"Who do you want it for?" Li Chu didn't expect to ask casually. He, a student, really wanted it.

"Teacher, you don't know, Ziqiang talked about someone."

"Did you talk about someone?" He really didn't know.

"Brother, didn't you tell the teacher?" Duan Jianing and Liu Ziqiang both looked at Li Wenxuan, thinking that the teacher might have known about it from the senior.

Wen Xuan smiled slightly and did not speak.

"Don't look at him." Li Chu waved his hand: "Your senior brother is not a talker, he will never tell me what happened to you in private."

"Ziqiang, tell me, where is the person you're talking about? Are you sure you're related?"

The medical school will not prohibit the students who come for advanced studies or graduate students from contacting them, but if they want to confirm a romantic relationship, they must apply for a report.

If you make some affectionate gestures without reporting, such as holding hands, if someone reports it, you will be punished on your back.

But once it is reported, being in the army is actually no different from being engaged.

"Teacher, we're not sure about the relationship. We're just in touch. She's a student of Mrs. Dong's obstetrics department." Liu Ziqiang scratched his hair in embarrassment.

"Teacher Dong? Oh, Dong Li, the deputy director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, where is the girl's home?"

"Her family belongs to Forty-Nine City."

"Then are you planning to stay in Forty-Nine City after graduation?"

"Have an idea."

"Hehe." Li Chu stood up and patted Liu Ziqiang on the shoulder: "Then work hard and study hard. It's not easy to stay in Sijiu City."

After he finished speaking, he went out, and when he reached the door, he turned his head to look at Duan Jianing and said, "After I finish my business with that foreigner in the past two days, I will make you a bottle of ointment."

"Thank you, teacher."

"You three, hurry up and study hard."

After leaving this sentence, he walked out of the door that Liu Dazhuang had already opened.


"Brother, does Liu Dazhuang usually talk too much when he returns from get off work?" Duan Jianing asked softly after seeing the teacher and the others had left.

Liu Dazhuang has been with Li Chu for several days. Duan Jianing and Liu Ziqiang both know his identity, but they haven't seen him speak much.

Li Wenxuan thought for a while before nodding and said: "It's true that I don't talk much, except for talking to my father and my mother occasionally, and talking to my mother has to be asked by him."

"Isn't that boring?"

"I think it's okay. He got acquainted with my dogs very quickly, and now he can take them out."

This is what surprised Li Wenxuan the most. He knows how cold the dogs are at home. Not to mention others, even grandma and grandpa don’t want to lead them out. Liu Dazhuang has only lived at home for a few days, and he is already familiar with them. up.

This morning he also found that the dog went out with him, which almost didn't surprise his eyes.


On the other side, Sarah and Angel were invited to the coffee place on the second floor as soon as they were sent back to the Capital Hotel.

"Please sit down, ladies, you're welcome."

"Thank you Uncle George (Mr.)"

"Sarah, I invite you here, just to hear what you think of Dr. Li, what kind of person is he?"

George's heart is full of doubts. Although he had a chat with the ambassador this morning, he still couldn't appease his anxious heart.

He can now say that he has no retreat at all, and this trip to China is really his last step.

He dared to bet that if his illness hadn't recovered after returning from China this time, or if he had improved significantly like Angel, the group of directors on the board of directors would definitely join forces to kick him out of the company, including those who had been supporting him before. Several of him.

So now his heart is full of anxiety, fear, expectation and other emotions mixed together, making him feel that he can hardly breathe.

He urgently needs to talk to someone to relieve his tension, and the two ladies in front of him are the best candidates, at least neither of them are his subordinates.

Angel didn't say anything, just glanced at Sarah and motioned her to speak.

Sarah thought for a while before answering: "Uncle George, actually I don't know Dr. Li very well. What should I say about him? He has an indescribable aura, but the moment you see him, It will be strangely quiet.

Another one is about your condition. He actually won’t explain too much to you. In his words, even if I tell you, you won’t understand. Just follow the treatment method I said, and I promise you healthy. "

George looked at Sarah with wide eyes as if he had heard something unbelievable. Is this a doctor? The doctor should explain clearly to the patient, at least he will also tell the cause of the disease, how I need to treat your disease, and what state it can achieve after my treatment.

But nothing explains what the hell is this?

Sarah saw George's inconceivability, she shrugged her shoulders and continued: "Uncle George, in fact, there are many words that I really don't understand, and I even suspect that many words are created by them. There is no way to understand it at all. Like Meridian."

George frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "Meridian?"

"Yes, it's an imaginary line on the surface of the earth, but they use this word to express a completely different meaning. It exists in our body and is called a meridian." Sarah said the last two words in non-standard Chinese of.

"That's why I said why he didn't explain, because you have no way of understanding."

George was getting more and more confused.

Angel on the side pursed his lips and said softly at this time: "Mr. George, actually you don't have to be so entangled at all. If I say something you don't like to hear, you are already desperate, aren't you? Just like I came with Sarah a month ago As in this strange country, we have no choice."

Yeah, no choice.

Angel's words shocked George's heart, and his eyes gradually recovered.

"Mr. George, during the domestic examination, the doctor said that our disease is the same. If this is the case, then after Dr. Li's treatment, we should see the effect in three days. Anyway, it is already like this. Why don't you wait until three days later? Then decide what to do next.”

What a simple and easy-to-understand truth, but people in the game just can't see through it, but it's no wonder that there are a few people who can see through life and death.

As a rich man and an upper-class person, I am afraid that he would be more hesitant to die.

That's why he got into a dead end unconsciously, and now George has completely relaxed. Although he is still nervous about his condition, at least he won't be as anxious as before.

(Preview: Dear readers, this chapter is the first update today, and the next chapter will be at 11 o'clock. Thank you for your support and encouragement.)

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