Rebirth in the leisurely life of the red age

Chapter 407 (10,000-word update, please vote for me!)

Jinling, Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum No. 8.

With red eyes, Fugui bid farewell to Tian Lanhua, Niu Huashan and other Niu family members.

After saying "take care" to his wife, Fugui looked at Niu Jianjun, the second son of Niu Lao who had just been released from the detention center. Seeing that he was still silent and sad, he sighed in his heart and said to Niu Huashan: "Third sister, now all the people are doing business in the sea. But it is not the right way for the younger generation to make a living by batching notes. Moreover, precious resources are wasted. If the Niu family wants to do business, come to me directly, and I will ask my elder brother to arrange someone to help you do the right business. , it’s definitely better than this! It can last a long time!”

In the twenty days before General Niu fell into coma, he introduced too many people and gave him too many precious resources. The presence of these connections is enough to ensure that the Li family's Martyrs and Veterans Heroes Foundation can continue to develop smoothly.

The long-term importance of this foundation to the Li family... cannot be overstated.

It’s just that under the law of heaven, it’s hard to go into details.

After receiving such great benefits, Fugui thought he should take more care of the Niu family.

Niu Huashan smiled and said: "Don't worry, who in the circle doesn't know the strength of your family? Xiaoba, if you really need it, we won't be polite to you. However, Dad also explained clearly before, how big the bowl is and how much you can eat. Rice. I have a big belly and can easily burst to death. We are all doing well now, and we haven’t reached that stage yet.”

Fugui looked at Niu Jianjun again. This was the son that Mr. Niu had always cared about and loved the most, but he had not been able to see him for the last time.

Niu Jianjun felt the rich look in his eyes and raised his eyes to look at him, looking at his father's favorite disciple in his later years. There was sadness, dissatisfaction, regret, jealousy, relief in his eyes, and he finally said calmly: "Don't worry about me, I won't do anything under the old man's name. Besides, I can't afford his name now." He laughed at himself.

Mr. Niu did a great job. He constantly greeted his comrades who came to visit him or who were invited by him, and told them not to "convenience" their children and worry that they would go astray.

With this sentence, although it cannot be said that it will completely block the possibility of the Niu family's children going astray, it will at least prevent them from doing much even if they do.

Fugui couldn't say anything in response, so he just said: "Brother Jianjun, cheer up. If you need anything, just say hello."

As long as it's the right path, he will help.

Finally, he said to Tian Lanhua: "Master's wife, I will return to the mainland after the Chinese New Year and celebrate the Chinese New Year in the capital. Then I will visit you."

It has been decided from above to take Tian Lanhua to Sijiucheng for retirement.

Tian Lanhua smiled and said, "Okay, Master, I'll wait for you."

Not to mention the huge background behind Fu Gui, just talking about his character, Tian Lanhua also likes him very much.

After saying goodbye again, Fugui took a car to the airport and boarded a plane flying to Sijiu City.

"Sing one, sing one, sing one!"

On a day of shopping in Harbin, several women were very satisfied because they had accidentally heard Gao Weihong humming a few Northeastern tunes along with the duo singing on the street. On the way to Daqing, Lou Xiaoe and the other three kept urging her to sing a few lines.

Even Li Yuan helped: "Sister Wei Hong, you are so shy, why are you so shy?"

After getting a white eye, Gao Weihong no longer felt shy and said: "I know a few sentences. When I was studying and working here, I listened to it and memorized a few paragraphs."

Lou Xiao'e was so happy that she couldn't help but say: "Sing, sing, sing!"

After Gao Weihong cleared his throat, he sang a cappella: "First, I don't want you to worry. Second, I don't want you to worry. Third, I don't want you to wear the wrong one, slave's Doudou. Little sister's Doudou is originally the silver chain, and my lover's Doudou is the eight treasures." That wishful hook. First, I don’t want you to be in a hurry, second, I don’t want you to be busy, and third, I don’t want you to wear the wrong slave’s clothes. The little sister’s clothes are originally those with flower sleeves, and the clothes of my lover are those with long horse hoof sleeves.”


Erlou and Nie Yu were calling like crazy!

This is a pure erotic ditty!

Gao Weihong himself couldn't stop laughing, and then asked Li Yuan in front of him: "You have been in the Northeast for a long time, and you are still in the countryside, so you should be able to sing."

