Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 162: Sorry, I program LV eight

Zhang Wei said, "Mr. Chen, my name is Zhang Wei."

Wang Xiang quickly introduced: "Mr. Chen, Zhang Wei graduated from Jiangzhou University of Science and Technology in software engineering. He has experience working in a large software company in Shenzhen. He just joined last week."

The reason why Wang Xiang introduced this way is to highlight that Zhang Wei is actually a very powerful person.

Zhang Wei's own strength is also true. If he hadn't wanted to go back to Jiangzhou to take care of his parents, he wouldn't have left the fast-developing Shenzhen market and returned to the inland city.

There are very few Internet companies in Jiangzhou, and Zhang Wei himself almost obeyed his parents' arrangement to teach computers at school or take an exam as a civil servant.

But at this time, he saw the recruitment of Yuedong Internet, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, and learned that Sports Internet had received a financing of 3 million meters from IDG, so he gave up the opportunity to become a teacher in an elementary school without hesitation. After applying for the job, he entered the A subsidiary of Changtian Technology, Yuedong Internet.

Chen Xiao nodded and said: "What you said is very reasonable. The code is indeed written one by one. After the program is completed, it must be checked for bugs."

Zhang Wei raised his chest and raised his head, he thought that Chen Xiao agreed with his opinion.

Who knew that Chen Xiao changed his words and said: "However, these are for more complex applications. The tasks I just assigned to you are actually very simple. You 10 people work in groups to type the code, which may be done in less than half an hour. , and such a simple program, it stands to reason that there should be no bugs in one step, if there are still bugs in these programs of yours, it proves that your strength is indeed doubtful."

Chen Xiao did not give any face to these talented students or engineers, and made a direct request.

This is not because Chen Xiao is unfriendly, but the potential of Changtian Technology is more than that. Therefore, his employees must adapt to high-intensity work pressure and have high precision.

The salary of these engineers reached three to five thousand a month, far exceeding that of local civil servants in Jiangzhou or jobs with higher welfare benefits in banks.

The engineers had unhappy expressions on their faces, as if they felt that they were being led by laymen.

Everyone felt that Chen Xiao didn't understand anything, and he just opened up about it, how could it be so easy.

Who knows that Chen Xiao directly distributes the program flow chart he made to everyone.

Chen Xiao said: "You just need to work together according to the program flow chart and complete the programming tasks. I'll wait in the office, and I'll need the results in an hour."

The engineers were very surprised when they looked at the program flow chart made by Chen Xiao!

This logical approach is very reasonable and quite concise.

As long as it is much simpler than the way Zhang Wei conceived in his mind just now.

[Influence +1]

[Influence +1]

What made Chen Xiao speechless was that he just came up with a set of program flow charts, although he gained a wave of influence in the conference room.

Chen Xiao's C language and C++ language programming have reached the LV8 level.

At this level, even if you don’t start a company yourself, go to Baidu or a goose factory, and be a code farmer honestly, you can get a high salary.

Chen Xiao can actually handle Wen Qi's affairs by himself.

But he feels that he has a company and a team, so why do such simple things have to be done by himself?

After seeing Chen Xiao's program flow chart, the programmers' eyes changed instantly.

Everyone expressed their opinions: "We will definitely produce results in an hour."

This world is a world that worships the strong.

If Chen Xiao wants to control a company, he must show his strength. He must let his subordinates know that his philosophy is far superior to everyone in terms of technology and company operations, so that he can convince the public.

Otherwise, although everyone works in Changtian Technology with the company of Changtian Technology, they will definitely have no sense of belonging to this company.

In this way, when the company grows in size, its contradictions will intensify, and it may explode at any time.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "I'm waiting for everyone's good news in the office."

Zhang Wei and other engineers walked out.

Everyone whispered.

Zhang Wei asked his colleague in a low voice, "What major did our Chen always graduate from? He can actually program!"

"Yeah, not only can you program, but the program flow chart is more clever than we thought."

Wang Xiang is behind everyone.

He suddenly said, "Remember not to talk about the boss in the company, Mr. Chen is not a computer major, he is studying finance."

"Also, the 11181 website and chat app you are maintaining are independently developed by President Chen, so I hope you will work hard. When you come to our Changtian Technology, you must hold your heart and be humble and learn more. , make more progress."

After saying this, Wang Xiang returned to Chen Xiao's office.

This time, Zhang Wei and the others were left with an incredible look.

Wang Xiang closed the door of the office and said to Chen Xiao, "Chen Xiao, these engineers are all from Shenzhen. Some of them graduated from key schools, and some of them are arrogant, don't take it to heart."

In front of the employees, Wang Xiang would call Chen Xiao as President Chen.

But in private, the two still refer to each other as brothers or by their first names.

Chen Xiao said: "Engineers must have some personality to be able to create better things. I hope they not only have personality, but also have strength. Our company must rely on strength to speak."

Chen Xiao's words have been very clear, but it's not. Just take what Zhang Wei and others said to heart.

Chen Xiao's program flow chart is indeed very useful. After 40 minutes, with the cooperation of several engineers, the statistical applet was compiled.

Chen Xiao did a simple test and found no bugs.

With this program Wen Qi will be much easier.

After a while, Wenqi only needs to select categories in chronological order, and input the data into the program to automatically generate statistics and analysis tables.

Chen Xiao copied the program on his laptop and prepared to go back to school with the laptop.

Wang Xiang was confused, he didn't know what Chen Xiao wanted this little app to do.

However, Wang Xiang didn't ask much about what the boss was going to do. He knew very well how he and Chen Xiao got along.

The library is very quiet.

Little sister Han Wen was supposed to sleep on the table for a short while, but she accidentally slept for more than an hour.

Wen Qi continued to organize the content of the data, the more complicated data, the more irritable she became.

Wen Qi looked at the location of the stairs, Chen Xiao said to help herself, but it was almost four o'clock, and he hadn't come yet.

Wen Qi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, what the boy said was really unbelievable.

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