It rained heavily.

There was a hazy space between heaven and earth.

Zhao Shi stood in front of the glass window of the cab, smoking silently. Not only was the sea in the distance covered with rain, making it difficult to see clearly, even the bow of the fishing boat ten meters ahead could not be seen clearly. Even under the light, it was hard to see clearly, and the deck was wet with rainwater.

"Are you worried about Zhao Dahai and the others?"

Shi Guangming stood up and walked to Zhao Shi's side.

When Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu went fishing, the weather was not good. There was wind, but it didn't rain. What they didn't expect was that it rained when they went out to sea.


"What's there to worry about? Those of us who go fishing and fishermen are not afraid of rain."

Zhao Shi was not worried about this at all.

One is a person who goes fishing at sea. He is really not afraid of rain. Heavy rain will not have much impact. If he is exhausted, he just cannot catch fish, or it may be more difficult. After all, it is cold in winter now.

The other thing is that Zhao Dahai is not fishing alone. There are three people on the speedboat, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da. They are all very experienced people at sea and can handle whatever they encounter.

"I'm worried that today's work will be in vain!"

Zhao Shi is worried that Zhao Dahai and others will not be able to catch fish today.

"How can we worry about this?"

"Other people are very likely to be unable to catch fish in this kind of weather, but Zhao Dahai is different."

"When Zhao Dahai comes back at dawn, you will know whether you can catch fish or not."

Shi Guangming took several puffs of hookah, and the cab was suddenly filled with smoke.

Zhao Dahai followed Shi Jiehua's fishing boat out to sea twice and caught a lot of fish. Not only did he catch a lot of fish himself, Wu Weimin was also able to catch a lot of fish. The sudden heavy rain did have an impact on fishing, but he believed that Zhao Dahai would be able to find enough ways to catch a lot of fish.

Five o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming looked at it and it was almost time. Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu would be back soon. In such weather, when we went fishing at sea, we would definitely be wet and very cold when we came back. The two of them went to the kitchen of the fishing boat, cooked a pot of ginger soup, cooked rice, and fried vegetables.


It's getting light.

Instead of stopping, the heavy rain got heavier and heavier.

Shi Guangming and Zhao Shi returned to the cab and looked around. The entire sea was completely white. They could see many fishing boats coming and going, far or near, and some were even placing and pulling fishing nets.


"Zhao Dahai and the others are back!"

Shi Guangming saw a speedboat in the distance approaching the fishing boat.


"Look what kind of fish Zhao Dahai and the others caught!"

Zhao Shi picked up the fishing boat.

Shi Guangming put on his raincoat and followed behind. The two of them got on the deck together. After waiting for a few minutes, Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat and docked with the fishing boat.


"Didn't you catch any fish?"

Shi Guangming was looking down from a high position. He opened the live cabin of the speedboat and could clearly see that there were no fish inside. He was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

Zhao Shi was very worried about the influence of the weather a few hours ago. Zhao Dahai couldn't catch fish. He didn't care about the weather at all. He was very confident and firmly believed that Zhao Dahai would be able to catch a lot of fish. Now it seems that he is more confident. head.

Is the impact of weather really that big? Is it possible to say that all the fish on the artificial islands are silent?

Is there nothing Zhao Dahai can do?

Shi Guangming was confused and couldn't figure out what happened.

"Zhao Dahai!"

“Isn’t there anyone fishing for grouper?”

Zhao Shi glanced several times at the two open cabins at the front and rear of the speedboat.

There were fish but not many. There were only about thirty Haruko in total.

If others can catch fish like this when they go out to sea, they can be regarded as making money, but Zhao Dahai catches these fish, especially when he takes three people, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da, to go fishing, which is a bit disrespectful.


"Uncle Zhao!"

"Uncle Shi!"

“We did not catch any grouper this time, but we did catch a spring fish!”

“It’s a lot of money to make!”

Zhong Shizhu laughed loudly, opened the large refrigerator with a lid, took off the red plastic bag covering it, and wiped off the layer of crushed ice, revealing the fish underneath.