Li Yuan drove the car and laughed and said: "Yes, I learned this from Madam Ma in Sartu. Listen... uh uh... the little sister sent her lover to Damendong, please don't blow when it rains. Wind, the light rain will keep my husband here for a few more minutes."

After listening to Li Yuan's singing, Lou Xiao'e was not convinced and said: "I will sing one too!"

Nie Yu said with a bad smile: "Sing "Eighteen Touches"!"

Lou Xiao'e said with joy, "I can really sing!"

Gao Weihong was startled and said, "Are you still singing this?"

"He taught it!"

Lou Xiao'e glanced forward, and Gao Weihong was speechless, as if he had gotten to know someone again.

Li Yuan seemed to have eyes behind his back, and he even boasted: "I'm just collecting folk art!"

Nie Yu couldn't help but said: "You two sing together, sing together!"

Lou Xiao'e squinted: "The two of them sang that one, how about this one with me? No, I want to sing something else! How about "Splashing Water in Front of Horses"?"

Li Yuan felt bad: "Even if these are not the same, "Eighteen Touches" still sounds better!"

Everyone laughed, and Lou Xiao'e took the opportunity to step down. She didn't have all the five notes, how could she sing well, so she called Li Yuan and said: "You said we don't want to be next to each other, then you can sing well!"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Okay, let's sing a little tune, "Light the Four Incenses"! Peach blossoms are flying, willow branches are green..."

The four women were sitting on the circular sofa in the living room, quietly listening to Li Yuanke's energetic singing in front of them, which was really nice.

Four hours later, the RV stopped at the Old Battle Command Center in Daqing. Li Yuan got out of the car wearing a single shirt. With countless people looking at the crazy spy, he randomly asked someone: "Excuse me, the 1205 Drilling Team." How to get to the family home?"

"Are you sei?"

This elder brother is very simple.

Li Yuan took out a work permit from his "pocket", which was issued by Cao.

However, the word "center" is really deceiving, and the Northeastern brother's attitude immediately became enthusiastic: "If you do this, walk forward, turn and turn again, and you will arrive when you see two rows of brick buildings!"

After Li Yuan gave him a pack of cigarettes, he said goodbye.

The RV continues to start.

After a while, they saw two rows of plain Soviet-style brick buildings, and the four women began to arm themselves.

A sweater inside and a uniform military coat outside.

Of course, it is still different from the ones outside. Li Yuan personally modified it and added velvet, which is very warm.

After putting on their hats, gloves, and scarves, they got out of the car laughing and carrying a lot of things.

After asking for the address, five people came to the door.

In front of a yellow wooden door, Li Yuan knocked on the door and asked loudly, "Is Wang Yueping here?"


There were sounds and footsteps inside, and soon the door opened.

A simple old man with gray hair, a dark face, a face full of wrinkles, a worn-out wool vest, and a smell of engine oil. His expression was not very good, but after seeing Li Yuan's bright smile, the old man immediately turned angry. Overjoyed, he shouted excitedly: "Yuanzi?! Oh, it's really you! Why are you here?"

Li Yuan laughed and said, "I came here specifically to see you, Uncle Wang, are you okay?"

Wang Jinxi saw the... four women on Li Yuan's body again, but he didn't bother to educate this boy, not to mention his wife. The country only allowed one child to be born, so he quickly greeted him inside and responded: "Okay, okay! Oops. , look at the mess here, sit down quickly, sit down quickly, I will get you some water."

In a small living room, there are blueprints of kowtow machines everywhere. There is also a part full of engine oil in the middle, as well as some wrenches, hammers and other tools.

But Li Yuan didn't have time to pay attention. Looking at the portraits of Wang Jinxi's mother, wife, and youngest daughter hanging on the wall, he didn't know what to say.

Wang Jinxi came out with a thermos bottle and five bowls. When he saw Li Yuan standing there motionless, he comforted him and said, "You kid, why are you still sad? Is there anything that can be done about a person's illness? Heart disease, diabetes, Poliomyelitis is a terminal disease and cannot be cured. You treated them well back then and allowed them to live well for more than ten years before falling ill. This is enough! Sit down, sit down!"

Li Yuan turned around and asked, "Uncle Wang, why didn't grandma and aunty come to see me when they fell ill?"

Hearing his name, Wang Jinxi felt more comfortable and happy, but he couldn't tell the truth.

