Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 360 The Sin of My Parents

Back at the school, Qiqi found that the school's appearance had changed. The former Fenghuangzhai Primary School had an open gate, and there was no school gate.

Outsiders can enter at will.

But this time she came back and found that a high wall was built around the school, iron gates were installed at the entrance, and even guards were set up.

Even the original mottled and dilapidated exterior walls of the teaching building have been repainted, looking brand new.

The acacia tree on the school playground also sprouted green shoots on its bare branches.

For Qiqi's return, all the children in the class applauded warmly to welcome her.

The teacher took extra care of her, even a little cautiously.

What Qi Qi didn't know was her return, not only her own class paid attention to her, but also the teachers and students of the whole school paid close attention to her.

Teachers of Fenghuangzhai Primary School, this holiday can be said with fear.

Because Qi Qi had an accident at school.

Regardless of her background, just the fact that some students were kidnapped and injured in the school, and almost lost their lives, has had an impact on the reputation of the school.

What is even more frightening is that Qi Qi's parents will hold the school accountable, and the school will have to sue her head.

Fortunately, Qiqi's family was reasonable and did not embarrass the school in this matter, but only proposed to build a wall around the school, install a school gate, and then strengthen the security of the students.

There is no reason why the school should not.

What's more, people also volunteered to contribute money.

It made the headmaster want to worship Qiqi as a little Buddha.

"Qiqi, this is my homemade souffle candy, please eat it." The round-faced and proud little girl at the same table put the candy in front of Qiqi, flipping through the book pretending to be natural, but the corner of her eyes was nervous Paying attention to the movement next to her, the pages of the book were crumpled by her fingers.

Qi Qi took a soufflé candy, peeled off the wrapper and put it in her mouth, a rich milky aroma immediately flooded her mouth, it was fragrant and sweet.

Qi Qi widened her eyes in surprise and praised, "Wow, Nan Nan, the candy you make is delicious!"

"I'll bring you some more next time, I have plenty at home!" Nan Nan quietly relaxed her tight lips and smiled happily.

After a while, the little girl apologized to Qiqi coyly.

"I thought you would never play with me again. Last time you were in danger, I was too afraid to run away by myself and didn't go to save you... If, if there is a next time, I, I will definitely save you of!"

Only then did Qiqi understand why her little deskmate couldn't sit still all morning, as if she had been stabbed by a needle in her buttocks.

It turned out to be because of this.

Qiqi thought for a while and said seriously, "It's right that you don't save me, because the bad guy is an adult, and he still has a knife in his hand. You are too young to beat her, and you will be in danger yourself. If you What happened to saving me, your parents and family members will be very sad and sad, and I will feel very guilty and guilty. And do you think I am back well now? If you really rushed to save me, when the time comes It may be the two of us who were injured, so it’s not worth it!”

Nan Nan, "..." Can this be calculated in terms of whether it is cost-effective or not?

Seeing that Qiqi didn't have any grudges against them, the little kids who were afraid to come here before immediately gathered around Qiqi, chattering, chatting with each other.

"Qiqi, is your injury really healed? Will it still hurt now?"

"You were really brave when you saved your parents. If it were me, I wouldn't dare to do that."

"The worst thing is that bad guy, who actually used a knife to hurt the little baby! My parents said that kind of person should be killed with a thousand knives!"

"I heard that she is from Liangjiang Village. After the accident, her family did not recognize her and severed ties with her. She also has a son who was left alone and sent to the orphanage!"

Hearing this news, Qiqi was stunned for a while.

When going to bed at night, Qiqi tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

"Eggy, has Xiaohu been sent to the orphanage?" Xiao Wa'er asked with complicated emotions.

Dandan hummed, "Ma Chunlan couldn't take care of him when he committed a crime, and his relatives kicked him like a football. They were afraid of being implicated by Ma Chunlan, and they didn't want to raise someone who was free, so they finally sent him to welfare. hospital."

"Then, what about his father? Doesn't his father take care of him too?"

Qiqi paused for a while and changed the title.

In my impression, Tian Fumin loves Tian Xiaohu very much.

In the past, every time I came back from the city, I would buy a lot of delicious and fun things for Xiaohu.

But now why doesn't he even take care of Xiaohu? It's his own son.

Hearing Zai'er mention Tian Fumin, Eggy twitched her lips.

When Tian Fumin and Ma Chunlan came to Taoxi Village to make trouble, they were taken away by the police. In fact, they were released after half a year.

It's just that Tian Fumin disappeared after he came out. He didn't go back to Daqu Village, nor went to Liangjiang Village to pick up his son, and lived in hiding secretly.

To put it bluntly, I just don't want to bring a drag.

He can barely eat enough by himself, and if he brings another child, life will be much harder.

For Tian Fumin now, Tian Xiaohu is a burden, a burden.

When things really happened, Tian Fumin's selfishness was fully displayed.

"It's better for Tian Xiaohu to stay with him in the orphanage. It's better not to have enough to eat three meals a day than to have nothing to eat."

Eggy has no extra sympathy, and talks about Tian Xiaohu's experience in a calm tone.

No matter how miserable Tian Xiaohu was, he couldn't be worse than Qi Qi back then.

He can't blame anyone for falling into this situation, it's his parents' fault.

"If Ma Chunlan hadn't come to school or done that kind of thing, she would have lived a good life with Xiaohu, right?" Wa'er asked again.

"It should be possible." Eggy thought for a while, and it should be possible.

Song Yueliang and Fu Yanchi actually showed mercy and did not kill them all.

If they weren't too greedy, they came to Taoxi Village to threaten to seek benefits and money, their husband and wife would take their children to another place, even if they couldn't find a job, they would be able to plant land in the countryside and support their family on their own Three mouthfuls.

Life may be poorer, but it is no problem to seek stability.

It's just that the minds of the two of them have long been distorted.

He didn't reflect on what he had done before, but he hated the Qiqi family even more, which eventually led him to go astray.

There are only four words to describe this kind of person, Dandan, and he reaps the consequences.

As for the fact that Ma Chunlan was willing to become a pawn and be used by others for revenge, Eggy didn't intend to mention it to Qiqi.

His little one doesn't need to know those things.

"It's twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, don't talk anymore, go to bed!" With a fierce sound, Eggy pulled down the barrier and made a gesture of refusing to communicate any more.

No one spoke, and after a while, the little boy fell into a deep sleep.

Eggy quietly opened the barrier, and listened to the little baby's soft snoring when she was asleep, and hummed slightly.

The Tian family has completely gone offline.

The Jin family, the mastermind behind a series of incidents, should not be far away from receiving the lunch box.

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