"Let's fall in love. On this summer's Chinese Valentine's Day, I love you every second. You said you, why do you always laugh at me? Your beauty, what should I say to you? Please tell you quietly in the summer, you are the best in the world. The arrangement, your arrival..."

In the MV, the most eye-catching ones are Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si in the recording studio. Cheng Jinzhi danced close to Rong Si, hugging Rong Si's neck, and was hugged by Rong Si again in the second half. In the camera, Rong Si seemed to be saying something in Cheng Jinzhi's ear. Cheng Jinzhi's ears turned red and he stopped moving. One second she was dancing sexy*, but this second she turned into a docile "little animal" when she was held in Rong Si's arms. The blog account "Delicious Persimmon", which has more than 30,000 fans, has a Weibo avatar that is a screenshot from the music video. Rong Si puts her arm around Cheng Jinzhi's shoulders from behind, and Cheng Jinzhi lowers his head as if he is shy. The avatars also went through post-PS, adding bunny ears to both Rong Si and Cheng Jinzhi, and specially added blush to Cheng Jinzhi. The two of them in the same frame looked particularly pink.

I don’t know which netizen it was, but he dug out a photo of Rong Si’s military training taken by a gossip blogger. The gossip blogger’s name is “Paparziyu” and the video was uploaded in September last year. The video also tagged Rong Si "Tibetan Mastiff". Marketing accounts searched for the "Tibetan Mastiff" tag and found that this blogger had uploaded at least five videos of Rong Si on Weibo. Three of them were Rong Si's military training, and the most popular one was Rong Si's competition. She was very agile and climbed over military vehicles with her bare hands. There is another one, which is also very popular, and it is Rong Si and Cheng Jinzhi in the same frame. Cheng Jinzhi in the video seemed a little tired. She put her head on Rong Si's back. Rong Si lowered her head and read the documents. She turned her slender hand and rubbed Cheng Jinzhi's head. Cheng Jinzhi behind him didn't know what he was saying, but Rong Si in front curled her lips and seemed to be smiling.

"The Tibetan Mastiff laughs so foully."

"Just touch your head and kill me...still laughing...it's going to kill someone..."

"Don't call her Tibetan Mastiff, she's obviously a goddess!"

Rong Si is in the limelight, and these Weibo marketing accounts have also released these photos taken by Gou Yu.

"It's amazing. This skill must have been practiced before."

"Unexpectedly, I didn't bring Yuanbo. The marketing account exploded on the spot, okay? It's not easy to take photos. Yuanbo portal paparazzi."

"What can you say to someone who is good-looking and works harder than you? 'Mom, I want to marry her!'"

"Official persimmons that are so delicious that they kill fans, persimmon supply station persimmon official website"

"Delicious Persimmon" quickly changed their avatars and changed the "rabbit ears" on Rong Si and Cheng Jinzhi's heads. They replaced Rong Si with puppy ears and Cheng Jinzhi with cat ears. They also made two portraits of a couple and released them. "No watermark, take the little persimmons."

"Oh my god, it's so cute! I praised my hand speed and took it away!"

"For the first time, I don't want to be a harem group. I just want them to be together..."

"They must be in love, but we'll keep it quiet, hoping they won't be disturbed."

After Cheng Jinzhi finished filming, he came down from the set and posted "Good night" on Weibo, along with a picture of a night scene. After she finished taking a shower, she opened Weibo again, and the likes in the front row were actually not scolding her.

"It's so hard, go to bed early, Cheng Miaomiao."

What is meow?

"That's it, okay~ I can hold # Rong Si # 's baby to sleep."

Didn't she ask Rong Si to open Weibo?

"I feel sorry for you and will always support you. I'm late, but I will never leave again, my Miss Cheng."

? ? ?

She only stayed on the set for two days, why did the fans' style change like this? Cheng Jinzhi felt that she was shaking because of the scolding. Now that the fans have changed their style, she was a little flattered.

When DC saw that marketing accounts were praising Rong Si, he thought that Cheng Jinzhi would also be popular, and he provided videos of Cheng Jinzhi to many marketing accounts.

"If everyone doesn't scold Ms. Cheng, Ms. Cheng is a little disappointed." The marketing account uploaded the video provided by DC. The sound in the video was relatively noisy. It seemed that fans were picking up Cheng Jinzhi from the airport gate. Cheng Jinzhi wore a mask and took it off when he saw fans. When he walked over, he could still see the surprise on his face. "Are you here to pick me up? Thank you... I like flowers very much... I like them all..."

When the manager came later, Cheng Jinzhi put on a mask and left. When he left, the fans who recorded the video also chased after him. "Teacher Cheng, you look so tired."

"It took three days of filming, but my brain..." She twirled her fingers around her head. "It's a bit unclear..."

Cheng Jinzhi's mouth and nose were covered by the mask, and his voice was a bit muffled.

"I feel so distressed. You must take care of your health." The fan's voice was very young. "You seem surprised to see us."

"I was shocked when I saw you. I thought you didn't like me and came to the airport to demonstrate..."

"Your tone seems a little disappointed."

"Is there any? How could..."

Some of these videos were taken by managers, and some were taken by fans. Cheng Jinzhi's fans were relatively scattered before, but the popularity these days has caused her fans to gather together, and she began to have fans of all sizes. Generally speaking, agents will proactively contact these fans, provide benefits to fans, and fans will also provide feedback on some resources.

