Rebirth: I Want to Surf

Chapter 8 Collecting Materials



Another morning, Yao Yuan came to the newspaper office for an internship as usual.

It’s already September, and the weather is getting colder. His short-sleeved pants have been replaced by long-sleeved shirts and jeans. He still wears sneakers, and he added a hat with the brim covering his eyes. big bag.

It looks like a seller in Zhongguancun.

He walked to his seat, took out a few bags of snacks and drinks from his bag, and stuffed them to Liu Weiwei next to him. From the initial vigilance, Liu Weiwei has become "I'll eat it if you give it to me".

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, you cannibals have a short mouth, and you're too embarrassed to refuse when I ask you for help in the future."

"Wow, I'm speechless when you say it so bluntly."

Liu Weiwei was actually very curious, and asked, "I am self-aware of my own conditions, what can you do for me to help?"

"I told you, you have a nice voice."

"That's okay too?"

"Of course, a good voice is also a talent."

After chatting a few words, I started another day's work. Yao Yuan still maintains his own style, chatting and cheering, and almost everyone who calls will hang up happily.

Most of the hotline calls are about trivial matters, a small part are about emergencies, such as fires and car accidents, and the rest are about social phenomena and crux of the matter, which require reporters to dig deep to dig out the news.

Yao Yuan can easily judge the value of these clues, and some of them are indeed good news, but his heart is calm, he does not want to deal with paper media again in his life.

During a short break, he would look at his notebook, shake his head and sigh: "The spiritual life of the people in the capital is too rich!"

In just four days in the hotline department, he recorded 15 favorite clues, which were found in all districts, and some of them were testimonials after experiencing it.

Such clues are also a fixed column of the media. When there is really nothing to report, one will be arranged to make up the number.

It is usually unannounced visits by reporters. In this regard, newspapers are at a disadvantage, while TV stations are at an advantage, and their pictures are more exciting. It's just that there are occasional mistakes, and the reporter is so absorbed that he forgets that he is making an unannounced visit.

For example, the reporter from Sichuan TV really took off his pants!

The day of fishing passed quickly, Yao Yuan left the newspaper office, had a casual meal, and then started strolling around Tuanjie Lake. Tuanjie Lake is next to the newspaper building. It is a park that was excavated in the 1950s and completed in the 1980s.

When it was dark, there were more and more citizens walking around, and there were a few women among them, who looked professional.

Yao Yuan was not alarmed. After looking at it from a distance, he felt that the quality was slightly poor, so he decisively took the bus and rushed to the next location, which is the area near the Liangma River.

Liangma River starts from the small street outside Dongzhimen, flows northeast through Jiuxian Bridge, and enters the Ba River in the east of Xiba Village.

In ancient times, when foreign horse convoys came to Beijing, they often washed the horses in the river. After washing, the horses were dried on the river bank, hence the name Langma River. After a long time, it was also called Liangma River.

To the south of it are the Landmark Tower, the Great Wall Hotel, Sanlitun, and embassies of various countries. In the capital city in 2001, it was considered a relatively prosperous area.

When Yao Yuan arrived, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

At a glance, the scale is much larger than that of Tuanjie Lake. It is an unassuming street. Women in cool clothes are either in groups, or alone, enjoying the coolness under the dim street lights.

Every time you pass by, whether you know her or not, you will be warmly invited to her house to play.


There happened to be a Volkswagen Passat driving past in front of it, and it stopped on the side of the road. The old driver didn't even get out, but rolled down the window and chatted with the two women.

Then the two women opened the car door, got in the car and left, leaving behind only a string of glowing red taillights.

"Tsk tsk!"

"The hearts of the people are simple, and people trust each other, how good it is!"

Yao Yuan took a few steps forward, and stepped into the sight range of the women, no need to ask, as long as the eyes meet, someone will come naturally.

A tall girl wearing boots came over, her voice was a little strange: "What are you doing? 50 yuan, the location is very safe."


"It's over there."

The girl pointed casually, and there was a small forest in the dark.

"In the woods? No house?"

"It's only exciting in the woods, what do you do?"

"Uh, let's take a look first..."

Yao Yuan followed her for two steps, frowning more and more as he looked at her. Years of experience told him that it was definitely not the waist and hips that a woman can swing.

Think about that thick powder, weird voice...


He stamped his feet in fright, and hurriedly said, "Forget it, forget it, no need!"

The person in front didn't say anything when he heard it, and went back to the lamppost again.

At this time, another elder sister came over and said, "My brother's eyes are really thieves, can you see it?"

"Yeah, I'm scared, I'll lose my virginity if I'm so hung up."

"Ha, you are so funny!"

When She Niu meets She Niu, it makes people feel at ease. The elder sister said: "There are four like him here, and they never enter the house, just in the woods."

"Yo, is anyone here?"

"Yes, their business is pretty good."

"So fierce?"

"No, do you think those men are stupid? Can't see it, can't do it? I'm too embarrassed to point them out!"

"Yeah yeah!"

Yao Yuan strongly agreed, watching those anti-pornography news, men disguised as women to pick up customers, the customers all cried bitterly, regretting: "I don't know!"

You are stupid, don't you know?

It is said that Chengdu is a paradise, but in fact the capital does not give way too much, especially since the reform and opening up, the body and the mind are released together. Dongdan Park, Peony Garden Forest, bathhouses, and public toilets are all holy places.

Especially public toilets and bird caves!

The eldest sister, Balabala, talked for a long time and asked, "Whether you want to do it or not? Why? You're not a reporter, are you?"

"No, no, I can't bear it at your age. Are there any young ones?"

"It's only when you're old that you hurt people, the young ones are in front!"

Even though the eldest sister was not happy, she was willing to help others. Yao Yuan even wanted to spend three yuan to buy her a pack of cigarettes.

He walked along this street again, feeling like breaking through a level, first a miscellaneous soldier came, then showed the way to the NPC, and then met the BOSS.

"It's all here, don't let me down."

He approached the end of the street, and finally found a figure under a street lamp.

He is of medium build and thin. He does not have black hair dyed yellow like others, nor does he wear a pair of long boots, cheap clothes and shoes like others. The makeup on his face is very heavy, due to poor skills. It's a bit exaggerated, covering up the facial features below, but the whole person feels very young.


The two looked at each other, and the girl hesitated a little, but she still walked over strangely, and asked in a hoarse voice, "What are you doing? 50 yuan, the place is not far away, and it's safe."

Yao Yuan looked at the other party, his eyes became brighter and brighter: "How much is Bao Ye?"


"Let's go!"


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