Deng Yun and the technicians read the relevant announcements of Jiangzhou Quality Inspection Center and the quality inspection reports provided by them in detail.

Whether it is an announcement or an executive report, it has been confirmed that Lingyue MP3 does not have any false propaganda.

The battery life of this MP3 can indeed reach more than 40 hours.

In other words, it is completely correct that Lingyue's comprehensive battery life (two or three hours of use per day) can reach 15 days.

Deng Yun couldn't believe it at all.

He accused the quality inspection report and said to Minister Xiao: "The lithium battery technology used by Lingyue is more advanced than Sony's? Do you believe it?!"

Minister Xiao definitely didn't believe it.

Most of the scientific and technological workers in Shenzhen are engaged in electronic industries such as electronic computers.

They deeply know that electronic industry technologies such as electronic computers are firmly in the hands of Americans and Orientals.

It would be very difficult for the people of Xia to surpass them.

Therefore, when Lingyue claimed that its lithium battery could last for more than 40 hours, Netac's first reaction was not to purchase Lingyue MP3 to test it, but to suspect Lingyue's false propaganda.

Even after the Jiangzhou Quality Inspection Center announced the relevant quality inspection results, Deng Yun's first reaction was whether the Jiangzhou Quality Inspection Center had eaten black money.

Deng Yun arranged with a dark face: "Go buy a batch of Lingyue MP3s and send them directly to the quality inspection center in Shenzhen. I will immediately call their Director Ma and ask Director Ma to help."

Minister Xiao held it immediately.

But I didn't expect that the next morning, the front page headline of "Renren Daily" was titled "Take your dreams as horses, live up to your time—Jiangzhou University overcomes difficulties in your electronic field", and reported on Lingyu in detail. The reasons why MP3 adopts the new lithium battery.

The report is divided into two parts.

The first part cites a paper on lithium batteries from Jiangzhou University, and reports in detail the student teams of Jiangzhou University, breaking through difficulties one by one, and finally mastering the most advanced key technologies of lithium batteries, improving Xia Guo's lithium battery technology in one fell swoop. a level.

The second part reports on Changtian Technology, which cooperates with Jiangzhou University.

It describes in detail the spirit of the young entrepreneurial team of Changtian Technology, who are not afraid of difficulties, face them, and dare to compete with the West and Dongyang technology companies.

The report commented at the end: "Taking dreams as horses and living up to their youth, young Xia Guo scientific research workers are based on their own posts, overcoming difficulties and surpassing the international advanced level!"

This rating is quite high.

When the relevant departments in Jiangzhou saw that "Renren Daily" reported such a detailed report on an innovative technology company in Jiangzhou, they immediately paid attention to it.

Hurry up to send staff to Changtian Technology, which is both condolences and learning experience.

Changtian Technology has just acquired Jiangzhou Machinery Factory, which has helped Jiangzhou a lot.

Unexpectedly, Changtian Technology has mastered the world's most advanced lithium battery technology, and has received strong attention from "Renren Daily".

This gave Governor Jiang a big face.

Of course, relevant departments in Jiangzhou know that the founder of Changtian Technology is Chen Xiao, this year's top student in the college entrance examination.

They are also very fortunate to be able to keep Chen Xiao in Jiangzhou to study.

If Chen Xiao went to other cities, then this honor must belong to other cities.

"Renren Daily" usually publishes articles in two places.

One was seen by the staff of government agencies, public institutions and state-owned enterprise committees.

In the era when the mobile Internet is not very developed, reading newspapers is almost one of the daily necessities of these workers.

Compared with other groups, these groups have higher incomes and are more willing to pursue a high quality of life.

They are the potential consumer groups of Lingyue PM3.

Almost in an instant, Lingyue MP3 has become the representative of high-quality high-tech.

Changtian Technology has become an excellent Xiaguo Technology Company.

The second place for the report is to be reprinted by more influential domestic media.

Every word in the report on "Renren Daily" has been carefully polished.

Moreover, "Renren Daily" rarely reports technology news. This kind of news has been seen and must be forwarded and reported by major well-known online media and print media immediately.

Almost overnight, Lingyue MP3 became synonymous with high-tech.

Many consumers who have the intention to buy MP3 have already identified Lingyue as their purchase candidate.

After all, "Renren Daily" is helping to promote it. Are you still worried about the quality? What's more, the battery life of more than 45 hours is not something that every company's products can easily achieve.

Major fruit stores.

Consumers who are willing to buy MP3s come to buy Lingyue by name.

Many second-tier cities have little supply.

This time it was sold out immediately.

The major supermarkets of Guomei continue to apply for replenishment.

See this report, as well as Motorola and Nokia Xiaguo regional headquarters of the technical staff.

Follow the local customs, and after entering the Xia Kingdom, they will also subscribe to the "Renren Daily".

Because "Renren Daily" is the best channel for multinational companies to understand the national conditions of Xia.

As the world's two mobile phone giants.

Currently their mobile phones are still using nickel-chromium batteries.

Nickel-cadmium batteries are bulky and have a small battery capacity.

When they saw the lithium battery with a capacity of more than 2500 mAh, they were moved!

Yanjing, Motorola headquarters.

The headquarters can send relevant personnel from the marketing department and technical department to Jiangzhou to personally inspect the relevant situation of lithium batteries.

If the effect of lithium batteries is really as small as reported, the capacity is large.

Motorola is willing to purchase a large number of lithium batteries for use in their mobile phones.

At the same time preparing to go to Jiangzhou, as well as Nokia.

If the two companies can reach an agreement with Changtian, then it will bring tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of revenue to Chen Xiao.

This is definitely a big income for Changtian Technology.


Deng Yun has just implemented the relevant situation of Shenzhen Quality Inspection Center's assistance in quality inspection.

Looking back, the "Renren Daily" on the desktop is actually full of praise for Lingyue MP3 and its lithium battery technology.

The cold sweat on Deng Yun's body came out at once.

What is **** advertising?

Being named and praised by "Renren Daily" is called hard-core advertising.

Being able to be on the front page of "Renren Daily" is 100 times better than Netac spending more than 1 million to invite celebrities to advertise.

Deng Yun suddenly realized a problem.

Are the lithium batteries used by Lingyue really that good?

Can't wait for the Shenzhen Quality Inspection Center to test, Deng Yun arranged for someone to go to Shenzhen Guomei to buy a batch of goods and come back.

A few days later, Netac completed the battery life test of Lingyue MP3.

Seeing his test results, Deng Yun felt that his MP3 project was cold.


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