Rebirth: I Want to Surf

Chapter 11 Today is a good day

On September 12, it was sunny.

Yao Yuan had an internship at the end of August, and before he knew it, it had been almost two weeks. He left the hotline department, and now he is in the distribution department, and his job is to make phone calls.

Well, one answers the phone and one makes a call.

This morning, Yao Yuan appeared in a fixed image, and many people got used to it, knowing that an intern came, like a salesman.


"There's something wrong with the atmosphere."

From the moment Yao Yuan stepped into the newspaper building, he noticed that every department, employees and non-employees walking back and forth, exuded a wave of joy and shock, accompanied by various discussions:

"I heard that the President of the United States is dead?"

"I heard it was an earthquake and tens of thousands of people died."

"Didn't the White House be bombed?"

"What, that's the building being hit by a plane, oh, that's miserable!"


Yao Yuan was stunned, looking at his expression alone, he wanted to draw him into the group for discussion, and said enthusiastically: "You just found out, isn't it incredible?"

"Yeah, yeah, it's amazing, why did it crash!"

Yao Yuan said something perfunctory, and walked into the distribution department with a bag on his back. The people in the distribution department were also discussing enthusiastically, with happy smiles on their faces.

That's right, except for groups like "We are all Americans tonight", the first reaction of Chinese people when they heard the news was to cheer.

Don't forget, the Yugoslav embassy was bombed just two years ago!

81192 was unable to return, just over five months later!

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the relationship between China and the United States deteriorated sharply. The United States pressed forward every step of the way, and China was passive everywhere. It was about to enter an all-out confrontation. Hey, the building crashed with a click!

The United States adjusted its strategy and shifted its focus to counter-terrorism, and China gained at least ten years of development opportunities.

The theory of luck is sometimes unbelievable.

"Today is a good day, everything you want can come true..."

Yao Yuan was humming a song, walked to the seat, next to Liu Weiwei, this girl felt that she was quite familiar with her, and said: "Hey, the collision with the American building made you so happy?"

"Happy, why not happy? Life is short, if you are happy, you will be happy."

"I was confused all day, I didn't know what you said, so I called!"

"Call and call!"

Yao Yuan turned on the computer and called up the database, and all the clients with a circulation of 600,000 newspapers were in it. Of course, it is impossible to have 600,000 customers, some are retail subscriptions, and some are institutional subscriptions.

"People's Government of Haidian District, contact person XXX, phone number XXXX"

"Chaoyang District Youth League Committee, contact person XXX, contact number XXXX"

"Room 202, No. 18, Yangliu Beili, XC District, Mr. Jia, contact number XXX"

One part is a landline, the other part is a mobile phone, each of which is clearly recorded, and there are newspaper subscription times in the back. Yao Yuan's job is to call those who are about to expire and ask if they want to renew their subscriptions.

"What a good basic resource, it should be exposed to outsiders like this..."

While talking, Yao Yuan accidentally packed the materials and sent them to Yao Xiaobo's mailbox. Even if these materials are not used now, they will definitely be used in the future.

In fact, he would rather go to the advertising department to gather wool, but unfortunately no internship is arranged.

Chinese newspapers used to be party newspapers, organ newspapers, and industry newspapers. After the reform and opening up, they were gradually loosened. In the 1990s, a new type of newspaper was born: Metropolis Daily.

As the name suggests, the main audience is ordinary citizens, close to life, happy to hear and see, and highly commercial.

Since the late 1990s, metropolitan newspapers have entered a decade-long golden period. When the per capita salary was 1,800 yuan, a good reporter could earn more than 10,000 a month, and major newspapers spent hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising easily.

The largest advertisers of "Beijing Youth Daily": real estate, IT, automobiles.

These three are also the three industries that are advancing by leaps and bounds with the development of society. Always emphasize the characteristics of the times, what is the characteristics of the times? It's never been a one-on-one fight, it's all linked together.

Afterwards, the paper media declined and lost money every year. One of the important reasons was that the real estate also stagnated. They could not afford advertising fees, so they could only owe debts. Then the newspaper office also owed money to others, which became a trap.


Yao Yuan touched the fish for a long time, and asked for leave in the afternoon, and ran to the Internet cafe in a hurry, Yao Xiaobo was in a state of panic: "What are you doing? You are a bitch!"

"Speak well, I'll beat you for cursing!"

"If you don't come again, everyone will be off work."

"Don't get inked, I'll get in touch right away."

Yao Yuan approached the contact QQ of the TOM SMS Alliance again. He didn't say that he had chatted with him before, and he didn't remember you at all. He said directly: "I created a website and want to join the SMS Alliance."

After a while, the other party replied: "Yes, you send it over, and I will review it."

The review is just a formality, and the sp points at the alliance to make money!

How low are the standards? As long as you don't have pornography on your homepage, you can pass.

Sure enough, within two minutes, the other party said: "Your website meets the standards. I'll send you an email with detailed instructions. You can reply and an agreement will be reached."

Yao Yuan received the email and took a closer look.

TOM now has two Monternet services, one is news information, 5 yuan per month; the other is ringtones, picture download, 10 yuan per month.

The ringtone is not a CRBT, and the CRBT will take two years.

This ringtone is monophonic, beep beep, beep, beep, etc. More than three tones are called chords. You must have heard of this term. Previous mobile phones used chord ringtones as a selling point.

The picture is black and white, not so much a picture, but an emoticon pack, a smiling face, a rose, etc., which are extremely rough.

This is cell phone technology in 2001.

Of course, Yao Yuan chooses a monthly subscription of 10 yuan, 15% will be taken by China Mobile, and 30% will be taken by himself, which is 2.55 yuan.

That is: hang the advertisement of TOM network on your own website, as long as one netizen clicks on the advertisement to subscribe, you can share 2.55 yuan.

"Are there any rules for going online?"

"No, anytime."

"Then today, today is a good day, and can the share be settled every day?"

"You're kidding, we are exhausted financially at the end of the day, but don't worry, I will send you a day's income every day for your convenience.

This thing is for everyone to make money together. SP relies on reputation. If there is no reputation, who will cooperate with us? Are you right? "

"That's the truth. By the way, are you sure you don't want to ban us from joining other alliances?"

"Can we stop it?"

"Oh, that's true."

Immediately afterwards, Yao Yuan went through the process with Netease again, and the price was the same. Currently, these two companies have SMS alliances.


the other side.

Yao Xiaobo has long white hair in a hurry, he wants to ask but is afraid of disturbing Yao Yuan, like a restless monkey, he can sit and stand easily. Finally, he saw Yao Yuan's profile picture flashing, and he clicked on it quickly. Three words:

"nailed it!"

"nailed it?"

"You put up the advertisements of TOM and Netease, and then it can be operated. I will make a rough publicity here."

"That's all right?"

"Otherwise, what's the matter? The times have changed, and you're killing people and grabbing territory!"

On this side, Yao Yuan is actually a little excited, after all, this is a different road from his previous life, or he has already started and is about to overtake.

He hummed the song again: "Today is a good day, open the door ~ let's welcome the spring breeze ~ ah!"

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