Rebirth: Japanese investor

Chapter 533: the University

   Chapter 533 University

   Kazuya Takahashi returned to the office with two cups of freshly brewed coffee, one was placed in front of Sakai Rie, and the other was in his hand. He said bluntly: "I have sugar cubes here, but no skim milk."

   "I have already done the hardest thing. Do you still care about your coffee? The prenuptial agreement was signed by me, and I stamped my private stamp on it.

   I don't have any superfluous requirements, so I just follow the content there. Take a good look at it. " Sakai Rie leaned forward slightly, and took the coffee from the desk and said.

   "You are so free and easy." Kazuo Takahashi also knew that the time she brewed coffee was not enough for her to read the contents of the prenuptial agreement, let alone sign and stamp it privately.

   Besides, she doesn't even have a place to change or raise objections. This only shows that the other party has not read the content and terms of the prenuptial agreement.

Sakai Rie didn't drink the freshly ground Brazilian coffee she was holding. She first smelled it and said, "Yes, coffee is very fragrant. People live in this world, even if they can't make a career, they have to be free and easy. .

   This is always a rational calculation of personal gains and losses, it is really better to do it emotionally. Otherwise, what's the point of living? "

Kazuya Takahashi took a sip of coffee and said, "Those who don't know you always think that you are a woman who is lucky enough to be able to marry Justice. In fact, in my personal opinion, Justice can marry you. , is indeed his blessing."

   "I signed a prenuptial agreement, so you say so! If I didn't sign it, you probably wouldn't say it!" Sakai Rie smiled.

   "How could it be? It's not a matter of one or two days that I know you, after all, it's been several years. From the past to the present, you haven't changed.

   To tell you the truth, I have seen many women with two faces before and after marriage. Besides, as you know, I worked as a lawyer directly before I became the legal minister of the Hard Gold Group.

   In this divorce case, I still fought a few times. The number one cause of trouble between men and women is still related to money. The common situation is that women want more and men want less. "Takahashi Kazuya said seriously.

   Sakai Rie raised her head slightly, took a sip of coffee gracefully, and blurted out, "Money, is it really that important to people? Why don't I feel that way?"

   Kazuo Takahashi didn't answer, just smiled and said nothing. Of course, he knew about Sakai Rie's background. Although she came from an ordinary middle-class family in Kochi Prefecture, West Country, the resources in her family were given priority to her use.

   Therefore, from childhood to entering university, even if she is not rich, she is not lacking in ordinary material things.

  Children who grow up in this normal material family environment generally do not have any psychopathic or distorted situations.

   In addition, she herself is beautiful, and she is proficient in the Western flute, so she will not be jealous of anyone, and often only be envied or envied by others.

   She has been living with Masayoshi Kishimoto for more than four years since she came to Tokyo University of the Arts from Kochi Prefecture.

   In other words, the beautiful little flowers that grew up in her greenhouse not only did not have to face the cruelty of the natural environment, but were also further cared for.

   Sakai Rie does not rent a house or live in a small space in the school dormitory like most college students who enter the university.

The biggest advantage of    school dormitory is that the rent is cheap, but there will be all kinds of inevitable frictions and conflicts between people.

   Actually, the reason is very simple. Different classes, different growth experiences, different living habits, different personalities and so on. Over time, conflicts will inevitably arise.

   The main thing is that college students often lack necessary and effective communication or are too self-centered, and quarrels, fights, and even murders will occur.

  In Japan, or universities in developed countries in Europe and America, in order to avoid this situation, college students are also allowed to rent off-campus housing.

   Even if you rent together, you will find people who have a good relationship with you, have similar backgrounds, and have similar personalities. There will be no situation where people with big differences will be together.

  I am a person who has gone to university, so I understand the whole process. The biggest benefit of college is not really what knowledge or anything like that.

  University is a small society, or it allows people not to step into the complex adult society at once, but to give a transition period and an adaptation period.

   As soon as you enter university, you will find that it is exactly the same as high school. The high school I attended in the past was one of those famous private schools in Tokyo.

   The classmates who study together, if not all of the upper class, are at least generally middle class. Only a very small number of good students who are cared for by the society with excellent academic performance will take classes with them.

   After class, everyone seems to naturally not gather together. The children from this poor family have to work hard to earn money.

  In their minds, it is normal for high school students to work and earn money, after all, this is the general phenomenon in Japanese society. In addition, you have to consider a series of issues such as tuition fees and living expenses in the future.

   They knew for a long time that their parents couldn't come up with so much money to pay for such an expensive expense. Although it is possible to take out a loan to study at university, it is also required to be repaid.

   Children from middle-class families are busy attending cram schools. Their ideal or inspiration is to be admitted to a famous university in Japan.

  They basically don't have to worry about tuition fees for college, living expenses and the like. On this expense, the family will still provide a necessary provision.

   As for children from high society like myself, they also need to make up lessons after school. It's just that you don't have to go to any cram school, but your family will spend a lot of money to ask for private lessons for yourself.

   Even if you want to go to a cram school, there will be a car to pick you up. Getting admitted to a prestigious university is of course one of the goals in life, but it is not like children from middle-class families who have similar utilitarian ideas.

   They are admitted to famous universities so that they can enter and work in big companies, so that they can have a good income, live the life they want, marry an ideal wife, form a happy and happy family, and become a winner in life.

   Children from upper class society have an extra path that most people do not have, that is, they can still inherit the family business. Even if this is not the case, you will enjoy the social connections and social resources of your parents, grandparents and others in your future work, and you will not be fighting alone at all.

   (end of this chapter)

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