In the next few days, the third episode of the stand-in and the third episode of the second season of Chess Soul will be broadcast one after another.

The audience rating of Steins;Gate has risen from 6.9 last week to 8.2. Many viewers who had bad reviews last week went back and changed their ratings at this time, and the audience of this drama also began to Amway this drama on the Internet. This situation It made some people from Vision TV feel uneasy. After all, Steins;Gate is like this, it seems that there are signs of rising ratings!

But in comparison, the ratings growth of the stand-in drama is very stable. This week, the average ratings of the third episode were 3.89%. Although it is not high, it is too disgusting for the "manual" that competes in the same period. ah!

The crew members of Handbook still have ideas about the summer show’s ratings champion, but at the same time, the “stand-in” has been competing with it for viewers, and the two dramas have been involved in the vortex together. The ratings of Handbook have increased greatly. Affected by a substitute.

After all, the manual is still a well-regulated suspense drama with a case-solving structure. Now the plot is still in the process of creating suspense, but the substitute is different. In the third episode, the head teacher was affected by the curse. In front of the whole class, he stabbed himself in the throat. The blood was dripping, almost spattering off the TV screen.

This kind of scene is too attractive to the audience!

This also directly led to the ratings of the third episode of the manual, which barely increased at 6.09%.

The outside world has a high evaluation of this drama, but the audience rating expectations are not optimistic, at least the audience rating expectations for the next three weeks of the manual are all below 6.2%. It will be over in three weeks. If the manual wants to increase its ratings, it has to absorb the audience of this show after the "stand-in" is over.

As for the soul of chess, although it was sniped by several dramas at the same time, those dramas are actually of average quality. After three weeks of broadcasting, the role of sniping the soul of chess has basically become very weak.

Unlike the double and manual dramas, even though the double's ratings are so much worse than the manual, few people say that the double is uglier than the manual. The difference between the two dramas is the difference in the quality of the series caused by the scale of investment, and the difference in ratings caused by the difference in the traffic of participating movie stars and the traffic of the broadcasting platform.

Therefore, the ratings of the third episode of the second season of Chess Soul also soared to 6.26%, and remained stable in the third week of the summer season, ranking second in the ratings of film and television dramas.

It is worth mentioning that Xingtong’s Black Cat drama. Because the third episode unfolded in a spirited manner, and there was not a single drama that could be played in the same period, the ratings soared from the middle period, and the final ratings were fixed at 6.21%, and the audience ratings were also high. From 8.8 to 9.0, many people feel that the ratings of this show have great potential for growth in the later stages.

The film and TV drama market in the third week of the summer file is a mess. Although the quality is much higher than that of the spring file, except for the two dramas of Black Cat and Cliff that have no strong competitors at the same time and schedule, all other dramas are being competed. The opponents held back, causing the ratings to look unsightly.

But the name Jing Yu.

But it has become a key word in the summer film and television drama market

Three dramas in one season, the main drama "The Soul of Chess" seems to have got rid of the influence of the miscellaneous dramas of the six major TV stations, temporarily ranking second in the ratings, and also used a "stand-in" to compete with the main drama "Manual" of Imperial TV. The explosion put this show at the fourth place in this week's ratings.

Black Cat's plot was slow in the early stage, and the ratings only ranked third this week, and "You Under the Cliff" with the highest ratings is not necessarily so stable.

Just in case. The ratings of "Stones Gate", which had a rebound in word-of-mouth this week, increased in the later stage, which suppressed the rising momentum of the ratings of the drama Yaya, and even in turn attracted the audience of Yaya's ratings. The show's ratings are down.

Then Chess Soul might be able to top the ratings this season.

Of course, this is just an ideal possibility. Although "Stones;Gate" seems to be difficult to achieve this now, from the current situation, the layout of "Yunteng" from the beginning of the summer shift is felt by the six major TV stations. To Jing Yu's horror.

If Steins;Gate can have the same quality as the "stand-in", then Jing Yu's plan will be successful! "

"The Cliff" is definitely not going to be able to achieve an average ratings of 7% so smoothly, maybe it is still struggling at the level of 6.6%, 6.7%, then the gap with the ratings of the third week of the game is very small, maybe the soul of the game You can catch up in a week or two.

And if it is said that Jing Yu's proposal to produce four dramas in the summer season was accepted by the production department of Yunteng according to the rumors. Then there is no doubt that there will be another Jing Yu drama in the same time period as "Black Cat". New work, pull its hind legs.

Conspiracy-minded media and film critics naturally reported on these speculations.

Jing Yu's fans were also a little bit reconciled after reading the report.