Now Cheng Jinzhi's fans are really optimistic about the skyrocketing. It will be considered temporarily "saturated" if it reaches 6 million.

Rong Si's interviews also became intensive, and everyone was very interested in Rong Si. Rong Si doesn't have an interactive platform, and you can only see her on entertainment channels. "When will Ms. Rong open a platform? Fans are really looking forward to interacting with you."

"I don't play much with mobile phones. After I graduate, I may open the platform to meet work needs."

“Okay, what do fans do when they miss you?”

"Ms. Cheng seems to like playing with her mobile phone. If you have any questions, you can ask her. I will answer you after I see it."

"Miss Rong, you and Miss Cheng are so 'familiar', how do you usually call her?" The reporter changed the topic and focused on Cheng Jinzhi.

When Cheng Jinzhi saw this interview, he pinched his ears. The reporter's question suddenly reminded her of last year, when Rong Si called her "Master" in bed.

"I don't usually call her that much."

"Oh~ I've caught my eye, I really don't need to call you by name." The reporter said very ambiguously.

"Beauty of the Country" is expected to be released this summer. The drama will be broadcast weekly, with four episodes per week, and will be broadcast while filming. We are already halfway through filming. If we catch up on the post-production process, we should be able to release the first four episodes by the end of July. There are already many fan dramas online, the most popular one is "Into an Idiot" produced by "Persimmon Supply Station". "Into an Idiot" edited the promotional videos of "The Beautiful Lady" and "Girls Besieging the City", which is said to be a love affair between two people. . This clip was also forwarded by the official Weibo account of "Jiangshan Beauty". "[Crying] It's all be."

The official Weibo account of "Jiangshan Beauty" is more fond of making emojis and being cute. Cheng Jinzhi posted a message on Weibo, and it would also forward comments accordingly. Many people, including Cheng Jinzhi, thought that a few girls were managing the Weibo. Later they found out that the man in charge of Weibo was a married male planner in his forties from the crew.

Before "Beauty of the Country" came out, the official Weibo account of "Beauty of the Country" had already become the "fangirls" of Internet celebrities Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si.

Before the exam week, Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si happened to finish the previous scene. The last scene is a kiss scene. In the original work, this scene involves the drunken little princess Bai Qian biting the flesh from the eldest princess's mouth. When Cheng Jinzhi read the original work, he thought this segment would be deleted, but he didn't expect that it was still retained in the script. Cheng Jinzhi read the script and asked the director. "Director Wang, does this kiss scene make Bai Qian look too feminine?"

"So, I'm looking forward to Miss Cheng's performance."

"Okay, let me try."

"Ms. Cheng, wait a moment." Director Wang asked someone to bring some liquor before he started filming. "Take a sip first."

"Well..." Cheng Jinzhi was only prepared to take a shallow sip.

Wang Zhang raised his wrist while holding the bottom of the bottle, and Cheng Jinzhi took a swig.

"How about it?"


"This bottle won't work, assistant director, give me a bottle with higher alcohol content."


Under Wang Zhang's gaze, Cheng Jinzhi drank several mouthfuls of the "bomb" that burned his throat. "Director...is it okay?"

"Drink some more."

"Director...I'm a little dizzy."

"Yeah, that's right." Wang Zhang pushed Cheng Jinzhi's back. "It's time to start."

My throat burned a little when I drank it, and my throat and stomach burned after I drank it. After walking a few steps, Cheng Jinzhi felt a little light-headed. Damn it, this is "fragment wine"!


"Don't grab...meat..." Cheng Jinzhi put his arms around Rong Si's neck and said with force.

Cheng Jinzhi opened his mouth to snatch the meat from Rong Si's mouth.

After tearing off a little bit of the meat in Rong Si's mouth, Cheng Jinzhi chewed it twice mechanically. She felt so dizzy that she felt that she was relying solely on her professional attitude to hold on.

Rong Si hugged Cheng Jinzhi, who was as soft as a bone. She held Cheng Jinzhi's shoulders, and Cheng Jinzhi began to breathe lightly. Looking at Cheng Jinzhi with a flushed face, her heart seemed to be twitched by something, just like that time in the pool when Cheng Jinzhi sat on her provocatively. She chased him with a kiss, hugged the back of Cheng Jinzhi's head, and kissed Cheng Jinzhi's lips.

There was no need to stick out the tongue in this scene. Cheng Jinzhi seemed really drunk and out of breath, so she stuck out her tongue.

As soon as Cheng Jinzhi's tongue touched Rong Si's lips, Rong Si's lips tightened.

Wouldn't Rong Si let her kiss him? Cheng Jinzhi hugged Rong Si's shoulders, pried open Rong Si's teeth, and instantly became the guest.

When the director said "click", Cheng Jinzhi fell on Rong Si's neck. Rong Si looked at Cheng Jinzhi in her arms, exhaled, and hugged Cheng Jinzhi. "Director Wang, Miss Cheng is drunk, I will take her back."


Rong Si originally wanted to throw Cheng Jinzhi into the car and ask Ah Wei to take her back, but it was obvious that she couldn't bear it when she was so drunk. He had no choice but to hold her in the car and get into the car. Cheng Jinzhi just drank a little wine and was probably too tired to faint like this.

"Rong Si..." Cheng Jinzhi nestled in Rong Si's arms, she murmured, and there seemed to be an uncomfortable cry in her throat. "I don't want my body anymore. My body is so tired..."

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