Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 525: The father-in-law who has to put on airs


Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming stayed in the cab, each holding a hookah in his hand and puffing away smoke.

"Yesterday's weather was not very good, and the waves on the sea were quite strong."

"This morning it stopped right away!"

Shi Guangming glanced at the sea outside the fishing boat. There was a little wave, but it would be calm in a few hours.

"Is it okay if there are strong winds and big waves again? People who go out to sea to fish, don't think about having a good year!"

Zhao Shi exhaled a puff of smoke. Now is the most important period before the Chinese New Year for fishing to make money. There have been strong winds and waves in the past few days. If this happens just once, people who go fishing will really cry.


"What can people who go fishing out to sea do?"

“If the weather is good, you can go fishing, but if the weather is bad, you can only stay inside!”


"Why does this little thing like Zhao Dahai happen now? Could it be that he rushed back right away last night?"

Shi Guangming stood up and saw a speedboat approaching on the sea southeast of the bow of the fishing boat. It was Zhao Dahai's large speedboat that could be recognized at a glance.

Zhao Shi stood up and took a look. It was indeed Zhao Dahai. He must have been traveling all night to get here at this time.

Shi Guangming and Zhao Shi walked out of the cab and arrived at the fishing boat platform. After waiting for a while, Zhao Dahai's speedboat docked at the fishing boat.


"Did you fish?"

Shi Guangming saw at a glance that there were a lot of sea bass piled on the deck. They were all very large, and he could tell at a glance that they weighed about twenty kilograms.


"I came here last night and suddenly remembered that I happened to catch a suitable tide when passing by the island and reef, so I could catch some fish."

Zhao Dahai smiled and nodded.

Zhong Shizhu and Liu Bin immediately got on the fishing boat. After a while, all the sea bass were pulled onto the fishing boat.

Shi Guangming looked numbly at the boxes of sea bass loaded on the deck of the fishing boat. These were more than 1,500 kilograms of sea bass.


"Uncle Shi!"

"What's so weird about that?"

"We are four people fishing. If there happens to be a big fish, isn't it normal that we won't be able to catch more than one thousand or two thousand kilograms of sea bass?"

"These sea bass are huge, one weighs more than ten or twenty pounds."

Liu Bin looked at Shi Guangming who was a little dumbfounded and laughed.


"Liu Bin!"

"I see you are really shaking now."

"If you go fishing by yourself, how many fish can you catch in a day?"

"Don't talk about sea bass weighing one to two thousand kilograms. Even catching one to two hundred kilograms of sea bass is already incredible!"

Shi Guangming bent down and picked up a sea bass. He weighed it. It was really big. When the weather gets cold, all fish will become fatter and more delicious. Sea bass are exactly the same. This is why.


"Aren't Zhong Shizhu, Lei Dayou and I fishing with Zhao Dahai?"

"If you really go out to sea and set fishing nets to catch fish, you can catch fifty kilograms of sea bass a day, let alone one hundred kilograms. Especially for sea bass of this size, you can make some money!"

Liu Bin knows very well how many fish, shrimps and crabs he can catch when he goes to sea.

If you put out a fishing net, you can catch sea bass, but they are all relatively small, usually about five taels, and being able to catch one pound is already pretty good.

Sea bass of this size are worthless and cannot be sold at a high price, making little money.

Catching 1,500 kilograms or 2,000 kilograms of sea bass would only happen if he, Zhong Shizhu, and Lei Dayou followed Zhao Dahai out to sea.

Zhao Dahai, Lei Dayou, Liu Bin and Zhong Shizhu organized the sea bass in the box, arranged them neatly one by one, and moved them to the cold storage of the fishing boat. After finishing this work, they took a bath and ate Go to bed immediately after dinner.

Shi Guangming and Zhao Shi returned to the cab, drank tea and smoked, and cooked something for dinner at 11 o'clock at noon. After eating, the two of them went on the deck and began to pull the crab pots into the sea.


“There are really a lot of fathead fish here!”

"At this time next year, if Zhao Dahai comes to fish on the artificial islands, our fishing boats can still park here!"

Shi Guangming pulled up the fifth crab pot. The fathead fish in it was about the same size as the previous one, fat and big. The total fish in one cage weighed thirty kilograms.

The crab pots have been placed here for several days, and there are still such harvests, which proves that the number of fathead fish here is really very large.

Zhao Dahai caught so many fish on the artificial islands this year.

The more you fish, the more you will become familiar with it, the more you fish, the more you will understand it, and the more you fish, the easier it will be to catch it.

If you catch one hundred catties this year, you will be able to lose one thousand catties next year.