During the turbulent years, Wang Jinxi had almost the highest status in the entire Northeast. In the end, he even became one of the two hundred people and was very popular.

At that time, there were countless people around him, and those who sent love and hospitality were like crucian carp crossing the river.

After the relocation, because he insisted on staying in the oil field and refused to go to the ministry, although the treatment offered by the superiors was very good, he did not want it, and the situation was completely different.

Daqing's iron man spirit is still there, but he is just an ordinary model worker.

To say that he was not disappointed would be false, but he never complained. After all, it was his choice not to leave the front line and not to be treated.

In this case, how could you bother an old friend thousands of miles away?

After listening to Li Yuan's words, Wang Jinxi smiled and said: "The doctor said there is nothing that can be done. It is a terminal illness. What else can I do for you?"

Lou Xiao'e looked at Li Yuan and said, "There is no cure, oh?"

Li Yuan sighed and nodded. No matter what he said now, he could only stab someone's heart.

There is really no cure, but symptoms can be alleviated.

However, he really couldn't stay here to get acupuncture every day and take them to Hong Kong Island. Given the family tradition of the Wang family, it was absolutely impossible for him to agree to it.

Forget it, it's too late to think about it.

"Don't be upset. Nothing will happen. I have no regrets."

Wang Jinxi patted Li Yuan's leg, leaving a slap mark on his pants. He laughed sheepishly and said, "I just washed my hands and they were not clean. I'll wash them again."

Li Yuan said "Huh" and imitated Wang Jinxi's Yumen accent and said, "No, it's no big deal."

Several women laughed.

Wang Jinxi didn't dare to go see them, mainly because he was afraid of embarrassing them. After all, it was illegal. He asked Li Yuan, "What have you been doing recently?"

Li Yuan briefly talked about his achievements in Hong Kong Island in the past few years, and finally introduced a few wives: "At that time, Hong Kong Island was still under the Qing Dynasty, and multiple marriages were legal, so I had four wives, nine of them. A child."

Wang Jinxi looked at the four women, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "There are more than four, right? I know that Qinbu... is the girl who went to the train station with you to see me off that year..."

Several women laughed together, and Gao Weihong said: "Director Wang, I am not his wife, but his friend. You may have forgotten that that year, Lu Duoduo and I came here from Harbin to find Yuanzi and ask him to give Duoduo See a doctor. Duoduo’s father is the principal of Harbin Military Industry.”

Wang Jinxi suddenly remembered it, nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, yes, I remember it! That's what happened! Okay, okay, great! You are all doing well now, live a good life!"

Gao Weihong smiled and didn't refute anything.

Wang Jinxi suddenly looked at the time and saw that it was time for dinner. He hurriedly said: "Let's go to the cafeteria today to eat and take a walk. I invite you to go to the headquarters cafeteria to have a small meal. Yuanzi, the country is making good plans now, and the salary and wages are very high. , I’m not the only one who is taller, all oil field workers are well paid and can afford food, so don’t be nagging.”

Li Yuanle said: "Don't be verbose, don't be verbose. If I had known that the oil fields were rich in oil and water, I would have taken advantage of the big ones today!"

When Wang Jinxi got up, he saw the bags of things that Lou Xiaoe and the others brought. He was a little unhappy and said, "What are you doing at this time?"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "Uncle Wang, you are not a high official now. When did I give it to you when you were a high official? Now that you are not a high official, eh, I can give it to you instead! It's not something valuable. Eat it." To replenish the body, it was originally prepared for grandma and aunt, but now it’s all given to you.”

Wang Jinxi was startled when he heard this, then smiled and said: "Okay!"

We went downstairs together and saw many people watching the steel beast. Wang Jinxi was also startled. Li Yuan called him to get in the car.

Wang Jinxi was a little confused, but when he thought of what Li Yuan had done, he no longer struggled, and kept sighing: "If this is changed to pulling an oil truck, that would be great!"

Li Yuanle said: "This is a gift from my eldest son, imported from Europe. But our country will also have it in the future."

Wang Jinxi was convinced and nodded: "Yes! As long as you work hard, you can achieve anything!"

The group went to the second floor of the cafeteria and ordered some home-style Northeastern stir-fries and two bottles of sorghum wine, which the women all tasted.

Then I watched Li Yuan and an old petroleum man eating and drinking, chatting about what happened back then and about his nephews and daughters.

