Inside the screenwriter's office

Jing Yu's assistants handled various chores according to Jing Yu's request.

They can only help Jing Yu to do this. After all, whether it is the profound Go knowledge of the soul of chess, or the setting and logic of the double, and the foreshadowing of the Steins;Gate, it is not Jing Yu who gives the general direction. It allows other people to freely create and add elements to the script.

However, the members of Jing Yu's screenwriting team got along with Jing Yu for such a period of time, and only then did they understand a truth, why a genius is a genius.

Although Jing Yu's character role in the stand-in drama has been completed, and now the main character Jing Guang plays more roles in Qihun, and Zuo Wei's scenes are much less than before.

But Jing Yu of Steins;Gate is the absolute protagonist. While being in charge of filming these three dramas, Jing Yu can also take care of the main content creation of the scripts of the three dramas, just let them do some auxiliary, mechanical work and create The quality of the script that comes out has not diminished in the slightest.

Is this guy not tired? With such a busy day, where do you get the inspiration for script creation? Where does the time to conceive the script come from?

At the beginning, everyone thought that Steins;Gate was a substandard work by Jing Yu, so it’s no wonder that the stand-in and chess soul are so good, it must have taken a lot of energy and time, so Steins;Gate naturally didn’t have much energy to polish it. its plot.

But in the past few days, the follow-up script about Steins;Gate has also been created by Jing Yu little by little, and these people can see the content of the script for the first time.

Then people are also stupid.

The messy plot at the beginning of this drama, after Dudulu Li Zhiming's death, has all become foreshadowing!

Telephone microwave oven, mobile phone, time travel, time machine, Yin Lingyu, time line closing, world line jumping

And how Zhou Gang, the main protagonist of this show, used the improved version of the telephone microwave oven he made to jump around in countless parallel worlds, breaking the law of world line convergence, and making the ending in countless parallel worlds doomed to death. Li Zhiming. Get rid of your own destiny and live through the moment of death!

A series of cool and explosive innovative elements are all integrated together.

These professional screenwriter assistants feel that their brains are exhausted after reading the script, but Jing Yu straightened out these plots one by one under such a busy situation.

"It's outrageous!"

"The gap between people is even bigger than the gap between humans and pigs. My uncle specially arranged for me to come and study with Teacher Jing Yu. How can I learn? I can't learn!"

"I used to think that he was outrageous in the news reports, but I didn't expect it to be even more outrageous after he actually came to the film crew. You said that Mr. Jing Yu never studied chess records, and never watched professional chess players. How did he have a professional nine-dan level in Go? of?"

"I've never seen him study music scores and music knowledge, but the theme songs of the various episodes of Qihun are also created after a day or two in the office, and then created for the music team to record demos."

"Yes, yes, there is also his soundtrack in the drama that Mr. Jing Yu made before. You can buy the CD and listen to it! It's amazing. His actual piano and violin performance is also outrageously exaggerated. The problem is, he never See those practicing!"

"People are more popular than people. Alas, I have been on the set for more than a month, and my biggest feeling is that people are a lot more negative, because I really discovered that kind of monster that makes people feel hopeless, and it does exist in the world."

"It's a pity, the fifth episode of Steins;Gate is the main storyline, and the audience will lose patience by then."

"But so what? Everyone knows that the ratings are not the only factor to measure the quality of a drama. The ratings of some slow-moving dramas will be affected, but they are well received by the audience. There are also a lot of profits from selling copyrights.”

While working, people in the office were discussing topics related to Jing Yu in low voices.

At this time, Jing Yu opened the door and came in.

After returning from filming in the evening, I have to finish writing the script for the fifth episode of the second season of Qihun before returning home from get off work.

There was also some fatigue flashing in Jing Yu's eyes.

After returning from filming, without saying a word, he went to his office chair and started writing the script for the seventh episode of the second season of the soul of chess.

Hmm. This episode is the crucial battle of the soul of chess, the final duel between Yu Xiaoyang and Zuo Wei.

Zuo Wei won, but not quite.

Because Zuo Wei and Yu Xiaoyang, two of the top chess players in ancient and modern times, thought that Zuo Wei had won this game, but Jing Guang discovered that Yu Xiaoyang had a move that turned defeat into victory.

This is the hand of God that Zuo Wei has been looking for!

However, it was Jingguang who came out with this hand.

Zuo Wei pursued a chess move for thousands of years, but it was played by others in his own chess game.

It was almost as if, he left the meaning of existence, just to travel through the millennium time, come to the modern age, complete this game with Yu Xiaoyang, and then let him watch him grow up, and the Jing Guang he cultivated found the hand of God.

Zuowei starts from here. The spirit body is unstable. To put it bluntly, after the obsession in the heart is finally found, the soul is about to dissipate.

This plot is very good, but since it is a hand of the gods, it must have a coup that shocks all chess players, and it is a coup that no chess player in the world can think of.

Whether it's anime or TV dramas, it's hard to find such game records.

Even Jing Yu couldn't think of such a game, and it is not even known whether such a chess game exists in this world.

This is the part that made Jing Yu feel the most awkward in the original work of Soul of Chess.

Because the move in the chess record provided in the original work cannot be regarded as a move worthy of the title of God's move, but because of this move, Zuo Wei disappeared because of his wish fulfillment.

In Jing Yu's words, he naturally wants to make up for this aspect in the TV series "Soul of Chess"

At least, let the name of this game be justified, so that almost all Go lovers and audiences will see this game and sincerely sigh that this is a hand of God!

Maybe there is no godly hand in this world, but there is definitely an existence far surpassing Jingyu's chess skills, such as the artificial intelligence AlphaGo. After all, this thing plays chess with the world's number one chess player in Jingyu's previous life, and can start the game with two or three chess pieces .

Or. an exchange panel with all sorts of amazing features.

Jing Yu naturally wanted to find foreign aid at this time.

Jing Yu opened the panel

In the eyes of other people in the office, Jing Yu seemed to have taken a nap for a few minutes. He was in a daze there, and suddenly he stood up with an excited expression

"God! This chess move!"

At a price of less than 100,000 yuan, the exchange panel gave Jing Yu the chess record he wanted.

In Jingyu's previous life, no one could play a masterful move, including in Da Zhou, there was no such player. Jing Yu's request based on the relevant plot in the Soul of Chess is

[The game record of the top chess player level, 99.999999999% of professional Go players think that white will win the half-purpose game, and then there is an unbelievable, unreasonable move that makes black definitely win, and makes black win Chess over half the eye and finally won the game. 】

This condition is very strict. Such a game of chess did not exist in Dazhou, nor in Jingyu's previous life, but in endless other parallel worlds, someone really played such a game

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