The Xia people have it, and foreigners naturally want it too, but when they look at the situation in their own country, they can only shake their heads. We don’t have this technology, and even Changtian Technology’s critical care center is in short supply. With just a few employees and the lottery mechanism, we can’t finish it even in years and months.

But the backup consciousness is equivalent to countless extra lives, and at most it only loses memory for a period of time. There are countless opportunities to start over in life, and I want to get such opportunities no matter what, even if I have to pay all my assets.

Many people complain that they have lived enough. That is because they have not achieved much visible to the naked eye in their lives. They can see the end of their lives at a glance. If they think that they will die early or late, they will all be dead.

Nowadays, with the technology of backup consciousness, it is equivalent to not having to die. If you continue to live, you will see all kinds of novel things, and people will have hope.

What should I do if I don’t have it at home? Of course, we are calling on Changtian Technology for assistance, sending people, equipment, whatever is available. cost? Countries that have more money just use tax revenue. Isn’t it just to serve taxpayers?

The problem now is very simple, they don’t want street lights, they don’t want roads, they can even block the sewers without repairing them, but they need to give money to back up consciousness!

How to deal with poor countries without money? This kind of country is almost bankrupt, and the tax system has almost collapsed, so the citizens are asking their country to take minerals and agricultural products to trade with the Xia Kingdom in exchange for the opportunity to back up their consciousness.

reason? What reason do you want? What belongs to the country belongs to the people. What is wrong with the people asking for resources in exchange for such opportunities?

The situation in some countries is more serious and has entered a war situation, and ordinary people are even more eager for this opportunity. If the domestic order is not good and there are many criminal organizations, the chances of reincarnation are relatively high.

The probability of reincarnation in war-torn areas is very high. People in this environment are more eager to back up their consciousness. Maybe they can back up their consciousness today and use it tomorrow. The main thing is to be efficient and value for money.

When the whole world adopts this thinking pattern, things start to get a little complicated. The authorities in many countries have begun to actively seek cooperation with Changtian Technology. They don't really want to do something practical for the domestic people, but they want to take advantage of this opportunity to give themselves a chance first, right? If there is a global lottery, it would be quicker to reincarnate yourself. If there is cross-border cooperation, the top management will at least have some privileges.

For selfish reasons, the management teams of these countries are extremely anxious.

"Dear gentlemen, we cannot ignore the demands of the domestic people. If we cannot win back-up awareness projects, we will not be able to do it next time. Please help us! The conditions are easy to negotiate! Easy to negotiate!"

"Just take a break and let us countries that have cooperated with us eat the soup first. You have to wait a little bit. This is the condition we have offered. Please take a look. Over there, do you see it? This is the right thing. The way."

"Why are you so arrogant? You have a cooperation project, but how big is the total amount? You go along too! Anyone can agree with those conditions?"

"What's the use of a large total amount? Changtian Technology doesn't all look at this. The most important thing is to look at the scarcity of resources! So you go ahead!"

The influence of backup awareness has spread all over the world. Changtian Technology, which controls the network dominance, will not let the information remain stagnant and no one can cover it up.

This kind of thing was originally done out of consideration for the influence system. Influence can also be divided into positive and negative. If you want to upgrade, you must have a positive influence.

Faced with such a global situation, Xia Guo asked Changtian Technology for its opinion. After all, Changtian Technology needs to provide opinions so that it can formulate policies. Otherwise, it may be a blind directive, and the policy may not match the company's capabilities.

When doing things, we must pay attention to science and rules, not just to push hard.

Changtian Technology will naturally hold a meeting to discuss such a big matter.

Wang Xiang, as the first senior person to follow Chen Xiao, is no longer the college student who was only engaged in technology and had no market mind. What he said is very insightful:

"The influx of foreigners into the Xia Kingdom and the request by foreign authorities to carry out awareness backup cooperation are the same thing, and they are not the same thing. In the short term, it is for awareness backup, but in the long term, there are other factors, so we must take measures Measures have been taken. We can’t just roll it out all at once, but we must also show an attitude to prevent the product from passing the window period.”

