The reason why the announcement of lowering tariffs on imported goods has caused such a big discussion is actually very simple.

In the past two years, the voice of boycotting foreign brands has not stopped in Longguo.

Since last year, two foreign colas have annexed seven carbonated beverage factories in Longguo, and all domestic carbonated beverages have been wiped out.

If Master Kong hadn’t secretly used Chen Cang to keep Tianfu Coke’s spark alive, Tianfu Coke would have completely disappeared.

Moreover, the two editorials that Lin Shen had published last year about foreign brands using despicable means to hide national brands have now been realized one by one. After the two foreign colas annexed the domestic beverage factories, they slowly wiped out the national brands, causing the national brands to quietly disappear from the public’s sight. Nowadays, many people find that many of the things they use have become foreign brands.

Therefore,”revitalizing national industry” has been a hot discussion point here for two years.

For example, this year the boss of TCL color TV launched a price war against foreign brands in the Yanjing area in order to drive foreign color TVs out of Yanjing.

Therefore, as soon as it was announced that tariffs on imported goods would be significantly reduced next year, it immediately triggered such a heated discussion.

Some people even say that national brands have reached a”critical stage of survival.”

Sure enough, there were endless discussions about this in the newspapers. After the domestic brands complained one after another, they had to face the upcoming new policies that would have a huge impact on them.

In fact, the impact has already arrived.

Due to the expected impact of the new tariff policy, families who originally planned to purchase new electrical appliances are temporarily waiting and watching, because most people believe that if the tariff on imported goods is reduced next year, the selling price of imported goods in the Longguo market will definitely also be reduced. Why not wait until April next year to buy it? Wouldn’t it be better to buy an imported brand?

Therefore, since the news was released, the sales of domestic brands have started a downward trend.

As a retailer, Zhenxing Electrical Appliances can clearly see this. Sales have begun to decline significantly because consumers are waiting for price cuts next year.

Zhang Tongchen was also very troubled by the decline in sales.

Of course, Zhang Tongchen is distressed, and those manufacturers are even more distressed.

Because sales are declining, but production cannot be stopped, the backlog of inventory in their warehouse is increasing day by day, causing huge pressure. Changhong TV’s warehouse is said to have a backlog of one million color TVs. While producing TVs, the warehouse must be expanded at the same time, otherwise there will be no room to store the products produced.

Lin Shen knew that the perfect opportunity for Zhenxing Electrical Appliances to enter Yanjing had arrived.

Lin Shen immediately informed Zhang Tongchen and told him what to do next.

Zhang Tongchen obeyed Lin Shenyan and just did whatever Lin Shen asked him to do.

After Lin Shen finished explaining, Zhang Tongchen immediately started to contact several important domestic color TV manufacturers, Changhong and Konka.、TCL、Brands such as Panda invite their bosses to Shai to discuss major issues.

The bosses of these domestic color TV brands also hurried over after receiving invitations from Zhenxing Electric Appliances.

They also had a hunch that Zhenxing Electric, as their important partner, suddenly invited them to S Hai at this time, must have a special intention.

In the conference room of Shai Zhenxing Electrical Appliance Company, the bosses of several major domestic color TV sets were already present.

At first, they thought that Zhenxing Electric Appliances was just inviting them, but when they arrived, they discovered that other color TV manufacturers were also present.

Normally, they were competitors, but now they felt quite sympathetic to each other.

Because it is all of them who are having a hard time recently.

Before Zhang Tongchen showed up, the bosses began to complain in the conference room.

Ni Changhong from Changhong was the first to complain. He waved his hands holding a cigarette and said:”Damn, this is not a fool’s errand. We have been squeezed by these imported brands to survive. Once the tariffs are lowered next year, we should be more careful. I can’t breathe.”

Hong Kangjia of Konka TV Factory also said:”Oh, the above policy never cares about our life or death.”

Li Shengdong of TCL said:”It’s really difficult for our domestic brands. Consumers are shouting nationality. Brands can’t lose, and they just buy imported products and don’t support us at all. Alas, if consumers all support us, we won’t be so sad.”

Hong Kangjia said:”There is no way, the foreign country is strong and the country is weak, this is the dragon country. According to the market phenomenon, ordinary people have always believed that foreign brands are more reliable when buying our products with certain production technology.”

Ni Changhong slapped the table and said,”Damn it, I have already squeezed out one million units of inventory. One million units were lost, and they went bankrupt in a matter of minutes.”

Similarly, our factory also has a backlog of hundreds of thousands of units.” Ni Changhong said

,”Enlarging the holiday?” We don’t dare to take holidays. Workers’ wages must be paid even during holidays. If we don’t produce, we will still lose money.”

Li Shengdong said,”If that doesn’t work, we can only use the TV to offset the workers’ wages.”

Ni Changhong slapped the table again and said. What do you think the higher-ups think? To create such great difficulties for our domestic brands, how can the rise of national industry be affected by such a blow?”

Hong Kangjia said:”Old Ni, you don’t understand. The country also has macro considerations. Yes, I can only say that this time is a huge challenge for us.”

Ni Changhong said angrily:”Think about it.”

While their discussion was heated, Zhang Tongchen walked in from the door.

“Hello, bosses, I was outside the door just now and listened to your lively discussion.”Zhang Tongchen said with a smile

“Mr. Zhang, you didn’t ask us to watch our jokes, did you?”Li Shengdong said

“how come?”Zhang Tongchen said in surprise,”You have a hard life, and our Zhenxing Electrical Appliances life is equally hard. Our sales this month have dropped sharply, okay? Do you think your manufacturer is the only one affected?”

“oh? But I heard that this year you Zhenxing Electrical Appliances have opened dozens of chain stores across the country. With the speed of opening stores, you Zhenxing Electrical Appliances has made a lot of money, right? Our manufacturers have worked so hard that you have made all the money.”Li Shengdong said.

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