this number plate? Do you want to cause trouble?"

"Looks like a new car!"

Most people in Africa buy second-hand cars that have been obsolete around the world. New cars are not affordable for ordinary people, mainly because there are not many places to buy them.

"Hmph! You look like a dog!"

Ted didn't care what these poor people said, he was too noble to talk to the respectable people.

"Hey, dear Mr. Ted, why are you free today?"

The manager of this John Foods store is called Dean. He came over with a smile on his face, and greeted him warmly, but his eyes glanced at the car at the door, and there was a flash of displeasure in his eyes.

Ted nodded and said, "Your business is good. Recently, I heard that there is a Sauter company whose food is selling well. Is this true?"

Dean pointed to the long line of people and said, "Mr. Ted, it's Soto, not Soto. These people are all here to buy food produced by Soto."

"So many? All of them?" Ted looked at the group of poor people this time, and subconsciously asked, "What about the products of Adm? They didn't buy them?"

"It's true that I didn't buy it. Look over there." Dean pointed to a corner beside him. The food there was all from ADM, and they were all discounted or no one cared about them. He stayed quietly by the side.

There is no way not to discount.

Food has a shelf life after it leaves the warehouse.

Moreover, the weather in South Africa is hot, and if the food is not sold within a certain period of time, it is easy to exceed the shelf life.

Ted felt his blood pressure go up: "You actually put adm's food in a corner? If you don't put it in a conspicuous place, who will buy it!"

If it was Ted's attack in the past, the store managers had already bowed down to apologize and hand out red envelopes. But this time was different. Dean said neither humble nor overbearing: "Mr. Ted, we didn't let it go, it was the customers who moved there to buy Soto's products."


"It is said to prevent them from buying Soto's products."

Ted was speechless for a while. He pointed to the long team and choked out a sentence: "Aren't Soto's products gone now? Why are they still here?"

Dean poked his head over and replied, "Oh, they're waiting for Soto to restock. We have to restock many times a day, after all, they sell out in a few minutes. I heard that Soto's products are out of production." The line is coming, and there is no more stock here."

Ted was so angry that he wanted to stomp his feet. These poor people would not buy ADM's products even if they had nothing to buy, even if they were 70% off.

So what if the poor don't buy adm's goods? As long as the suppliers and store managers buy it, it will be fine!

Thinking of this, Ted said sullenly: "It's been a long time since you went to our warehouse to pick up the goods. I remember that your company headquarters and our company headquarters are still within the cooperation period."

Dean scolded Ted for being shameless in his heart, and used the company's cooperation as an excuse to pressure him. He didn't dare to offend Ted directly. The company in the United States has been operating here for so many years, and there are people who can speak up everywhere. Come on, any corrupt government official will be able to make himself unable to eat.

After sorting out his mood, Dean smiled and said, "Well, don't make things difficult for me. I'm just a store manager. I have to wait for the notification from above."

"I remember that the store manager has the authority to get the goods."

"Well, the higher-ups took it back, saying that the people below spent too much and couldn't match the goods, so they didn't open up the permissions."

Ted was furious, isn't this poking himself for a card? He shouted angrily: "What do you mean?"

Before Dean could answer, loud cheers came from outside: "Soto's truck is here!"

At this time, Dean quickly said to Ted: "Ted, drive the car away quickly, it will be difficult for us to unload the goods if you block the door!"

"Damn it! You didn't even call 'Mr.'?" Ted was very angry. It was really aggrieved to come here today. Allow yourself to drive the car away.

Ted got angry: "I won't drive!"

Dean said: "If you don't drive away, there are so many people outside, if you accidentally scratch it, you will feel uncomfortable."

Ted twitched the corners of his mouth and hurriedly drove the car away, but he stopped at a distance and did not leave. He wanted to continue to check the situation.

Those poor people danced and cheered around the Soto food truck at this time, as if it was a festival. Every time a truck comes, people jump once.

"Just wait, these poor ghosts are going to rob things in a while!" Ted thought viciously in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the people did not grab the goods at all, but helped the shop assistants to unload the goods in an orderly manner. The unloaded goods were piled up in place and sold directly. Those who moved things got the right to buy first, so many people rushed to go Move cargo.

The people who moved the goods and those who were waiting all had smiles on their faces, and they were still singing. People of different tribes and races have no barriers at this moment.

It didn't take long for the Soto Foods truck to drive away, with no security guards and no drones in the sky to keep order. Although there are many people, there is no chaos at all. Ted said it was incredible. The same situation is changed to his own company. Without heavy machine guns, it is impossible to maintain good order.

This scene was also seen by Wesley. He is an employee of the United Nations Food Program. He also heard about this incident and came to interview.

At first, he didn't believe that Soto's food would be so good and cheap, but he didn't believe it until he waited in line several times and finally bought it.

Wesley's world view was greatly shaken, and he decided to report well that this technology can completely solve the problem of world hunger!

Just when Wesley was about to drive back to work, the car window knocked, he put the window down, and a voice came: "Hello, can you give me some of this? I want to take some back to work. Outside the window It was Ted. He couldn't save his face and queue up, so he had to come up with this bad idea.

"Huh! You parked the car at the door, and you belong to Adm, and you always sell those expired and moldy foods. Your conscience is too bad!" Wesley left directly without giving face.

However, since the adm company is so big, some people still bought the products. When the boss of adm South Africa company put energy blocks and various synthetic meats on the table, he still felt dreamy when he saw the price tags. He frowned and looked at the few investigators in front of him, and asked suspiciously, "Is it really this price?"

