Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 416: Microsoft is restless

Chapter 416 Microsoft is not calm

United States, California, Microsoft headquarters.

Gates and Microsoft executives and related technical staff have repeatedly watched the full version of the Firefly OS launch.

In order to be able to understand more clearly what the conference is saying, Microsoft's technical staff can also add subtitles to the conference.

After watching the press conference several times, Gates looked serious, and other Microsoft executives felt that the atmosphere in the conference room was quite unfriendly.

"You just said, what's the data over there?" Gates asked his assistant.

The assistant looked at the document in his hand and said, "According to the data from the headquarters of Xiaguo, the number of computers currently installed with Firefly OS in Xiaguo is 153,200."

The assistant added: "This data is provided by the statistics center of Shenchuan."

Hearing this, Gates was a little uneasy.

He felt unprecedented pressure and crisis.

There is no doubt that the 21st century must be the era of computers and the Internet.

In this era, the most important market is the Xiaguo market.

Because the Xia Kingdom has a population of 1.2 billion, and their computer penetration is less than 1/10 of that of the United States.

With the improvement of the economic level of the people of Xia, there must be more and more users using computers.

There are also growing opportunities for Microsoft to want to make a profit.

Even though Xia Guo's computer market is rampant with pirated software, Gates feels that he has found a corresponding profit method for Microsoft.

Microsoft's method is to let pirated systems circulate among user groups, so as to develop the habit of users to use the windows operating system.

At this time, Microsoft can cooperate with PC companies such as Lianxiang and Dell. Let these PC companies pre-install their own genuine systems and charge according to the number of pre-installed units.

In addition, although Microsoft indulged in the circulation of pirated systems in the canyon market, his eyes were fixed on high-end user groups such as large enterprises, hospitals, schools, scientific research institutions and large Internet cafes in Xia Guo.

These high-end user groups are required to use genuine systems, otherwise Microsoft will resort to domestic courts or even international courts.

Compared with ordinary private users, these enterprises, scientific research institutions, Internet cafes, schools, hospitals, etc. are quite large in size, and the profits they generate for themselves by using the system are basically agreed by Microsoft.

Under this circumstance, many large enterprises are afraid to use pirated systems, so they have to pay Microsoft obediently.

Of course, Microsoft's most profitable business is its own Windows ecosystem.

Users using the Windows operating system may not pay, but if you use the relevant software of the ecological chain, these software have already paid a certain fee to Microsoft in the process of research and development and listing.

All of this is Microsoft's means of profit.

Otherwise, you think Microsoft is so stupid that he can easily block Changtian Technology's hardware running on genuine software, and can easily block Xiaguo consumers from using pirated systems.

The reason why he didn't do this is to put a long line to catch big fish.

But now the emergence of Changtian Technology's Firefly os has broken Microsoft's illusion.

If Xiaguo's consumers all use the genuine Firefly OS, how can there be a market for Microsoft's Windows operating system?

"150,000 units, are you sure that 150,000 computers have already installed the Firefly os operating system in less than half a month?"

The assistant was very sure, and after checking the data again, he said, "It is indeed 150,000 units."

Gates was a little annoyed. He said: "I asked your technical department to install Firefly OS and let our technical staff know what is the difference between this system and our WindowsXP. Why haven't you done this?"

This made Microsoft's technical staff very aggrieved.

"We have tried to download the system on the official website of Firefly os released by Changtian Technology and installed it. However, our hardware device does not seem to be recognized by the system."

"Later, I checked the information repeatedly, and also read some details of the conference, and determined that Firefly OS can only be installed on computers equipped with Changtian Technology hardware."

After hearing the news, Gates's head buzzed.

What is the purpose of Changtian Technology?

Is to promote the company's hardware products as soon as possible.

This time, Changtian Technology does not need the reaction of foreign markets at all, it only needs to firmly grasp the Xiaguo market in its hands.

Taking 2001 as an example, the sales volume of Xia Guo’s desktop computers was 8 million units, which is quite scary data. If these 8 million units were all mastered by Changtian Technology, then Microsoft’s XP would not survive in Xia Guo at all. room.

Just watching the press conference, Gates is still not sure what the performance of Firefly os is and whether it can pose a threat to Windows XP.

He immediately said to his assistant: "Inform Microsoft's Xiaguo District Headquarters, and try to do everything possible to get me a few magic ships' computers and send them to our laboratory. I just want to see what the firefly os is like. Performance and magic, can there be an installed capacity of 150,000 units in half a Is there a lot of installed capacity of 10,000 units?

For Microsoft, which has tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of installed units, this is just a small number.

But in less than half a month, there were 150,000 installed units in an instant, which has never happened since the birth of Microsoft's WIN system.

In the past 10 years, many technology companies around the world have developed operating systems, but no operating system can be installed more than 100,000 units in a short period of time.

The fact that Firefly os can achieve such results shows that this operating system has been recognized by consumers, it is accepted by the market, and it will be a matter of time to gain more users.

Microsoft's profits come from monopoly.

If this monopoly is broken, then what is Microsoft's interest?

Under the arrangement of Microsoft's US headquarters, a very magical thing happened.

The purchasing staff of Microsoft Xiaguo District Headquarters actually went to the Shenchuan computer sales point in Yanjing to buy Shenchuan computer.

And what makes the purchaser speechless is that he can't buy it!

Because of the powerful performance of Firefly OS, more consumers are attracted to buy Shenchuan computers. And Yanjing is the headquarters of Lianxiang, and domestic computers are the world of Lianxiang, so the stocking of Shenchuan in Yanjing is not much.

When the purchaser Xiao Wang went to the Shenchuan store to buy a computer, he found that the Shenchuan T1 series computers were sold out!

"We have A series with lower performance, but we also need to transfer goods from Jizhou. This series also uses carbon crystal memory. You need to wait."

Xiao Wang was speechless and wanted to scold him. He is from the headquarters of Microsoft Xiaguo District. The computers he usually use are flagship computers of major brands. The 10,000 yuan is the bottom line. A low-end machine from a junk brand?

What a plane!

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