
"Ding Xiaoxiang!"

"Why are you sneaking around in front of my house?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was startled, and when she looked back, Yang Qin was standing behind her at some point.


"Is it possible that I am still capable of robbing families? Why don't I just capture you and make you the wife of Yazhai!"

"What are you doing?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was a little surprised where Yang Qin had gone.

"What else can you do?"

"Didn't my family buy a shop and open a shop in the town?"

"Being renovated."

"I have to go take a look!"

Yang Qin opened the door as he spoke.

"What did you say? The store bought it for you from home!"

"The next store you open will be your own store!"

"This is the dowry you earned for yourself!"

Ding Xiaoxiang is very aware of this matter, the conditions of her and Yang Qin's family are good, neither of them have much talent for reading, business people have their own ways of raising children, and doing business in the fish market is to learn their skills , no matter who you marry in the future, you can manage the house and make a living, the same is true for Yang Qin.


"Don't I understand this yet?"


"Why did you come to me? Aren't you supposed to be helping look after the stalls in the fish market at this time?"

Yang Qin poured a glass of water and handed it to Ding Xiaoxiang.

Ding Xiaoxiang took a sip of water and talked about the big yellow croaker.

When Yang Qin heard this, he immediately stood up, turned around and walked out. There was nothing to say about this matter, so he definitely had to go and see it.


"Why are you more anxious than me?"

Ding Xiaoxiang hurriedly put down the water glass she was holding.

"Big yellow croaker!"

"This is a big yellow croaker!"

"How could you not go and see it?"


"I wonder how many large yellow croakers your Zhao Dahai has caught?"

"What do you call my Zhao Dahai? You can tell by looking at how many large yellow croakers you have caught?"

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin rode motorcycles and rushed to Langtou Village.

Langtou Village Pier.

The sun is very big.

It's very dry when the sea breeze blows over.

The waves on the sea are very big, and the white flowers are very conspicuous on the blue water.

Liu Gang drove his car and parked at the edge of the pier, opened the door, and looked at the pier, but he did not see Zhao Dahai's speedboat.


"Fortunately I wasn't late."

Liu Gang breathed a sigh of relief. The news went crazy early this morning. Schools of large yellow croakers appeared in the open sea. Many speedboats rushed out to fish, and people came back after catching large yellow croakers one after another.

When Liu Gang received the news, he immediately arranged for people to go to other villages or purchasers to buy large yellow croakers, but they were all small, three-to-five-two large yellow croakers, and he knew the people who were most likely to catch large large yellow croakers. It's Zhao Dahai.

Liu Gang was very anxious. The purchase of fish, shrimp and crabs in front of the restaurant was inseparable from him. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and finish his work, and then drove to Langtou Village immediately.

"I wonder how many large yellow croakers Zhao Dahai has caught? Are there any larger ones?"

Liu Gang wiped the sweat from his forehead and was about to get back into the car when the sea breeze blew in and made it too hot. He saw a huge off-road vehicle parked next to him.


Why is there a car like this here?

Liu Gang frowned.

Generally speaking, there are no off-road vehicles like this at the Langtou Village Pier or other fishing villages. This is a million-dollar vehicle.

Whose people are in here?

Could it be that someone received the news and is waiting here to harvest the large yellow croaker?

Why is it here in Langtou Village and not elsewhere?

Don't you know Zhao Dahai? Are you here waiting for Zhao Dahai's speedboat to come back?

Liu Gang immediately thought of the fact that Zhao Dahai had another buyer, especially since the last time the large yellow croaker was sold to someone else.

Is this the person in the off-road vehicle?

Liu Gang's heart skipped a beat. If this was really the case, when Zhao Dahai's speedboat returned to the dock, he would have a competitor.

Liu Gang returned to the car, glanced at a bag on the back seat, and immediately frowned. He brought a lot of cash this trip, but it seems that it is not enough now, but he can't leave. Leave. During this period, if Zhao Dahai's speedboat returns to the pier, he will definitely miss it. We can only wait for Zhao Dahai to return to the pier.

