Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 304 There Will Be No Rebirth in the Future

Baby Xiaopida's household registration was officially settled, and it landed on Song Yueliang's household registration booklet.

Only then did Mr. Fu and the Jingdu side calm down.

You can't keep going, both sides are afraid that Song Yueliang will be annoyed in the end, so they really want to leave their father and keep their son.

When the time comes, the little baby will really not belong to their family.

"Daughter-in-law, you did a good job." Fu Yan came home late, found an opportunity to bite his daughter-in-law's ear, and was very satisfied.

Song Yueliang let him go for a while.

After calling Fu Yanchi and listening to what he said, she understood what he meant at that time.

The elders of both the Fu family and the Yan family love Qiqi very much, knowing that Qiqi has not registered yet, I am afraid that both sides will fight for it.

Instead of letting the elders on both sides quarrel, it is better for the daughter to take her surname directly.

Besides, she meant it too.

So after realizing the meaning behind Fu Yanchi's words, she immediately applied for the household registration at the nearest place to let the matter settle.

"Fu Yanchi, Qi Qi has my surname, will you regret it?" she asked.

The man stared at her with gentle eyes, "What are you sorry about? Even I belong to you, so our daughter should naturally be named after you. Moon, Qiqi is the baby you gave birth to with your life, and no one is qualified to snatch it from you. "

Song Yueliang's heart trembled, she pursed her lips and lowered her eyes, "I won't be born again in the future."

That is to say, they will only have one child seven or seven in this life.

From now on, there will be no more children named Fu or Yan following Fu Yanchi.

She knew that this decision was somewhat selfish, which meant that there would be no descendants with the same surname in the Fu family to continue the incense.

The Yan family will definitely not be satisfied either.

And all these pressures will be borne by Fu Yanchi.

A light kiss fell on the woman's jade white cheek, and the man's voice was gentle and smiling, "It just so happens, I think so too. We have seven or seven and one is enough, and I will spend my whole life to make up for the suffering you mother and daughter have suffered before." It’s not enough, I really don’t have the extra energy to take care of more.”

Song Yueliang raised her eyes slightly, and looked into the man's eyes.

The man's eyes were dark and deep, full of love and cherishment that belonged to her alone.

The corners of Song Yueliang's pursed lips relaxed and slightly curved.

She never changed for him.

He did the same to her.

From before to now, no matter when, no matter what, he will always put her feelings first.

Taking care of her, but letting her go.

"Moon, don't you feel very touched? Then give me a little thank you, and have lunch together at noon tomorrow? Go to Huiyuan and study the heart load rate?"

"..." Song Yueliang stomped on the man hard, her ears blushing.

There was a man's miserable howl in the small courtyard.

It was still noon.

Because of the household registration for Qi Qi, the young couple were at home, and Mr. Fu was also there, and even Yan Xi was listless and lost the mind to go to work in the factory.

Hearing this scream, apart from Zhang Xifeng and Qi Qi who didn't know what happened, the other two were not unhappy.



With a registered permanent residence and a formal name, Qiqi was so excited all day long that she didn't feel sleepy even during the normal lunch break at noon.

At this time, the adults in the family have already gone to work and took a nap.

She was left there alone, with no place to use her energy.

I want to share this good news with others, but my friends are still in school.

Qi Qi turned her gaze to the back of the yard, her eyes lit up, and she ran out the door, rushing to Heizi's house.

"Uncle Heizi, Uncle Heizi, guess what my name is!"

Before entering the door, the little baby was yelling all the way.

Heizi was nestling in the main room to escape the heat.

It was too hot outside, and he didn't like to go out and get sweaty.

In addition to not farming or working, most of the time is spent at home.

This also led to the fact that every time the cub came over, he would always be caught.

"Why are you here again?" The man was lying on the bench in the main room without moving.

Xiao Zai'er didn't seem to understand the disgust in his words, ran up to him and squatted down, holding his cheeks with his two little hands and smiling, "You are the only one in the village who is the most idle, so Qiqi came to play with you. Finding someone else will disturb other people's work."

"I'm not free, I'm sleeping."

"But you haven't fallen asleep yet. Uncle Heizi, quickly guess, what's Qiqi's name?"

"Qiqi is called Qiqi."

"No, Qiqi's name is Song Sining! It sounds nice, Song Sining! When I go to school, I will write this name in my homework book." Wa'er grinned her teeth and corrected, very happy, "Qiqi is just a nickname Oh, just like Uncle Heizi, your nickname is Heizi, and your real name is Chen Fusheng."

Heizi paused, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at the little dumpling squatting in front of him, "My name sounds better than yours."

Wa'er's smiling face disappeared immediately, and she raised her eyebrows, "My name sounds better than yours!"

"Mine sounds good."

"My music is the best!"

After staring wide-eyed and small-eyed for a while, one big and one small both snorted and turned their heads away.

Qi Qi turned her head away, only to realize that the place that was once dilapidated like an abandoned house has changed greatly.

The yellow muddy ground in the courtyard outside had been plastered with lime mud. Flat and clean.

On the side of the yard, although the collapsed stove in a corner has not been rebuilt, it has been cleaned inside and out, and it looks tidy.

The biggest change is the main room.

Every time Qiqi came here before, the main room was as messy as a doghouse.

There was not a single decent thing in the room, not even the stool was lame on one leg.

But now there are newly built tables and benches inside, as well as several brand new small stools.

Although not painted, the wood is all new.

"Wow, Uncle Heizi, your house looks much better now! When did you buy the table and stool?"

Heizi closed his eyes again, "I didn't buy it, you Chen Erbo did it."

That man didn't know if he was born to worry, or if he was born to work hard, and he couldn't stop for a moment.

I don't know what obsession he has with the yard of his house, he insists on making it look decent before he will give up.

First paved the yard for him, and then tidied up the kitchen for him.

In the end, I saw that there were no decent tables and chairs at home, and I didn't know where to find some wood. I worked as a carpenter myself, and made these things out of wood.

The wood chips and leftovers that were planed out are now piled up in the corner of his kitchen, saying that they can be used to light a fire when he usually cooks.

The arrangement is clear.

"I, Uncle Chen, are so good that I can even do carpentry!" Qi Qi exclaimed with her small face in her hands, adoring her uncle very much in her heart.

Heizi didn't respond to this sentence, he pondered for a while, and asked, "Little boy, how much is a pack of lime mud?"

Qiqi tilted her head, "Uncle Heizi, why are you asking this? Do you want to pay my second uncle back for the lime mud? My second uncle won't ask for it."

"How do you know he won't want it?"

"Qiqi just knows."

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