
"That's right!"

"We are a family that goes to sea. Spending money on the boat is the right way."

Luo Dali looked at the few young people around him. They all just bought new cars in the village, and it was said that they cost more than ten or two hundred thousand. Some people came up with the money all at once, and some took out loans. What.

"Are the cars you buy just small sedans that can seat people and haul cargo?"

"Would the fish you caught out to sea be put in a car like this?"


"People in fishing villages use fishing boats or speedboats to catch fish or make money. These cars you bought are just sitting in front of your home to be exposed to the wind and sun. How useful can they be?"

Yang Shunwei really couldn't bear to see these young people in the village making some money, or asking for money from their families, instead of buying a boat and going out to sea, they just bought a car. It looked showy and majestic, and it had no practical significance at all. .

"Ding Xiaoxiang is not blind!"

"Can I look down on you people?"

Yang Shun hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.

No one wants the fertilizer water to flow to other people’s fields.

If you don't have the ability, then no one can blame you.

Who doesn’t know how good Ding Xiaoxiang is? Who doesn't want to marry Ding Xiaoxiang?

None of the people in the village, who were about the same age as Ding Xiaoxiang or five or six years older, liked her.

Ding Xiaoxiang's family is engaged in business, making money is great. In addition, Ding Xiaoxiang has been doing business with her family, and she is also good-looking.

These crooked melons and cracked jujubes in the village are really not worthy of them. Even if Ding Xiaoxiang is blind and can see them, Sun Zhongshan and Zhang Li will not agree.

"What's going on with the wheelbarrow? Which one of you can catch red spots at sea? Who can catch a five-pound red spot and a thirty-pound red spot at once?"

"With the addition of two hundred pounds of winter crabs, which of you can do it?"

"These things can hit one of your cars!"

"Zhao Dahai caught this himself, not bought it."

“If you catch one fish, you can catch a second fish, and then you can catch a third fish. This is the ability to make endless money.”

"I said you people think your vision is better than Ding Chongshan's or Zhang Li's?"

Yang Shunwei cursed loudly, and the more he cursed, the angrier he became.

There were many young people gathered at the entrance of the village. Their faces turned red and white. Some wanted to refute, but they swallowed the words when they reached their lips.

"Uncle Eighth!"

"What are you doing? Why are you so angry?"

Jiang Shiyan left Ding Xiaoxiang's home and walked around the village a few times. From a distance, she saw a lot of people gathering at the entrance of the village. She was a little curious and didn't know what was going on. She walked over quickly and heard Yang Shunwei swearing. , scolded very loudly and angrily.

Luo Dali smiled and told the whole story.


"This really deserves to be scolded!"

"Xiaoxiang is from our village. Many of you grew up together."

"Don't say you don't want to marry Ding Xiaoxiang."

When Jiang Shiyan heard this, he immediately nodded. These young people in the village really deserved to be scolded.

"Zhao Dahai made money from fishing and spent it all on buying a speedboat. He bought a speedboat and went out to catch more fish and made more money."

"Where's yours?"

"They all bought cars or other things. One of them counts. Does everyone dare to say that their money was spent on buying fishing boats, speedboats or other things that make money?"

"Just trying to show off."

"Whether Ding Xiaoxiang, Ding Chongshan, or Zhang Li sees all these things, who can see them?"

"Uncle Eighth."

"Zhao Dahai didn't just bring two red spots and two hundred pounds of winter crabs on this trip."

"It's really valuable. I guess you didn't pay attention just now."

Jiang Shiyan talked about the isinglass he saw.


"Did Zhao Dahai bring so much fish maw to your door?"

Yang Shunwei was shocked.

"Isn't it possible?"

"Twenty pieces? Each one is about the width of a palm?"

"All in one piece?"

Luo Dali couldn't believe it.

"Isn't it possible?"

"Where else can anyone have so much isinglass now?"

"Is it a whole piece of isinglass as wide as the palm of your hand? Then doesn't this fish need to be at least fifty or sixty kilograms, or even almost a hundred kilograms, to be dried?"

"Isn't this something you can buy with money?"

More and more people gathered in the village. When they heard Jiang Shiyan's words, they were in an uproar and couldn't believe it.

