Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 281 Three dollars in a row! Please call me the little prince of Waihai!


"Out of the water!"

Zhao Dahai lowered his head and looked at a big dark red fish floating unsteadily on the surface of the sea.



"What a big one!"

"Don't be a real sea bream!"



"It's really erythema!"

Zhao Dahai suddenly shouted excitedly, it was really a red spot.

Zhao Dahai was so excited that he was a little hurried. After a while, he pulled the thread and the red spots floating on the sea to the edge of the speedboat, and picked up the net.


Almost twenty pounds of erythema!

Eat the red spots of a giant octopus! ?

It’s really big!

Zhao Dahai took a towel to cover the red spot's eyes, took the pliers and took off the hook. He looked carefully and found that the red spot's eyes were not protruding. It was very normal. He looked inside with his wide mouth and saw that the throat was Deep in the depths, you can vaguely see something protruding outwards, and the fish is a little hard when you bear it.

Zhao Dahai immediately took the empty needle in the middle, and a fish scale jumped out of the fin on the abdomen. He inserted it and heard the air flow out, making a "slight" sound.

"bring it on!"


"Come to life!"

"Father will take you home and sell it!"

"It's worth a lot of money!"

Zhao Dahai murmured in a low voice, squeezed his hand hard to squeeze out the air in the red spot's belly, took out the needle, pushed it gently with his hand, and slid it into the living water tank next to it.



"Come alive!"

Zhao Dahai was very excited and clenched his fist vigorously.

A living erythema is a good erythema and a valuable erythema!

The price of erythema weighing more than 20 kilograms is very high. A living one can be sold for one thousand or even one thousand and fifty-one kilograms, but a dead one can only be sold for five hundred, and a dead one can only be sold for six hundred or seven hundred and one kilogram. The price difference is very different.

Zhao Dahai observed the time erythema for two or three minutes. After entering the living water tank, he immediately got into the bilge of the living water tank, wagging his tail gently, feeling completely relieved.

Zhao Dahai stretched out his hand to test the water temperature in the living water tank. There was no problem. It was very normal. The speedboat kept running. The water in the living water tank was full of oxygen. You only need to pay attention to the water temperature when the sun is directly shining. One hundred percent It was able to ensure that this red spot returned to the pier alive.

In order to ensure everything was safe, Zhao Dahai immediately turned on the oxygen machine.


"It's true!"

“The fishing position on the sunken ship must be fished like this!”

"How could it not be hung? A place like this must be hung. The bet is which pole is not hung!"

Zhao Dahai washed his hands and took a towel to dry them. The reminder from the second grandfather Zhao Shi was very useful. I suddenly figured out how to fish the sunken fishing spot.

Zhao Dahai looked at the fish detector and navigation. He saw that the speedboat had deviated from the point. He immediately adjusted it and drove back to the original place. He arranged the rod, hung up the big octopus again, and put it into the sea in almost the same place. There was no trace of it. After hesitating, I lowered the line directly to 87 meters. I saw that the line above the tip of the fishing rod became loose until it reached the bottom of the sea.

I don't know whether to hang up or not to hang up this time?

Zhao Dahai lifted the pole, but it didn't get caught. He took in two meters of line very smoothly.


"No way?"

"Is today's luck so invincible?"

Zhao Dahai couldn't believe it. The first rod caught a big red spot weighing more than 20 kilograms without hanging on the bottom, and the second rod did not hook on the bottom when he put it into the sea.

Zhao Dahai immediately put his left hand on the rear steering column. The speedboat must remain motionless. Once it deviates from its current position, if it moves one meter or even half a meter, it is very likely to hit the bottom.

"bring it on!"

"Let me see if luck is really so invincible!"

"One more!"

"No more old red spots weighing twenty pounds!"

"Ten catties will do!"


"Five catties is very satisfying!"


"Ten or eight pounds of blue spots, even one is very good!"

"No blue spots?"

"It looks like a sesame spot, I'm very happy!"

"Real snapper!?"

"Yellow chicken!"

"It's good to have fish!"

Zhao Dahai kept talking and staring at the tip of the fishing rod.



It’s really here!

Zhao Dahai waited for less than two minutes. The tip of the fishing rod began to shake gently, which was a signal that there was fish.



Don't come late, don't come late, come at the critical time?

Zhao Dahai was startled when he saw a big wave coming more than 20 meters away. The wave was so big that the speedboat's engine or control couldn't handle it at all, and it would be pushed to other places all of a sudden. Seeing the big fish on the bottom of the sea, To bite the ear, the speedboat moves and the big fish is frightened and runs away. The key is that it is very likely to hang on the bottom.

