"Here we come, little brothers."

"I've been waiting for a week for this day."

"Do you know how I spent this week? I flicked the previous episodes of Giants twice at home. I didn't expect it."

"Another crazy one."

"I can't help it. The old thief's current works are better than the last one."

"His previous works were all urban themes on campus, workplace, and mostly about love and hatred between men and women. To be honest, although that type of works are good-looking, the sensory experience is definitely not as good as the following TV dramas with special effects. You see It’s clear from the ratings and ratings of the works. It’s not that the special effects works behind the old thief are better than the previous works, and even the highest ratings are not as high as the ratings of the soul of chess, but the highest ratings are the top, and this is the reason for the audience of the works.”

"That's right, like Soul of Chess, a lot of people don't watch Go professional dramas when they hear them. It's a Gundam. It's suitable for men, women, and children! Who can resist the temptation of mecha battles? The hand-to-hand combat of the torrent of steel is no better than that of men and women. Emotional high?"

"Indeed, if I had a choice, I would sacrifice not seeing my girlfriend for a month in exchange for the old thief playing Gundam Drinking Giant every day for a month."

"I have something to say when you bring up this topic. I am willing to be single for a year and change to a full set of Giant Gundam."

"Upstairs, if my guess is correct, you should have been single for decades, so you don't care about being single for another year."

Before the latest episode of the giant was broadcast, the Internet, forums, and fan groups were unprecedentedly lively.

On many websites' hot search lists, five or six of the top ten are related topics about the latest episode of Giants.

In many communities, there may be ten households, and seven or eight TV stations are tuned to Yunteng TV station.

Although the plot has only been aired for more than half, this work is actually a phenomenal work in the past few decades in terms of topicality and influence.

Perhaps in terms of peripheral value and commerciality, it is indeed impossible to compete with works such as Gundam and Evangelion because of the subject matter, but purely in the field of TV dramas, Giant is indeed a level higher than Gundam and Evangelion at the moment.

Although the time is eleven o'clock in the evening, everyone's enthusiasm for watching the drama has not diminished at all.

Then, after a few minutes of passionate and rhythmic theme song, the plot of Giant's latest episode unfolded without any delay.

It only took less than ten seconds to review the past, and the plot quickly took over from the end of the previous episode.

In order to take care of Reiner who was still using the giant's power to repair his head, Bertolt didn't transform immediately, but let him use his last will to try his best to control the giant's body to block his human body from the shock wave of his transformation.

But the time he gave Reiner was also very limited.

Only. Before his transformation, he made a final farewell to the members of the Survey Corps.

After all, the people who besieged him were all friends who had eaten, slept, and trained together in the past three or four years.

Bertolt and Armin stood facing each other on the roof, talking with each other.

In fact, this episode is Almin buying time, so that the members of the Survey Corps can evacuate to a safe location, avoiding the heat wave of the super giant transformation.

And Bertolt is also delaying time, so that his companion Reiner has the opportunity to adjust his trunk posture and protect himself.

The audience seems to be very comfortable with this kind of drama.

What annoys the audience the most is the meaningless chatter before the fight between the two sides. Whether you are a villain or a decent person, you can die, but it is really speechless to die with too many words.

"I know, what you are saying now is just to let the survey corps find a suitable place to surround me." Although Bertolt had his purpose in talking with Armin, he also had a very strong affection for these former partners. sincere.

"Since you have seen it through, why do you still pay attention to me." Armin said, looking at Bertolt with a complicated expression.

"Because I want to know, if I face you again now, will I still be shaken in my heart, hoping to get your forgiveness for my evil deeds? But, I should not be like that anymore." Bertolt's voice trembled slightly. Become stable in this moment.

Being a purely good person is of course everyone's pursuit, but being a purely evil person with an unwavering heart is also a choice.

But the most disgusting thing is that he has done bad things, but still hopes to obtain inner salvation, and hopes that others will treat him as a good person.

At this moment, Bertolt was able to face these former partners directly. Many of their parents and relatives were kicked off the city wall by the giant giant he transformed into, and the brainless giants swarmed in and ate them to death. He also knows that he is a demon with blood on his hands, but even so...he still has to fight and kill these former partners.

Background music, the prelude of "Apple Seed", which was called "Flying Divine Comedy" by giant fans in the previous life, suddenly sounded.

