Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 156: I'm not a savior

"Zhang Biao went in."

Wang Xiang received a call from a friend in Jiangzhou and learned the news.

The world is impermanent, and I didn't expect that in the past 10 years, the most influential people in Jiangzhou would sink into the changes of the times.

The sinking of Zhang Biao also seems to herald the end of an era.

If the traditional state-owned enterprises do not change, then the life will be really difficult.

No one has time to feel sorry.

The acquisition of Jiangzhou Machinery Factory at a price of 7 million is a lot of mess. Now the main problem is how to deal with it.

Chen Xiao immediately called the high-level meeting of Changtian Technology.

Jiangzhou Machinery Factory is divided into three parts.

The first part is the headquarters of Jiangzhou Machinery Factory. The simple factory area of ​​the machinery factory is about 20 acres (the children's schools and hospitals and other factory-affiliated facilities have been stripped off separately and are under the unified jurisdiction of Jiangzhou).

The second part is Zhongjing Company. Zhongjing Company covers a small area, only 5 mu of land.

The third part is Jiangcheng Machinery Factory. Jiangcheng occupies an area of ​​100 acres. The reason why the area is larger than that of Jiangzhou Machinery Factory is because Jiangzhou Machinery Factory transferred a large amount of production capacity to Jiangcheng 10 years ago.

Chen Xiao said: "Don't touch the Jiangcheng Machinery Factory. If anyone wants to lease it, rent it out, and if they don't want to lease it, put it there."

Chen Xiao waited for the demolition of Jiangcheng Machinery Factory with peace of mind.

"Find someone to clean up the Jiangzhou Machinery Factory. Don't move the machinery and equipment inside for the time being. I'll make arrangements after I come down."

"I am going to build a lithium battery production plant on Jiangzhou Machinery to make up for the shortcomings of Lingyue MP3 batteries."

"Zhongjing Company will not move for the time being."

Regarding the purpose of Zhongjing Company, Chen Xiao did not explain.

Chen Xiao also thought of those workers in Jiangtou Machinery Factory.

The changes of the times and the changes of enterprises, the most injured are ordinary people.

Including Chen Qiang, if there is no Chen Xiao, then Chen Qiang is still an ordinary worker in Jiangcheng Machinery Factory, and this time he will definitely be laid off.

So Chen Xiao felt the same about the plight of the workers.

But Chen Xiao is not the savior, everyone should make some changes in the face of the changes of the times, instead of waiting for others to save him.

Chen Xiao said: "Brother Xiang, you are familiar with the machinery factory. I may need about 30 workers. You can choose some skilled workers who are practical and skilled to stay."

Chen Xiao said this, it must be a lithium battery factory.

Wang Xiang didn't ask any more questions, and did things according to Chen Xiao's instructions.

Chen Xiao's behavior not only won the goodwill of the workers, but also made the relevant departments in Jiangzhou very grateful.

If Jiangzhou Machinery Factory is not transferred, the result will be bankruptcy, and these workers will definitely be laid off and unemployed.

Changtian Technology can help Jiangzhou City solve the work problems of some workers, which is of course the best.

It is learned that Changtian Technology will leave about 30 workers.

The workers in the machinery factories in Jiangzhou and Jiangcheng are trying their best to find a relationship, hoping to stay.

Many people have worked in the factory for decades, except for some manual work or simple repetitive operations, they can't do anything.

It is indeed very difficult for everyone to return to the society that has been out of touch for a long time after being laid off.

When some people know that the CEO of Changtian Technology is Chen Xiao, they are even more surprised.

Who would have thought a few years ago that the honest worker Chen Qiang would have such a powerful son.

Some of Chen Qiang's former co-workers and bosses (team leaders) gathered around Chen Qiang's house in the Jiangcheng Machinery Factory District every day.

I just hope that Chen Qiang can tell his sons and let them stay in the machinery factory based on the relationship that everyone was colleagues in the past.

Everyone has various reasons.

Similar to the fact that there are elderly people and children at home to take care of, these are considered light, and even more ruthless, they say that their wife or parents have a terminal illness and urgently need money, etc.

Among these people, some people did not lend a hand to help Chen Qiang when he encountered difficulties in his previous work, but instead fell into trouble.

But now that I have encountered difficulties, I have completely forgotten those things in the past.

He Hui was also very upset when he got these things. He asked Chen Qiang, hoping that Chen Qiang could make up his mind.

After all, many people are old acquaintances of Chen Qiang. If they say that they don't help, they won't be able to save face. If they want to help, they will bring some trouble to their son's career.

After so many years, Chen Qiang also looked at it and said, "It's useless for you to find me. I was laid off from Jiangcheng Machinery Factory."

Chen Qiang didn't want to cause trouble to his son because of these broken things.

Chen Xiao knew all these things that happened at home, but Chen Xiao still adhered to his principles.

Speaking of poor people, there are too many poor people in this world.

It is impossible for him to save everyone. The path of life has always been chosen by himself, not by others.

Seeing that giving gifts to Chen Qiang to plead with Chen Qiang could not achieve their purpose, these people simply began to curse.

All kinds of dirty words can be scolded, and there is no previous friendship at all.

This made Chen Qiang and He Hui see clearly what human nature is.

He Hui and Chen Qiang were so annoyed they immediately called the police.

Jiangzhou Machinery Factory has been cleaned up.

Chen Xiao called Gao Miao at the factory gate.

"How's the internship going?"

Some time ago, Chen Xiao and Gao Miao had dinner together and talked about starting a business.

But Gao Miao took Chen Xiao's words as a chat after dinner, and did not take it seriously.

After all, Chen Xiao is a freshman, how much strength can he have to create a company?

After handing in the dissertation, she also began to prepare for internships and job hunting.

It has to be said that the papers on lithium batteries have a great influence in China.

A number of electronics companies and scientific research institutes have already threw olive branches to Gao Miao, including many foreign companies.

"Nature" has not published Chen Xiao's paper because someone has made If "Nature" also publishes this paper, then I don't know how many foreign companies will come to Jiangzhou University to **** talents.

Gao Miao was stunned for a while and said, "I have a preliminary plan. The internships offered by several companies are not bad. I am going to try it."

Chen Xiao touched his nose and said, "I contacted a company here, and I feel that the treatment is not bad. Would you like to try it?"

Gao Miao smiled and said, "Which company? What kind of treatment?"

In fact, Gao Miao's mentality is very relaxed now, because he knows that after the paper is published, he will definitely not have to worry about finding a job.

Chen Xiao said, "Changtian Technology is located in Jiangzhou."

Gao Miao was puzzled for a while and said, "Changtian Technology? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Gao Miao had some murmurs in his heart when he heard that it was not a well-known domestic and international company.

Chen Xiao said: "This company's treatment is very good."

Gao Miao asked, "What is a good practice?"

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "If you come here, I will make you the vice president and minister."

Gao Miao: "Huh?!"


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