Zhao Dahai had no choice but to stare wide-eyed as the half-meter-high wave surged over and hit the side of the speedboat.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. Facing the power of nature, any operation, including the two engines, was useless. The speedboat slid back more than five meters.


"Isn't it okay to hang like this?"

Zhao Dahai's eyes widened. The structure of the seabed at the sunken fishing spot was very complicated. Even a movement of one meter or even half a meter, not to mention five meters, could cause the boat to hit the bottom. He controlled the speedboat, and after it stabilized, he raised the fishing rod with his right hand. One hundredth has no bottom.


"How can you justify such luck if you don't catch a fish?"

Zhao Dahai shook his hand that was stained with sea water. He was just about to take a drink of water from the water cup when the fishing rod in front of him bent sharply.

Zhao Dahai reacted very quickly and immediately pushed the switch of the electric winch to take up the line. At the same time, he held the fishing rod with both hands and pulled it up hard.

Do not move! ?

Is it this big?

Zhao Dahai took a deep breath, continued to exert force with his hands, and pulled up hard again.


It's moving now!

It was pulled up abruptly!

Zhao Dahai was very careful and not careless at all. He lifted the pole and bowed it for about ten seconds, waiting for the electric winch to collect almost six or seven meters of line before gently lowering it and setting it up on the gun mount.

No way?

Is it erythema again?

Another big one? Twenty pounds again?

Zhao Dahai's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. He reeled in more than ten meters of line. The hooked fish was motionless and showed no sign of struggle. He immediately controlled the speed of the electric winch to reel in the line.

The speed of reeling in the line is slow and risky. The fishing line may be affected by the current on the bottom of the sea, becoming loose and loose, and the fish may run away.

If it is collected too fast, there is no risk in this regard, but if it is erythema, the speed of rising is too fast, and the eyeballs will protrude when the pressure is lost, and it will die immediately.

Dying erythema is not good erythema is not valuable erythema.

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhao Dahai decided to take a gamble. Just a few minutes is as long as a century.


Zhao Dahai put his hands on the side of the speedboat, leaned down and stared carefully at the sea surface, a group of fish shadows were floating up at a distance of seven or eight meters.


One hundred percent is big!


dark red!

Big red spot!

Zhao Dahai's face flushed with excitement, not only a red spot surfaced, but another big red spot.

Dahai held the line with his left hand and picked up the net with his right hand. He lifted the speedboat with both hands, took off the hook, put a towel on his red-spotted mouth, picked it up and weighed it.

Twenty-five pounds!

One hundred percent more than twenty-five catties!

Another Great Red Spot, another old Red Spot!

Zhao Dahai took several deep breaths, calmed down his mood a little, and began to carefully examine the red spot he had just caught. He found that he had controlled the speed of retracting the line early and it was very timely. There was only a little flatulence, so he took the needle and let it go. With a little air in his stomach, he pushed into the living cabin, flicked his tail, and got into the bottom of the living cabin directly.

Zhao Dahai wiped the splashed seawater on his face.

"Very beautiful!"

"It's really beautiful!"

Zhao Dahai stood next to the living cabin. The water was very clear and could be seen clearly under the sunlight. The dark red color was huge. The more he looked at it, the happier he became and the more beautiful he looked.


"How can a fish worth more than 10,000 yuan not be beautiful?"

Zhao Dahai smiled. No matter what kind of fish it is, as long as it can be sold for so much money, it will be beautiful!

Rotten rocks and rotten reefs are inconspicuous at all, even tiger fish that give goosebumps when you look at them are not the same. Are they very beautiful?

Who calls it valuable?

Zhao Dahai took a glass of water and drank some water. He caught two red spots in succession. His whole body was covered in sweat and his clothes were all see-through. It was not because of the heat or the effort, but because he was too excited.

Zhao Dahai looked around, but there wasn't even a single speedboat.

No way?

Are they all fishing for black snapper in another place?

Today's black snapper opened its mouth wide?

How much do you look down on the big green spots here, especially these big red spots today?

Zhao Dahai thought of the black sea bream fishing spot twenty nautical miles away. He caught some fish there early in the morning and saw a lot of speedboats. There are no speedboats here to fish for grouper now. The black sea bream fishing should be good. , Maybe the mouth is very good, or even crazy.

But what?

Can it compare to the two big red spots I caught?

Zhao Dahai wiped his hands with a towel, adjusted the pole, hung another big octopus, soaked it in the living cabin, and drove the speedboat back to the original spot.

If you caught two red spots, how could you not catch the third one?

Zhao Dahai carefully adjusted the position of the speedboat until he reached the exact same place where he caught the first and second red spots, and lowered the octopus hanging on the hook.