In Hong Kong Island, they had never seen Li Yuan talking to anyone like this.

I only talked more with the father and son of the Kadoorie family, but the situation was still different.

No wonder he had to drive thousands of miles to come here.

Unfortunately, time passed quickly, and when the cafeteria was closing, Li Yuan sent Wang Jinxi home, who was very drunk.

Wang Jinxi did not live with his children, but lived alone. Li Yuan helped him to the bed and covered him before leaving.

After thinking about it, I still didn't have any money left. The treatment in the oil field was really not bad, and the money was indeed not bad.

If he left some money and left, he might make this old uncle angry.

In the end, I only wrote a farewell letter and put it down before leaving.

After getting in the car again and setting off, Nie Yu sat in the passenger seat and asked, "I didn't expect that you and Iron Man have such a good relationship."

Li Yuandao: "In addition to respecting his character and character, during the most chaotic period of the year, more than a dozen children in the family were handed over to others. Li Kun, Li Cheng, and four other girls were all helped and taken care of well. Nothing went wrong. Just because of this, he is virtuous. Are there too many educated youths who had troubles in those years?"

Nie Yu said with emotion: "It's such a big favor. Why don't you stay for two more days? It would be better if you talk to the old man more."

In fact, they wanted Li Yuan to talk to more people. They always felt that he lived a lonely life and his circle was too narrow.

Li Yuan shook his head and said: "Don't disrupt other people's life rhythms. Model workers like Uncle Wang will not feel very comfortable if they don't go to the front line for a day, and they may get sick if they don't go for a few days. That's it."

Li Yuan did not leave directly, but drove the car to Dulbert, told his wives where he had hunted yellow sheep, and asked them to get out of the car and roll in the snow to experience the snow. Night style, finally driving south.

But he was not in a hurry to go home. He played in the snow country for about a week, then entered the pass and headed west.

Visit places of interest and see historical sites.

Eat delicious food and meet people.

Their footprints are everywhere north of the Yellow River.

After spending New Year's Day of 1986 at Yumen Pass, the family was still in the car and watched the newly broadcast "Journey to the West" on the car TV.

Then take another road and return to Sijiu City while playing.

And on January 28th, he returned to the courtyard of the Royal Palace in the capital.

"We're back!!"

The moment they arrived home, everyone was in a great mood.

The majestic palace, the large stone lions and carved beams at the entrance look so comfortable.

This made the sister-in-law who came to pick her up laughed and said, "You guys are back from the Buddhist scriptures?"

The second sister-in-law also counted on her fingers: "There are four masters and apprentices plus a white dragon horse, so there are exactly five!"

Nie Yu said impatiently: "Where are my parents? I'm going to meet them, and then I have to go back to the house and have a good sleep."

Of course, you can sleep in the car, but no matter how good the performance is, the RV is still a bit bumpy. After all, the domestic roads are not very good at the moment, and the infrastructure maniac has not yet exerted its power. In addition, four people can sleep on a bed that was originally designed for two people. Personally, it's still a bit crowded.

The four women were all in the same spirit. After hurriedly going into the back room to see Father Li and Mother Li, they went back to the room to rest on the big bed, and threatened to make harsh words and said they would sleep for three days and three nights.

Li Yuan was in much better spirits and could still go into the house to chat with the old man, old lady and elder brother.

The antique living room does not lack the convenience of life.

The windows are clear and the sun is shining brightly.

The floor heating system imported from Europe warms the house.

"Mom, are you used to living here?"

Seeing that his old mother wasn't staring at him enough, Li Yuan asked with a smile.

Mother Li said happily: "Get used to it, good!"

The eldest sister-in-law exposed the old man: "I shout to go back to Qinjiazhuang every day. Now that the youngest is back, you are used to it, right?"

Li Yuanqi asked: "Didn't you arrange a car to take you home for fun every day?"

The second sister-in-law laughed angrily and said, "People are laughing at us, saying that we, who cook buns, do it every day and go back to our hometown to show off. It gets annoying if we talk too much, so we just don't come back. I don't want to come back, because I think too much."

Li Gui said calmly: "Nothing is perfect." He then asked Li Yuan: "It's freezing and snowy in the Northeast now, and you guys have been playing for so long? Everyone is in Maodong, so what are you doing?"

Li Yuan laughed and said, "It's only fun in the ice and snow. I got a sledge and had fun everywhere. After playing for a month, I came out and went to the west."