Others may not know what Jiang Shiyan said about these isinglasses, but Dashi Village is a fishing village, and everything in the village is related to fish, shrimps and crabs. Even those who go out to work are still fishing there. Coming from a fish or fish-selling background, she knew exactly what Jiang Shiyan was talking about.

"Jiang Shiyan."

"Zhao Dahai has caught so many fish and made so much money, he must be able to afford these fish maws!"

“But it’s not something you can buy with money!”

"You're not mistaken, are you?"

It's not that Yang Shunwei doesn't believe that Zhao Dahai has the money, but he may not be able to buy it even with the money.

"I read it wrong?"

"Get it."

"How could this be wrong?"

Jiang Shiyan shook his head. He couldn't be sure if he took a look at it from a distance. He would really see it wrong. But he held it in his hand and looked at it for a long time, so he couldn't be wrong.

“It’s really hard to buy this thing now!”

"Zhao Dahai didn't buy it elsewhere at all, but the isinglass made from fish he caught and dried!"

"Zhang Li said that some time ago, Zhao Dahai went to the deep sea twice and caught a lot of big fish weighing 50 to 60 pounds and 7 to 80 pounds."

“I didn’t sell any of them, I kept them all in my own hands and found someone to dry the isinglass.”

Jiang Shiyan knew why Yang Shunwei didn't believe it. When she thought of buying it, Zhang Li refused without saying anything about the price, which made her a little depressed. Neither is willing to sell.


"When I went deep into the sea some time ago, I did catch a lot of big trout."

"Everyone on the same fishing boat said that Zhao Dahai caught a lot of fish during his trip to the South China Sea, including big tuna, big grouper and so on."

"Zhao Dahai made more than one million yuan on that trip."

Luo Dali and Yang Shun looked at me for you, and I looked at you. With the news spreading like this, this matter cannot be false.

Zhao Dahai did not go to sea alone when he went to the deep sea. There were many people on the same fishing boat. The news may be exaggerated, but it would not be too different.



"Jiang Shiyan."

"Didn't you think of introducing the daughter of some relative of yours to Zhao Dahai?"

"Now my wishful thinking has come to nothing!"

Luo Dali suddenly remembered this matter.


"Stop talking! Stop talking!"

"As soon as I mentioned this, I regretted it so much!"

"Why didn't you do it earlier? It's too late now!"

Jiang Shiyan regretted it very much. She met Zhao Dahai for the first time when she was traveling to the sea. She should have taken action quickly and waited for Zhao Dahai to catch more and more fish and earn more and more money. He was no longer the relatives of his own family. My daughter is worthy of it.

No matter what it is, if you miss it, there won’t be this store in this village.

Men who are good men who can make money are as popular as women who are good women who can take care of the house.

Zhao Dahai is a good man who can make money, and Ding Xiaoxiang is a good woman who can run a house. Now these two are together. There has been nothing else to do for a long time.

Jiang Shiyan looked at the young men in the surrounding villages and kept shaking her head. No wonder Yang Shunwei cursed just now. They all just bought cars to show off how much money they had in their pockets. Not many of them liked them.


"Zhao Dahai is not allowed to have his eye on Ding Xiaoxiang early on. If this is really the case, it will be useless if you take action earlier."

Yang Shunwei shook his head.

"Uncle Eighth!"

"It's really possible when you say that!"

"It's very possible that Qi Dahai has already set his sights on Ding Xiaoxiang."

Jiang Shiyan was stunned for a moment, thought about it for a while, and felt that this was really possible.


"Forget it!"

"What's the use of saying this now?"

Jiang Shiyan sighed, waved his hand, and said no more about this matter. Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year. Zhao Dahai came to Ding Xiaoxiang's home and already explained everything.

Xiaoxiang's house.

Zhang Li and Zhou Yu were busy in the kitchen, preparing lunch.


"Zhao Dahai is indeed good!"

"Not to mention anything else, not everyone has this kind of body. If you have this kind of strength, as long as you are willing to work and support your family in our fishing village, there will be no problem at all."

As Zhou Yu spoke, he looked through the half-open door of the kitchen at Zhao Dahai, who was sitting in the hall talking to Ding Chongshan and Ding Lihua.

