Rebirth: I Want to Surf

Chapter 44 Blue Sea and Silver Sand

"On the sixth day of the first lunar month, I will send you six successes: smooth career, outstanding performance; smooth love, holding hands with beautiful women; smooth life, being a good person; smooth friendship, accompanying noble people; smooth going out, always meeting good people; smooth fortune, happy salary increase ..."


Yao Yuan glanced at the phone, and put it back in his pocket indifferently, it's too retro.

Since about 2001, New Year greeting text messages have gradually become popular, and many auspicious words and jokes have been born. It looked good, and everyone reposted it one after another, you beg me, I beg you, it's all a set.

Today is the sixth day of the lunar new year, the last day he stays at home, using an excuse to go back to start a business.

Many businesses were already open, and the streets in the Northeast were also bustling. He wandered around casually, and suddenly saw a video store that had just opened, so he stepped in.

The hut is not big, with wooden slats nailed on the wall, there are pirated VCD covers, and there are several cabinets for pirated TV series and music albums.

If you buy it, the cheapest time is 10 yuan for 4 pieces.

The rent is 1 yuan per day, and the deposit is 10 yuan.

Yao Yuan scanned around, good guy, "Legend of Shushan", "Slimming Men and Women", "Romantic Cherry Blossom", "Shaolin Soccer", "Fast and Furious", "Tomb Raider", "Shrek"...

Is this a new movie or an old one?

He scratched his head and asked, "Anything new?"


The boss took out a few discs from the drawer and said, "The goods that just arrived have not been placed yet, the hottest in Korea!"

Yao Yuan glanced at "My Sassy Girl".

"Do you watch the TV series? This one, and this one, are all very good-looking."

The boss took out "Meteor Garden" and "Looking for the Qin Dynasty" casually, and You Qi filmed "Meteor Garden" and said: "You have to watch this quickly, and send it back after watching one episode. I will wait to rent it."

"So hot?"

"Our small place is backward, and Shencheng has already spread the word. As popular as "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" was, "Meteor Garden" was as popular as it was."

"That's not necessarily true. My parents also watch "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", but can they watch this?"

"My Sassy Girlfriend" and "Meteor Garden" were released in China last year, and they spread to the mainland this year, and they quickly set off a craze.

F4 has become a milestone in youth idol dramas, and these four people have eaten one drama for a lifetime.

"Sassy Girlfriend" was released in Hong Kong in February, which led to the spread of pirated discs. Hong Kong filmmakers once again used their workshop talents to create an ancient version of "Sassy Girlfriend" "Hedong Lion's Roar" with lightning speed.

Starring Gu Tianle and Cecilia Cheung, it was also popular for a while.

But Yao Yuan looked around and was really not interested, so he finally rented a copy of "The Jade Heart Sutra" and put it in the big pocket of his down jacket, so that he would go home and feel nostalgic.

Leaving the audio-visual store and continuing to move forward, I arrived at the Supersonic Internet Cafe.

I came quite early, and there were still a few vacancies inside. I turned on a computer, and the sound of typing on the keyboard and mouse could be heard endlessly, surrounded by students, punks, and idle middle-aged people yelling.


Yao Yuan pressed the keyboard with both hands, thought for a while, and searched a website called "Bihai Yinsha" on Baidu.

Old netizens should have an impression of the blue sea and silver sand.

Founded in 1996, it is a self-operated website of Guangdong Telecom.

In 2001, online diary and photo album services were launched. In the same year, voice chat rooms and video chats were launched, as well as an original literary column "Let's Listen to the Wind".

It can be said that Bihai Yinsha is ahead of the times every step of the way, but it is a pity that it will not operate, and it was closed later.

What Yao Yuan was looking for was a voice chat room.

This is the first website in China to provide voice chat. The concept of "language chat" has risen rapidly, followed by Sina, Netease, TOM, etc., and there are many follow-up products such as 9chat, Xichat, and chat.

But for the same reason, they couldn't make any money, and they shut down one after another.

On the contrary, in another track, voice chat has been further developed, that is, online games!

As China's online game market is becoming more and more popular, due to the need for team copybooks, UT, iSpeak, YY and other chat software have been released one after another. This is a later story.

Bihai Yinsha is deeply loved by netizens, and it is usually called "Bi Chat". At this moment, Yao Yuan randomly found a chat room, clicked in, and put on his earphones.

The feature of the voice chat room is that at the same time, only one person can speak, and others can only listen to it—but they can chat one-on-one privately.

This requires grabbing the authority to speak, commonly known as "grabbing the microphone".

For example, if the administrator calls 1, 2, and 3, the netizens will click the button to grab the microphone together, and then queue up to speak. The administrator can set the length of the speech.

When a person grabs the microphone, what do you think he will do?

shy? nervous? Careful chat?

So simple!

Of course it is a warm greeting!

"Mother grass bird, this place is full of shitty grass! My mother's bitch! Fuck you! Fuck you!"

As soon as Yao Yuan put on the earphones, there was a burst of cordial greetings, which he didn't quite understand, but it was all kinds of coercion anyway.

This buddy scolded for two minutes, and replaced it with another person, who was equally kind: "Help me Guan Te, get me a bastard, help me Xiwuqi... I was wrong about that mother... Plague, dog, poison... "

Tut tut!

Yao Yuan praised, how nice the folk customs are.