"It's a pity! If the quality of Steins;Gate is a little higher, Chess Soul may have a chance to reach the top of the ratings! But now there is still a gap of about 0.8% in the ratings of the show from the Cliff, and I feel that it is not easy to catch up! "

"No way, Mr. Jing Yu is not only the screenwriter of the three dramas, but also the actor of the three dramas. He doesn't have much time to spend on Steins;Gate. It's understandable that the portrayal is weak."

"Who said that the portrayal of Steins;Gate is weak? I haven't watched the fourth episode of Steins;Gate. Why do you think the audience rating of this drama has risen from 6.9 to 8.2? The latter drama is also exciting. "

"That's right, my loyal Dudulu fans are not convinced. In the past two days, I have repeatedly watched the low-definition source of the first and second episodes of Steins;Gate released on the official website of Yunteng TV. I personally feel that the messy plot arrangements in the early stage of this drama It's not because the outside world said that the script was written in a hurry because of the low investment, but it was a deliberately arranged foreshadowing plot. The drama Steins;Gate might be the biggest dark horse in the summer."

"Although these are all Teacher Jing Yu's fans, there's no need to support him so much! I watched the first episode of Steins;Gate and couldn't stand it anymore. Could it be a foreshadowing plot? It's obviously the first episode of the movie The drama is too hasty, there is no main line, and it can be filmed wherever it thinks. The audience's evaluation of the later episodes is relatively high, because the level and strength of the screenwriter of Mr. Jing Yu is there, and there is a creative buffer time for a few weeks after the broadcast, so the scattered scripts in the front are written blindly. The love story is connected to the circle. But film and television dramas are like building a house. The foundation is not laid well, and the ground structure is useless no matter how beautiful the ground structure is. No matter how beautiful the creation is, it cannot be saved.”

"So those of you who haven't watched half an episode, don't talk, at least go to the Internet to find pirated sources and watch all four episodes. Besides, I have been following dramas for more than 20 years. The first and second episodes of Steins;Gate Is it a random shot or a deliberate foreshadowing, can I not see it? Although I still don’t know the significance of those plot settings, but I already feel the importance of those plots.”

"I'm also a person who has finished watching the four episodes of the series so far, so I have the right to speak. Well, if you say that he is not a random filming plot, let me ask you. In the first episode, Makise was killed, but he was resurrected. According to the setting of this drama, it was the problem caused by the change of the world line. At that time, Zhou Gang did not develop a telephone microwave oven, but just naturally sent a text message to his friend Qiao Tian on the street , the content is "Makise was stabbed", the atmosphere and special effects of the film and television at that time clearly described the scene of the world line changing, this is actually a big bug, send this text message to Qiao Tian, ​​why can Makise die The resurrection caused the change of the world line, and Qiao Tian did not take any action based on this text message. Moreover, this text message was not sent by a telephone or microwave oven, but it achieved the same effect of changing the world line. Teacher Jing Yu can fix this bug On the circle, I twisted the head off and gnawed."

"Ah, that makes sense!"

"It seems true. The plot in the first episode is not only inexplicable, but also full of loopholes. How did Makise come back from the dead? The telephone and microwave oven were made by Makise and Zhou Gang who came back from the dead. She has already If she is dead, how can she make a telephone microwave oven with Zhou Gang? But she didn’t make a telephone microwave oven, why did the world line become the world where she didn’t die? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This is a paradox!”

"Indeed, now that I think back on the plot of the first episode, it is not only messy, but also full of bugs. Maybe my brain is not enough and I can't think of a reason to explain it. I hope Teacher Jing Yu can fix this bug later. It's hard to see this In the fourth episode of this drama, I think this drama is interesting, if there is such a big bug in the first episode, it is indeed too disappointing.”

Jing Yu withdrew his gaze from the diving fan group.

Finally, some people have started to discuss the setting and unreasonable plot of the drama Steins;Gate!

"Good thing!"

Jing Yu sighed, he was not afraid of others complaining about bugs in the plot, but he was afraid that others would not even bother to complain about bugs in the plot.

"Don't worry. The loopholes in the plot you mentioned are also foreshadowing. I will explain clearly later, and I will definitely convince you."

After Jing Yu posted a text in the group with a small account,

Laughed at by crowds of fans.

"Excuse me, are you Teacher Jing Yu?"

"The group of friends made me laugh!"

"Teacher Jing Yu doesn't have this kind of self-confidence, but the group of friends is full of self-confidence!"

There is one more chapter tonight. Well, the four chapters are 11,000 words long. Let's send it out first. Code after dinner.

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