It is impossible for a smart person like Zhao Dahai not to know this truth. He will definitely come here again this time next year.

"It's definitely coming!"

“This artificial island is really a place where you can catch fish!”

"Don't wait until the Chinese New Year. Even in normal times, Zhao Dahai will probably come here to catch some fish from time to time."

“Or just come here to check out these spots and other places, and then come back to fish here during the Chinese New Year.”

Zhao Shi was not surprised at all that Shi Guangming said this, Zhao Dahai would definitely do this.


"I'm a little worried now that Zhao Dahai is not willing to go to the deep sea!"

Shi Guangming frowned.

Zhao Dahai agreed to cooperate with his family's fishing boat and make several trips to the deep sea a year, mainly to take others out for fishing.

During this period, I saw that Zhao Dahai was able to catch a lot of fish and make a lot of money even on artificial islands. The cooperation didn't seem very attractive.


"Old man Shi."

"Isn't your brain running out of energy?"

"Not to mention that what Dahai promised must be done!"

"The key is that you can indeed catch fish on the artificial islands, but how big can the artificial islands be?"

"Zhao Dahai has indeed caught a lot of fish here during this period, but it is not possible to catch so many fish every time he comes here."

Zhao Shizhi shook his head.

Shi Guangming is a fan of the authorities.

Zhao Dahai has indeed caught a lot of fish here during this period, but this is only an artificial island, and very few people come to fish here.

If Zhao Dahai keeps fishing here, he won't be able to get such harvests all the time. The difference in the deep sea is that the range of fishing spots is larger, with more fish and more stable harvests. It is impossible for Zhao Dahai not to go fishing in the deep sea.

When Shi Guangming thought about it, it was really like this. It was impossible for Zhao Dahai to go to the deep sea every time, but it was impossible not to go to the deep sea. His worries were a little unnecessary.

After Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming finished pulling out the remaining crab pots, they collected almost 400 kilograms of fathead fish. They kept the live ones in the living cabin, put the dead fresh ones in the cold storage, and threw the stale ones back into the crab pots as bait and put them in again. nautical miles.

The sea breeze in winter is cold.

After Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming finished their work, they returned to the cab and continued to smoke and drink tea.

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

Lin Zuhua parked the car and strode into Ding Chongshan's company.

Ding Chongshan had just finished buying fish, shrimps and crabs and sat down to drink tea. When he looked up, he saw Lin Zuhua.

"What kind of wind is blowing today? What are you doing here?"

Ding Chongshan was a little surprised that Lin Zuhua came to him without saying a word or even making a phone call.

Lin Zuhua sat down on the sofa. He was not polite at all. He took a teacup and a teapot, poured himself a cup of freshly brewed tea, drank two cups in a row, and his brows relaxed in comfort.

"What's wrong?"

"Could it be that if you say this is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, I can't come?"

Lin Zuhua lit a cigarette and took a puff.


"You're not planning to go fishing again, are you?"

Ding Chongshan and Lin Zuhua have been old friends for many years, and they guessed what was going on.


"If it wasn't fishing, why would I come to your place to play?"

Lin Zuhua laughed loudly and triumphantly.

"I said you do business all day long to make money, what's the point?"

"Hurry! Hurry!"

"get ready!"

"I have made an appointment with Gao Zhicheng and others to go fishing tomorrow!"

Lin Zuhua encouraged Ding Chongshan to go fishing with him.

Ding Chongshan immediately shook his head and refused without thinking.

One is that it is approaching the end of the year and I am very busy with my business. I don’t sleep more than five hours a day and have no time to go fishing.

The other one is that Lin Zuhua and Ding Chongshan will go to sea, and there will be no good results.

Ding Chongshan reminded Lin Zuhua that it has been very difficult to catch fish recently.

“There were a lot of fish at Windmill Foot yesterday, and I heard many people caught big groupers.”

"Don't talk about tomorrow. Even if you go to the Windmill Foot fishing spot today, you won't be able to catch a few fish there."

"Not to mention other places."

“There are really very few people who have been able to catch fish during this period of time.”

Ding Chongshan is not optimistic about Lin Zuhua and Gao Zhicheng at all, and they are now going fishing.


"Gao Zhicheng and I would definitely not go fishing at this time."

Lin Zuhua finished smoking, picked up the tea cup, and took a sip of tea. It’s really not a joke. Recently, it has been very difficult to catch fish in the sea. In addition, the weather is bad and there is an icy sea breeze blowing on the sea. Fishing in the sea is very hard. If you are not sure that you can catch the fish, There is no need to go to sea.

"Are you looking for Zhao Dahai again?"

Ding Chongshan reacted immediately when he saw Lin Zuhua's confident look.

