At ten minutes to three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Chu arrived at the door of Uncle Wang's office, and was greeted by Secretary Liu, Uncle Wang's work secretary.

"Director Liu, is the chief okay now?"

At the same time, Secretary Liu is also the director of the Second Secretary Division of the General Office, and the work of the Second Division is mainly to serve Uncle Wang.

"President Li, the chief is waiting for you, and the leader of the health department is also there."


In the office, after Secretary Liu poured a glass of water and left, Uncle Wang spoke.

"Xiao Chu, Lao Zhao suggested calling you here this time. He thinks that your views on many things are relatively new, so he wants to see what you think of some of the proposals at this meeting."

"Leader Zhao is complimenting me. Those are all my family's words, so you can just listen to them."

Li Chu said a few words of courtesy to Leader Zhao while laughing, and then Uncle Wang mentioned the two issues that gave him a headache in this meeting.

After listening, he was full of question marks.

What's happening here?

Isn't it a medical work conference? Why is insurance involved?

Cancel the system of reimbursement of medical expenses by the unit, and change it to the same as those countries in Europe and the United States, where individuals pay for insurance.

Who the hell came up with this? He really wanted to meet this Lord now, to see if he was of the same kind.

This alone doesn't make him suspicious, but the most important thing is the following.

The financial subsidy of the hospital will be canceled, and the hospital will be responsible for its own profits and losses, and take the market-oriented route.

Could it be that people of this era thought of what he brewed?

So many factories and enterprises have not reached the level of self-financing. If you let the hospital be self-financing, this is not bullshit. What is it?

"Uncle, who came up with the idea of ​​squatting there to go to the toilet?"

"Let's put aside the first topic, it is not a problem that can be solved by the sanitary outlet at all. Although the proposal is very good, it is a very huge system project that requires the linkage of multiple departments.

Let's just talk about the second item. If the hospital is allowed to be responsible for its own profits and losses, what may happen, the most likely cause is high medical expenses, which the common people cannot afford. And if we take urban workers as an example, then this part of the medical expenses is actually passed on to the enterprise, because our current medical expenses are all reimbursed by the unit.

However, there are prerequisites for reimbursement by the unit, that is, the individual needs to pay in advance, and then the unit will reimburse the reimbursement after being discharged from the hospital. In this case, it is necessary to consider whether the unit can afford the reimbursement.

Leaving aside the urban workers, what about the peasants in the countryside? What about people without jobs? Do you really want to make these people look down on sickness? "

"Ahem... Dean Li." Leader Zhao coughed twice and said, "So this needs to meet the first issue. When the whole people have insurance, will everyone be able to afford medical treatment?"

"You are right. It is indeed possible to have universal insurance, but there is also a problem. How much is the right amount for individuals to pay? What is the proportion of insurance reimbursement? Are all medical items fully covered, or what?"

"Uh..." They didn't think about these questions at all, and they definitely didn't know how to answer them when asked by Li Chu.

"Xiao Chu, let's not mention the insurance issue. As you said, it is not a problem that one or two departments can solve at all. You continue to talk about the problem that the hospital is responsible for its own profits and losses."

Li Chu picked up his cup and took a sip of water and said, "Uncle, Zhao Bu, I have communicated with England, France, the beautiful country, Germany, including the small countries.

You are like England. This should be the oldest capitalist country in the world. They promote a universal free medical system. Ninety percent of the hospitals in the country are public hospitals, which are not for profit. Others The same is true in several countries in the world, and the proportion of their public hospitals will not be lower than that level.

So what would happen if we, who have a different political system, take this path? "

He can be regarded as defeating magic with magic.

I won't tell you whether the marketization of medical care is good or bad. Nothing happened at all. Who can say clearly whether it will be good or bad in the future.

It is impossible to explain things like those conflicts between doctors and patients, because they did not happen after all.

As far as the present is concerned, after ordinary people arrive at the hospital, they are quite convinced and respected by doctors and nurses. If you tell them to go east, they will never go west.

Because he knows that no matter what the doctors and nurses ask to do, it is for his own good, and you are not for his money.

Since there is no way to tell good from bad, he can only find another shortcut to use data to speak. Those free medical public hospitals in developed countries in Europe and the United States. Why do you want our country to be market-oriented? What do you want to do? What?

"Xiao Chu, is the data you said true?"

"Of course, when I talked about this with the senior executives of those pharmaceutical companies, there should be records. Oh, by the way, those records should have been handed over to the headquarters for filing."

Uncle Wang nodded slowly and didn't speak, sitting there thinking about something.

"Dean Li, why do you think those developed countries do this? Shouldn't they have capital above everything else?"

"Department Zhao, no matter in any country at any time, the common people at the bottom are the largest group, no matter how you develop, you must leave a way for these common people to survive.

Can you imagine the despair when an ordinary person cannot even guarantee the most basic right to health? Taking a step back, shouldn't our organization be based on the interests of the common people? "

"That's a good point. No matter when we do our work, we should focus on the interests of the people." Uncle Wang was a little emotional, and then said with a final word: "Okay, there is no need to talk about the marketization of medical care.

However, regarding the data of the public hospital in the developed countries in Europe and America that Xiao Chu you just mentioned, I will check with the foreign affairs department, so that if someone mentions this again in the future, we can also refute him with reason. "

"Do you have any ideas about insurance?"

Hearing Uncle Wang mention this again, Li Chu was a little confused. Didn't he just say that this is not a matter of a department? Why even ask yourself?

"I really don't know much about this, but I think we can send people to those developed countries in Europe and the United States to investigate on the spot, see how their universal medical insurance is done, and then combine our national conditions to formulate a set of policies. an effective way."

Uncle Wang nodded noncommittally, then looked at the recorder who had been sitting in the corner and asked, "Xiao Sun, have you written down the content of the conversation just now?"

"Remember the chief."

"Well, well, Xiao Chu, you can go back if you have nothing to do."

"Hey, Uncle, you're killing a donkey, why don't you even care about your food?"

"Get out"

The pen in the hand of Xiao Sun, the recorder, scratched the page "Kucha" in the notebook that was being recorded.

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