Whether you go fishing or do other work, you must be in good health and have strength. Zhao Dahai has no worries about this.

"I have heard from many people that Zhao Dahai is very good at fishing."

Zhou Yu had heard about Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang a long time ago. When he usually went out to do some work with others, or did business in the store, he would often hear about Zhao Dahai catching a lot of fish. .


"This kid is still good!"

As Zhang Li spoke, she quickly cleaned the fish in her hands.



"What you said is like taking advantage and acting like a good boy."

"Xiaoxiang is definitely a first-class kid. That's nothing to say, but Zhao Dahai is not bad."

"I think these two kids are a perfect match."

Zhou Yu made a joke.

The two brothers Ding Chongshan and Ding Lihua have a very good relationship. He is married to Ding Lihua and often comes to Zhang Li's house. Ding Xiaoxiang grows up day by day, becoming more and more beautiful, and is very good at business. Such girls are very popular.

Zhao Dahai is no different in what kind of place. Which of the surrounding villages and towns is as good at fishing as Zhao Dahai? Who can make money as well as Zhao Dahai?

“It doesn’t have to be a perfect match, but everyone’s family conditions must be similar, so that they can live a good life.”

"Xiaoxiang has such conditions, so she must find someone who is worthy of her."

"Zhao Dahai is indeed good."

"If that's not the case, how could I possibly agree to the two of them being together?"

Zhang Li put down the freshly washed red spots in her hands and turned around to open a box.

Zhou Yu was not surprised at all that Zhang Li would say this. As parents, they would definitely not be willing to let their children endure hardship. Ding Xiaoxiang's conditions were good, Ding Chongshan and Zhang Li both made money, and Zhang Li definitely looked down on ordinary people.


"What good thing is this?"

Zhou Yu saw Zhang Li take out something wrapped in a red plastic bag. It looked like it was a fish, quite big.

Zhang Li carefully placed it on the chopping board and slowly opened it.


"The one from the big yellow croaker?"

Zhou Yu was startled. He knew it was a large yellow croaker, but the head was too big, weighing ten or eight pounds.


"It's the big yellow croaker!"

Zhang Li smiled and nodded. This was caught by Ding Jie, Ding Weijun and Ding Xiaoxiang when they went fishing with Zhao Dahai a few days ago. They cooked it and ate it today.


"This is really good stuff, but isn't it a bit too wasteful?"

Zhou Yu hesitated for a moment and whispered.

The red spot Zhang Li just killed was already worth a lot of money, and the big yellow croaker he took out was even more worth the boss's money.

This is not comparable to a pound or two of large yellow croaker.

It is a bit of a luxury for the family to have such a fish for dinner.

"When I caught this fish, Zhao Dahai said he would take it back and eat it on New Year's Eve."


"Zhou Yu."

"Honestly, how can we be willing to eat such a fish?"

"Then if you pick it up with chopsticks, it will cost you several thousand yuan?"

"How can there be such a prodigal and wasteful person?"

"Ding Chongshan later said that he would cook it and eat it when Zhao Dahai comes to the door."

"Let's try something new today!"

Zhang Li reached out and pressed the big yellow croaker as she spoke. It had been taken out to defrost in the early morning, and it was just right now.

Zhou Yu was amused.

Zhang Li was reluctant to eat at home, so Zhao Dahai came to the door and cooked it without saying a word. My sister-in-law is very talkative and doesn't care much about Zhao Dahai. What she is doing now is not right.

Zhang Li picked up the knife, and just when she was about to take action, the kitchen door suddenly opened. She was startled and looked back, and Ding Xiaoxiang walked in.

"What happened?"

"Why is the boss making noises all by himself?"

Zhang Li glared at Ding Xiaoxiang. It's okay to be like this at home. Today, Zhao Dahai came to the house for dinner, and he still looked so frizzy.


"Okay! Great!"

Ding Xiaoxiang looked at the large yellow croaker placed on the chopping board and then at the knife held in her mother Zhang Li's hand, and breathed a sigh of relief.


"What's going on?"

Zhang Li didn't know what was going on.


“Don’t overcook the large yellow croaker!”

Ding Xiaoxiang pointed at the large yellow croaker.


"Why is this?"

Zhang Li didn't know what happened.

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