"Zhao Dahai."

"The red ganache was pulled back and weighed. It weighed a total of one hundred and eighty-nine pounds and seven taels."

"Three hundred yuan per catty, a total of fifty-six thousand nine hundred and ten yuan."

As Wu Weimin spoke, he picked up a bag from the car, which contained cash.


"Thank you, Boss Wu."

Zhao Dahai took the money and counted it clearly.

"Is this the fish you went fishing today?"

Wu Weimin pointed to the large refrigerator placed on the tricycle.

Zhao Dahai nodded and opened the refrigerator, which contained the yellow chicken fish he caught today.

"Boss Wu."

"The size of the yellow chicken fish this time is not big. They are only a few of four or five taels, which are only a pound smaller."

"It's not suitable for you."

Zhao Dahai plans to go to Liu Gang Restaurant to sell fish tomorrow.


"Where did you get this idea? How come a yellow chicken that is four to five taels or even one pound smaller is so small?"

“It’s rare to see one weighing more than two pounds, but one of this size is already very good!”

"I took all thirty-five yuan a catty!"

The yellow chickens have never let go of these yellow chickens. There are not many big yellow chickens of one or two catties, but they are basically caught by large trawlers in the ocean. They are all chilled and take a long time. Not much, half a catty is really big.

Zhao Dahai moved the scale and took a basket, cleaned out the fish in the refrigerator, and weighed it. The total was one hundred and fifty-six catties and three taels, a total of 5,470 yuan and 50 cents.

When Huang Ji got to the car, he took out the money and gave it to Zhao Dahai. He joked that he would have to bring more cash when he comes next time.


"When will you be able to take people out fishing?"

Wu Weimin looked at the yellow chicken he had just collected. He clearly knew that he had caught fish at the fishing spot and was a little impatient.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. This is a well-known fishing spot that he runs. One person catches fish with two electric reels. This is a fishing spot for miscellaneous fish and small fish. Only fishing spots for spotted or other big fish will do.

"Boss Wu."

"If you really want to go fishing, you can make a few trips with other fishing boats first."

"I'm ready here, and I'll contact you if I think I can help you catch fish."

"It's not a 100% guarantee that you can catch fish, but at least I have to feel that I can lead you to catch fish."

Zhao Dahai was a little embarrassed. The yellow chicken had already said several times that he wanted to go fishing with him.


"I didn't feel anything before I went fishing with you, but I have gone fishing with you once, and I don't want to find another boat boss."

"We'll talk about it when you're ready and you've found a fishing spot."

The yellow chicken didn't want to find other boat bosses at all. Zhao Dahai took him out to sea to fish and caught a lot of fish, which gave him a sense of accomplishment.

Zhao Dahai sent Wu Weimin away, walked back to the yard, Zhong Cuihua came out of the hall, and asked about today's fishing situation.


"I caught fish today, but I didn't make any money, but the gas money is fine."

Zhao Dahai walked into the kitchen while talking, brought out the food, and briefly talked with Zhong Cuihua about today's fishing while eating.


"That's good."

"Don't think about how much money you will make right away!"

Zhong Cuihua took a bite of rice, Zhao Dahai had a good idea.


"You just entered the industry! It's not so easy to make a lot of money right away!"

"Let's not rush and take our time and get familiar with these fishing spots first!"

Zhao Dahai took a bath after dinner, went to bed early, and continued fishing tomorrow.

Bay Village.

Eight o'clock in the evening was almost close to nine o'clock.

Chen Wenjiang drove the speedboat to the small pier, tied up the cables, took the net, opened the cover of the live cabin, and separated the fish inside, picked them up and put them in the refrigerators of Huang Tie and Zhang Libin.

"What the hell!"

"I can't catch this fish anymore, not to mention getting rich, I can't even support my family!"

"Where did the fish in this sea go?"

"Who suffers from losing money every day?"


"That Zhao Dahai caught a lot of yellow chickens today. I guess the gas money must be fine, and he must not lose money!"

"What skills can be used to catch yellow chickens? It's just a good point!"

"When we arrived, Zhao Dahai hadn't arrived yet, why didn't anyone occupy that spot?!"

Huang Tie and Zhang Libin carried the fishing box and walked forward while talking in low voices.

Chen Wenjiang's face was gloomy.

Huang Tie and Zhang Libin didn't catch any fish today, and they couldn't earn back the 2,000 yuan boat fee. It's okay to say a few harsh words, but the last few sentences said that Zhao Dahai found a good point, and he found it wrong. This is not a good thing.

Chen Wenjiang looked at his refrigerator, then at the few black snappers in the live cabin, and sighed.

Huang Tie and Zhang Libin didn't catch any fish, and neither did they.

