"Where's your brother? What is he up to? Lisa has some confusion about practicing martial arts, and needs to consult Wei Heping, and has called Wei Heping several times, often prompting that the phone has been turned off, which is also the main reason for her to come to Huaguo, by the way, to see the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

"My brother and my sister-in-law are at home, they are busy cultivating, and their mobile phones are often turned off, so I guess you can't get through." Wei Xiaoyue was very smart and knew that Lisa might have called her brother, so she explained it to her first.

"Your sister-in-law? Who is it? Lisa didn't expect that Wei Heping was already married, she didn't have any thoughts about Wei Heping, but she was a little surprised to hear that he was married, and at the same time felt as if she had lost something.

"My sister-in-law, you have seen it, Sister Wei Shiqi is my sister-in-law." Wei Xiaoyue saw a hint of disappointment in Lisa's eyes, and she didn't know if she was interested in her brother or unintentionally, even if it was interesting, it was too late, her brother was already married, who told you not to seize the opportunity?

"Oh! It turned out to be Shiqi! That would wish them happiness. Lisa has seen Wei Shiqi and Wei Xiaoyue fight, and she admires Wei Shiqi's kung fu very much, and the face of this short-haired girl appeared in front of her eyes, heroic, imposing, and beautiful and moving.

"Thanks, Sister Lisa, where do you live? Why don't you go to my house? "Wei Xiaoyue has a good impression of Lisa, as the princess of the Rockefeller family, she does not have a trace of princess arrogance, and she is very knowledgeable, and she is also very interested in the internal exercises of Huaguo, and wants to become a martial arts master.

"Good! I happen to have some cultivation questions and want to ask your brother, when are you going to get off work? I'll go get my luggage first. "

Who is Xiaoyue, this foreign girl? Are you a friend? She speaks Mandarin very fluently, only listening to the voice of the speaker and not seeing anyone, and thinking that she is from our country. The

one who spoke was a colleague who was with Wei Xiaoyue at the medical center, and Liu Yuehua, a doctor at Union Hospital, who was more than ten years older than Wei Xiaoyue, married and had children, and usually had a good relationship with Wei Xiaoyue, without any scheming.

"It's my brother's friend in the United States, now a master's student, studying for a doctorate, and she is a top student in law school." Lisa went to study for a doctorate after graduation, and wanted to get a doctorate, anyway, the last thing their family lacked was money, whatever Lisa wanted.

"Yikes! It's a doctor at such a young age, look at people, and then look at me, it's all a yellow-faced woman, Xiaoyue, you can't get married early, you're too tired. Liu Yuehua looked at Lisa's distant back with envy, turned her head and persuaded Wei Xiaoyue again.

"Sister Yuehua, what do you mean? If you think so, then we men don't all beat singles. "There are two men and two women in the medical center, both men are middle-aged, they are Du Jianguo and Lin Shengsheng, the two have already started a family, and it is Lin Shengsheng who speaks.

As a doctor, they have a lot of salary and extra money, they often ask them to do things, red envelopes are soft, their lives are good, men will become bad when they have money, women will become bad when they have no money, of course, there are down-to-earth men, but there are very few such men.

Lin Shengsheng is not interested in Liu Yuehua, a middle-aged woman, but he is very interested in Wei Xiaoyue, a beautiful girl, but Wei Xiaoyue's medical skills are not worse than him, and even a few points better than him in medicine, so although he has thoughts, he also knows that Wei Xiaoyue will not fall in love with him, a middle-aged greasy uncle.

However, this can't stop his lively thoughts, and in the same Union Hospital, there are many people who covet Wei Xiaoyue like this, but no one has shown it now.

"Anyway, it's not you who beat the single, why are you in a hurry! You men, huh! Liu Yuehua scolded Lin Shengsheng a few words, of course she knew the thoughts of these men, and she looked down on what they usually did.

At this time, someone happened to be unwell, maybe suffering from heat stroke, and was helped to the medical center, and a few people ended the topic and turned around to get busy.

At about six o'clock in the afternoon, Lisa followed Wei Xiaoyue to the sky garden, and saw the scenery above, even if her family had a castle and a manor, she couldn't help but be shocked, the air here was really good, she had never breathed such fresh air, she felt that it was a little purer than oxygen, and she only breathed a breath of air here, and she felt that her cultivation was faintly rising.

"Mom and Dad, this is my brother's friend Sister Lisa, a native of the United States, and my work was arranged by Sister Lisa." Wei Xiaoyue introduced Lisa's origin to her parents.

"Hello uncle, good aunt, this is a gift I brought to you." Lisa shouted according to the Xi of Huaguo, and handed several bags in her hand to Liang Shumin.

"Hello hello, I didn't expect your Mandarin to speak so well, please come in and sit down, Lao Wei, go and shout for peace and they come over." Liang Shumin saw a very beautiful blonde girl and thought she couldn't understand Mandarin at first, but she didn't expect this girl named Lisa to speak fluent Chinese, and she was also a little surprised.

As soon as Lisa entered the Hanging Garden, Wei Heping and Wei Shiqi felt it, stopped the Zhou Tian operation of the exercises, and said in their hearts, "Why did this woman come to Huaguo?" "

Hello Lisa, welcome to Huaguo." Wei Shiqi and Lisa also knew each other, although they were not familiar, but they also knew that she had a lot of background, but now that she was a monk, she didn't take these ancient families into account at all.

Wei Heping nodded to Lisa, smiled, and welcomed, after all, they had known each other for a long time, and people were considered guests when they came to the house.

"Hello Mr. Wei, hello Miss Wei, I took the liberty to come to disturb you." Lisa saw Wei Heping and Wei Shiqi come out together, and found that Wei Shiqi's long hair was a little more beautiful than short hair, like a fairy in myths and legends, and her body exuded a pure and fresh atmosphere, looking more delicate and refined.

"Lisa is now at the yellow-level realm, your qualifications are really good, and you are expected to break through to the Xuan-level realm after a few years of cultivation." Wei Shiqi felt Lisa's breath, and couldn't help but admire Lisa's qualifications, she had cultivated for five or six years to reach the yellow-level realm, how long had Lisa cultivated, and it was already a martial arts yellow-level realm.

"I have less things to do, I have a lot of free time, and my grandfather has collected a lot of medicines for me to improve my realm, so my cultivation is faster, it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning." Lisa's tone of voice was completely the words of a martial arts cultivator, and those who didn't know thought that she had been practicing martial arts in Huaguo since she was a child.

"Yes, yes, you now have the appearance of a martial artist, like an old Jianghu, one day I will take you to meet the seniors of the innate realm." Wei Shiqi saw Lisa's realm, she had such good qualifications, and wanted to help her, although Lisa was from the United States, but their ancient family country concept was very weak, and everything was based on interests.

And even if Lisa breaks through to the innate realm, there is no threat to Hua Guo, after all, Hua Guo is the ancestor of the cultivation world, and it is difficult for a foreign master of the innate realm to shake the international status of the Hua Guo martial arts world.

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