Eighty meters!

Eighty-three meters!

Eighty-five meters!

Eighty-seven meters!

Zhao Dahai saw that the tip of the fishing rod bounced and became almost horizontal, and the fishing line became loose.

Hit bottom!

Is it hanging or not hanging this time?

Zhao Dahai carefully took up the thread.

Half a meter!

No hangup!

one meter!

No hangup!

Zhao Dahai breathed a sigh of relief. The first meter is very critical. As long as the bottom is not hit, the bottom will basically not be hit.

Zhao Dahai continued to reel in the line, and reeled in a full two meters. He found that the speedboat was a little offset. He stretched out his left hand at the point. Just as he was about to control it, the fishing rod in front of him made a big bow without any warning, and the tip of the rod flicked. water surface.


Come again! ?

What kind of shit luck is this?

Zhao Dahai immediately pushed the switch to close the line.

The sun rises higher and higher.

A small wave began to appear on the sea.

The clear sea water has very high visibility and is very blue. The water color of the open sea is like a large reservoir at this time, and the deep blue is amazing.

Zhao Dahai looked at the red spots floating on the sea thirty meters away from him.

This is really too crazy!

How is this possible?

Forget about the erythema!

Another big red spot weighing more than 20 pounds.

Zhao Dahai pinched his leg hard and tears of pain flowed out.

All right!

One hundred percent today is the Little Prince of the Outer Seas.

This luck not only exploded but also exploded.

Zhao Dahai pulled the line, and Hongban pulled it to the side of the speedboat. He picked it up with the net and weighed it. It was a little smaller than the second one, but a little bigger than the first one.

What does it matter? They are all big red spots weighing more than 20 kilograms!

Today I really hit the nest of erythema. Three fishes were caught in the same place one after another.

Zhao Dahai took off the hook and deflated it. After a set of standard procedures, Red Spot pushed into the live cabin and continued to work immediately. He hung the octopus on the hook for the fourth time and put it in the live cabin at his feet for soaking. He drove the speedboat and returned to the boat. To the point.

"Is it possible that this place happens to be a relatively large and unconventional place?"

Zhao Dahai picked up the octopus and was about to put it into the sea when he suddenly remembered that when the big waves hit him, he pushed the speedboat back five meters without getting stuck on the bottom.

The big red spot on the bottom of the sea has already been eyeing the octopus. When he saw the octopus flying back, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he rushed out and bit it.

Will it really be like this?

Zhao Dahai looked serious.

If my guess is true, if the place where I just caught three big red spots is really a hole without hanging on the bottom, it is no joke. With fish finder, navigation and precise positioning, it is possible to put them in the same place every time. Possibility of catching fish.

Shipwreck fishing spots have always been full of big fish. As long as the bottom is not hanging, there is at least a 50% chance that a fish will take the bait. You can imagine how valuable and scary it is to find a point in such a place that can hit the bottom without hanging on the bottom, or even hit the bottom.

Seventy-eight meters!

Eighty-one meters!

Eighty-three meters!

Zhao Dahai released the line to seventy-eight meters at once, and then started to release the line one meter after another. When he reached eighty-three meters, the tip of the drooping and bent fishing rod rebounded and almost returned to level.


The end?

How is this possible?

Zhao Dahai was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the fish detector, which clearly showed that the water depth here was eighty-seven meters. The last two times, it could be directly lowered to eighty-seven meters, but now it was eighty-three meters deep this time.

Hanging up?

Isn't it? !

Zhao Dahai felt a slight thump and felt a very bad feeling. He gently lifted the pole and put it down without continuing to lower the line. When the sea breeze blew, the line immediately became loose and slanted.

It's over!

It's really over now.

Zhao Dahai's last trace of luck disappeared.

One hundred percent is the bottom line.

Zhao Dahai carefully looked at the position displayed by the fish detector. There was nothing wrong with the displayed point, it was in the same place.

Zhao Dahai raised the pole and reeled in the line and hung it without moving. He pulled it hard several times, but it still didn't move.

The No. 50 line can almost be used as an anchor rope. It must be pulled continuously by both hands, and it can only be wrapped around the sheep's horn. The power of the speedboat and the weight will slowly tear it off.

Zhao Dahai shook his head.

In the same place, at the same spot, I did not hang the top last time, and each time I caught a large red spot, all weighing more than 20 kilograms.

This time it was hung up.

Zhao Dahai immediately re-tied the fishing rig and the hook to hang the big octopus. The speedboat returned to the spot, exactly the same place, and was lowered again.


Hang up again!


Hanged again!

The sun is getting more and more poisonous.