Today, three people went fishing with their speedboat and charged 6,000 yuan for the boat. I must be making money, but if the people on my fishing boat can't make money, especially if they lose money several times in a row, they will definitely not go to sea with their speedboat.

No one books their own fishing spot to go out to sea. If you go out with an empty boat alone, the probability of losing money is very high.


"Chen Wenjiang!"

"It's all over, why are you still here?"

Chen Wenjiang looked up and saw Zhang Yangzhong walking towards him on the pier.


"Did you go back to the pier so early? It looks like you've fished well today."

"Which fishing spot are you going to?"

While talking, Chen Wenjiang took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, flicked one and handed it to Zhang Yangzhong.

Zhang Yangzhong took the cigarette and put it in his mouth, lit it and took a puff. He shook his head. He returned to the pier early not because the fishing was good but because the fishing was very poor. Several people on the boat shouted to go home. There was no other way but to come back. , I arrived at the pier after five o'clock, took a break after eating, and now I went to the speedboat to pack up and go home to sleep later.


“It’s really hard to fish these days!”

"If this continues, no one is willing to go fishing with us. We can only go out to sea with an empty boat by ourselves."

Chen Wenjiang had a terrible headache.

"Who says it's not the case? But what can we do if there are no fish in the sea? I visit seven or eight fishing spots in one day. Two to three thousand yuan of gasoline is burned completely, but I can't catch many fish."

Zhang Yangzhong’s face was a bit solemn. It’s really not that the bosses of the boats are unwilling to run. They run more than one hundred or two hundred nautical miles every day. There is really no fish, but those who paid to go out to sea with the speedboat don’t think so in their hearts. If they can’t catch fish, it’s because there are no fish in the sea. , it was something wrong with the leadership of ship bosses like myself.


"Zhao Dahai, who went fishing with the speedboat of the two of us, bought a large speedboat worth 600,000 to 700,000 yuan."

"Did you hear that?"

Chen Wenjiang hesitated and talked about Zhao Dahai.

"How could you not have heard of it? Everyone in our business should know about it?"

"Where did this kid get the money? Such a big money?"

Zhang Yangzhong looked at Chen Wenjiang, took a deep puff on his cigarette, Zhao Dahai went fishing with his speedboat just a few days ago, and bought a big speedboat worth 600,000 to 700,000 yuan in a blink of an eye.


"Who knows exactly where the money came from? This is someone else's business!"

"There is one more competitor, and it is a big competitor!"

Chen Wenjiang shook his head.


"Is this impossible? Why buy a big speedboat? If you don't know where there are fish, how can you catch fish? If you can't catch fish, who wants to go to sea with his speedboat?"

Zhang Yangzhong was stunned for a moment, not quite agreeing with Chen Wenjiang's words. Big speedboats are definitely more comfortable, especially the new ones. The speedboat Zhao Dahai bought is big. It is said that it is the first truly top-notch recreational fishing boat in the entire city. But for people like themselves, the most important thing is to have fishing spots.


"Zhang Yangzhong."

"What you said is not wrong. It is true that there must be a fishing spot. It is true that you can lead people to catch fish to count, and only people are willing to pay for the boat."

"But don't forget that when Zhao Dahai went out to sea with my speedboat, I was able to catch a big green spot that broke a hundred catties, or I caught a saury on your speedboat."

"Definitely a master fisherman."

“How do you find the fishing spot?”

"Are these fishing spots we fish a secret that only we know?"

"It's all public places, and you can know where it is after running around."

"Use the navigation on the specific point, and turn on the fish finder to scan it a few times to know where there may be fish."

"These things are not difficult or complicated. They are all fueled by gasoline."

"Zhao Dahai has the money to buy a speedboat worth 600,000 to 700,000 heads, but doesn't he have the money to buy gasoline?"

The more Chen Wenjiang thought about it, the more he felt that Zhao Dahai would become a strong competitor like himself.

Zhang Yangzhong wanted to refute, but he couldn’t. The fishing spots are indeed public. The specific spot of a certain fishing spot is really burnt out by burning gasoline. The fish detector scanned it several times, and found the right place to cast the pole. After fishing a few times, if you are catching fish, you will find a good place. If you are not catching fish, you will find another place. This matter is not complicated at all.

Chen Wenjiang told Zhang Yangzhong that he met Zhao Dahai's large speedboat at the yellow chicken fishing spot during the day, and he caught a lot of yellow chickens with two electric reel poles. He was very calm and even looked down upon Zhao Dahai. In the end, Zhao Dahai was surrounded by more than a dozen speedboats.

"No, right? Is he so evil? Is this guy so good at fishing?"