"It makes sense! I think so too, and this is what we have always done. However, I am a little worried that the promotion of this matter may encounter some obstacles, and such obstacles may trigger extreme resistance from special groups."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but smile. This Yang Fei is good, he can think of this. He asked: "Why do you think so? Our products have always been successful, and our electronic products are used in closed places. Why are we facing extreme resistance this time?"

Yang Fei was hesitant to speak, wondering if Chen Xiao was dissatisfied.

"Although, we always say what we say without making any calculations." Chen Xiao continued to encourage his subordinates, "Does anyone else think the same way? Tell me your own opinion!"

Yang Fei calmed down and spoke: "I occasionally travel abroad to inspect projects..." The senior management of Changtian Technology is like this. They market projects to each other to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Even if they trust their subordinates again, There should also be a strict supervision and restriction system.

"...As a result, I discovered that the previous electronic products and awareness did not completely change the thinking of people around the world!"

When everyone heard it, they were suddenly surprised and even a little unconvinced.

The influence of Changtian Technology, Changtian Technology's products are number one in the world, have long entered every corner of thousands of households. Why does Yang Fei say that Changtian Technology's set of things have not completely changed the thinking of people around the world?

"Everyone, listen to me. Our products have entered many households, but not all households. The company is developing too fast and the world is developing too slowly. Good things have not penetrated thoroughly at all.

We see an outpouring of appreciation online, and that’s survivorship bias. The vast majority of people in the world still cannot afford many of Changtian Technology's products, such as the organ transplant mall and wearable devices. right

For people in poor countries, this is a sky-high price. What they have access to is only synthetic meat and energy blocks, which have just solved the problem of food and clothing, and even some areas have not yet solved the problem.

Under such a premise, do you still think they accept all our ideas? Isn’t it normal to have resistance? To be more specific, in many places religion is used to resolve matters. The oil country areas are integrated, and our electronic products have basically not penetrated, let alone the more primitive tribes. "

At this point, everyone fell into deep thought. It is true that the capabilities of a company are really too limited. Without the promotion of national authorities, the progress will be very slow. It will be even more difficult if the authorities are chaotic and have weak control.

"Many places use religion and gods to fool and control the people below. Do you think they will let us promote it smoothly? Absolutely not. If electronic products change the world view, then the backup consciousness directly touches the foundation of their rule. These people They are all magic sticks, claiming to be the agents of gods in the human world. They can decide a person's life and death, happiness in the next life, and whether they will go to heaven or **** after death. But their miracles are all in legends, and they have less history than South Korea.

Now we have a backup of consciousness and a virtual world. How is this different from creating heaven? To those ignorant people, how are we any different from gods? Will those magicians sit idly by and let the believers go, while their subordinates go to get consciousness backup?

Moreover, this situation is not just in backward areas, but also in highly developed Western countries. Even in the United States, the number of adults who believe in the existence of angels is still the first in the world. "

After a lot of detours, it turns out that this is what it means. People at the bottom have fewer opportunities to receive education and the quality of education is not high, so they are easily deceived by all kinds of nonsense.

So why can Xia Guo not be deceived by these magicians? Or are fewer people being deceived? The nine-year compulsory education is not for nothing. It has raised the lower limit of people's cognition a lot, and the knowledge and morality are stronger than in other countries.

Furthermore, Xia people have believed that man can conquer nature since ancient times. When a natural disaster or natural disaster occurs, what they think of is to do it! Foreigners quickly repent and apologize, which is essentially different.

The people of Xia are honest, they will give incense to anyone who has miraculous effects, so what about the gods of Xia and foreign gods? People who want to pass the exam can even find a dojo called Guanyin, which focuses on taking care of things. How could Xia people, who were so practical, be deceived by magicians? They would never follow them without any real benefits. Therefore, the people of the Xia Kingdom are naturally more receptive to new things, and are at least more civilized than other countries. Who allowed the Xia Kingdom to open its doors to all nations in ancient times?

After Yang Fei said this, everyone suddenly felt that things were a bit tricky.

