Rebirth: I Want to Surf

Chapter 50 Intensified Competition


The kitchen was steaming and the water was boiling. Yao Yuan took the time to fish out the noodles in about a minute.

Pass cold water, add some oil and mix well.

Then pour in carrots, onions, shredded pork, etc., and add noodles after frying, pour in the seasoning sauce, and keep stirring with chopsticks in both hands. A plate of fried noodles with shredded pork is ready.

I bought half a catty of noodles and used three taels, and it was shiny and fragrant.

The Jinhuyuan house he rented has been moving in for a while, and he has been buying it slowly, and it has become more and more lifelike. At the same time, he also bought a computer.

Yao Yuan took it to the computer desk, worked while eating, and browsed the club's BBS by the way.

This is a multitasking skill developed by deep netizens in the previous life.

A few days ago, when the heavens and the earth got together, he bought 2 million pieces of user information. There are only more than 5 million mobile phone users in the capital, and the resource ceiling was reached in an instant.

Chen Guosheng is also a chicken thief, because he is an expert.

Ordinary user information is only 2 cents a piece, about 1.6 million, and high-quality user information is 1 yuan, about 300,000.

So what is a high-quality user?

Simply put, it is high consumption.

Mobile phones and phone bills are not cheap these days. It is very common for ordinary people to spend tens of dollars or one hundred dollars a month for calls. But a few hundred or even thousands of dollars per month is high consumption.

One situation is that the financial strength itself is strong, such as the group of people in the entertainment industry in Yu Jiajia's hands, they don't care.

There is another situation, spending public money.

From the middle and late 1990s to the beginning of the new century, it was the worst time.

Just talking about mobile phones, many government agencies, public institutions, and state-owned enterprises used public funds to buy mobile phones for individuals, calling it work needs.

Some are indeed required for work, and some are not.

This group of people prostitute their mobile phones for free, and they don’t have to worry about their phone bills. There is a quota of 400, 500, and 600 yuan per month, and the public will pay for it uniformly.

So much so that in 2004, the state issued a paper document "Administrative Measures for Subsidies of Official Mobile Communication Expenses", which specifically formulated the standard of supplementary speech for personnel at all levels.

Now, the mobile phone numbers and payment information of these people are in Yao Yuan's hands.

Of course, Chen Guosheng wasn't so stupid as to sell any information. This is the capital city, and he couldn't afford to offend many people. Those who could sell it were all good people.


Yao Yuan slurped his noodles and looked at the densely packed mobile phone numbers. With these basics, it is enough for him to be promoted to the national network and still have a surplus.

"Ding dong!"

While eating, the text message alert sounded, he picked it up and looked at it, with a strange expression on his face.

The business code is 2090, and the content is: "Want to know the secret of your mobile phone number? Reply 8 to know the answer. (Replying this text message is free)"


It was a warm and cold morning in March.

Wensha walked briskly into the newspaper office building, and came to Jiujiu Company familiarly.

Over the past few days, she has already recognized all the faces of the employees in the company and remembered their names. She greeted with a smile, "Good morning Brother Tao, good morning Sister Meng!"

"Mmm morning!"

Han Tao responded unnaturally. He watched Wensha enter the voice service center, closed the door as usual, and drew the curtains.

"Sister Meng, do you think they are colleagues?"

Han Tao asked in a low voice.

Finance Li Meng is relatively old here and has rich work experience. He said disapprovingly: "Of course I am a colleague if I become a regular. If you don't become a regular, what are you worrying about? Have you taken a fancy to her?"

"No no no no!"

Han Tao subconsciously denied it, but hesitated again, and muttered, "But it looks really good-looking!"

Li Meng curled her lips, the young man had no brains, and wanted to rush up when he saw a beauty, but in the end he still licked the dog.

Let's talk about the house.

Wensha has already put on the headphones, and practiced "My Husband is Number One in the World" first.