Mother Li said happily: "Okay, let's go play more!"

Li Yuan chuckled and said, "Mom, when it's summer, I'll take you and dad out for a play, what do you think?"

Mother Li disagreed and said with a smile: "We are old and don't dare to go out casually. If we die on the road, we will become a lonely ghost." She was probably afraid of hurting her son's heart by speaking too directly, so she paused and added : "Mainly because of your dad, I'm okay."

Li Gui: "..."

The mother and son were snickering on the side, and Li Chi asked Li Yuan, "Why didn't you call in advance when you came back this time?"

Li Yuan smiled and said: "There is nothing urgent, and I am not sure when it will arrive, so I didn't fight."

Li Chi said: "The people from Hong Kong Island call us every day to ask about your situation."

Li Yuan didn't care and said, "They are the only ones with a lot of things to do."

If something big happened, they would contact Zhiguo directly and use some connections to find them.

Li Chi scolded his younger brother and said, "Why are there so many things? Can't the children just miss you? I'm here to tell you the good news!"

Li Yuanle said: "Both of the boss's family have given birth? The rich one has given birth too!"

Mother Li didn't let her eldest son speak. She wanted to say: "You have two more grandchildren and a granddaughter!"

Li Yuan has adapted to grandsons and other things. The genes of the old Li family... more children means more blessings.

But the granddaughter was so lucky that she quickly asked: "Whose granddaughter is she? Is she rich?"

Mother Li smiled and said, "No, she's fat!"

Li Yuan laughed and said: "This man, what he thinks and what he thinks is really different! In fact, Pangpang prefers his son, and Shanshan prefers his daughter. They have bought several cabinets of small clothes and skirts. Fugui and Xiaomin also hope to be the first It's best to be a daughter, sister is good. But it turns out that Pangpang is the daughter, and Shanshan is the son..."

Li Chi smiled and said: "They are nothing different. They are all raised in the same house, and the children all call them mother."

The second sister-in-law said with a smile: "Youngest, how many grandchildren do you have?"

Li Yuan counted the numbers and said: "The oldest family has four, the second oldest has three, and the third oldest has one, which is exactly eight. Two granddaughters, and six grandsons."

Li Gui asked: "How did you name it?"

Li Yuandao: "I'm not going to arrange it here. I really can't arrange it. There are not enough words. It means wisdom, wisdom, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust. The name can't be too elegant, it's better to be simple."

Fifth brother Li Hai smiled and said: "Jiu'er's name is so elegant."

Li Yuan said bluntly: "Ordinary people can't bear this name. Jiuer is different. He is not an ordinary person."

A room full of old brothers and sisters-in-law laughed happily.

Li Yuan said: "Did Jiu'er go out again?"

Seventh Brother Li Qingdao: "I go out every day. I have been visiting the Forbidden City in the past month."

Li Yuan said in surprise: "Forbidden City? She didn't really like it there before."

Li Qingdao: "The little girl is very interesting. She said that you can practice cultivation inside. I said, darling, don't become a monk. Journey to the West is all a lie. Xiaojiu reassured me. She said it was about cultivating the mind, not spiritual practice. I I didn’t understand her, but I saw that she was also laughing and joking, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. I called my sister-in-law and she told me not to worry about it and said it was fine. It seemed that she also applied for an internal card for Xiaojiu. Wherever you let me in, Xiaojiu can enter."

Tsk tsk, this family is not ordinary people anyway.

After talking about what he had seen for a while, Li Yuan gave his parents and several elderly brothers and sisters a massage. After some acupuncture for those who were in poor health, he went back to his room to rest.

The journey is fun, but it is also tiring, and I feel tired after watching too much.

Moreover, the shower room is still a bit small, and I dare not be too arrogant in the living room. It is icy and snowy outside. I tried it several times in turn and it felt okay.

Tsk, it’s a bit tiring, but life is wonderful!

It wasn't all good news. I turned on the TV in my bedroom and watched the news reports. The American space shuttle Challenger exploded a few seconds after takeoff, killing all seven astronauts on board.

Tsk, for the continuous flow of technology and equipment, Li Yuan sincerely observed three seconds of silence for them: I wish them well.

After entering the room and getting massaged one by one, Gao Weihong finally kicked him out of the door.

It doesn't matter, anyway, he has a clear conscience and is innocent.

