Chapter 4


Qin Jiulin, squinting his eyes, took a look at himself after completely transforming. His transformed form was that of a tiger, but not an ordinary tiger.


The patterns on his body were black and red, and when he was on all fours, he stood at a height of about five meters. However, due to the limited space in the basement, he had to uncomfortably crouch on the ground.


Those who could fully transform into beasts were known as beastmen, but there were two types: ordinary beastmen and variant beastmen.


He belonged to the category of variant beastmen. Distinguishing between ordinary and variant beastmen was quite simple. After complete transformation, ordinary beastmen closely resembled the animals they transformed into.


For example, a rat would still look like a rat, a sparrow like a sparrow, and lions, tigers, and wolves would appear as one would typically expect.


On the other hand, variant beastmen had distinct differences in appearance from ordinary animals. These differences could be easily noticed with the naked eye, just like Qin Jiulin himself.


He was a tiger, but with significant differences. It wasn’t just his size, but also the color and patterns of his fur, as well as his eyes.


After taking a moment to appreciate his fully transformed appearance, he slowly reverted back to his human form. Unfortunately, his clothes were nowhere to be found.


He had taken them off before the transformation, as otherwise, the basement floor would have been littered with torn clothing.


Rubbing his head, he picked up a coat from the ground and draped it over himself. He walked to the basement’s exit, opened the door, and stepped outside. It was already past 6 a.m. in the morning.


Water and electricity were still functioning for now. Seizing the opportunity before the water supply was cut off, he quickly took a hot shower, changed into clean clothes, and went to the kitchen to prepare himself a hearty breakfast, satisfying his hunger.


By now, Xia Liansheng should have also discovered his ability to transform. What puzzled him was the fact that Xia Liansheng, someone like that, was also a variant beastman.


In their previous lives, both of them were variant beastmen. This only reinforced his delusional belief that he and Xia Liansheng were a perfect match. But… he could never have foreseen the tragic outcome that awaited him.


Sitting on the sofa in the living room, he turned on the television, only to find that it couldn’t receive any signals. Even the radio stations with signals were broadcasting news about the chaos outside.


The internet was still functional, so he watched the news on the TV while scrolling through news articles on his phone. As expected, everything was in chaos everywhere.


He opened the local forum of the city he was currently in and learned about the situation. Among a hundred threads, more than ninety-five were pleas for help.


Qin Jiulin coldly skimmed through the pleas for help on the forum. Each post contained specific residential addresses and detailed accounts of the incidents.


“Please, I beg you, save me! I’ll marry anyone who saves me! There’s someone… no, not a person, he had a fish head but a human body!”


“Oh my god, there are so many monsters in my residential complex! Someone, please save me. I’m about to die, I’m really about to die…”


“There’s a person with wings instead of hands flying outside my window. They crashed into my window glass. Help, please! My address is…”


The forum was filled with similar posts. With each refresh, dozens more would appear. Upon careful observation, Qin Jiulin realized that all these people lived in the enemy’s territory—the suburbs.


He had recently transformed into a beastman, and his body was still relatively weak. The adjustment period for ordinary beastmen usually lasted three to five days, but for variant beastmen, it extended to seven to ten days.


During this time, it wasn’t that he couldn’t engage in combat at all, but rather that he would be weaker and less powerful. Short battles were still manageable, but prolonged fights became increasingly challenging.


Once he surpassed the adjustment period, his strength as a variant beastman would significantly increase. Many of the half-beast monsters would even flee upon encountering a variant beastman.


Qin Jiulin gathered all the available food in his house and placed it at the entrance of the kitchen. Having traveled back from ten years in the future, he couldn’t recall what food supplies remained at home.


The collected provisions wouldn’t sustain him for long, but it didn’t matter. The dietary preferences of beastmen gradually changed after transformation. It was important to note that they didn’t resort to consuming other transformed individuals, but rather relied on reverted animals and plants.


Human transformation into beastmen was divided into partial transformation and complete transformation. Essentially, it was a reversion phenomenon. Complete transformation indicated a full reversion and allowed individuals to control their abilities freely. Those who underwent partial transformation failed to fully revert and became mindless creatures driven solely by the instinct to hunt and feed.


In addition to humans, all living beings in the world experienced the reversion phenomenon. Similar to humans, some fully reverted and gained tremendous strength, while others experienced partial reversion. However, unlike humans, non-human partially reverted beings retained their consciousness.


Of course, there were also living creatures that didn’t exhibit any signs of reversion, residing at the lowest levels of the food chain.


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