Wu Weimin yawned in the car, and took a look at the wide sea far away from the pier, with waves coming one after another. The field of vision was so wide that he couldn't see the edge.

"Why hasn't Zhao Dahai come back yet?"

Xu Yuanjiang was sitting in the passenger seat, half-lying down and stretched his legs directly to the front window glass. He held a cigarette in his hand and smoked it one puff at a time. The window was opened a little, and the thick fog immediately rushed away. go out.


"It's definitely impossible for Zhao Dahai's speedboat to come back so early."

"It won't be the last one, but it definitely won't be the first one!"

Wu Weimin was very calm.

"You can get more fish from other places, right? You shouldn't keep an eye on those purchasers. Those people have enough big yellow croakers on their hands!"

Xu Yuanjiang was a little confused about this matter. Wu Weimin definitely wants to acquire more large yellow croakers, and the right way is to keep an eye on those purchasers.


"Xu Yuanjiang!"

"You don't understand this!"

"Of the other acquirers, those I am familiar with must be reserved for me. Those who are not familiar with me, why should I waste such effort?"

"These people received large yellow croaker and must have sold it to people who usually cooperate with them."

"Zhao Dahai is a master of fishing. Don't look at him alone, but he has definitely caught many more large yellow croakers than others."

"Needless to say, there were three other people who followed Zhao Dahai's speedboat out to sea last night."

"I can be 100% certain that the large yellow croaker caught by Zhao Dahai's speedboat is as good as the large yellow croaker caught by the other twenty or thirty speedboats!"

"What's more important is that Zhao Dahai has a greater chance of catching a larger yellow croaker."

Wu Weimin knew Zhao Dahai's abilities very well.

This time, all the large yellow croakers are small. The ones that come in twos and fives are indeed large yellow croakers, but the price is not too high. Only those large yellow croakers that weigh more than one kilogram are truly high-end goods.

There are not many large yellow croakers of this size, and not everyone can catch them. Zhao Dahai can not only catch more small yellow croakers, but the key is that he can catch big yellow croakers.


"So that's what you had in mind!"

Only then did Xu Yuanjiang realize that Wu Weimin's target was those big yellow croakers.


"I wonder if Zhao Dahai can catch a large yellow croaker of more than ten kilograms this time?"

"The one last time was really good!"

Wu Weimin thought of the large yellow croaker that Zhao Dahai had received on his last trip, weighing more than ten kilograms. Even though the acquisition price was high, it was very popular, so I didn't dare to let the news out, so I called a big boss directly, and without saying a word, I bought it right away, and I set the price at my discretion.

One million and hundreds of thousands is very high and a lot for ordinary people, but for those who are truly wealthy, it is really just the price of a dish on the dining table.

"Wu Weimin!"

"You have an opponent! Maybe this one is waiting for Zhao Dahai here!"

Xu Yuanjiang pointed to a small truck parked not far to the right.

Wu Weimin looked over and frowned. This car had arrived twenty minutes ago. The man in the car got down and took a look, especially at his and Xu Yuanjiang's off-road vehicle, and then got in the car. It never came down and never left.


"What can be done about this?"

"I am not the only buyer of Zhao Dahai!"

"It's normal to have competitors. After a while, we have to see who offers a higher price!"

Wu Weimin was a little helpless. With more competitors, the price would definitely rise, but he had no choice but to see the real deal.

Ding Xiaoxiang drove the motorcycle, and Yang Qin sat behind it, parked next to the pier.


"Zhao Dahai's speedboat hasn't come back yet, right? You can't see it from the dock!"

Yang Qin took a look and didn't see Zhao Dahai's speedboat.


"I fished all night and I haven't come back yet!"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at it for a while but still didn't see it.

Yang Qin and Ding Xiaoxiang found a place under the shade of a tree to stay. From time to time they would glance at the pier to see if Zhao Dahai's speedboat had returned.

The sea is open.

The sun hangs in the sky.

The temperature is very high, but it is not particularly hot with the sea breeze.

The speedboat driven by Zhao Dahai skimmed the sea at a speed of 42 knots, and the water splash caused by the long water tail was very beautiful.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou were sitting on the large refrigerator behind the cockpit. The sea breeze blowing in front of them was so strong that they couldn't open their eyes, and they all had smiles on their faces.


