Rebirth: Japanese investor

Chapter 462: hard to read scriptures

  Chapter 462 Hard to read scriptures

  After the Miyazaki family entered the house, Miyazaki Ryujing began to distribute gifts. I have prepared some good things for my family.

   "Spending money indiscriminately." Miyazaki's mother said strangely when she received the gift her son bought for her.

   "Mom, you are just worrying. My brother is now the president of a large-scale enterprise, with an annual income of tens of millions. These things are nothing.

  You can safely accept it and use it. Now, who doesn't envy our family around the neighbors? "Miyazaki-san said bluntly.

   "Uncle, where's my gift?" Miyazaki's two children couldn't wait to interject in unison with their immature childish voices and asked.

   "You two little things will not be missing." Miyazaki Ryujing immediately recognized the gifts for his two nephews from the different paper bags.

   He personally distributed the gifts to their hands. In addition to being thanked, I also felt the trust and intimacy that the two of them conveyed to their own family members.

   The two little guys hurriedly opened the presents in person. When they saw something, they were very happy, after all, it was the latest handheld game console.

   "Just buy one, how can you buy two?" Miyazaki's mother began to feel distressed for her son again.

   "Lest they fight." Miyazaki Ryujing replied.

   "It's enough for the two of you to play with one! The other one is for me to play with." Miyazaki was also jealous of the latest palm game consoles in the hands of her two nephews.

   The two little guys quickly grabbed hold of them with both hands, turned around and ran out of the living room. They are afraid that their things will be taken away.

   "Brother, you haven't given me 30,000 yen yet!" Miyazaki asked for money again.

   "What the **** are you doing all the time? Your brother just came home and you are like this." Miyazaki's mother said displeased.

   "Who made my brother rich and I poor? Dad died, and the eldest brother is the father. He should naturally take good care of me." Miyazaki said plausibly.

   "Mom, see for yourself. The little sister was spoiled by you." Sister Miyazaki said bluntly.

   "What qualifications do you have to scold me? Do you think you can get there better than me?" Miyazaki's sister confronted each other.

"Okay. Isn't it 30,000 yen! I'll give it to you. Shut up for me. Don't make Mom unhappy." Miyazaki Ryujing hurriedly stopped the escalation of the quarrel between the two sisters, and took out his own He took out three 10,000-yen bills from the wallet and handed them to the little sister.

   "My brother is still the best." Miyazaki took over 30,000 yen and said happily.

   Miyazaki Ryujing not only gave her money, but also gave her the gift she should have. He also handed the eldest sister's gift to the other party.

   After the gifts that belonged to the family were distributed, some of the remaining gifts were given to relatives, friends, and neighbors with good relationships.

   Sister Miyazaki opened her gift, which was a LV designer bag, and she was all overjoyed. She immediately put it on her left wrist and asked her mother, "Does it look good?"

   "Good-looking is good-looking, it must be expensive!" Miyazaki's mother blurted out her debut.

   "Can it be expensive? That's a luxury." Miyazaki interjected.

   Sister Miyazaki is so beautiful in her heart. I immediately fell in love with it. At this moment, Miyazaki also opened her gift, a set of high-end cosmetics. She didn't show any excitement.

   "This doesn't apply at all, why don't you just give me cash." Miyazaki's younger sister showed her disappointment instead.

   "Why doesn't it apply? Twelve-year-old girls in Tokyo know how to dress up well. You look like a twenty-year-old, do you look like a girl?

  You don't go to school, you don't work, you don't say anything about you. With this unkempt look all day long, which boy will fall in love with you? " Miyazaki Longjing was dissatisfied with the appearance of the otaku girl.

   "As for my personal issues, you don't need to worry about it. You should worry about your personal issues first! You shoulder the responsibility of continuing the blood of our Miyazaki family." Miyazaki retorted.

   "You three are all children born to me and your dead father. Why, Longjing is so capable and amazing? You two look like you are going to die." Miyazaki's mother said warmly.

   "Who asked Brother to **** up all the good nutrition for us first?" Miyazaki said without blaming herself.

   "Yes, yes." Sister Miyazaki immediately echoed.

   "What is it? The two of you are noisy all day long, why are you unified on this one thing?" Miyazaki's mother asked back.

   "My little sister and I's problems are all small problems. The big problem in our family is about my brother's marriage and love. Matsui Natsuki is really scheming.

  At first, I mistakenly thought that he was really going to Tokyo to find a job, so he kindly told her about my brother's phone number, but unexpectedly he went to Tokyo to hook up with my brother. "Miyazaki-san said seriously.

   "Natsuki Matsui is not suitable for my brother. Now, my brother is the president of a big company. Even if he wants to marry a wife, he should be a rich lady.

   In this way, it is enough to get on the right track. Matsui Natsuki is not suitable, absolutely not suitable. "Miyazaki-san expressed her personal opinion.

   Miyazaki Longjing was speechless. My two sisters are really "unity". One was divorced and brought two children back to live with her parents.

   After staying here, not only will he not be able to leave, but he will also not pay any money, and he and his two children will eat together.

   Another is to squat at home. If you don't go to school or work, that's all. After all, she's a girl, and she can still get married in the future.

   However, my little sister has absolutely no intention of marrying. All day long, I either eat or sleep. Otherwise, read comics, play games, etc.

   Miyazaki's mother shook her head and thought of something with her son. After all, every family has a difficult scripture to read. His own son is outstanding.

   For this reason, she is also proud of her son's great prospects. However, when she thought of the two daughters she gave birth to, Nao Ren'er began to hurt.

"Brother, you won't really rekindle the old relationship with Matsui Natsuki? She must not love you alone, but your money and your social status." Miyazaki sister suddenly became very nervous and said. .

   "Yes. Brother, don't be confused about this matter!" Miyazaki said while staring at him.

   Miyazaki's mother saw that her son did not speak, and she was not sure what he was thinking in her heart. She just said objectively: "Mom has arranged a blind date for you. At that time, you can also have more choices."

   (end of this chapter)

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