“joint venture?”Li Fuzhen was stunned.

“right. I have already said that Zulong Technology cannot be sold to others, and our technology cannot be shared with others. There is only one way left, and that is for Zulong Technology and Samsung to jointly establish an LCD panel production plant in your country. Use our technology to produce Samsung screens.” Lin Shen said.

Li Fuzhen was stunned for a moment, and then said:”This is also a way.”

In fact, when Li Fuzhen knew that Zulong Technology was actually Lin Shen’s company, she lost her temper. Whatever happened, it would be fine as long as she could have a cooperative relationship with Lin Shen. Moreover, she didn’t mind if they suffered some losses themselves.

Moreover, , judging from Lin Shen’s tough attitude, it is indeed impossible for them to acquire Zulong Technology this time.

“Okay, I will mention this to my father later. This is a good idea.”Li Fuzhen said.

There is no big problem in going to Goryeo to build a joint venture factory. After all, in the last life, Samsung built 8 semiconductor companies in Longguo.

And this is also the strategy of many foreign investors in China now, such as the joint venture of automobile companies in Longguo. This is how the factory operates. Because Longguo does not have its own core automotive technology, it can only choose to cooperate with foreign investors and use their technology to produce cars.

In fact, Lin Shen even thought about exchanging shares with Samsung. But Samsung definitely disagreed, so

Li Fuzhen didn’t want to talk to Lin Shen about business matters at all. They just talked about it superficially for a few words, and the topic was changed again by Li Fuzhen at Lin Shen’s house. After staying until evening, Lin Shen began to send Li Fuzhen back.


In the next few days, Samsung was discussing with Zulong Technology the cooperation plan proposed by Lin Shen, but Li Fuzhen did not participate in the whole process. He followed Lin Shen around the S sea for a whole week.

In the end, Samsung agreed to establish a joint venture factory with Zulong Technology in Korea.

Among them, Zulong Technology holds 49% of the shares and Samsung holds 51%. The design of this shareholding ratio refers to the design of FAW-Volkswagen. Domestic companies hold more shares, while the shareholding ratio of foreign investors is relatively low.

The cooperation with Samsung has been settled, and it is considered a success.

Li Fuzhen was about to return to China, and Lin Shen personally put Li Fuzhen on the plane back to China.

Li Fuzhen looked at Lin Shen reluctantly, and finally left by plane.

Even Duan Yongping on the side noticed that Li Fuzhen seemed to have known Lin Shen before.

“Director Lin, this Li Fuzhen, it is not easy to be in such a high position at such a young age. Duan Yongping asked

“Nonsense, she is Li Jianxi’s biological daughter. Lin Shen said

“What? Is she the daughter of the boss of Samsung Group?”Duan Yongping was surprised.

“Don’t worry about this, you have to quickly select and train employees for the Korean joint venture factory. This joint venture will also be very helpful for Zulong Technology’s new products in the Korean market in the future. Lin Shen said

“OK.”Duan Yongping agreed.

“By the way, what about other foreign companies? How’s everything going? Lin Shen asked

“Except for those who had a big dream to acquire Zulong Technology, we drove them back. The rest are willing to cooperate with Zulong Technology and customize the screens they need from Zulong Technology or Panda Electronics. Duan Yongping replied

“Yes, this is a large export order, which can earn a lot of foreign exchange. Work hard and strive to become a Fortune 500 company as soon as possible.”Lin Shen said to Duan Yongping.

In fact, just when Zulong Technology signed a lot of export orders with a lot of foreign companies, the Longguo Economic and Trade Commission just announced that the Longguo government will focus on… Support six domestic companies to become the world’s top 500 companies as soon as possible.

Among them, Zulong Technology was nominated by the Shandong Economic and Trade Commission and is expected to receive one of the places if it becomes one of these six key companies.

You will get a lot of policy benefits.

For example, the state will provide each company with a soft sister currency technology innovation fund of no less than 20 million yuan every year.

There are also a series of other benefits, including even supported companies that can prepare to establish Financial companies that provide financing to the public, such as insurance companies and securities companies, are many companies that require special licenses to operate.

Of course, Lin Shen, who is familiar with history, also knows which six companies will eventually win this honor. They are Baosteel, Haier, Jiangnan Shipbuilding, North China Pharmaceuticals, Peking University Founder and Changhong. In the last life, Changhong became famous in the price war and became the final winner, and thus won the honor of being supported by the country as one of the world’s top 500 companies.

, Lin Shen guessed that Changhong’s quota will probably change.


Twenty days later.

The State Economic and Trade Commission officially announced the six companies that have entered the”national team”. As Lin Shen predicted, the first five were Baosteel, Haier, Jiangnan Shipbuilding, North China Pharmaceuticals and Peking University Founder. Only the last one has changed. It became Zulong Technology.

The reason why Zulong Technology was chosen is firstly because the profits and taxes that Zulong Technology pays to the country every year are very considerable. Secondly, Zulong Technology earns a lot of foreign exchange for the country. Thirdly, Ni Guanglan leads a group of people around Zulong Technology. Running around took a lot of effort.

Therefore, the last spot fell on Zulong Technology.

It is conceivable that Zulong Technology suddenly ushered in a highlight moment.

The Shai government even regarded the selected Zulong Technology as meat and potatoes. They dragged Duan Yongping around to speak and attend various occasions. They even intended to merge and acquire some state-owned enterprises with Zulong Technology in order to rapidly expand Zulong. The scale of science and technology will reach the selection criteria for the Fortune Global 500 as soon as possible.

All this made Duan Yongping extremely stressed.

However, Lin Shen told Duan Yongping not to take it to heart at all, and just treat it as if nothing happened, and develop the company as it should. Follow the original pace, and don’t follow Baosteel’s various mergers with other companies and blindly expand the scale. Otherwise, sooner or later, you will have to suffer the consequences.

Isn’t it just a blessing to spend 20 million in science and technology innovation fund?

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