"Cross talk is suitable for the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and it can be traced back to the Song Dynasty, it is too far away, let's not talk about it.

Let’s just say that in the late Qing Dynasty, cross talk began to flourish. There was Zhang Sanlu, who was not afraid of being poor, and who was not afraid of being poor.

You know these origins better than me, I don’t play tricks, but have you ever wondered why folk folk art is so prosperous in Tianqiao? "


Regardless of the past or the present, most of those who talk about cross talk have never read any books, except for a few cases.

The knowledge they have come into contact with, that is, these things that have been handed down, all know that the Tianqiao fire, but why it fires, no one can systematically say.

"After the Qing Dynasty established the capital, the banner people were placed in the inner city, and the original Han people and traders were driven to the outer city. So where did these traders go?

It is said in the book: "Using the roots of the Temple of Heaven and the Temple of Xiannong, you don't have to pay land rent. You can set up floating stalls and sell groceries, and gradually become a small market."

The Temple of Heaven and Xiannongtan, this is the embryonic form of the Tianqiao.

With the increase of the population, more and more civilians and traders in the outer city, the small city gradually became a big city, until the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, reached the golden age.

Especially in the Republic of China, the government rebuilt the urban area, built hospitals, shopping malls, restaurants, etc. in this area, widened the roads, re-planned, and connected the markets and temple fairs in the left and right neighbors into one area. At that time, there were ten temples in this area.

There are markets, there are temple fairs, there are many idlers, and there is a lot of spare money. Those who set up stalls, jugglers, and opera singers will naturally come. "

Yao Yuan first came to a piece of folk history, and then said: "So think about it, from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, until the early days of liberation, the audience of cross talk is these ordinary people, idlers and so on.

If a song artist wants to make money, he has to say what the audience loves to hear.

So what did the common people like to hear? "


In front of Yao Yuan, everyone was confused, but when he asked this sentence, Lao Guo thought about it a little bit, and said, ""Selling Cloth Head" or "Laying Foreign Films"?"

"Hey, this is a folk business, and many ordinary people have personal experience." Yao Yuan said.

""Opening a Porridge Factory" and "Boasting a House"?" Yu Qian also said.

"Hey, on the surface it portrays a man who runs the train with his mouth full, but in reality? It conforms to the obscenity of the lower class people, fantasizing about how rich they are and how rich others are. This is called the emperor's golden pole." Yao Yuan said.


Everyone here is a little interested, and it's interesting to analyze it from this perspective!

Talking about how to classify cross talk, let’s first divide it into performance forms, stand-alone, counterpart, and group.

Or in terms of work, there are some who pay attention to the oral cavity, some who sing more, and some who imitate more.

Or it can be classified according to the source, some are revised from storytelling, some are revised from jokes, and some are revised from folktales.

But from the perspective of audience psychology, few people do this kind of analysis.

"The audience of cross talk is the market, and the creators' materials come from the market, such as personal experience, what parents have heard, unofficial rumors written in books, jokes circulated on the street, and even news anecdotes in newspapers, and then artistically processed. , and finally turned into cross talk.

The jokes written in this way have no sense of estrangement, and ordinary people are familiar with them, and they like to listen to them if they are familiar with them. Because it meets the aesthetic needs of the public, no one didn't say dirty jokes at that time, right? "


Mention this dole.

Traditional folk folk art is the hardest hit area related to pornography, because ordinary people love to listen to it. For example, the famous "Explore Qingshuihe", it is a yellow song:

"The four o'clock drums were busy, and the two of them went to the gums, and the gums were wide, and my clothes were wide. The two of us, mouth to mouth, cheek to cheek, and the tip of the sixth brother's tongue, pressed against my teeth. ..."

This paragraph is now deleted.

And the funniest thing is that "Exploring the Qingshuihe" sings a poignant love story at every turn.

"There are no one to pick the flowers, no one to play the broken strings of the pipa, the servant is like Diaochan thinking of Lu Bu, and like Yan Poxi sitting on the building thinking of Zhang San..."

Do you sing about love with adulterers and prostitutes?

This is a little pornographic song to amuse the common people in the market, don't make up so much nonsense.

Including the so-called traditional cross talk we hear today, I don’t know how many hands have been passed, and what can be released is clean.

Yao Yuan continued: "Later, in the era of the flood of human nature, the old cross talk was not allowed to be talked about, and the new cross talk had to be talked about. What is the content of the new cross talk? "Heroes Little Eight Road", "Waterwheel Problem", "Mountain Hero Praise", this is called singing praises Type cross talk.

Then came the reform and opening up, the atmosphere was open, and the trend of thought was surging. "Thieves' Company", "Clever Names", this is called critical cross talk.

But you see, no matter how hard it is, these successful works have one thing in common.

Follow the development of the times! "


Old Guo was shocked all of a sudden, as if Yao Yuan had poked his forehead with a golden finger.

Still the same sentence, Guo Degang desperately wanted to squeeze into the mainstream cross talk circle, but people didn't want him, so he had to stay in the small theater. When I became famous later, I turned the words around and said: "I called for cross talk to return to the theater..."

He is in a period of confusion at this time, or in other words, he has not yet entered his own creative state.

When did Deyun Society start to transfer?

It was in 2004. At that time, a taxi driver called the radio station and said that the cross talk you played was too old. After repeated a few passages, I knew there was a place where there was a new passage.

So the host went, recorded a few cross talks, and played them on the radio.

Then some media and cultural people in the capital began to recommend it, further increasing its influence, and then in the Spring Festival of 2006, Phoenix Satellite TV made a special program for Deyun Club.

Then it became popular.

In the past few years, it was the time when Lao Guo's creative ability was at its peak.

When it comes to Deyun Club, people often talk about individuals and gossip, and few people pay attention to a basic issue, works!

Lao Guo is famous for his works!

"Xizheng Dream", "My Life", "I am Hei Shihui" and so on, etc., in the hearts of audiences who are tired of traditional cross talk and fed up with TV cross talk, the first word is:

So much fun!

It's a pity that I lost my mind later, and there are fewer and fewer good works.

Yao Yuan came to join in the fun today, and he actually said this to Lao Guo, saying: "There are many restrictions on TV, but your theater has no restrictions, and if you still hold on to those old jokes, are you blinding the environment?

It doesn't matter whether you put old wine in new bottles or new wine in old bottles, follow the development of the times, read more news, pay more attention to current social phenomena, and even start from yourself. Don't be afraid that you are too special. Everyone is ordinary people. Convergence...

So the audience wants to listen to new jokes, do you have any? "


Lao Guo already understood what the other party meant, but he didn't dare to guarantee it.

Yao Yuan said a lot, just for the last sentence: "You have a new joke that the audience likes, so I can help you promote it on a large scale. Tickets are nothing at all."

"This is my new business card, I will contact you later."

He put down a business card, got up and said, "I have a long journey, and I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

Withdraw after speaking.

Lao Guo and his wife sent him out, and they were silent at the dinner table when they returned.

Everyone experienced a lot of heart fluctuations. At first, they thought this person was helping to sell tickets, so they thanked him today; later, they suddenly talked about the history of cross talk, thinking that this person was a braggart.

But after listening to it, there was something wrong, and finally I understood, and that's what they came here for.

Yu Qian picked up the business card and looked at it, and said, "Yo, last time I saw you were a college student, so you're now the boss?"

"Then what does he mean?"

"Don't you understand? Let Degang create new jokes, and then he will promote them."

Yu Qian held a cigarette: "This is called investment."


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