Zhao Hai ate his meal with big mouthfuls and looked at the speedboats that appeared one after another on the surrounding sea. At first, there were only two or three boats, but now there are seven or eight boats. There will definitely be more in a while. This is a place to catch black sea bream. Come here to try your luck if you can't catch fish.

Zhao Dahai lowered his head and continued to eat, thinking about the entire fishing process in the morning. I was extremely confident when I caught three red spots, especially when a big wave pushed them over without catching the bottom. I felt like I had found a hollow place. The next step was to pull out one big red spot, each of which weighed more than 20 kilograms. Fish twenty or thirty fish a day and make a fortune. But the reality is very cruel, the same place, the same point. Starting from the fourth pole, I kept hanging on the bottom. Before dinner, I had already hung on ten poles.

"Being evil?"

"Are you not convinced?"

"Reality will make you bow your head, reality will teach you how to be a good person!"

Zhao Dahai finished his meal, drank some water, and wiped his mouth.

Why are the first three poles not hooked to the bottom, and why can each pole catch more than 20 kilograms of big red spot?

Is the technology good?


It doesn't matter half a dime!

It was just pure luck that exploded early this morning.

The next ten rods hung in succession are the norm at the sunken ship fishing position.

Zhao Dahai rested for about ten minutes, gave up on catching three big red spots, and accepted the fact that it was just luck from the beginning.

bring it on!

See how lucky you are in the afternoon after eating!

Zhao Dahai prepared the fishing rod, hung up the bait, drove the speedboat and followed the fish finder to find another spot, and continued to gamble on luck.


Hang up again!

Keep hanging up!

Four p.m.

The sun began to set in the west. There is a little wind, but the sea is as muggy as a steamer. The surface of the water kept shaking and shaking, and the sun was very dazzling.

Zhao Dahai narrowed his eyes and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Every day when the sun starts to set to the west is the most uncomfortable time, and I can't open my eyes.

Zhao Dahai lowered his head to look at the fishing rod in front of him, bent down a big bow line and jumped tightly.

Got a fish?

It is impossible to hit a fish! If it hangs on the bottom, that’s for sure!

Zhao Dahai was very helpless, he put a little thread and pulled it out to wrap it around the sheep's horn, and drove the speedboat to pull it off.

How many times?

Twenty times?

Or maybe thirty times?

Zhao Dahai was a little numb to hanging up. At the beginning, he counted them, but later on, especially after three o'clock in the afternoon, he didn't care how many times he hung up.

Zhao Dahai re-tied the fishing group and tried again. There was no accident, once the fishing group was hooked, and then it was pulled off again.


"Has this kid been hanging here for a whole day?"


"The big black snapper was caught so well two days ago, and my confidence was overwhelming."

“I look down on the big black sea bream, I feel like I’m not making any money!”

"After fishing for a while in the morning, come here to block the big grouper?"

"Ha ha!"

"Reality has severely taught him how to behave!"

“Thankfully I spent all morning in that spot fishing for big black bream.”

"If you come here to catch big groupers as soon as the tide comes in, it will be another day of heavy losses!"

"This is really stupid!"

"We've been hanging here for three hours, right?"

"Keep trying! Isn't this thread and this lead money?"

Zhao Dahai frowned.

The speedboats around have been here for a few hours, most of them tried a few rods, and they stopped trying when they got stuck, and they gathered together to chat. From this point of view, they knew that they caught fish. To be precise, they caught black bream in the morning and paid for the gas. It’s something you can do only after you’ve made a little bit of money, and it’s stress-free and relaxing.

It's going to rain. My mother wants to get married.

After traveling more than one hundred and two hundred nautical miles in the wind and sun, why did you come here?

Isn’t it just to make a little more money?

If you don't work for half a day and just chat here, it's better to go home and sleep.


This has nothing to do with me at all, and I am not the father of these people, so do I need to pay attention to it?

Zhao Dahai had already noticed that many people on the speedboats around him were pointing and pointing at him. At first, the voice was relatively low and could not be heard clearly, but now it was getting louder and the distance between the speedboats was relatively close. When the sea breeze blows over, you can hear it clearly.

Zhao Dahai looked at the people on the surrounding speedboats who were looking at him and curled his lips.

When you catch a little black sea bream, you feel like you are making money, especially when you feel like you are making a lot of money? You really just don’t know how high the sky is, you can’t store two ounces of oil in your stomach.

Zhao Dahai caught a crab with a dipping net, hung it on the hook, looked at the fish finder, adjusted the position of the speedboat, and put it into the sea. The water depth here is 92 meters, and it was directly put into the 92 rice.



This is impossible!

There are ways to make these people look good!

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