Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 371 Amusement Park Explodes, Seven Years Comes

Last weekend of October.

Qiqi, a group of friends in the village, and several adults in the same company boarded the car to Mashan.

There is no other reason.

The amusement park in Mashan has been built.

After all the safety measures are tested and passed, the open business will begin soon.

As the owner of the amusement park, Song Yueliang clearly opened the back door for her daughter and the little dolls in Taoxi Village.

Make them the first little customers of the amusement park.

Along the way, the children were so excited that their chirping and laughing almost never stopped.

"Qiqi, what is the amusement park like? Have you ever been to it?" Goudan asked impatiently.

The other little kids also stared at Qi Qi with bright eyes.

Qi Qi nodded vigorously, "I've been there!"

"But at that time, everything was still bare, except for weeds and stones!"

The corners of the mouths of the friends twitched.

They didn't realize until they saw the little baby snickering, covering their mouths. They were teased by the little baby.

For this, Qiqi paid a heavy price.

The armpit was scratched countless times.

Because there were so many people passing by this time, Uncle Gui specially got a small bus to pick him up.

Hearing the vigorous laughter of the whole car, even though Uncle Gui was used to it, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly because of the infection.

The last few rows of seats on the minibus were filled with the villagers from Taoxi Village who came to join in the fun this time.

There are Li San and his wife, there are doggy parents... There are also a few young people who are secretly dating in the name of joining in the fun, each of them is reserved and shy.

That kind of youthful appearance often provoked muffled laughter from the two couples in the car.

We set off in the morning, and it was only ten o'clock in the morning when we arrived at Mashan.

Song Yueliang, Fu Yanchi, Yanxi, Dong Wangshu and others arrived one step ahead, and are waiting at the entrance of the amusement park.

The matter in the capital was settled, and after all the trivial matters were dealt with, Yanxi returned to Taoxi Village in September.

This meeting happened to coincide with the upcoming grand opening of the amusement park, so it was naturally impossible to miss it.

The minibus stopped in front of the amusement park, and the first group of passengers got off one by one.

Qiqi walked in the front, and before she got out of the car, her mouth was already opened in shock.

The expressions of the other tourists behind her were even more exaggerated.

In front of you is the gate of the amusement park.

At first glance, it looks like a dreamy big castle.

The dreamy colors full of childishness collide, and the outer walls are full of cartoon-like paintings.

Huge cartoon statues stand on both sides of the spacious stone road in the gate.

All of them are the children's favorite animated characters that have been played on TV.

"Ikkyu! That little bald head is Ikkyu!"

"I saw the black cat sheriff!"

"And Saint Seiya!"

"Ah, Donald Duck, my favorite Donald Duck!"

Shouts from the little ones filled the entrance of the amusement park.

Even the adults who followed behind showed their eagerness to go inside and find out.

Song Yueliang smiled and said, "Let's eat something first to fill our stomachs before going in to play. The amusement park is very big, and it will take at least half a day to walk around, so don't worry."

In fact, Qiqi was the one who was most affected.

Because she came here once before the amusement park started to be built. At that time, it was full of desolation, and it was a deserted land as far as the eye could see.

Nothing but weeds and stones.

But now, everything here has changed drastically.

Diagonally opposite the amusement park, the new university campus has moved here.

The streets outside the campus are lined with shops selling food, clothing, daily necessities, and even hardware stores.

On the side of the amusement park, the former barrenness is gone, replaced by a variety of bright architectural colors, even if you haven't stepped inside, you can already get a glimpse of the leopard.

The park must be more beautiful and attractive.

This area has begun to take on a new look.

In the fast food restaurant next to the campus, I had an affordable lunch.

The dolls were so eager to eat that they almost poured it into their stomachs, devouring it hungrily, and all of them couldn't wait to go to the amusement park immediately.

Knowing that the little tourists were anxious, Song Yueliang fulfilled their wish and led them into the amusement park.

It's hard to get in.

The children were surprised and cheered again and again, running and shouting excitedly, and their voices became hoarse.

In addition to those funny statues, what attracts children the most is the variety of amusement facilities inside.

Carousel, small train, gorgeous Ferris wheel, Arabian flying carpet, roller coaster, water park...

In the amusement park, there is also a lengthy underground river landscape that runs almost through the entire park.

On both sides of the scenic river, there are stages built by lighting sets, shadow puppetry, Huangmei opera, Kunqu opera, classical musical instruments playing and singing... all the traditions of Huaguo, showing the cultural heritage of the country.

That’s not all, the garden is divided into several different areas, each of which is built into a characteristic area with different styles, including cartoon castles, Paris Street, ancient Chang’an, and theaters...including ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, showing different regions customs.

Qi Qi and her friends are going crazy.

Just as I told my mother, one day is not enough to play all of such a big amusement park.

"Eggy, my mother is amazing! Isn't she!" Under the scorching October sun, Wa'er smiled brightly.

Eggy hummed, this amusement park was indeed beyond his expectations.

I originally thought that the amusement park in the 1990s, no matter how fun it is, cannot escape the limitations of the times.

What he didn't expect was that Song Yueliang would have so many wild and unconstrained ideas in architectural design, and dare to think so much.

This amusement park with oriental cultural characteristics may not be inferior to the future Disneyland.

And what shocked him the most was the underground river.

He looked at it from a spatial perspective, and the entire river, specially built by Song Yueliang, looked like a dragon about to rise into the sky.

The tail of the dragon is at the end of the river, the head of the dragon is coiled on the mountainside, and the two springs on the Panlong Mountain in the innermost part of the park are the eyes of the dragon! A dragon's breath on the top of the mountain turned into a pool of warm springs!

Song Yueliang has already succeeded with this Dragon River alone.

It was also from this moment that he really realized that Song Yueliang, an upstart in Huicheng, was worthy of his name.

Song Yueliang is a very capable person.

There are three pairs of young people from the village who came out together this time.

They all met each other on a blind date after a year.

After returning from the amusement park, the wedding dates of the three couples were set.

Nowadays, unmarried youths in Taoxi Village are being married by people from other villages.

If you don't make a decision early, I'm afraid you won't have your share in the future.

After seeing off the first wave of young guests, Qiqi Amusement Park officially opened for business a week later.

Open up and explode.

Even the Huicheng Daily devoted an entire page to commenting and praising the oriental culture displayed in Qiqi Amusement Park, as well as the diversity contained in it.

In a short period of time, Qiqi Amusement Park became famous, and soon the reputation spread to all parts of the country.

In early November, Taohua successfully gave birth to a pair of twin boys.

Qiqi Huanxi became an older sister, and also celebrated her seventh birthday in December.

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