Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat for more than an hour and a half, and slowly coincided with a point on the fish finder navigation.

Zhao Dahai wiped his hair and face, and they were all soaked by the sea water. The windmill fishing point was outside, but it was relatively calm. As he continued to drive out, waves began to appear on the sea. They were not too big, but the speed of the speedboat was very fast. , The splashed water hit the face and body head-on, like it was raining.

"Just bring some shampoo for the next trip! Save yourself wasting water washing your hair when you go home!"

Zhao Dahai looked at the point on the fish finder navigation. The distance seemed to be only about ten meters, and he slowed down and slid over.

Zhao Dahai was not in a hurry to put down his fishing pole immediately. The fish detector scanned the terrain near the point. It was a small trench. It was not too big or too long. It was several hundred meters long. It was surrounded by some uneven terrain. reef.

"Seventy-six meters of water"

“Are there any groupers or larger fish that can be identified in a place like this?”

Zhao Dahai's speedboat stopped just above the trench and began to prepare fishing rods. It was a very simple fishing rig, no different from fishing for sea bass. It was hung with live shrimps as big as a finger.

"bring it on!"


"Let me see if there are any fish here!"

Zhao Dahai gently raised the fishing rod, and a fish bit the hook, very fiercely.


"It's not Shi Jiugong's, right?"

Zhao Dahai stabbed the fish upwards with his right hand and began to reel in the line. It was a little heavy, but not too heavy. The fish was definitely not big. He continued to reel in the line quickly. The fish was pulled out of the water and looked red. It was indeed Shi Jiugong.

Zhao Dahai shook his head, very disappointed.

Zhao Dahai Feiyu went up to the deck, took off the hook and held it in his hand. The size was really good, and the color of the outer sea was very beautiful.

"Why are you so greedy?"

"Such a big live shrimp, just swallow it!"

Zhao Dahai opened Shi Jiugong's mouth and took a look. The whole mouth was full of live shrimps as big as his thumb. He didn't have time to swallow them, so he reached out and pulled them out and placed them next to him.

Zhao Dahai hung up the live shrimp again and tried a few more poles. He caught fish on every pole, and as soon as he reached the bottom, there were fish immediately biting the bait. When he pulled it up, he saw that they were all big rocks weighing seven or eight taels or even one kilogram.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and changed the hooks to seven. He peeled off the shell of the live shrimp he had just picked out. He cut it into a piece as big as a chopstick head and hung it on the hook. He put it on the bottom of the sea and bit it one after another. One after another, seven or eight times in the blink of an eye, the fishing rod and line kept shaking.

Zhao Dahai turned the spinning wheel to reel in the line and pulled the fish out of the water. On each hook was a stone jiugong. They were all over seven or eight taels in size, and the largest one weighed more than a pound.

It's over!

No more running away now!

This place is full of Shi Jiugong under the sea.

Zhao Dahai shook his head, a little disappointed.

Shi Jiugong, especially those from the open sea, are very big, the price is not low, and the bite is very fierce. As long as you find the fishing spot, you can easily fish for a hundred or dozens of kilograms in a day. It’s hard work. A little, four to five thousand yuan or even six to seven thousand yuan is not difficult. However, it is really not a valuable big fish. No one drives to this place just to catch Shi Jiugong.

Zhao Dahai put away his fishing rod and looked at the navigation fish finder. He saw that the other point was twenty nautical miles away and he immediately drove there in a speedboat.

Shi Jiugong doesn't have anything to say about opening up or not. As long as you find a spot, especially a place with a lot of sea bottom, you can fish anytime.

Shi Jiugong is a small fish, quite big per pound, but it is still a small fish anyway. It can be sold for a lot of money, but it cannot change the life of a small fish and worthless fish. The tide did not arrive early in the morning when the character and I ran out to sea. It’s like fishing for black bream and yellow chicken to make gas money in the refrigerator before you can catch big grouper or other valuable fish.

Zhao Dahai drives a speedboat and flies on the sea. Next time he wants to catch big fish at a nearby fishing spot or takes others to go fishing in the open sea, this place can be a good place to visit.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat for almost half an hour. When he arrived at another point, the fish detector scanned it in a circle and shook his head. The last time he passed by here, it looked good, but now after careful study, it was only less than ten square meters. pit. There may be fish, but they must be small fish. It is most likely the same as the place just now, just some stone fish.

"Everyone is here!"

"You have to try no matter what!"

"You might be lucky! This place is small but there is a big grouper living there!"

Zhao Dahai prepared the fishing rod as he spoke, hung the shrimp and hit the bottom directly. After half an hour passed, he put away the fishing rod very helplessly.