In this episode, the emotional portrayal of Bertolt is moving.

He is not confused, he has overcome his timid emotions, and there is no point in regretting the evil deeds he has done.

"Well, you are my most important partners. I will kill you well. You are not wrong, and you are not demons. But you must all die," Bertolt said with a firm expression.

And in the process of speaking, he also avoided Mikasa's sneak attack, fought three knives with Mikasa smoothly, and kicked Mikasa, briefly repelling Mikasa, who is one of the ceilings of full combat power.

The male voice in the background suddenly sang.

The three-dimensional mobile device on Bertolt's waist was activated, leading him to the alley in the city wall, and he stared at the clock tower, the tallest building in the city wall.

On the way, many members of the Survey Corps intercepted and killed him along the way, but he was calm and not confused one by one to resolve them.

At this moment, the audience realized that Bertolt, who had no confusion on his face, was also so handsome.

Although it is an enemy, although it is one of the characters that the audience feels must die in the whole work

But in this episode, everyone doesn't think they hate him.

He just faithfully carried out the orders of the forces behind him, like a soldier.

Is Bertolt the devil? That's why he turned into a super giant to bring suffering to the people in the city wall?

Or did the people in the city wall do something outrageous, so that Bertolt and the organization behind him must commit this crime?


The screen scenes on the TV are moving rapidly, the angle of view that moves through the three-dimensional mobile device at super high speed rotates, switches, the sky and the earth are reversed, and the scene of aerial battles makes many viewers who do not play 3D games feel dizzy.

But even so, everyone still did not look away, and the background music gradually became agitated. As the background music mobilized the breath in everyone's chest, Bertolt finally arrived at his destination, the highest place in the city wall. The clock tower of the three-dimensional motorized device caught the top of the building, sent him up with the fastest speed, and then with the inertia, he was thrown high into the sky, which was taller than the tallest building in the city wall. much higher than the sky

The city wall below him, all the buildings are at a glance, and the former survey corps partners are looking at Bertolt who briefly appeared in the sky at this moment from all over the city wall.

"It's a weird feeling. I don't have a sense of fear. I feel that no matter what the ending is, I can accept it calmly, yes."

"No one is wrong, it's just that these are things that can't be helped."

"Because the world itself is so cruel!!!"

Bertolt looked at these former partners on the ground, bit his teeth heavily on his arm, and the moment the blood flowed out, the yellow light in the sky flickered.

A steaming air wave emerged in an instant, like a thousand tons of explosives ignited. With Bertolt as the center, the fire wave swept and raged, and the buildings were blown down by the strong wind. Burn into black charcoal.

Mushroom clouds soared into the sky, with the background music of this deflagration and explosion.

"I'm fucking crying!"

"This episode of Old Thief, the funding, the plot, and the psychological portrayal. It's really a masterpiece."

"I've already knelt down, old thief! No wonder you decisively stopped the plot last week. We blamed you wrongly. If you stopped the plot last week, I guess I would die of depression directly."

"Oh my god, this transformation is too handsome and hot, isn't it?"

"Kneel down!"

"Suddenly fell in love with Bertolt."

"The most oppressive giant in the whole work, the super giant giant appears."

"I can't even imagine, after watching this episode, what kind of TV series can I watch in the future, and my heart will fluctuate."

Viewers are now frantically posting comments in various forums and fan groups.

After all, Bertolt's inner portrayal and emotional transformation in just a few minutes, immediately filled the atmosphere of the battle between Reiner and the Survey Corps, the heaviness of the different positions of the two sides in the war, and the tragic feeling of the battle. floating in the minds of the audience.

After Bertolt turned into a super giant, he began to wreak havoc in the city walls. As a super giant, he also has shortcomings. He couldn't transform several times a day like Alan, and he could even abandon his previous giant body to escape from the body, and then transform again.

The consumption of transforming into a super giant is also very huge. Bertolt has to rest for a long time once he transforms, and he will be weak for a long time.

That is to say, he must kill everyone in this transformation, otherwise, he will be killed by others when he reaches the weak state after the transformation.

Therefore, Bertolt attacks indiscriminately and moves slowly, but the victory lies in the great power of every move.

And outside the city walls, the orangutan giant also began his performance.

