“So what do you think will happen to Chief Jiang in the future?”

Ye Haoxuan looked at Xin Yu who was squatting in front of him and said with a smile on his lips.

Xin Yu was stunned with a look on her face, and then didn’t say anything, she was still busy.

Day 2!!

The Tianmen Group began to meet, and at the same time, Li Zicheng handed over the criminal evidence and materials to Xinyu. In Yu Xinyu handed over to Chief Jiang.

As for why he did this, of course, it made Li Zicheng more trusted by Chief Daojiang. Cui Minghao, who was arrested last night, did not panic at all in prison the next moment.

Because he is a cadre of Tianmen without substantial evidence, it is impossible to accuse him, you said last night?

Some are younger brothers who are willing to come out and back the pot.

So counting on last night’s incident, it is impossible to want Cui Minghao to sit directly in prison. Chief Jiang also knows this, and now that Cui Minghao is locked up just to delay time.

After really getting Cui Minghao’s criminal evidence, you can completely kill Cui Minghao. At noon, Chief Jiang got the evidence brought by Xinyu.

Chief Jiang couldn’t help but nodded, with excitement on his face, and didn’t feel anything strange at all.

“Chief Jiang, I just went to blow the sea breeze last night, how can you let me out?”

Cui Minghao sat in the courtroom with a big grin and said to Chief Jiang.

Section Chief Jiang looked at Cui Minghao and said lightly: “Now give you another chance to explain your accomplices, otherwise you will wait for the bottom of the prison to sit through.” ”

“Scare me?”

Cui Minghao looked at Chief Jiang with a smile.

“See for yourself.”

Section Chief Jiang directly put a piece of evidence in front of Cui Minghao.

Urging Minghao glanced at it, and on it was all his criminal evidence, and it was not too much to shoot ten times in total. But the evidence seems to be as if someone is following him, clearly recording all this.

“Arcee!!! You are falsifying evidence. ”

Cui Minghao said to Chief Jiang.


Chief Jiang said without hurry.

“These evidences will be handed over to the court, and what do you think will happen to the court at that time, and honestly explain that maybe there will be a chance to come out in the future.”

Chief Jiang said to Cui Minghao.

Cui Minghao was silent.

He knew that when he said it, not only himself, but also his family and his son abroad.

Golden Gate is not a charity.

Section Chief Jiang also knew that no matter how he asked Cui Minghao, Cui Minghao would definitely not say, and then left the interrogation room.

Ye Haoxuan’s side.

“The first one.”

Ye Haoxuan looked at Ding Qing and Li Zicheng with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Two more left.”

Ye Haoxuan said lightly.

“Boss, these two guys are old foxes, and it is somewhat difficult to collect their evidence.”

Ding Qing said slowly.

“The difficulties are some difficulties, but some things are not as simple as you see, there are three factions in the current Golden Gate, of which you belong to the North Gate faction, and there is also a Diri faction and a Zaihu faction, and the targets we want to get rid of are all a series of people in your North Gate.”

Ye Haoxuan said slowly.

“So the question is, who doesn’t the North Gate deal with?”

Ye Haoxuan said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

“In the Tiger Pie.”

Li Zicheng and Ding Qing blurted out at the same time.

“You know, our goal is to get rid of them, not to let them do anything, simply put, Cui Minghao out of things, will definitely cause turmoil within Kinmen, among which Cui Minghao is a person from your faction, there is every reason to suspect that people from other factions did it, right?”

Ye Haoxuan said with a smile on his face.

“Our goal is to get rid of them, and it doesn’t matter whether they will end up in jail or die at the hands of other factions, the important thing is that we get rid of them, just achieve the goal, and it doesn’t matter about the process.”

Ye Haoxuan said slowly.

Li Zicheng and Ding Qing instantly understood that they were thinking of sending people to prison, but when these people died, it had the same effect.

Getting rid of these people and preparing for Ding Qing’s ascension is the goal, and as for the rest, it does not exist at all.

“Understood, boss!!”

Ding Qing and Li Zicheng said at the same time.

“Then go, it’s better to provoke a war between the two factions, so that there is a chance.”

Ye Haoxuan said slowly.


Ding Qing and Li Zicheng nodded, and then went back. Ye Haoxuan watched the two leave.

For Ding Qing’s ascendancy, after all, Ding Qing’s strength and ability are now there, and what is lacking is seniority, so he was pressed by the three guys in front.

These three guys are gone, so Ding Qing naturally becomes the leader of the north gate. Naturally, the tide rises.

“But it will take time.”

Ye Haoxuan muttered, this kind of thing can’t be remembered to take your time. Ye Haoxuan came directly to Jin Youxi’s company.


Jin Youxi looked at Ye Haoxuan with a smile on his face, and walked up and held Ye Haoxuan’s arm.

“Oba, Youxi has prepared a gift for you today.”

Jin Youxi said to Ye Haoxuan.

“Oh? What gift? ”

Ye Haoxuan looked at Jin Youxi and asked.

“A gift that you must like very much.”

Jin Youxi said with a smile on his face.

“Yes? What if I don’t like it? ”

Ye Haoxuan looked at Jin Youxi.

“If Oba doesn’t like it, then punish me for anything, but if Oba likes it, is it ready to reward me with something?”

Jin Youxi smiled and looked at Ye Haoxuan.

“Of course.”

Jin Youxi with a smile on the corner of Ye Haoxuan’s mouth.

“Well, that’s it, Oba.”

Jin Youxi took Ye Haoxuan’s hand and came directly to his office, and then came directly to the dark room in the office without stopping.

Two loli girls with the same touch appeared in front of Ye Haoxuan.

“How’s it going, Oba, do you like it?”

Jin Youxi looked at Ye Haoxuan with a smile on his face and said.

Looking at the two beautiful loli, like white jade carving, they are very well-behaved and cute, and they look the same.


Ye Haoxuan nodded.

“That’s good, Oba don’t forget the reward you promised me, Bao’er, Belle come, he is the one you will serve for the rest of your life.”

Jin Youxi said to the two little loli.

“Oba, they are twins, my sister’s name is Jiang Baoer, and my sister’s name is Jiang Belle, but I spent a lot of effort to find them, and they are all clean.”

Jin Youxi said with a smile.

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