There was indeed a fish, but it was still Shi Jiugong, and it was much smaller than the fishing spot we just found.

Big grouper?

That's impossible!

There is no overwhelming luck, let alone unlucky luck!

Places like this are everywhere on the ocean floor, so it’s not surprising that there are no big fish.

Zhao Dahai put away the fishing rod and continued to change another mark.

7 p.m.

The sea was pitch black.

Zhao Dahai's speedboat approached the pier slowly, and it was quite stable. He took the refrigerator and started to load the fish.

No fish?

There are indeed fish, and they are big fish, but this big fish is a sea wolf fish.

Don't look at the twenty or thirty catties or even thirty or forty catties, but it's really worthless.

In addition, there are about twenty kinds of good-sized Shi Jiugong and fish weighing fifty or sixty catties. Today is a day of blood loss, and it is far from earning back the gas money!

Zhao Dahai put the refrigerator on the tricycle, and just left the pier when he saw a familiar car parked beside it, the door opened, and he got off alone.

"Boss Lin!"

"Why are you here!?"

Zhao Dahai recognized at a glance that it was Lin Zuhua who came to see him some time ago and wanted to go fishing with his speedboat, but he did not agree and said that he would call after the fishing moratorium was over.

"Captain Zhao."

"I'm here specially to wait for you!"

"Have you gone fishing recently? How was the fishing?"

Lin Zuhua looked at the refrigerator on the tricycle while talking.


"In the past few days, there have been no fish in the outer sea, but a lot of fish in the inner sea."

"It was good for a few days of fishing. But now there are so many people, every fishing spot is crowded with speedboats or fishing boats."

"No more fishing."

"I went out to sea at four o'clock this morning and have come back now."

"The situation is not particularly good. Even if there is running water throughout the morning, there are not many fish in the fishing spots that can usually catch fish, especially the grouper."

"I just scanned a few punctuation marks in the afternoon, but they were all very small punctuation marks, or they were simply useless. It was useless, only some small fish!"

Zhao Dahai opened the refrigerator.


"What about the two sea wolf fish that are so big? This one must weigh forty catties, right?"


"These Shi Jiugongs are really good in size, they all have to be about seven to eight taels, and some even weigh a kilo!"


"You're going to sea tomorrow, right?"

"I'll book two fishing spots."

Lin Zuhua looked at the fish in the refrigerator, the size of the fish was really good.

"Boss Lin."

"It is true that I will continue to go out to sea tomorrow, but I have no plan to take other people out to sea for fishing."

"There are really no fish in the sea now. As I told you last time, I will wait until the fishing moratorium is over to see if there are really fish in the sea, especially if I can catch big fish more stably. Then I will call you. "

Zhao Dahai didn't think about it at all and immediately shook his head. Lin Zuhua had been waiting here for a long time. He must have been thinking about going fishing with his speedboat. If he booked two fishing spots and went out, he would be able to make money without catching fish all day tomorrow, but he would never do such a thing.


"Captain Zhao."

"It's good to be able to catch sea wolf fish and Shi Jiugong like this. Other big fish, such as groupers, can be caught if you can, but you can't catch them."

"I don't expect to go fishing to make money to support my family."

Lin Zuhua patted the refrigerator. The 34-pound sea wolf fish had a very good pulling power. Shi Jiugong was not small. He didn't expect to make money from fishing to support his family. He just needed to feel it.


"Boss Lin."

"be honest."

"A fishing spot on my speedboat costs at least four thousand yuan per person."

"If you book two fishing positions, the total is 8,000."

"I can't spend so much gas money running for a day. I will definitely make money!"

"But I don't do that."

"No matter how big the sea wolf fish is, or how big the Shi Jiugong is, it is very difficult to catch a fish that earns 8,000 yuan."

"If you want to go fishing with me on the speedboat, you really have to wait until the fishing moratorium is over, and I have to wait until I think there are fish in the sea and I can catch fish before I take you out."

Zhao Dahai firmly refused.

Lin Zuhua spent a long time trying to convince Zhao Dahai, but there was no way. In any case, he refused, so he could only make an appointment to contact Zhao Dahai after the fishing moratorium and drove away.

Zhao Dahai didn't think much about it. He rode a tricycle back home and saw that it was almost eight o'clock. His grandma Zhong Cuihua had not eaten and was waiting for him.


"Go take a shower quickly!"

"I've already cooked the rice, just stir-fry some vegetables!"

Zhong Cuihua saw Zhao Dahai trying to enter the kitchen and immediately stopped him.