Crush it into pieces with pre-prepared rocks, and then throw it hard like a baseball player throws a baseball.

In the sky, hundreds of broken stones with strong kinetic energy, the moment they hit the parabola like arrows, blood flowers bloomed on the ground.

Another unit of the survey corps, which was facing the enemy outside the city wall, suffered heavy losses in this wave of attacks.

"This dimensionality reduction blow!"

"Gravel.. shotgun?"

"My mother, is this giant orangutan so perverted?"

"What the hell? Dozens of 15-meter-level giants around the giant orangutan listened to his orders to protect him, and he used gravel shotguns to attack the members of the survey corps one kilometer away from Nima. What is this?"

"Besides, in the city wall, members of the survey corps of another team seem to have nothing to do with the super giant. It is surrounded by high-temperature heat waves. I am afraid that the temperature is directly two to three hundred degrees. If the super giant itself controls and releases the enhanced version of heat, this temperature If you want to rise, only Chaoju can beat others, and others can't beat Chaoju at all."

"Damn, I suddenly feel that the old thief's setting for this super giant and orangutan giant is too incomprehensible?"

"Compared to this, the armored giant with the most handsome appearance in the whole work is lying on the ground like a dead dog. I have been defeated twice, Reiner, play a role, you, you are a negative role in this battle!"

"I feel that Reiner is the senior combat power quality inspector of this work. Anyway, those who can beat him are top-level combat powers, but if non-top combat powers meet him, they will be slaughtered."

The follow-up plot of this episode revolves around the two battlefields inside the city wall and outside the city wall.

The process varies, but the ending

All were slaughtered.

The orangutan giant kept throwing gravel and cannonballs in the distance, and in a short period of time, the members of the horse survey corps outside the city wall had been reduced by more than half.

Bertolt attacked indiscriminately inside the city wall, the heat wave exploded, or directly grabbed the house and threw it towards crowded places.

Whether it was inside or outside the city walls, the situation on the battlefield was that the survey corps fell into desperation first.

"Damn. How do you play this?"

"I thought the Survey Corps was very powerful, but why is it so good! So many people can't help but two giants?"

"Stop talking sarcastic here, this kind of dimensional strike really cannot be won by these flesh-and-blood humans."

"And I feel that the old thief can get along with himself and find a way to break the situation? He set too exaggerated the combat power of these two giants. Did you see that the giant transformed by Allen was kicked away by the giant giant? He has no ability to fight back at all. Can the thief figure out a way to break the situation?"

"The morale of the survey corps has dropped to the bottom. The people inside the city walls are fine, but what about the people outside the city walls? In the open plains, there are not many shelters to avoid the attack of gravel."

"Levi came out, he went to talk to Erwin."

At the end of this episode, Levi instinctively realized that if the ambush battle continued like this, the final result would be the destruction of the Survey Corps.

So Levi's direct proposal is to let Erwin, the head of the survey corps, run first on horseback, and the remaining personnel and soldiers escape in several ways, as many as can run, and it is meaningless to stick here.


At this time, Erwin is most concerned about the secrets about the truth of the world left by his father in the basement of Allen's hometown.

He has a way to let the survey corps solve the giant orangutan, but the price is that he will most likely pay the price with the lives of himself and all members of the survey corps outside the city wall.

If you lose your life, you will have no way to pursue the truth of the world. Pursuing the truth of the world is no way the responsibility of the tour leader.

This plot is actually a portrayal of Erwin.

What kind of person is he?

His life goal, pursuit?

Is it fighting for what he said, the fate of mankind?

No. He was just fighting his own curiosity, his desire for the truth of the world.

If possible, what he wants to do most at the moment is to go directly to the basement regardless of everyone in the investigation corps, and meet the truth of the world he is looking forward to.

However, the most sincere emotion in his heart was like this, but his rationality as the head of the investigation corps told him that he couldn't do this.

He took too many lives

There is no way to be a deserter here, to pursue the truth of the world regardless of the life and death of his subordinates, his dignity does not allow him to do so.

And Levi helped him make the choice, got down on one knee, and begged him.

"Give up your dreams, sacrifice yourself, lead the recruits, go to hell and I will kill the orangutan giant."

This episode of the story came to an abrupt end.

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