"It's here, it's here."

Zhao Dahai slowed down the speed of the speedboat and could see the pier of Langtou Village in the distance. He could see the fishing boats parked one after another at the pier of Langtou Village. If he went a little higher, he could see the entire village.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou all stood up immediately.


“This fishing trip was really tiring, but I made so much money!”

“As I get older, I really can’t handle it anymore!”

Zhong Shizhu rubbed his waist.

"Which of our trips to sea with Zhao Dahai didn't we make a fortune!?"

Liu Bin lit a cigarette and took a long puff. When he spit it out, the sea breeze blew over him, making him invisible.

"I go to sea like this every day and make money like this every day. No matter how tired I am, it's worth it!"

Lei Dayou patted his face.


"The schools of large yellow croakers have gone to nowhere now! This is actually a one-time deal!"

"What if we catch big yellow croaker every day!?"

Zhao Dahai laughed.

Large yellow croaker is really no ordinary fish. Other fish, such as grouper, can be caught today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.

This time I encountered a school of large yellow croakers, most of which were small fish in three or five, but even small fish like this were not easy to catch if you wanted to.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou all laughed.

When Zhao Dahai saw that there were only 500 meters left, the speed of the speedboat immediately slowed down and it slowly slid towards the pier.

Got home!

Yesterday at noon, I took Wu Weimin and Xu Yuanjiang out to sea to catch horsetail fish, and then went out to sea to catch large yellow croaker. I have not returned to the dock until now. I am very tired, but the harvest of this trip is very rich and well worth it.

Going to sea is like this, it is very hard work, but the hard work pays off, and the rewards are very big. This is already a gift from God.

"Ding Xiaoxiang!"


"Hurry! Hurry!"

"Zhao Dahai's speedboat is back at the pier! Let's hurry over to see how many big yellow croakers we have caught, and see if there are any big yellow croakers!"

Yang Qin saw Zhao Dahai's speedboat driving towards the pier from a distance, and immediately jumped up and shouted.

"I'm really back!"


"Let's get there quickly!"

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin immediately trotted towards the dock.


"Why are Liu Gang here?"

"Whose does this one belong to?"

Ding Xiaoxiang ran two steps and saw three people getting out of the two cars. One was Liu Gang whom she knew, and the other two did not. But they walked quickly towards Zhao Dahai's speedboat, a little hesitant, and couldn't help but slow down.

"Who cares who he belongs to?"

"I'm just looking for Zhao Dahai to buy big yellow croaker!"


"Hurry! Hurry!"

Yang Qin took Ding Xiaoxiang and continued to run towards the pier.

Wu Weimin and Liu Gang got on the pier, you look at me, I look at you, to be sure that they are indeed competitors.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin boarded the pier a little later, behind them.

"Ding Xiaoxiang!"

"How did you come?"

Liu Gang was a little surprised to see Ding Xiaoxiang.

"Come and see how many big yellow croakers Zhao Dahai caught!"

"Hee hee hee!"

"Boss Liu."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to grab these big yellow croakers from you."

Ding Xiaoxiang usually dodges and dodges, but now she can't dodge, she is very generous.

Liu Gang smiled a little embarrassedly. Ding Xiaoxiang came here, really worried, Ding Zhongshan is in the business of buying fish, shrimp and crab.

Wu Weimin looked at Liu Gang and then at Ding Xiaoxiang. After a round of thinking, he immediately knew what was going on, and immediately sorted out the relationship between the characters.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat close to the pier, parked it steadily, and immediately walked to the bow of the speedboat facing the small pier.

"Boss Wu, Boss Liu and Boss Xu, why are you all here?"

Zhao Dahai had already seen Liu Gang, Wu Weimin and Xu Yuanjiang, and immediately said hello, but then reached out and pulled Ding Xiaoxiang. The first one got on the speedboat, followed by Yang Qin, followed by Liu Gang, Wu Weimin and Xu Yuanjiang. Yuanjiang three.

"It's so hot out here!"