After leaving the west wing, they saw brother and sister Zhiguo and Xiaojiu walking from the Chaoshou corridor.


The brother and sister were very happy to meet again after not seeing each other for several months.

Li Yuan smiled and picked up Xiaojiu and spun him around, then nodded to Zhiguo.

Governing the country: "..."

But he was almost used to it. He chuckled and said: "Dad, my eldest brother called me and said that he might not come here until the New Year's Eve, and then go back on the first day of the new year. The three new nieces and nephews who were born at home will stay at home this year. Here we go, too small.”

Li Yuan wondered: "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Zhiguo said with bright eyes: "Dad, the Japanese yen has appreciated sharply this month, from 1:238 to 1:168. My elder brother asked me to tell you that the amount of money Cousin Aze invested in the foreign exchange market last month was huge. Make a fortune. The eldest brother was very happy. He said that he only found out after the funds were secured. Those who praised you were all magicians. The eldest brother is negotiating with the British Cable and Telegraph Company on Hong Kong Island to acquire the Hong Kong Island Telephone Company. .”

Li Yuanfeng said calmly: "Let him do whatever he wants."

Zhiguo was speechless and asked: "Dad, how did you predict it? The agreement signed in September last year, and it was stipulated that the appreciation would be 20% in an orderly manner within three years. Last year, the appreciation was 5%, but it was It's quite satisfactory. It's only the first month of the new year and it has already skyrocketed by 30%. The US dollar has fallen by 5%. Germany has also signed an appreciation agreement before, so how can it appreciate in an orderly manner? Dad, the beautiful country is in Germany. There are also troops stationed there. If you want to speculate, you can't guess this result. How do you know?"

Li Yuan was outraged and said with disgust: "If you say you are ignorant, you still know something. If you say you understand, it is nonsense."

Zhiguo said helplessly: "It's precisely because I don't understand that I'm asking you for advice."

Li Yuan glanced aside and complained to his daughter: "Looking at the idiot makes you angry."

Jiuer chuckled and said, "Dad, please teach me."

Li Yuandao: "What a simple truth. Who does the United States hate the most? Who poses the greatest threat to the United States? Who has been targeted by the United States over the years? Is it Germany? Germany has not been unified yet, and the United States still hopes to arm itself. Get up and fight against the polar bear. How can you really deal with Hans at this time? Pulling Hans into the water together is just to dig a hole for the chicken. This does not require much strategic thinking, you can see through it at a glance. As for why it is 86 Year instead of 1985? It's simple. Boil the frog in warm water. Let the frog adapt to the temperature of the pot first, so that it has no chance to regret it, and then add more heat. Look, the fun of chicken in a pot is still to come. .So, Xiaoliu, you still have to study."

Zhiguo clasped his fists and said happily: "I am sincerely convinced! But daddy, there are very few people like you in the world who spend most of the year traveling around and can make a huge amount of wealth in just one game. You’re the only one.”


Li Yuan laughed and scolded: "Don't make excuses for yourself. Who do you think our family is? Let me tell you, the big head is still divided up by Lao Mei and those real big families. Aze doesn't dare to do it at all. It ended up using a large amount of funds, two billion US dollars, dispersed into dozens of accounts and poured in. People simply look down on this small amount of capital flow. Don't be arrogant!"

Zhiguo's face froze, and he looked at his father and said, "Dad, what are the real big families you are talking about? I know there are the Rockefeller family and the Morgan family."

Li Yuandao: "There are more, and there is the DuPont family. These are the giant beasts hidden in the deep sea on this planet. Do you know who made the two atomic bombs, the fat man and the little boy, that were thrown on the chicken's head?" "

Zhi Guo shook his head and Li Yuan said: "It's the Dupont family."

Zhi Guo was numb. Based on the information he had access to, he didn't know any of this. After taking a deep breath, Zhi Guo implored: "Dad, can you tell me more?" Then he laughed at himself: "I won't hide it from you. He said, I have always felt that our Tang Dynasty Li family is almost the first-class family in the world."

Jiuer laughed.

