Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 462 Don't Make Ideas About the Little Princess of the Yan Family

Sunlight poured into the room through the gap of the bay window, just hitting the sleeping boy's face.

That face is exquisite and handsome like a gift from the creator, even with his eyes closed, he still reveals his arrogance.

It's just that the young man didn't sleep well, and he seemed to be troubled by something in his dream, like a sword eyebrow locked up.

"Erbi is calling, Erbi is calling—" The phone thrown on the bed suddenly rang, disturbing the quietness of the room and interrupting the boy's dreams.

Xiao Li woke up from his dream.

Lying on the bed without moving, eyes still have the bleary daze of just waking up.

After a while, irritability rose in his eyes, and he copied the phone to connect, "You two!"

There was a pause at the other end, "Grass, Xiao Li, haven't you changed the ringtone of Lao Tzu's call back?!"

"If you fart, let it out, if you can't let it out, wash your neck and prepare to die!"

"Made, you invited me out for a ride yesterday. I've been waiting here for half an hour. Where are you? Haven't gotten up yet! You must have just woken up!!"

Xiao Li pulled the phone away, looked at the time displayed on it, "I remember I made an appointment at nine o'clock in the morning, right? You called me at eight o'clock and said you had been waiting for half an hour?"

"Hey, I'm waiting for you at the foot of West Mountain, hurry up!"

The phone was hung up with a click.

Xiao Li got out of bed, opened the curtains, and the golden warm sunshine immediately spread out the room.

Last night, it was snowing profusely and I don’t know when it stopped, and there were white snow everywhere in the field of vision.

Caged under the early morning winter sun, there was no sign of melting.

Xishan was half an hour away from the Xiao family's half-mountain villa, and it was exactly nine o'clock when Xiao Li arrived.

At the Shili Pavilion at the foot of the west mountain, a group of well-equipped teenagers sat on their bicycles laughing and cursing, and Ning Zi was among them.

Glancing at Xiao Li's figure from a distance, the voices of the teenagers playing around spontaneously weakened.

"Xiao Li, here!" Ning Zi raised his hand in greeting, pedaled his car forward, and explained a few words in a low voice when they met, "I happened to meet here just now, and they also made an appointment to ride today. I said that if you want to come, just wait here together, and I can't even open my mouth to drive people away, so you can bear it?"

Xiao Li hummed indifferently, his eyes flicked over the young man in the white riding suit in the crowd, without any strange emotion, just like looking at a stranger.

He was just bored during the holidays, so he asked Ning Zi out to kill time.

What's more, the cycling track from the foot of the west mountain to the top of the mountain is full of people riding all year round. It doesn't make any difference to him if there are more or less people.

"I'm going to the Yan family's banquet tomorrow. Most of these people are the children of various families who are going to the banquet. Just now, the big guys were chatting, which means that tomorrow I will finally see the true face of the little princess of the Yan family, Lushan." Ning Zi babbled endlessly. , grinning, "There is a post on the campus website, betting on which middle school the little princess will disappear from. I bet on our school. Whether we win or lose, we will see the truth tomorrow!"

"Boring, let's go." Xiao Li stepped on the racing car, kicked off his long legs, and rode slowly up the mountain.

Passing by the group of teenagers occasionally, they nodded to each other as greetings.

"Let's go, ride to the top of the mountain and come back, one back and forth for two hours! The last noon treat, Grand Hyatt will come to the luxury box!" Ning Zi shouted loudly, and all set off.

The few young men who fell behind looked at the back of the young man who was at the front, "A Yao, the knot between you and Xiao Li has not been untied yet?"

"I can't solve it for the time being. You have also seen that he still annoys me." Li Fengyao was dressed in a white riding outfit, graceful and graceful.

"No matter what kind of knot it is, you have to untie it to untie it. Just waiting will only turn the slippery knot into a dead knot. Find a chance to explain and explain. It's not good for you to be frozen like this. Besides, you haven't done anything wrong in the first place."

"...I'll talk to him later."

At the front, Ning Zi and Xiao Li were walking side by side, both of them were riding slowly, with people around them constantly overtaking.

The two of them were not in a hurry, bathing in the sun and facing the wind, chatting with each other.

There are bare deciduous trees on both sides of the riding path, and the snow is piled up. Occasionally, when a gust of wind blows, the snow on the branches will fall down, sometimes hitting the unlucky ones below.

Ning Zi was hit twice.

Sweeping the icicles off his hair with one hand, Ning Zi laughed angrily, "Obviously I walked with you, the snow scum only hits me, not you, shit."

The young man lazily glanced sideways, giving him a look to let him experience it for himself.

"You're not in the right state today, you're sick and uncomfortable? Why don't you turn around and find a place to sit?"

"No, I didn't sleep well last night."

"Expand and talk?"


There are many people riding up the mountain in winter. When they reach the top of the mountain, the pavilions where they rest their feet and the stone piers on the roadside are full of people.

Xiao Li randomly found a windy corner, the racing car parked aside, and sat on the ground.

During this period, Ningzi was called away, and his ears were quiet. He took out his mobile phone and unconsciously clicked on a certain dialog box with his fingers.

The above information has not been updated, and the last sentence is the little sow he said.

The little girl stopped replying to messages.


"Xiao Li, why are you sitting here by yourself? Why don't you go and join the big guy?" The young man's clear voice came from behind, as gentle as ever.

Xiao Li put the mobile phone into his pocket, turned his head and glanced at Li Fengyao, "What's the matter?"

"Every time I talk to you, your first sentence seems to be 'what's the matter?'." Li Fengyao smiled helplessly, walked up to the boy, and sat on the floor like him.

The withered turf is fragile and white after frost, and there are snow particles that have not been swept away in the gaps. After sitting on it for a long time, the chill will climb up.

Here is another air outlet, and the cold wind blows makes people feel even cooler.

The little sweat from riding was blown dry in an instant.

"Because you have something to do every time you look for me, don't you?" Xiao Li didn't look at him, his eyes fell on the horizon.

The sun rises from there, golden and shining, not as intense as in summer, but covered with a layer of coolness.

Li Fengyao was silent for a long time, turned her head, and looked at Chaoyang who had already climbed up, "Tomorrow's banquet, are you going?"

"Whether I go or not will not affect your purpose." Xiao Li snorted, and said coldly, "The premise is that you and the Li family are right."

Li Fengyao's fingers resting on her knees curled up unconsciously, and he forced her to relax again, "...this is the last way out for the Li family."

"It has nothing to do with me." The Xiao official looked away, and turned to Li Fengyao's face, "The Yan family banquet is full of wealthy families, and it is not difficult for the Li family to find a partner. As long as your cooperation plan can move people's hearts, the Xiao family will not be unreasonable." Just to spoil the situation. But let me warn you in advance, you can find a way out for the Li family in any way you want, don't make plans on the little princess of the Yan family, if you plan on her, then it has something to do with me."

"What do you mean, you are interested in the little princess of the Yan family?"

"I'm not interested, I just have a favor to repay."

Xiao Li got up, wiped off the grass clippings and snow foam on his pants, stepped on the racing car again, and went down the mountain along the cycling path.

I have something to do at home in the past two days, and the manuscript has not been saved in time. I will publish one chapter first, and the other chapter will be in the daytime, sorry.

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