"Are they all filled with spring fish of this size?!"

Shi Guangmin's eyelids jumped.

Zhao Dahai's speedboat has three large refrigerators at the front and rear. Each of these refrigerators can hold at least two hundred kilograms of fish.

When I opened the refrigerator, the upper layer contained large and fat spring fish, each weighing at least three kilograms.

If a whole refrigerator was filled with spring fish, it would cost a lot of money. It would cost 30,000 yuan.


"Uncle Shi!"

"How is this possible? Zhao Dahai took us out to sea for fishing. How could he just catch a refrigerator?"

"These three refrigerators are full of spring fish, all of this size."

Liu Bin smiled and pointed to the other two refrigerators that had their lids covered but not opened.

Shi Guangming couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Are all the large refrigerators owned by Chunzi Fish? Isn’t this a catch of five to six hundred catties or even six to seven hundred catties of spring fish?

This can be sold for at least 100,000 yuan.

Zhao Shi smiled.

Like the large yellow croaker, the golden croaker is more popular and sells for a higher price.

Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu caught the spring fish. In order to ensure the color of the spring fish, they put them in the refrigerator as soon as they caught them.

The fish in the live cabin were just left because they couldn't fit inside.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"I didn't expect this to be the case!"

Shi Guangming laughed loudly. When we catch so many spring fish of this size, it doesn’t matter whether we can catch grouper or not.

Zhao Dahai and the others make as much money fishing for these spring fish as they do fishing for grouper.

Liu Bin and Lei Dayou boarded the fishing boat, while Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu were on the speedboat. After a lot of effort, several people hoisted all the fish in the three refrigerators onto the deck of the fishing boat.

Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu boarded the fishing boat. They were busy working for almost an hour. The spring fish in the refrigerator were packed into special foam boxes one after another and entered the cold storage of the fish factory. I breathed a sigh of relief after doing these things.

"hurry up!"

"Go take a bath and drink ginger soup!"

Zhao Shi waved his hand and drove Zhao Dahai and Zhong Shizhu back to the cabin.

It is winter now, the wind on the sea is very cold, and it is raining. Zhao Dahai and the others are already soaked to the skin. There is no problem when they are working. After working, the body will cool down, so take a hot bath early. After changing clothes, drink ginger soup.

Zhao Dahai finished his bath, changed into a set of clean clothes, drank three bowls of ginger soup, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.


Zhao Dahai put down the bowl in his hand. I have been working all night, especially in the freezing winter weather and having been rained all night, making my whole body freezing.

After drinking the ginger soup, my whole body felt warm. There is nothing more comfortable than this.

Shi Guangming was very curious as to how Zhao Dahai caught these big spring fish.

Zhao Dahai simply said that there were no fish caught at the spots he found. It was not that there were no fish in the sea. There were fish flowers visible, but no fish opened their mouths. At first I guessed that this might be due to the heavy rain, but later I found out that I had used the wrong method. Those fish flowers were not groupers at all, or other bottom-dwelling fish. There was no need to tap the bottom, so I changed them. It is very easy to catch a fish accurately by stringing the hook.

Shi Guangming scratched the few white hairs left on his head. He didn't expect such a process.

Zhao Dahai finished his meal, filled his stomach, and went to bed immediately.

Shi Guangming and Zhao Shi went to the kitchen, brought a few dishes, placed them on the small table in the cab, took another bottle of liquor, poured two glasses, and smoked and chatted while eating.

“It’s really a wonderful life to live like this!”

"What's the point of staying at home?"

"On this sea, on this boat, it's fun."

Zhao Shi picked up the wine glass, took a sip, pinched a peanut from the plate and threw it into his mouth. The more he chewed, the more delicious it became. During this period of time, I have been on a fishing boat and my life has not been easy.


"That's right!"

"Staying on this fishing boat, I really have enough to eat and sleep soundly!"

Shi Guangming nodded. Both he and Zhao Shi have been on fishing boats all their lives. If they retire and don't go to sea, they won't be able to sleep well at home. During this time, I felt really comfortable. If you want to go fishing on artificial islands and reefs on your next trip to Zhaodahai, especially if there is a fishing boat, you must come.