"Then you cook!"

"These smaller 19 males, let's make soup tonight."

Zhao Dahai put down the refrigerator and opened it. He kept the bigger Shi Jiugong fish he caught today and sold them someday. He took out four of the smaller ones. They were all five or six taels. They are most suitable for making soup. People from the fishing village You don’t have to eat meat, but you have to have fish soup.

Zhong Cuihua nodded and walked into the kitchen with the fish. She no longer looked down upon the small fish and could eat whatever she wanted.

Zhao Dahai packed up two large sea wolf fish and the remaining Shi Jiugong, put them in the large refrigerator to freeze, took a shower and came out, the rice was already cooked.


"Eat, eat!"

"I'm already hungry at this time!"

Zhao Dahai turned on the lights in the yard, set the table, and served rice and fish soup. It was already almost nine o'clock.

Zhao Dahai first filled a bowl of fish soup, then took a plate and put a piece of Shi Jiugong in front of his grandmother Zhong Cuihua.

"Eat it!"

"You've been out at sea all day!"

"How can I be hungry while I'm staying at home!?"

Zhong Cuihua shook her head, picked up the chopsticks, and was not in a hurry to eat. She took off the fish head of Shi Jiugong from the plate and put it in the basin at her feet. She had already put the rice in it, poured the fish soup on it, and shouted Xiao Nai Hei will come over for dinner soon.

Zhao Dahai filled a large bowl of fish soup.

Shi Jiugong is indeed not a rare fish, but this kind of fish with five or six heads or seven or eight heads is first-class whether steamed or boiled in soup.

The cooking method in the fishing village is very simple. Add a little oil, fry it a little, put water in it and bring it to a boil over high heat. Add a little ginger slices and a little salt.

Zhao Dahai didn't even care that the fish soup had just been cooked. He brought the steaming hot soup to his mouth and took several sips. After a day of sea breeze and sun exposure, these few mouthfuls of fish soup entered my stomach, and small beads of sweat immediately appeared on my forehead, and the fatigue all over my body disappeared immediately.

Zhao Dahai picked up the Shi Jiugong in the soup and took a bite. It was tender and delicious, and he ate with big mouthfuls.

Zhao Dahai finished his meal, put away the dishes, went to bed early at a little after ten o'clock, and went fishing in the sea. He had to get up early every day. If he could go to bed early, he would go to bed early.

The night is as thick as ink.

Lin Zuhua parked his car in front of Ding Chongshan's company, opened the door and walked in quickly.


“This tastes really good!”

Lin Zuhua looked at the barbecue set on the table, and his stomach immediately growled because he had not eaten. Without any politeness, he sat down and ate in big mouthfuls. He ate more than a dozen skewers of mutton before he stopped.


"Looks like I'm really hungry!"

Ding Chongshan was really hungry when he saw Lin Zuhua like this.

"Can you not be hungry?"

"I have to have dinner at five or six o'clock, and I've been staying up until now!"

Lin Zuhua wiped his mouth, took a bottle of drink, and took a few gulps.

"Has the fishing position been decided? What time will it be tomorrow?"

“I haven’t gone fishing in the sea for many years, so I’m going to have a good fishing trip this time.”

Ding Chongshan was a little excited. He called Lin Zuhua last night and said he was going to book a fishing spot with Zhao Dahai today.

One is that he can meet Zhao Dahai and see what he is like, which is related to Ding Xiaoxiang. The other is that he can go fishing at sea, killing two birds with one stone.

Ding Chongshan took out his fishing rod early in the morning and carefully maintained it. His hands were extremely itchy, so he was waiting to go fishing early tomorrow morning.


"Ding Chongshan."

"It's impossible to go fishing tomorrow."

Lin Zuhua looked at the fishing rods and fishing boxes placed in the corner and laughed.



"Could it be that someone has already booked a boat?"

"If it doesn't work tomorrow, it should work the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, right?"


"Didn't Zhao Dahai tell you that he won't take others out to fish before the fishing moratorium? How could he do this? This young man is acting unethically."

Ding Chongshan was a little angry. Lin Zuhua went to Zhao Dahai on his last trip and made it very clear that it was very unethical not to take people out to fish before the fishing moratorium and to reserve the fishing spot for others without calling Lin Zuhua.


"Who said Zhao Dahai took others out to sea for fishing?"

"I waited at the pier for almost two hours. Zhao Dahai came back in a speedboat and kept talking for half a day."