"If we hadn't gone to find Zhao Dahai, how could we have gone fishing?"

"You can't catch fish even if you go out to sea."

Lin Zuhua knew the abilities of people like himself and Gao Zhicheng. Without Zhao Dahai, he would not dare to go fishing.

"Ding Chongshan."

"Do you want to go with us?"

Lin Zuhua told Ding Chongshan that Wu Weimin and Gao Zhicheng went to find Zhao Dahai in the first two trips. The place is not far away, right on the artificial island. If you want to fish, go fishing. If you want to come back, come back. It's just a matter of getting a speedboat to go there.


“How could you not want to fish?”

Ding Chongshan couldn't help but rub his hands vigorously. He was a crazy lover of fishing, especially when he was young. He wished he could fish 365 days a year.

In the past few years of doing business, especially after getting married, my attention has shifted to business and I have rarely fished. However, this does not mean that I don’t want to fish. On the contrary, I want to fish every day.

Forget it in the past, even if you go out to sea, you can't catch many fish. Now Lin Zuhua and others went out to sea with Zhao Dahai and caught a lot of fish. Especially when they went to the deep sea with Zhao Dahai, the big golden guns they caught were really It is extremely enviable.

On this trip, Zhao Dahai was fishing on an artificial island. The distance was indeed too far. It was very convenient to go there and it was also very convenient to come back. But I still can’t go fishing myself.


"Ding Chongshan!"

"What are you thinking about in your head?"

"It's just a trivial matter of buying fish, shrimps and crabs."

"What's the impact of walking away for a day or two? Could it be that none of the people in your company can stand up to the situation?"

Lin Zuhua was a little depressed and even a little angry.

Ding Chongshan's business is doing very well. Recently, as the end of the year approaches, his business will get better and better, and he will make more and more money. But acquiring fish, shrimps and crabs is not a complicated matter. Even if you really leave for a day or two, it won't have much impact.

Lin Zuhua had long forgotten how many times he had called Ding Chongshan to go fishing, but he never went.

Ding Chongshan shook his head. The past few times, I really couldn't let go of business matters and couldn't leave to go fishing. But the last two times, especially today, I did not consider this point, at least it is not the most important reason.

Ding Chongshan talked about Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai.

"Didn't you already know about this?"

"The two children are together now, but there is no real confirmed relationship yet."

"Waiting for the door on Zhao Dahai, isn't it possible to go fishing at any time?"

Ding Chongshan took a sip of tea. The affairs between Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang have basically been made public now. Lin Zuhua already knew that there was nothing to hide.


"You are clearly pretending to be your future father-in-law."

Chen Zuhua laughed and cursed.

"Don't you just have to put on such an air?"

"Would you have done it differently if it were you?!"

Ding Chongshan retorted.

"All right!"

"You just have to put on some airs!"

"How could you just rush in eagerly?"

Lin Zuhua thought for a while and nodded. It's true that you are trying to be assertive, but in this situation you must be assertive. The identity and seniority are here. Whether he encounters this situation, or Ding Chongshan faces such a situation, he must do this.


"Isn't it the Chinese New Year soon?"

"Zhao Dahai must come!"

"Once you open this door, you don't have to be pretentious. If you want to go fishing, you can go fishing. You can go fishing whenever you want!"

"Isn't this guy Zhao Dahai going to have to coax you?"

Lin Zuhua laughed again as he spoke.


"What you said is really good!"

"Lin Zuhua!"

"You have to please me and buy some good cigarettes, wine and tea when you come here next time!"

"Otherwise, don't even think about going fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat."

Ding Chongshan looked at Lin Zuhua and threatened proudly.


"Ding Chongshan!"

"I am Zhao Dahai's high-quality customer!"

"There is no need to be afraid of this threat of yours!"

Lin Zuhua looked at Ding Chongshan calmly.



"Zhao Dahai is really amazing."

"You know what happened yesterday when fishing at Windmill Foot caught a big fish, right?"

"Zhao Dahai was originally fishing at the artificial island. He guessed that something like this would happen and took Wu Weimin and Gao Zhicheng to rush back to the windmill foot fishing spot."

“I caught a grouper weighing several hundred kilograms.”

"This kind of vision and ability are really amazing!"

While drinking tea, Lin Zuhua told Ding Chongshan what he heard from Wu Weimin and Gao Zhicheng about what happened at the Windmill Foot fishing spot yesterday.

Ding Chongshan had already heard about this when he was collecting fish, shrimps and crabs in the morning. Now that he heard Lin Zuhua tell the whole story, he was very envious and wished he could fish together on Zhao Dahai's speedboat yesterday.

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