After getting everyone's affirmation, he felt that his throat was dry. With such a low price, how can adm company do it.

He cut the product on the spot and ate it directly, and his head started to feel dizzy. With such a big appetite, he was full after eating just a little bit. The most unreasonable thing was that the taste was so good! Finally he broke down and shouted: "Quick! Send it to the technical department for analysis!"

When the technicians heard about the boss's urgent arrangement, they immediately carried out testing and analysis.

If you don't analyze it, you don't know. It's really shocking.

The calories of energy bars far exceed those of rice, corn, and even chocolate.

Such a high calorie contains mineral elements necessary for the human body.

Not to mention that energy blocks can be directly used as fuel, and tanks and planes can be started.

If it is extended to the army, the cooking class will have to be cancelled, and the logistics of food and fuel will also have to be laid off.

Besides meat products, the protein content in them is very high, but the combination is very reasonable, and some unknown things are added, so that if you eat it, it will not cause the consequences of urinary protein.

Best of all, both taste great and can be eaten on the spot.

"Is this really something made by humans?" The researcher was numb. These two things were far beyond his knowledge.

The director of research shook his head: "I don't know, but one thing I can be sure of is that there is no such thing in nature. This is no longer a subject that our research institution can analyze. Hurry up and pack the things and send them back to the US headquarters. , There are complete instruments and big cows gathered there, so we should be able to analyze more truths."

Adm did as he did. The private plane sent the research samples to the United States, and immediately sent them to the biological laboratories of Stanford University, Harvard University and other world-renowned universities after getting off the plane. Because this incident has already involved the foundation of the country of the United States, the country of the United States controls the world by food, if the energy block and synthetic meat of Changtian Technology are fully promoted, then the country of the United States will have one less card in its hand!

There is a saying that is true, high school students think they know everything, college students feel a little stupid, graduate students don't know what they are studying, and doctoral students feel stupid.

The higher you stand, the more you can touch the edge of human knowledge, and then you will feel more ignorant.

Those top talents in Stanford and other university biology laboratories are all stupid. They have richer knowledge, but they are still at a loss by energy blocks and synthetic meat.

"Look! This energy block and synthetic meat seem to be biological, that is to say, this thing is grown!"

The energy block was analyzed by Stanford University before, but it still didn't matter in the end.

Now, in addition to energy blocks, there is synthetic meat again.

"What do you need to say? Soto Foods has disclosed the production line long ago. Who doesn't know that these meats are grown from the culture fluid?"

"Don't interrupt, you know what I'm talking about is biological growth, not chemical reaction."

"Is there a difference? You still don't know what's going on?"

"You also know?"

"If I knew, I would definitely win the Nobel Prize in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics!"

The fact that Chen Xiao was nominated for the Nobel Prize is still fresh in everyone's memory. If it were not for political reasons, Chen Xiao would have been a Nobel Prize winner in physics, biology and other fields a few years ago.

These researchers have a bad temper, and they still haven't figured it out after staying up all night. Instead, there are more and more doubts. They have to start researching from the culture medium, but they still find nothing. Many things are in front of them, but Just don't know why.

Like the last study on energy blocks, no one has gotten started.

They sealed the study in the end, saying it was a gift from God.

If anyone still asks them, they might as well ask God. It's just that God is invisible, they can only regard the tangible Chen Xiao as the incarnation of God, after all, he provided this thing.

"Idiots! They are all idiots! How come so many people can't even figure out this thing?" the global president of adm company cursed, and the president in South Africa was already in a hurry, and his own market was shrinking.

If it wasn't for the fact that the production capacity of Soto Foods hadn't kept up, he would have packed up and left long ago.

But the territory of the Soto clan changes every day, and it will be a matter of time before the production capacity catches up. Besides, energy blocks and synthetic meat are so resistant to hunger and defense, and the market will be saturated in a short time. After the fall of South Africa, the food markets of other countries followed. The top management of adm can't imagine it anymore, they can only think of other ways, and the product will definitely die if they fight head-on!

Compared with the pessimism of major grain merchants such as adm.

The UN Food Program is very happy.

The problem of global hunger is very serious, and the distribution of food is somewhat unfair.

The United Nations Food Program has been committed to eradicating global hunger for many For so many years, they finally waited for good news again.

Coincidentally, all the good news about food came from Xia people.

In the first two cases, contemporary Shennong produced high-yielding rice and contemporary Shennong produced rice that can be grown in salt water. Now, Changtian Technology, behind Soto Foods, invented energy blocks and synthetic meat.

The special report was compiled and submitted by Wesley overnight, and there was joy between the lines.

"We no longer have to worry about food spoiling before it reaches the hungry. Energy blocks and synthetic meat can be stored for a long time."

"We don't have to worry about lack of funds anymore, because the price is so low that no matter how poor people can afford it, the money needed is greatly reduced. So we don't have to worry about food being robbed. Such cheap things are not worth robbing. "

"We don't have to worry about not having enough food, because Soto's food has high nutritional value, and if we are not careful, it may even cause problems."

"World hunger will be solved within a year or two, but we have to be careful of those big forces whose interests are damaged destroying everything."

As Wesley wrote this, he was already worried.

The irony is that Wesley's report is not even as fast as ADM's samples. In this world, the gap between rich and poor has long been too large, and the distribution of resources is very different.

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