"Drink water!"

Liu Bin took two bottles of mineral water.

"Would you like some bread!?"

Lei Dayou took two bags of bread.


"Thank you!"

"I'm Ding Xiaoxiang. This is Yang Qin."

"Just to see the excitement, don't pay attention to us, these two bosses are here to buy fish. You go to business first."

Ding Xiaoxiang's face was as red as a small apple, but she didn't twitch.

Zhao Dahai was a bit dumbfounded. Liu Bin and Lei Da had a lot of life experience. They knew what was going on and greeted them much more politely than he, the boss of the ship who took them to sea to make a fortune.


"Zhao Dahai is amazing!? This trip caught a lot of big yellow croakers! In the whole sea, no one is more powerful than Zhao Dahai!"


"Come here!"

"The biggest yellow croaker is here!"

"Those boxes are small, nothing worth seeing!"

Zhong Shizhu immediately opened the refrigerator containing the largest yellow croaker, peeled off the ice on it, opened the bag, took out the large yellow croaker, and placed it.

If it weren't for Ding Xiaoxiang, she would definitely not take it out now. According to the rules of the fishing village, such a large yellow croaker will not be taken out casually for others to see. The fish will be taken out for inspection only after the price has been negotiated.

Now take it out and put it on display. Does anyone else want to see it?

The boss who will pay for the fish?

At this time, you have to stand back!

Ding Xiaoxiang ranked first.


"Such a big yellow croaker!?"

Yang Qin took one look and exclaimed. For other fish, let alone more than ten kilograms, even twenty or thirty kilograms or even seventy or eighty kilograms are not uncommon. Such a big yellow croaker is really incredible.

"The sea!"

"Is this one bigger?"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the large yellow croaker placed on the ice, and her eyes widened immediately. This one seemed to be bigger.

Zhao Dahai smiled and nodded. This piece should weigh about twelve or thirteen pounds.

Ding Xiaoxiang glanced at the fish, took Yang Qin two steps back, walked to the back of the speedboat's cab, and made way for him.

Zhao Dahai did not go out to sea to catch large yellow croakers alone this time. There were several people on the boat. Liu Gang and the other two people all boarded the speedboat. They planned to watch and sell fish. They could not keep occupying the place and block the serious business.


“What a nice size fish!”


"Zhao Dahai."

"Other people can only catch two, three, or five or six large yellow croakers. How can you catch such a big one!?"

When Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang and Liu Gang saw the large yellow croaker, they were a little dumbfounded. It took them a while to slowly realize that the large yellow croaker weighing more than ten kilograms was a real good product and was rare to see.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the five boxes on the deck, and told Wu Weimin, Xu Yuanjiang, and Liu Gang that the three boxes contained large yellow croakers of small size, one weighing more than ten kilograms, and the other A few weighing two or three pounds.

"You have all seen this big yellow croaker!"

"Bring out a large yellow croaker weighing two to three kilograms."

"Bring out a few large yellow croakers weighing two to three."

"You guys look at the fish first."

Zhao Dahai arranged this matter. Wu Weimin, Liu Gang and Xu Yuanjiang walked back to Ding Xiaoxiang while watching the fish.

"The sea."

"Don't you know who you sold it to?"

Ding Xiaoxiang saw that there was no smile on Zhao Dahai's face, and after thinking about it for a while, she figured out what was going on.

Zhao Dahai nodded.

If you are alone, you can negotiate any price, but with two people here, it suddenly becomes very troublesome.

Whoever bids the most gets it?

If two people compete, the price will get higher and higher. There is nothing wrong with a one-shot business. These two people deal with each other often. If the price is too high, especially if it is far beyond the normal market price, I have indeed earned more. It's a lot of money, but it only has disadvantages and no benefits.

"This is not difficult!"

Ding Xiaoxiang shook her head.


"Not difficult?"

"What can you do?"

Zhao Dahai was stunned for a moment, seeing Wu Weimin and Liu Gang appearing together at the pier, he had already started to think about this matter, and he hadn't thought of how to deal with it until now, it seems that Ding Xiaoxiang has a good idea.

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