In this case, the glass factory was originally asked to design three types of wine bottles, and now one more type needs to be added. Of course, the newly added type does not need to be designed very well, because for the low-end market, ordinary ones are enough.

Lin Shen said these words to Yan Xinhuo in front of everyone.

Yan Xinhuo nodded and said:”This matter is simple, and the process is not that complicated. By the way, Mr. Lin, before you asked me to find the three types of wine bottles produced by manufacturers, I have already selected a manufacturer and asked them to try it. Production has started, and the first batch of finished products should be sent out today.”

Last time, Lin Shen asked Yan Xinhuo to contact the manufacturer to produce wine bottle samples. After the samples were produced, Yan Xinhuo selected the best one from several manufacturers. The good one has already taken the first order from the winery, and the first batch of wine bottles will be delivered soon.

While he was talking, the phone in the office rang again. Yan Xinhuo picked it up, listened to a few words, put down the phone and said,”It’s really about Cao Cao. Cao Cao is here. The first batch of goods from the glass factory has already arrived at the door.”

Half an hour later. Afterwards, three wine bottles with different shapes and packaging were placed on the table in the factory director’s office.

“Gee, this bottle is so beautiful, it would be a good vase.”Luo Shuangquan was amazed.

“It’s a bit like the jade purification bottle in the hand of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea. It’s really a work of art.”Old man An also liked it very much. He picked it up and looked at it admiringly.

Yan Xinhuo was also very happy. This bottle is indeed unbeatable in the liquor market. Anyway, there is no such awesome bottle in China.

“Okay, next, we need everyone to cooperate to produce the first batch of goods and put them into the market as soon as possible. Lin Shen announced calmly.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Lin, I will fulfill my mission.”Yan Xinhuo immediately confirmed it.

With such a delicious wine and such a high-end bottle, Yan Xinhuo also gained inexplicable confidence in their Taibai Fairy Wine.


In the blink of an eye, it was already more than half a month later.

The first batch of finished products of Taibai Xianjiu has been produced.

Among them, the new craft liquor aimed at the low-end market has the largest production volume. It not only upgraded the taste and taste, but also replaced it with new packaging, completely eliminating old packaging and old products.

The new craft liquor is still called Taibai Xianjiu, and its retail price is set at 7 yuan.

The price of 7 yuan is actually not expensive. It is basically the same as the original old product. This is also because the cost is not high.

Then there is the Taibai Xian Jiu Xian series, which is aimed at the mid-to-high-end market.

This series is called the Jiu Xian Collection Series. The first one is priced at 28 yuan and is named”Shi Xian Liquor”. It is blended from three years of puree. This wine can actually be afforded by ordinary people. It is just a little It’s a little heartbreaking, but if you buy it and drink a small cup every day, it’s still reasonably priced.

The second one is priced at 58 yuan, and is called”Sword Immortal Wine”. It is made from five-year-old puree. It is quite expensive. Most people may not drink it often, but they do it for important events, such as weddings and banquets. , maybe put a bottle on each table to look respectable.

The third model sells for 158 yuan, which is about the same as the most expensive one in Moutai, or even slightly more expensive. It is named”Kangxian Wine” and is made from ten years of puree. At this price, ordinary families will generally not buy it unless they Want to give gifts. Or if you are from a wealthy family, you will also buy it.

In addition, the packaging of these three wines is also very majestic.

The so-called Taibai Fairy Wine is, of course, named after Li Taibai. On the packaging, there are portraits of Li Bai, drawn with gold lines. Different wines are accompanied by different poems.

“I am born with talent that will be useful, and I will come back after all the money I have spent!”

“I am willing to put my sword down from my waist to kill Loulan!”

“I am a madman of Chu, Feng Ge laughs at Confucius!”

These three wines, when put on the market, have surpassed all brands in terms of appearance and taste.

Lin Shen immediately told Yan Xinhuo to start rolling out the new Taibai Xianjiu products on the market.

Let all All sales staff are mobilized.

In addition, Lin Shen will naturally give Taibai Xianjiu support by going to TV stations to advertise Taibai Xianjiu

, just like Master Kong’s previous product routine.

, it is also very beautifully photographed, highlighting the Jiuxian Collection series, which is noble, elegant and unparalleled in the world. When the packaging of Shixian, Jianxian and Kuangxian wines appeared on TV, many people’s eyes lit up and they felt that this wine had a certain kind of quality. It feels indescribably awesome.

At the same time, Shai Local TV also has corresponding advertising.

However, advertising only pave the way for the sales of Taibai Xianjiu, and it cannot directly promote the sales of Taibai Xianjiu like instant noodles and Copico potato chips.

The sales of Taibai Xianjiu exploded for two reasons.

The first reason is that the national liquor market is not like instant noodles and potato chips.

There is no similar competition.

Once you make a move, wholesalers can only come to you to purchase goods.

It’s easy to become popular.

There are already too many domestic liquor brands and the market is mature.

Taibai Xianjiu’s entry at this time is to seize the market rather than expand the market.

The second reason is that many liquor companies are actually on TV. We are used to advertising on TV. There is more than one liquor advertisement on TV for Taibai Xianjiu. For example, in 1987 when the TV series Dream of Red Mansions became popular, the actors of Dream of Red Mansions were immediately invited to advertise on TV. There was more than one liquor advertisement on TV. I don’t know which one is the most awesome.

Lin Shen’s advertising can only spread the popularity of Taibai Xianjiu to let consumers know that this product is not a three-no product. On the other hand, it can attract dealers to visit the winery. Taibai Xianjiu.

The advertising effect is certain, even not small. Many dealers have contacted the winery to inquire and place orders. However, some dealers are not willing to take action easily and express that they want to go to the winery. After personal inspection, dealers definitely have more than one kind of wine. They also need to compare what Taibai Xianjiu is.

To get a share of the mature market, on the other hand, it is inseparable from the hard work of

Taibai. All the sales staff of Xianjiu Distillery were divided into several teams and began to go out crazily to conquer the city.

The Taibai Xianjiu Distillery sales team was everywhere in shopping malls, cigarette shops, and restaurants. (Thanks to msyndxh for the tip. VIP points, thanks 18×××3918 VIP points for tipping)

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