There are a lot of documents, and the duties of each deputy director have been adjusted to a certain extent. Such adjustments are also necessary, and can curb duty-related crimes to a certain extent.

Among them, there are three people who have made the most adjustments, and one of them is Deputy Director Song.

Was his original job in charge of infrastructure and assisting in the management of medical waste warehouses?

After that adjustment, the two jobs were adjusted to the other two deputy directors respectively, and his future job...

When everyone saw Deputy Director Song's work in charge of Empress Ming, the only thing that came to mind was no, only women and villains were difficult to raise, the ancients sincerely did not deceive him.

What the hell is a newly established property management office?

Deputy Director Song's main job after Ming Dynasty is whether he can also serve as the director of the property office.

But he is the only staff member in the property management office, and all the rest are temporary workers.

The position of the property office can be responsible for the sanitation of the three family areas of the general hospital, as well as the maintenance of water and electricity facilities.

There were people who did those jobs before, and they were all under the management of Laosi.

The establishment of the Property Office was equivalent to stripping out the part of Lao Si's work. The director of Lao Si was so happy that he almost jumped up when he saw the document.

At that time, people began to sort out the personnel files of those temporary workers in the office, as well as the materials of the three family areas, and planned to hand them over as soon as possible.

Is real estate work the most difficult thing to do? You can refer to the current community property management. There are thousands of people. No matter how well I do, some people will be dissatisfied, let alone the family area.

Those veteran cadres who have retired dare to point at the boss's nose and scold directly when they see Bu Ling, and I will soon be able to do it myself.

The most frustrating thing is no, it is obvious that a deputy director was demoted in a disguised form, but the words are undeniable, and the deputy director Song is getting old, so the organization will take care of him, and he can take care of him in the future Come less to work in the courtyard, and take care of the ruthless people and children at home more.

Hehe, if it is true that the three family areas are too far apart, everyone will believe it.

If the convoy can dispatch cars very smoothly in the future, it will be better, but can it be?

If Deputy Director Song rode a bicycle around the three family areas, it would be the east shift tomorrow.

So when he saw the document, his face flushed with anger, maybe it was only then that he turned red, warning that the organization was giving it to him, and that work adjustment was the punishment Ding Qiunan gave him.

Before, he thought that the incident of a warning would pass like that, so would he really live to be a dog at such an old age?

Of course, if he is dissatisfied with the adjustment work that he made, he can also report to his superiors, and he will not do that.

"Vice President Wang, that Ding Qiunan has gone too far. When he was doing revolutionary work, she didn't deny that she was a girl,..."

Deputy Director Song was there for a while, chattering non-stop.

Vice President Wang, who was in charge of the logistics work, picked up a pack of cigarettes from the table, threw one over with a shaking leg, and then lit it for himself.

After waiting for the wrong mouth to stop, the vice president said: "Old Song, are you finished? Listen carefully to what he has to say."

Deputy Director Song didn't make a sound, so he picked up the cigarette he just threw over and lit it on his own.

"If I'm not satisfied with that job adjustment, he has two options to choose from."

Vice President Wang didn't wait for his reaction, so he continued to talk: "First, I can choose to change my job. I apply for it, and he will approve it. I don't worry, someone from the accepting unit will contact me.

2. If I don’t want to change jobs, there is a warehouse in Tong County, and there is a shortage of a supervisor. I can also apply for a transfer. "

The office was so quiet, Deputy Director Song was like a duck being grabbed by the neck, he stopped breathing, and his face was much redder than when he was in his own office just now.

The cigarette in his leg fell to the ground and there was no reaction at all.

He looked at Vice President Wang walking behind the desk in disbelief.

"Old Song, don't look at him like that. When I wrote that anonymous report letter, why didn't I want to come to him to discuss something? Oh, I was manipulated by them at that time, so I remembered him.

Why don't I use my brain to think about it, is there anyone standing behind Ding Qiunan? Let him tell me the truth, Director Li didn't want to touch me at all that time, but no, if I don't know what's good and what's wrong, the two choices he mentioned just now are not prepared for me.

He couldn't figure it out. What does Director Ding's car have to do with me as a deputy when he goes out? Did she use my car? Director Li's car doesn't belong to our hospital, even if his car doesn't belong to the bus, it doesn't belong to the headquarters bus, so I don't need to worry about it.

I have a kind of report, why didn't I kindly attach my name to it? I learned from them to play anonymous, and my handwriting was recognized at a glance. Give me a warning if you don't make a big deal of it, just deny Director Li's intention, and according to Dean Du's idea, I will not ask to be transferred directly.

Now I am rushing to him to make trouble, what right do I have to make trouble? "

Vice President Wang is full of anger and has nowhere to vent. The deputy head of the department he is in charge of has reported his position anonymously. If he reports it directly to the department at the higher level, it means that his job as the leader in charge has not been done well.

During the meeting, Dean Du came back to criticize him together with Political Commissar Gao, which made him full of lawsuits.

He hadn't seen Li Chu in those two days, and he didn't know the true thoughts of the master, so he kept flickering in his heart. The lessons learned from the former director of the political department were there, so he couldn't help but think a little more.

Who in the whole hospital doesn't know that Director Li loves his wife so badly. It's good for me, Lao Song, to report his wife directly.

"Old Song, I'll go back to my office and think it through. I'll give him a word of approval before the east shift tomorrow, so that he can arrange the follow-up work."

He didn't want to see Deputy Director Song now, and he was tired, so he waved his leg to signal him to leave quickly.

Lao Song left Vice President Wang's office disheartened, and the scene was witnessed by many people on the third floor.

Then he didn't wait until the noon shift, so he went to Director Lao Si to go through the handover process, which also indicated that the incident was about to end.

Ding Qiunan's legs and wrists that time also opened everyone's eyes.

It's very neat to pull a few and fight one.

And that leg made out of nothing is even more eye-catching.

There is no suitable job in charge, so he can create one for me.

The property office was not the only idea Li Chu gave her that time, and Ding Qiunan could let Ding Qiunan do the rest.

In fact, if Deputy Director Song can manage the property well, he might be a model.

The management of the family home is a headache for every unit. If he does well in the past two years, there will definitely be many units who come to him to learn from him. Will his honor be lost by then?

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