He listened to it for half an hour, almost swearing, and finally calmed down. Finally, a soft girl grabbed the microphone and sang a song for everyone, winning applause.

He withdrew and went to other chat rooms, which were very lively.

Looking at the number of people online, there are more than 30,000!


If Yao Yuan's club had 30,000 people online at the same time, he would die laughing.

The advantages and disadvantages of things in the system are obvious. Bihai Yinsha is such a good resource, backed by telecommunications, the opening king bomb, what you want, but you just don’t know how to operate it!

The technology of the voice chat room is relatively mature at the current level, what is lacking is ideas.

He just has no shortage of ideas!

"elder brother!"

After playing for a long time, Yao Xiaobo opened the door of the Internet cafe and came in, with a speechless expression on his face: "Why did you make an appointment to meet in the Internet cafe?"

"Mainly I want to go online, how did you come here?"

"The neighbor just came to the county, and I came by his motorcycle."

"It's quite capable!"

Yao Yuan paid the bill, left the Internet cafe, looked around, and said, "Let's go, it's not cold."


Seeing this posture, Yao Xiaobo knew that he had something to say, so he couldn't help feeling uneasy.

The two strolled along the street and came to the small square of the cinema. The gate was closed, and there was a sign saying "Closed Business".

"Is this about to be dismantled?"

"It will be demolished this year and the building will be built."

Yao Yuan looked at the old movie theater, then at his younger brother, and asked, "What did you do with the 50,000 yuan? Did you give it to your mother?"

"No, I've saved it. If it's given to my mother, she can save until I marry a wife, then it's worthless."

"Hey, it's all about the value, and the exercise is not for nothing. The 50,000 yuan is considered a bonus for you. You performed well last year. But you also know the situation now. The main battlefield is in the capital, and you are too far away to help. what a busy.

Let me tell the truth, your technical level can only be said to be adequate, far from being a master, and the demand for technology will increase day by day in the future. "

Yao Yuan paused, and continued: "You will be a senior in the second half of the year, and you will be graduating soon, what do you think?"


Yao Xiaobo shook his head and said, "I don't have any ideas, I want to hear your suggestion."

"My only suggestion is to improve your technical level. You can either take the postgraduate entrance examination, or sign up for a class, or find a master to learn from you. Anyway, it is to improve your level. Because you are lacking in operations and don't know how to promote, and programmers will always be popular, the more capable you are. The stronger the more popular.

Of course, if you want to try the operation aspect, I also support you, just let me know if you have any ideas. "

"I listen to you! In fact, I also feel a little powerless, and your needs are getting higher and higher."

Yao Xiaobo is good at this, he respects his elder brother very much, and it is Yao Yuan who has proved his strength in the past six months.

"That's good, all right, let's go eat something."

"Don't eat, don't eat, I have to see my partner, I have made an appointment."


Yao Yuan rolled his eyes, but Yao Xiaobo stretched out his hand again: "Brother, borrow some money, I forgot to bring it when I went out."


Yao Yuan was speechless for three seconds, then reached into his pocket and took out a few dozen yuan plus a copy of "Jade Heart Sutra".


The two brothers were silent for a while, Yao Xiaobo took the money silently, wiped himself away, walked a few steps and then turned back: "Brother, hurry up and find a partner, it's easy to get sick!"

"piss off!"


On the seventh day of the seventh day, Xiaocheng Railway Station.

Yao Yuan is going back to Beijing.

There are still a lot of passengers at this stall, but it is better than before the Spring Festival, at least they bought tickets. This time the old man didn't follow, he wanted to stay for two more days.

Yuan Liping helped her son check his luggage for the last time, while complaining: "I'm so busy before graduation, and I have to stay away from home for a year after graduation. It's like going to work."

"I'm already at work. It's a serious website. You two leave it every winter and summer vacation. How do you feel the hard work of being a worker?"

"Get out, say you are fat and panting!"

After Yuan Liping packed her luggage, she told her to eat well, keep warm and cool, and watch the cars while crossing the road.

And taking advantage of her time to go to the bathroom, Yao Yuemin dragged Yao Yuan over again, and said furtively, "Son, give me 10 yuan!"

"What are you doing?"

"you give me first."

"Don't you have private money?"

"I lost at mahjong."


Yao Yuan was terrified: "Then how will you live next month?"

"I was thinking about buying an invitation card, and I said that the meal comes with the gift. If I'm lucky, I can get 50 yuan from your mother's pocket."

"What about bad luck?"

"I'll buy another pack of cigarettes."


Yao Yuan wept bitterly, his father had no other problems, he just liked to play mahjong for 50 cents, and his calligraphy was excellent.

What is the relationship between the two?

Why don't you buy invitations? Forge them yourself.

He took out 10 yuan and gave it to Yao Yuemin, not a cent more, Yao Yuemin put it away solemnly, patted his son on the shoulder, he really is a dutiful son!

When it's time, check the ticket and enter the station, and the parents will be sent to the platform.

There are more than a dozen people waiting for the bus.

After a while, the train came rumbling from a distance, stopped slowly, and the door opened.

"Hurry up and get in the car!"

"Hurry up and get in the car!"

Yao Yuan went up with a big suitcase, stood at the door and waved his hands outside, his mother shouted, "Call me when we're here!"

"Be more careful over there!"

"Got it, go back!"

The door closed, the train moved forward, and the beginning of 2002.

(no more...)

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