Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 462: Pain points of inland cities

Chapter 462 Pain Points in Inland Cities

In September in Jiangzhou, the weather is still hot.

The scorching sun seemed to cook the earth thoroughly.

In Jiangzhou Science and Technology New District, many factories have already started construction one after another.

Jiangzhou's management department took the lead, and the drawings of the headquarters designed by a world-renowned architectural design company for Changtian Technology have been sent to Changtian Technology for many days.

However, Changtian Technology has so far not given any reply to the top management of Jiangzhou.

If Changtian Technology informs Jiangzhou that they are not satisfied with the design drawings of the headquarters, then they should revise what should be revised, and if they should find another designer, they will find another designer.

But the lack of a reply made Jiangzhou quite flustered.

The design drawings have not been finalized, and of course, the headquarters of Changtian Technology has not started construction.

Where a technology company takes root, it depends not only on whether its subordinate supply chain has built a local factory to start production, but also on where its headquarters is set up.

The new headquarters of Changtian Technology was not built in Jiangzhou for one day, and Jiangzhou could not sleep well for one day.

Outside the Changtian Technology headquarters, the sycamore tree drooped its leaves.

The ants slowly climbed down the tree trunk, hoping to find a cool place to hide from the scorching sun.

In Chen Xiao's office, Jiangzhou's managers and Changtian Technology's executives sat at a small conference table.

The air conditioner was blowing, but Jiangzhou's manager, Mr. Tao, could not feel any coolness.

Because in the negotiation with Changtian Technology this time, it will be completely at a disadvantage, and there is no room for recovery.

Jiangzhou has indeed won the commitment of Changtian Technology Holding Shenchuan to put the chassis, keyboard, power supply and other components industry chain and production base in Jiangzhou, which is enough to create tens of thousands of jobs for Jiangzhou.

During this time, factories have moved equipment from Yangcheng and other places one after another.

But the three things that Jiangsu is most concerned about, Changtian Technology has never promised.

The first is the headquarters. When will the construction begin?

The second is the production base of motherboards and carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal hard drives. Can they be placed in Jiangzhou?

The third thing is when will Nokia's promised mobile phone production plant land?

The above three issues involve billions or even tens of billions of investment.

And now there is a rumor on Changtian Technology, the production chain of carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal hard disk is likely to be transferred to coastal areas.

As for where to move to, Jiangzhou has not received specific information, and it is not easy to comment directly to Chen Xiao.

Changtian Technology has never spoken, and Jiangzhou will never sleep.

"Mr. Chen, Changtian Technology was first founded in Jiangzhou, and it has also brought the vitality of science and technology to our city. I am very grateful for this." The speaker is Leader Tao.

This time, leader Tao called all the team members together and came to Changtian Technology headquarters in person, just to win the continuous support of Changtian Technology.

"Jiangzhou's science and technology park is entirely built for innovative technology, and several of these factories are used to produce carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal hard drives in strict accordance with your company's original requirements."

Leader Tao said eagerly: "Mr. Chen looks at the shortcomings of our infrastructure. We will follow up and improve in time."

Wang Xiang actually had some opinions in his heart when he heard these words from Leader Tao.

At the beginning, Changtian Technology was indeed preparing to put all its industrial chains in Jiangzhou. On the one hand, it was Changtian Technology, in order to save land and labor costs. But on the other hand, this is also to support the construction of hometown Jiangzhou.

But who knew that something unpleasant for both parties occurred in the use of the land, and although it was properly resolved in the end, it made Chen Xiao less happy.

For a technology company to truly land, the most critical element is the need for a good business environment.

Changtian Technology does not want to let itself waste a lot of time on unnecessary disputes.

Jiangzhou is indeed a very good city, and Changtian Technology also intends to put some industries in Jiangzhou, but in terms of the overall marketing environment, Jiangzhou is still relatively backward in many places.

This backwardness is related to geographical factors and to long-term closure.

Because of the long-term closure and no communication with developed cities, many local "local tyrants" were born in Jiangzhou.

These "local tyrants" monopolized all aspects of Jiangzhou city, especially land and construction.

Chen Xiao didn't want to be stopped by some famous local people when his laboratory or headquarters was under construction in the future, and asked construction companies to buy sand or steel from them.

I also hope that after the construction of Tiangong Technology's foundry in the future, these local tyrants will put pressure on Chen Xiao through various relationships, asking Changtian Technology to reach some kind of business cooperation with them.

The allure of money is very strong, and you can imagine what these people will do when faced with interests.

It is more appropriate to describe Jiangzhou with intertwined roots.

This is a disadvantage of a city, not only in Jiangzhou, but also in many inland cities.

To solve this drawback, it is not a matter of one or two sentences or one or two policies.