Zhang Yangzhong's face immediately became very ugly. It doesn't matter if Zhao Dahai catches fish. There are plenty of fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea. If Zhao Dahai catches one more fish, it won't mean that people like him will catch one less.

The key is to squeeze out the speedboats surrounding Zhao Dahai.

The boss of the ship will definitely not do this. This is a slap in the face and a direct admission that Zhao Dahai is more powerful than himself. This must be the request of those who go fishing with these speedboats. In the eyes of these people who pay to book boat positions and go fishing, Zhao Dahai is even more powerful.


"There's really nothing we can do about this!"

"For other people who are new to the industry, it will definitely take three to five months or even a year and a half before they can get their hands on the door. Even if they buy a speedboat, it will take a long time before they can be accepted by others. .”

"Zhao Dahai is different."

"When I caught a big green spot weighing more than 100 catties, I was very excited when I returned to the pier, and immediately became famous. By the way, it seems that I caught another big red sweet that weighed more than 100 catties two days ago!"

"Coupled with the six to seven million speedboat, it proves that he has enough strength."

"We didn't catch a big bluefish weighing more than 100 pounds, and we didn't catch a big speedboat worth 600,000 to 700,000 pounds."

"How can you compete with Zhao Dahai? Even if the boat fee for one of his fishing positions is 3,000 or even 4,000 yuan, there are still people willing to pay for it."

Chen Wenjiang patted his forehead hard, feeling very depressed.

"So what?"

"These fishing spots are not ours. We can't stop Zhao Dahai from fishing in these places, right?"

Zhang Yangzhong knew that what Chen Wenjiang said was reasonable, but so what, people like himself are capable of this job, and others are equally capable, and the sea is not his own, so there is no reason to stop it.

Chen Wenjiang moved his lips a few times, but couldn't say a word. It was useless to talk so much. There was really nothing he could do against Zhao Dahai.

Three o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Dahai drove a speedboat from the small pier of Langtou Village.

The night is dark.

A little hazy.

Zhao Dahai turned on the largest and brightest light on the top of the speedboat, and a long beam of light pierced forward and fell on the sea.

Zhao Dahai opened the navigation, clicked on the place marked yesterday, and drove directly there. It was very convenient.

When Zhao Dahai arrived at the yellow chicken fishing spot, it was just a little past four in the morning. The early birds get worms. He came late yesterday and had to spend time finding a spot. He didn’t get the best spot. Come here, there is not a single other speedboat.

Zhao Dahai chose the best spot that he had scanned with a fish finder yesterday afternoon.


"It looks like today is going to be very good!"

While adjusting the specific position of the speedboat, Zhao Dahai stared at the fish detector for a while. At a depth of seventy to eighty meters on the bottom of the sea, all the densely packed signals of fish schools or fish flowers.

Zhao Dahai turned on the side lights on both sides of the top of the speedboat to shine on the sea surface. He looked down and saw clearly that the water was two or three meters below the surface. The water color was very good and clear. The sun rose in two hours. Especially in the daytime, when the sun hangs in the center of the sky, the visibility will be higher, and you can see it at seven or eight meters. This kind of water color is very suitable for fishing, and it is a typical rich water.

Zhao Dahai seized the time to start fishing, using the electric winch directly.


"So fast and so hard?"

Zhao Dahai was taken aback. The hook of the first pole had just been placed in the water layer of the fish school, and the tip of the pole immediately bent down sharply. There was a fish biting the hook and it was not small, followed by another one. The fish bit the hook and pulled the tip of the rod fiercely. In just five or six seconds, the tip of the fishing rod was pulled four or five times quickly. The whole fishing rod bent down very obviously and kept shaking irregularly.

Zhao Dahai pushed the switch of the electric winch without hesitation, and immediately started to take up the wire. With yesterday's experience, the speed was very well controlled. Pull it up wobbly.


“Today’s one is big!”

Zhao Dahai was very excited. He turned off the electric winch and pulled the wire with his hands. A long string of yellow chickens was carried directly onto the deck. Each chicken was as big as two palms. The light yellow chicken feather color was very beautiful and the body was round , so fat.

"Two or three pounds!"

"Today, all these yellow chickens weigh two or three pounds!"

Zhao Dahai quickly picked off the yellow chicken on the hook and immediately stuffed it with Antarctic shrimp. He immediately hung the cut shrimp meat on the hook and lowered the rod again.


"here we go again!"


"The big yellow chicken is mouthing wildly!"

Zhao Dahai was so excited that he couldn't help shouting. Today's yellow chicken is not only big but also has a crazy bite. It doesn't use any manipulation techniques or teasing fish. As long as the string hook reaches the water layer, it bites the hook immediately without the slightest hesitation.

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