"No matter what the reason is, Zhao Dahai just doesn't agree to take us out to sea for fishing. He has to wait until the fishing moratorium is over. Even if the fishing moratorium ends, he may not take us out to sea for fishing. Zhao Dahai made it very clear that he has to wait until he feels that the sea is over. The fish conditions there are relatively stable, so please contact me only if you really have a chance to catch fish.”


"When will we be able to secure the fishing spot for Zhao Dahai's speedboat?"

"It's hard to say now!"

Lin Zuhua shook his head as he spoke. The bosses of other speedboats want others to order their boats every day, and they don't care whether they can catch fish, as long as they can make money. Zhao Dahai did the opposite and would only take people like himself out to sea when there were fish in the sea.


"Is it like this?"

Ding Chongshan was stunned for a moment.

"Ding Chongshan."

"How about we find someone else's speedboat to go to sea?"

"I really don't know how long I will wait for this Zhao Dahai."

"Zhao Dahai is different from other ship bosses. He can make money by going to sea by himself, and he can make a lot of money."

"It's not bad for this bit of fishing money, it must be for word of mouth."

"Who knows when he will contact us and take people out fishing!?"

Lin Zuhua felt that this matter was a bit vague. If he wanted to go fishing earlier, it would be more practical to find another boat boss.


"You have to use Zhao Dahai's speedboat to go fishing."

Ding Chongshan simply refused.


"What's wrong?"

"Without Butcher Zhang, would we just eat pigs with hair?"

"Zhao Dahai is not the only powerful ship boss, why do you have to wait? The key is that you don't know when you will be able to wait!"

Lin Zuhua was very strange, he didn't know why Ding Chongshan had to wait for Zhao Dahai's speedboat to go out to sea.


"Does this need to be said? It must be that this Zhao Dahai is very powerful."

"The boss of a fishing boat in the open sea is too important, even crucial. Without a powerful boat boss, it is impossible to catch fish at all."

"Maybe you don't know yet? Didn't there be a school of large yellow croakers in the sea a few days ago? Didn't many speedboats go out to sea to catch large yellow croakers?"

Ding Chongshan found himself a little anxious, so he immediately found an excuse.


"How could I not know about such things?"

"I have eaten several large yellow croakers in my stomach!"

“It tastes really good!”

"It's a pity that they are all too small!"


"There's really no place to reason these days, even if you have money, you can't buy delicious food!"

Lin Zuhua shook his head.


"Who said there aren't big guys!?"

"This Zhao Dahai has caught several fish weighing two to three kilograms. There is also one that weighs more than ten kilograms!"

"So many speedboats go out to sea to catch big yellow croaker, and they catch big yellow croaker in the same place."

"Why do others only catch small fish, but only Zhao Dahai catches such a big yellow croaker?"

"Isn't it Zhao Dahai who is very powerful? If we go fishing, we will definitely need a boat boss like this. There is no need for others!"

Ding Chongshan felt a little proud. His excuse was perfect. He didn't say anything about Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai, so he absolutely couldn't tell them.

Lin Zuhua thought about it and realized that it was really like this. Whether he could catch fish in the open sea really only depended on the boss of the boat.

"Zhao Dahai really caught such a big yellow croaker?"

"Is this still false?"

"In whose hands?"

"Part of it is in the hands of Liu Gang of Hongyun Restaurant in the town, and the other part is in the hands of another person."

"Why don't you stop a little bit?"

"Don't I want to? Is the price I offer comparable to people like Liu Gang?"

Ding Chongshan and Lin Zuhua chatted while eating barbecue until one o'clock in the morning before going back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

A little after five in the morning.

You can't see your fingers on the sea surface.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat and followed the navigation. Today he continued to go to the spot he found some time ago but didn't have time to scan to see if there was any good harvest. He left the village pier at four o'clock and had been driving for more than an hour. Let's take a look. I continued driving the remaining distance for half an hour, slowly slowed down, stopped just above the point, looked at the fish detector, and saw a layer of fish flowers, and immediately lowered the rod.


"What fish?"


"It's not erythema."

"Golden pineapple!"

"It's a golden pineapple!"

Zhao Dahai saw the fish clearly, took it to the speedboat, thought about it, and immediately changed the bait cage to Antarctic shrimp for a string hook, and immediately put it into the sea. Are small fish worthless? This is not necessarily the case! Other small fish are worthless, but golden pineapple is different!

"Is that possible!?"

"Could it be a school of fish from Golden Pineapple?"

Zhao Dahai turned his head and glanced at the fish flowers displayed on the fish detector. There was a thick layer of fish flowers. If they were really all golden pineapples, he would be rich!

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