"Let me also say something." Wang Dong took over the conversation in a rare move. He works in security and rarely speaks out about business matters. “Over the years, I have been traveling around the world, performing missions all over the world, and listening to reports from many brothers, I feel very uncomfortable.

In many places, people have never left the village in their entire lives, and the education they receive is by word of mouth. Those so-called priests are just liars, just exploiting these ordinary people. We have seen that we can help a little bit, but the world is so big that it is useless. If you want to change the situation of these people, you must break the constraints of the magic stick!

You really can't imagine the abominations of these magicians. Has anyone heard of Chu Yequan? Don’t think that this is something that happened in the Middle Ages. It still exists today. Treating people as wealth and being slaves does not only occur in one country or region. Take Asan for example, it is a big country, but the people in the country are still so ignorant, and the magicians are the chief culprits!

These magic sticks continue to initiate fights, and it is difficult to guarantee the statements of the people at the bottom. "

Chen Xiao finally spoke at this time: "That's good. In fact, the difference in gods does not cause divisions in the world. What makes the world ignorant and divided are those magic sticks. They claim to be the agents of the gods and set up sects one after another. In essence, They are liars! Our next step is to completely smash the framework these people have built for the people at the bottom..."

I won’t talk about the second half. If you shatter the religious framework and make all the people at the bottom believe in Changtian Technology from the bottom of their hearts, how much influence will it gain? The Asan Kingdom alone is hard to estimate.

Once the problem is clarified, the discussion of the plan will have a direction.

Backup awareness is not only needed, but must be promoted globally. Considering the different situations at home and abroad, it is true that foreign countries cannot invest too many resources at once. The magic sticks in many places are extremely powerful and must be dealt with with a combination of economic means and other means. While working on it, we will monitor the situation and make timely adjustments. Before that, the focus is still on Xia Kingdom.

Those more enlightened countries can appropriately increase the resources for the first phase of consciousness backup, but the old rule is still to exchange for things! The rarer the resources, the easier it is to obtain projects.

The matter of backing up consciousness has set a beginning. Many things cannot be done at once, and then we move on to the next topic, which is to discuss the issue of foreigners entering Xia Kingdom. Strictly speaking, this issue is no longer within the scope of what Changtian Technology should discuss. It is a matter of national policy. However, everyone knows that when foreigners enter the Xia Kingdom, Changtian Technology will be interested in it, so it will naturally have to give the answer.

"My opinion is to recruit these people, because I always feel that there are not enough manpower. Everyone said they need to find people, but internal competition is coming and going, which is a headache." Wang Xiang had a bitter look on his face, even if he started a new project by himself Every team has to start from scratch, starting with discovering new people.

Wen Qi took over the conversation: "It would be too wasteful for our people to do low-end work anymore. Such high quality is obviously overflowing. I feel like this as a financial person, and it should be even less so for the rest of you. ”

Changtian Technology is getting stronger and stronger, and UU Kanshu has more and more fields. Each new field involves the circulation of funds, and even changes in assets and liability accounts. Many procedures and many things have been simplified. Even so, the workload is still staggering, and there is a lot of basic work. There is no way to find a robot to do this kind of work, let alone just use data to merge it.

After listening to Wen Qi's words, Gao Miao also nodded subconsciously: "Today's experimental process is very long. Our people have to do a lot of basic work, which is too wasteful, but we can't find so many trustworthy people from the outside.

My suggestion is to open up more experimental links and let outsiders set up companies to do this specifically. Then we can do our research in peace. "

The same is true for the manufacturing department. Xia Guo's workers are already very skilled, but the industry is too long and there are not enough talented people. Talents must be evenly distributed to various links.

Chen Xiao nodded: "What you are talking about is essentially that there is something wrong with the Xia Kingdom's population structure. Our country is aging seriously. Young people no longer have children and pursue freedom. And I really don't want to imitate South Korea and create batches of new products." Human beings, after all, our situation is not exactly the same as this. We need people to expand production, and South Korea needs people for population replacement." (End of Chapter)

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