Li Yuan chuckled and said: "Before the founding of the United States, the Dupont family was prosperous in France. As early as the Louis XVI period, Pierre Dupont won the favor of famous tycoons including Voltaire because he wrote a paper. Praise, became the editor of royal publications, and later became the commercial director of Louis XVI, becoming a nobleman. After Louis XVI was guillotined, the Dupont family was exiled to the United States. On the early morning of New Year's Day in 1800, the Dupont family arrived The beautiful country was the beginning of this family. Pierre Dupont's second son, Irele Dupont, was a disciple of Lavoisier, the father of modern chemistry. In 1802, the DuPont Company was established in Delaware to engage in the black powder business. "

Zhiguo was puzzled and said: "This is not a separate business."

Li Yuandao: "Yes, it's not a unique business. But in the second year, in 1803, Pierre Dupont helped the United States buy Louisiana from Napoleon. Louisiana was equivalent to today's One-fifth of the land area of ​​the United States. As a result, DuPont became the exclusive supplier of gunpowder to the United States, monopolizing 92.5% of the gunpowder supply in the United States. From the American-British War, the Civil War, World War I, and World War II During the World War, DuPont was America's largest arms supplier. It was the most profitable industry in the world. By the way, the DuPont family and the Roosevelt family were related by marriage. As for how deep this family's background is in the American world, you can Just think deep down.

When it comes to governing the country, not to mention that the Li family of the Tang Dynasty was just a slightly more prominent wealthy man on Hong Kong Island. Even if the Li family had the final say on the entire Hong Kong Island, at best, they were just a rich family in an insignificant island city in the world. That’s all. Where do you get the confidence that our family has become the best in the world? "

Zhiguo rubbed his face and asked, "Dad, how big is this kind of family?"

Li Yuandao: "Of course not many, but not much. In addition to Rockefeller and Morgan, there is also Monsanto. Monsanto is a Jewish surname. Son, this world is broader and bigger than what you see and think now. , and even crueler. The most powerful country on the planet is just a community of interests of a few big families. Can Japan really challenge them? In fact, it is far from it. It is nothing more than a chicken in the foot pot. This chicken is fat, so find a reason to kill it. Just eat meat. Take the pharmaceutical field as an example. All the pharmaceutical companies in the East combined are not enough to fight Johnson \u0026 Johnson alone."

Zhi Guo said dullly: "Dad, you are so talented that you are not willing to fight. In addition to being indifferent to fame and fortune, is it also because of a sense of powerlessness?"

Li Yuan chuckled and said: "That's not the case. The beautiful country is not unsolvable. In fact, it has a lot of flaws. It's very simple. The interests of several major families and the interests of the people are not consistent. It may sound a bit fucked up to say this. Because their people live much happier lives than most people in the world. But that’s the fact, otherwise there wouldn’t have been so many economic crises. It’s just that they can make up for it by harvesting other countries.

Flowers don’t last a hundred days, and people don’t last a thousand days. This is the way of heaven and no one can avoid it. What their fate will be, I don't know and I don't care. All I know is that as long as we do our own thing well, sooner or later we will be able to compete with them. It doesn't mean to surpass them or destroy them, but to be so powerful that they cannot be destroyed or bullied.

This is something our generation should be able to see. As for what it will be like in the next hundred years, it depends on whether future generations will live up to expectations.

So boy, don't be proud. In the eyes of those Western families with huge power, you are no more noble than the son of an African chief. "

The governance of the country is really depressing.

Xiaojiu chuckled again, looked up at her father and asked, "Dad, do they also have people like us?"

Li Yuan hesitated upon hearing this, thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "Probably not. We looked around and found nothing, didn't we? Of the four major ancient civilizations, we are the only one left to continue the inheritance. Maybe there is a reason. When it comes to nobility, the United States has only been established for two hundred years. High-heeled shoes were invented in Europe in the Middle Ages to prevent stepping on shit, and it was nothing. They seized the industrial revolution and the technological revolution, and exploded with huge energy. Therefore, they are more Trust in machinery, such as firearms.”

Xiaojiu nodded, relieved, and said to Zhiguo: "Brother, I will help you in the future."

Zhiguo was so embarrassed that he smiled from ear to ear and said, "Thank you, sister."

Li Yuan reminded: "If you dare to let your sister do dangerous things, such as assassinating some chief, I will let you know why the flowers are so red in a minute."

Zhi Guo jumped high in grievance: "Dad, Jiu'er is also my most beloved sister!"

Li Yuan was too lazy to pay attention and took his daughter's hand to the front.

He was not afraid of embarrassment in governing the country, so he followed happily.

New York, St. Regis Hotel.

