Qin Jiayi shook her head, not thinking about the plot of the high school chapter.

But it still feels weird.

Is it necessary to broadcast this plot after the ending song of the twelfth episode?

It’s okay to put it in the thirteenth episode and then broadcast it!

The male lead received a mission notice from his boss, temporarily asking him to stay in this country for a day, and wanted him to interview the subject.

Winter and yarn! ! !

When this message popped up on the TV screen, all Xuecai fans, including Qin Jiayi, froze their expressions, and then

My heart suddenly panicked.

"what's the situation?"

"Author, are you going to do something?"

"This plot, you are poisonous! Why did you get mixed up with Hesha again?"

"So, Hesha is actually in this city?"

"It's over, Xuecai came here for a date with Yuan Cunxi in a few hours, and Yuan Cunxi also temporarily received this kind of interview task. The three meet again after five years?"

"Gah, no way, the screenwriter is really going to do this kind of plot?"

"I can't do it anymore, I feel a little suffocated by the plot again."

Qin Jiayi took a deep breath, and was really ready to post a post in the group to complain about the plot.

"Cun Cun Xi"

A familiar female voice came from the TV.

When Qin Jiayi heard this voice, she immediately recognized it.

In the big white album 2 fan groups of Dazhou, another group of people suddenly became active.


Yuan Cunxi on TV, after turning around, the one who appeared in front of him was chasing her, with all his shoes gone, barefoot in the snow, and the stockings were full of holes, which has gradually been forgotten, but again The figure of the girl instantly became clear.

"Hehe yarn."

Yuan Cunxi's eyes were dull, his voice seemed hoarse, and his tone was indescribably heavy.

Is it unbelievable?

Is it panic?

Or are you happy to see her?

Qin Jiayi didn't know, but when she saw this character appearing on the stage, her stomach started to hurt.

Needless to say, she has already understood that the plot of the next few episodes of the White Album 2 is definitely not the daily show of affection between Yuan Cunxi and Xuecai that she imagined.

"Hesha. What did I see? It's Hesha!"

"I knew that Teacher Jing Yu hadn't forgotten her. They were all characters in his novels. How could he treat one more favorably than another."

"Oh, I once thought that Mr. Jing Yu succumbed to the lustful power of the Xuecai party, and decided to downplay the existence of Hesha in the following plot, and support Xuecai to the top."

"I came back to life all at once, and it's not in vain that I've been chasing this drama until now."

"I actually watched an interview with Mr. Jing Yu before. He said that Hesha would appear later, but although he was prepared in his heart, he was still overwhelmed by Hesha's reappearance."

"It's just this chapter, why did it end, goodbye with Sha and Cunxi, and then?"

"So what's going on next? Xuecai also flew over in a while, this is the three-person Shura field?"

"What are you kasha parties so excited about? You still want to show up with kasha and ruin the relationship between Cunxi and Xuecai?"

"Huh? In the beginning, Xuecai was trying to destroy the relationship between the two, but now it's getting worse? Now you Xuecai fans feel uncomfortable? Have you ever thought that Xuecai was like this in high school when she knew that the two liked each other, and then Forcibly intervene between the two."

"Didn't you Xuecai fans like to say at the beginning that Xuecai didn't force Yuan Cunxi to associate with her? This sentence is still valid now. Yuan Cunxi just came to this city to interview and have sex, and then in case The old relationship between the two has rekindled, and that's what you love and what I wish for."

The appearance of the character of Hesha completely excited Hesha fans who had been silent for more than a month.

All night, the fan war between Xuecai fans and Hesha fans started again after a month.

The next day, in the film and television drama sections of various websites on the Internet, fans on both sides could be seen arguing and complaining to each other everywhere.

The average audience rating of the twelfth episode of White Album 2 is 3.09%.

Although the fans have been saying that they want to watch a happy drama, the ratings can tell everything. There is no depressing plot in the complete episode, but the ratings have dropped a little compared to last week.

However, the highest ratings of the twelfth episode was the scene where Hesha appeared. 3.27%.

The ratings of White Album 2 this week are fixed at the tenth place in the autumn file.

Basically, by this time period, most of the dramas in the autumn season will have finished broadcasting, and many dramas did not end well, and the ratings dropped a lot during this week.

That's why the ratings of the twelfth episode of White Album 2 officially entered the top ten this week.

Jing Yu sighed softly after reading the ratings report.

This is the limit of Jinhui. Obviously, the average ratings of the show White Album 2 so far cannot reach the standard of the top ten in autumn, and it is about twelve or three. look.

It is too difficult to go further.

Although the fans of White Album 2 are very sticky and the plot discussion topic is high, the slow progress of the plot at the beginning is also a big disadvantage, so it is difficult to increase the ratings after reaching a certain level.

And 3% should be the upper limit of the ratings of this drama when it is broadcast on Jinhui TV.

Of course, unlike Jing Yu's heart, many practitioners in the film and television industry in other provinces were stunned when the average ratings of White Album 2 broke into the top ten this week.

It has been five years, and Da Zhou has not had a work for five years, and the dramas produced by the six major TV stations of right and wrong have squeezed into the top ten ratings.

Even if it is only in a certain week, the ratings of a series produced by a certain TV station can squeeze into the top ten of that week. None of the self-produced TV series of the TV station other than the top six can do this.

For Jing Yu, the 10th rating in this week is quite boring, but for many of his colleagues, the name Jing Yu has undoubtedly increased a lot since this day.

In a place like Jinhui, a drama with such high ratings as Bai 2 has been produced, even if it is only one episode, it can be broadcast on non-six major TV stations, and its ratings in a single week squeezed into the top ten

This is the embodiment of hard power.

No luck, no fame, no hype, no resource blessing, White Album 2 can get to this point, only rely on the plot.

Many media contributors have reported on this matter.

In the TV station, even for this reason, a meeting was specially held to commend the work achievements of the production department and the editorial department.

In the crew, Jing Yu also received a certificate of merit from the TV station.

Um. That's right, it's the kind of commendation certificate. Of course, Jing Yu's 200,000 bonus and many gifts were also sent along with it.

But in any case, the autumn schedule is slowly coming to an end. Except for White Album 2, most of the film and television dramas broadcast at the same time have already ended or will end next week.

The major TV stations are already preparing to promote new dramas in the winter season.

But for the work of White Album 2, the most quintessential plot of the show will not be shown to fans of Da Zhou in the next month or so.

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