"Old man Zhao."

"Didn't Zhao Dahai have to work with my Shi Jiehua and the others to take people on deep-sea fishing trips after the Chinese New Year?"

"Would you like to go for a couple of runs together?"

"What are you doing at home? Let's kill time on the fishing boat!"

Shi Guangming looked at Zhao Shi, who was sitting opposite him. At his age, he and Zhao Shi couldn't do too much heavy physical work, but there was no problem in just staying on a fishing boat when going to sea.

Zhao Shi agreed immediately without even thinking about it. Zhao Dahai had caught a lot of fish in the deep sea in the past two days. He had long wanted to see it with his own eyes. If he went to the deep sea after the end of the year, he would definitely go and see it.

“It’s possible to catch so many fish in such weather, especially so many big spring fish.”

"It's really not easy."

Shi Guangming had to be convinced.


“I thought I really couldn’t catch any fish!”

“It’s really rare to think that we can still catch so many fish.”

Zhao Shi took a look and found that since yesterday evening, several fishing boats had been placing and pulling fishing nets around here, but there were no good harvests.


"Old man Zhao!"

“I’m not sure about the sea nearby. It’s just that this location of our sea fishing boat is the best.”

"How many fathead fish have we caught just by putting crab pots in these days?"

Shi Guangming took a sip of the white wine and swallowed it. It was burning, like a fire. His body, which was a little cold, suddenly warmed up.

Shi Guangming had already noticed that the fishing boats around him were not doing well. There must be fish nearby, otherwise there wouldn't be so many fishing boats hanging around this place.

But in the past two or three days, the harvest of these fishing boats has been really not very good. He and Zhao Shi didn't have to do anything. They put crab pots on the fishing boat and caught more than three thousand catties of fathead fish.


"These fishing boats around, even if they know there are fish here, they may not be able to catch so many!"

Zhao Shi was proud. The fishing boats around here often fish here.

I don’t know that there are fathead fish here. It’s just that the fishing nets these people usually use for fishing cannot reach the bottom of the sea. They can’t catch these fathead fish and they can’t find the fathead fish here.

Crab pots can be placed on the bottom of the sea to catch these fathead fish. The fathead fish caught these days can be sold for a lot of money, which is probably much more than what many people who set fishing nets in the surrounding sea can earn.


"Don't we have to talk to Zhao Dahai about how we can go back to the artificial islands and put crab pots to catch some winter crabs?"

Shi Guangming never forgot about winter crabs.


"I can't forget this!"

"When Zhao Dahai wakes up, let's talk about this matter."


"These winter crabs are really big in size. Other fish, shrimps and crabs wouldn't be so concerned about them!"

Zhao Shi couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva. He really didn't care about other fish, shrimps and crabs, but winter crabs of this size were really delicious.


"Who said it wasn't?"

"It's really difficult to catch something like this. Even if you try to catch it, you won't be able to catch much of it."

Shi Guangming picked up the wine bottle and poured another glass for himself and Zhao Shi. Crabs in the sea, whether they are orchid crabs or winter crabs, are very valuable, especially the big ones, which can be sold at very good prices. In recent years, the number of fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea has been decreasing almost continuously.

Large orchid crabs or winter crabs are becoming increasingly difficult to catch.

Even though the price of this grouper and even the top-grade red grouper is very high, it is not particularly difficult or rare to catch a fish like this.

On the contrary, the price of large orchid crabs, especially winter crabs, which are not as good as those of red spots, is very small.

Why doesn't Zhao Dahai sell these winter crabs and keep them for the New Year so that everyone can share a share? It’s this winter crab thing, it’s really a rare thing.

People who grew up by the sea or people who like to eat seafood know that winter crabs of this size, especially those that are full of height, are far better and more delicious than the more expensive red spots.

Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming were drinking wine and chatting and taking a sip of hookah from time to time. The rain on the sea slowly stopped at some point. The weather is getting better, and people who go fishing or fishermen will feel more comfortable. a little.

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