It was really embarrassing at the beginning, but I got used to it after practicing. The environment is well arranged, and enough private space can lower people's psychological defenses and make them more open.

Afterwards, she went to Netease's voice chat room to snatch the microphone, using a gentle and gentle tone to seduce people.

As the training deepened, the gap between the girls became more and more obvious, and Yao Yuan had already assigned a few outstanding ones. The character design that Wen Sha got was very suitable for her own characteristics, and it was written in the booklet that it was called "Healing Department".

After chatting for a while, I gave up the machine to the girl in rotation, only to see Xu Meng go up, and there was a slap in the face:

"Big brother, I don't have to worry about food and clothing, I don't live in square meters and live in high-rise buildings, my business is like the water of the Yangtze River, and my life is like a beautiful flower. I make big and small fortunes every day, and everything goes smoothly..."

After finishing speaking, the quarrel broke out again for some reason, and he began to swear: "You chased me for ten miles with your bare butt, and I would count you as a hooligan if I turned around every time! Let me show my breasts, go home and find your dad, tell your dad One of them wears a pair of underpants and pretends to be Haier Brothers..."


For all the girls who are not on the plane, the greatest joy every day is to listen to Xu Meng spraying people.

Wen Sha covered her mouth, her blushing blushing face, Xu Meng was so interesting, and this was also the persona set by Mr. Yao—an old girl who picks garlic and does not utter dirty words when swearing.

While chatting, Yao Yuan came in, waved his hand to signal that he should be busy, went to the whiteboard and wrote a few big characters:

"Assessment in three days! Take photos in five days!"


The girls trembled all over, and Wensha couldn't help but get nervous, not only for this job, but she also had an intuition that if she got on this car, her life would change dramatically.



"There is something to tell!"

Here Yao Yuan came out and immediately called a meeting. Everyone has gotten used to his working style, working constantly with their hands, or turning their bodies sideways, or squinting their eyes to look ahead.

It was still a big whiteboard. Yao Yuan stood in front of him, took out his mobile phone first, and said:

"Last night I received a text message with the code 2090. Let me read it to everyone: 'Want to know the secret of your mobile phone number? Reply 8 to know the answer. Reply to this text message for free.'

Anyone else got it? "

"I received."

Wu Jun raised his hand weakly, and said, "I was just about to report to you. I also received a message when I went out in the morning. It was about constellations, and the code was 2097."

"Let me see!"

Liu Weiwei leaned over, looked at his mobile phone, and immediately called out: "Isn't this all what we do?"

"Not bad at all!"

"Damn it, copy it!"

Han Tao also called.

And Liu Weiwei reacted, and then shouted: "They also started mass sending???"

"Hey, that's the point."

Yao Yuan pointed to Han Tao, and said, "Then Chen Guosheng casually revealed a piece of news, saying that just up to now, how many SPs on the local network in Beijing have entered the game?"

"3, more than 30?" Han Tao was not sure.

"That's right, 34!"

"sp is just like the previous voice channel. Everyone sees that this thing is very profitable, and more and more people will enter the game. This year, next year, and even the year after that, we will face extremely fierce competition, and everyone has no rules, unscrupulous, copying Our content is considered light..."

Yao Yuan sounded alarmist for a while, and then began to encourage: "But don't be too nervous, we have already taken the lead, and the number of users in hand has increased to 2 million, and they will have to work hard to catch up.

So don't panic, follow our own plan.

Han Tao, how is the chat room test going? "

"Basically no problem, but I suggest marking a 'beta version' when it goes online, so that it can be improved in the future."


"Wu Jun, is the SMS alliance ready?"

"I contacted some influential personal websites, we have good conditions, and everyone is very willing to cooperate."

"Okay! Let's do it, let's do it!"

Yao Yuan clapped his hands, and said: "I used to walk in small steps, but now I'm going to trot. Let the chat room go online first, and the girls have to get ready!"


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