This requires the continuous growth of a city, the courage to survive with a broken arm, and the constant discovery and solution of problems. It may take two or three years, or it may take a generation.

Chen Xiao replied to Leader Tao very euphemistically: "Changtian Technology can fully understand Jiangzhou's good intentions. Changtian Technology's hometown is also in Jiangzhou. Of course, we hope that most of the industrial chain can be placed in Jiangzhou."

"However, industries such as motherboards and carbon crystal storage have very strong requirements for raw materials and logistics. These raw materials are not very common in inland cities. Of course, as a company, we are aiming for profit, but we still have to consider the cost in this regard."

Chen Xiao said: "Our existing carbon crystal storage factory in Jiangzhou will not be relocated. Please rest assured that Tao leaders will not be relocated."

Leader Tao can only sigh, knowing that Changtian Technology has made up its mind, and it is useless to say too much nonsense.

And the top management in Jiangzhou knows the reason why Changtian Technology is unwilling to put all the industrial chain in Jiangzhou.

It's those **** real estate companies and those intricate relationships.

If we want Changtian Technology to change its mind, we can only make up our minds to rectify the commercial competition market in Jiangzhou.

Leader Tao is also a person who has attended training courses in coastal areas. He can clearly feel that the current development trend of Changtian Technology is likely to become a leading technology company in Xia Guo.

If this leading company develops and grows in the future, many cities will not be able to ask for it.

Sometimes a company can drive more gdp than all other industries in a city combined.

Of course, such a treasure company must find a way to stabilize, and the leaders of Changtian Technology can also be satisfied by keeping the old headquarters and some industries in Jiangzhou Tao.

Leader Tao could only say thankfully: "Now I would like to thank Changtian Technology for its trust in Jiangzhou. We will immediately implement the implementation of the relevant factories here."

Leader Tao finally said: "Mr. Chen, I won't say anything else. Jiangzhou is the mother's home of Changjiang Technology. If you need this place, you can speak at any time."

The cooperation between Changtian Technology and Jiangzhou seems to have reached a preliminary agreement. Leader Tao is somewhat satisfied, but more regretful.

As soon as he walked out of Changtian Technology's headquarters, Tao's leader received a call from the relevant department.

The department said that Shengshi Tianhua Real Estate Company hopes to participate in the construction of Jiangzhou New People's Hospital, but because of the large amount of funds involved in the project, it has attracted competition from many foreign companies.

Shengshi Tianhua means that he is a local enterprise in Jiangzhou, hoping to take care of him.

Leader Tao was so angry when he heard the call, it was because of these companies, Changtian Technology, that they brought important industrial chains to areas outside Jiangzhou.

He scolded the person in charge directly and said, "Take care? Take care of the shit! Let them bid according to the rules, and submit a qualification report to the one who submitted the qualification report. What if the technology is not good enough and can't be built for them? The hospital project is a relationship. When it comes to the livelihood projects of ordinary people in Jiangzhou, there is no room for manoeuvre!"

After scolding for a while, he felt a little better.

However, the top priority now is to cooperate with Changtian Technology as soon as possible, so that the relevant factories can be put into production as soon as possible. If this little thing is not done well, I hope that Changtian Technology can change its mind in the That is really too much Difficult.

Jiangzhou Science and Technology Industrial Zone.

Because the factories are all ready-made, as long as the relevant industrial departments of Tiangong Technology put the equipment in, they can immediately put into production.

With Zhou Linghua in charge of Tiangong Technology, the factories involved in the industry chain are very efficient.

At present, all the mp3 production lines that originally belonged to Angda have been transferred, and most of the production chains such as the chassis power supply, keyboard and mouse associated with the Shenchuan have also been transferred.

Jiahang Power did not participate in Tiangong Technology, so Changtian Technology immediately invested in a small power supply production factory in Shenzhen.

This thing does not have much technical content, the most important thing is the material of the product.

With the investment of Changtian Technology, this small power supply factory has carried out technological and industrial innovation in an instant.

After the production line was moved to Jiangzhou, it was able to meet the needs of Shenchuan for power supply.

Mid-September is a memorable day for the people of Jiangzhou.

As an inland city, Jiangzhou has few original industrial chains, and the employment environment is very bad.

For most people, the first choice for employment is to enter government agencies and institutions, the second choice is to enter a state-controlled enterprise, and the third choice is to go to a private enterprise.

And the treatment of private enterprises is very low, and it is very good to have six or seven hundred yuan a month.

For those migrant workers without education, there is no better place to go in Jiangzhou than to go to construction sites.

If you want to make money, you can only go to factories in the coastal areas. The wages of factories in the coastal areas are indeed higher than those of the small factories in Jiangzhou. However, only the migrant workers themselves know the pain of leaving their hometown.

The emergence of Tiangong Technology Factory Group has changed all this.

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