Li Si and Atlanna were invited to attend a charity dinner hosted by British Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

This dinner was hosted by Princess Diana. As the youngest daughter of Earl Edward Spencer, the noble Princess of Wales was quite famous in her rude place of exile.

Celebrities gathered.

Diana and Atlanna knew each other before she became Princess of Wales and had a close relationship.

When I come to New York this time, I won’t miss the opportunity to meet him.

Although Li Si didn't want to act with these fading pretenders, he still respected Atlanna's traditions and beliefs. He put on a silk tuxedo and followed Atlanna to the most expensive hotel in the United States.

After arriving, he found a corner to sit down and eat.

Atlanna didn't force her and went to chat with Princess Diana.

This is a banquet for a group of people who claim to be upper class. The pretentious criminals are very elegant in their words and deeds and will not appear drunk and harassing women.

People are like this, the more they lack something, the more they like to show off.

No matter how filthy you are in private, you will appear classy and decent on the surface.


Li Si didn't expect that no one would harass Atlanna, but someone would come looking for him and call him a man.

He was not rude, nodded and responded: "Hello."

Seeing this, the man smiled slightly, sat down on his own initiative, and introduced himself more formally in Chinese: "Hello, Mr. Li, I am John, John Dupont."


Li Si exclaimed in a more American style and said with a smile: "The Dupont family is amazing."

But the sense of alienation is palpable.

After all, DuPont is none of my business.

John Dupont looked very well-educated, smiled slightly, and said with understanding: "It's the same reaction that many people have when they hear my family's surname. But in fact, it's not a big deal. After all, there are now 360,000 people in the Dupont family, and I am just one of them. Just one of them.”

Li Si chuckled and said, "Well, Mr. Dupont, come to me, do you have any advice? If you want to buy a computer, I can help."

John Dupont laughed slightly loudly and said: "You are the funniest Chinese I have ever seen. No wonder you have won the favor of the Lancaster family heir. Of course, there may also be your father, the great Oriental doctor, among you." It’s because of the martial artist Dr. Li. Li, it’s not me investigating you. We are actually related.”

Li Si didn't understand and said, "What's the origin? Our family doesn't run the arms business."

John smiled and said: "You must know that HSBC Taipan Shenbi, right?"

Li Si narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "I've heard it many times. Why, he is your cousin?"

John laughed again and said: "That's not true. As one of the world's best bankers, Shen Bi was originally going to join the DuPont family after leaving HSBC next year. After his unfortunate accident, the DuPont Family Committee was shocked and even Someone was specially sent to Hong Kong Island to visit him."

Li Si put down the knife and fork he was using to cut the steak, looked at John and said with a smile, "You don't want to come to thank our family, do you? I heard that it was my father who saved him."

John nodded and said: "There is gratitude, and there is also a willingness to cooperate. Li, we found this from Shen Bi's room, a drug called... Longhu Pills. Wow, after asking many people, including Yihe Yangxingkai Old Mike of the Swick family was full of praise for this medicine. After I tasted one myself, God, I am so glad that I am a man and not a woman, otherwise the end would be too miserable.

Li, the DuPont family mobilized the most outstanding medical scientists, including many Chinese medicine masters in China, but they were unable to analyze the prescription of this traditional Chinese medicine. But it is certain that the side effects of this drug on normal people are almost zero.

I have to say that your father is really a genius in this world. We cannot contact him, but the DuPont family sincerely wants to cooperate with your Datang Li family, very sincerely. "

Li Si picked his teeth with a toothpick and said with a smile, "You should go directly to my elder brother."

John Dupont regretted: "The people who went to negotiate were declined. I think it may be because the Dupont family is too low-key, so in the far east, they don't know the reputation of our family. But you are different, you live in the United States After many years, I believe that no one here can refuse the friendship of the Dupont family, right? I hope you can help me convince your father and your brother, and the Dupont family will help you become the next Datang Group The heir, I guarantee it in the name of my grandfather."

Li Si looked at the little Dupont opposite him like a fool, and sighed: "Bah!" The toothpick hit John's nose, and nosebleeds actually flowed down.

Li Si wiped his hands with a handkerchief and said with a smile: "A bastard who can't even get into the Dupont family's core industry comes here to paint the cake in such a despicable way. You bitch, you look really good." Annoying enough."

John Dupont: "..."

PS: Another day with thousands of days, it’s almost the end of the month, keep rushing!

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