On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Wei Heping's family returned to their home in the capital, first picked the spiritual tea on the six spiritual tea trees, refined dozens of catties of spiritual tea, put it in a jade box, left some for the family, and received the rest in the ring.

Wei Heping is ready to give the spiritual tea to those monks and old Taoists, and exchange it for what they need from them, even if they don't have the items they need now, it doesn't matter, there will definitely be them in the future, after all, they have a wide range of contacts, there are many people who serve them, and they get a lot of things every year, and they are also their friends on the earth.

The next morning, Wei Heping followed Wei Shiqi to pay New Year's greetings to Wei Lao, and as soon as he entered Wei Lao's villa, he saw more than 20 people in the Wei family, men, women and children, talking in the living room.

"Grandpa, it's time for you to pay a New Year's greeting." Wei Shiqi also ignored the other people in the living room, and gave her grandfather a New Year's greeting first.

"Hahaha... Ok, good, good! Peace and Shiqi are here, and our family is here. When Old Man Wei saw his favorite granddaughter and grandson-in-law coming, he had a happy smile on his face, which made the other grandchildren secretly say in their hearts, "Eccentric."

When they came, Old Man Wei just nodded, even if he only said a few words to his youngest granddaughter Wei Xiaomei, and did not forget to educate her with Wei Shiqi, "Xi Study hard, be a useful person to the country, look at your sister Shiqi, she has practiced martial arts since she was a child, and now she can protect her family and defend the country." "

Peace is coming, I heard that you went back to your hometown for the New Year, the climate there is really good, there is no winter, it is like here in the capital, it is so cold that people freeze to death." Wei Jianying was very affectionate when he saw Wei Heping, pulled him aside to talk, and several cousins and sisters also came around, Wei Heping gave them a car each, and they were very enthusiastic about this generous brother-in-law and brother-in-law.

Several of Wei Guodong's brothers and sisters are also very enthusiastic about Wei Heping, which is better than Wei Shiqi, after all, everyone knows that Wei Shiqi is not easy to contact, and Jiang Yuying is even more satisfied with her son-in-law, and her shot is 200 million US dollars, so that she can directly become a billionaire woman, where to find such a son-in-law, it is much better than a daughter-in-law.

"I heard that an artificial beach has also been built in the capital, why don't we go there after dinner?" Wei Jiangang listened to Wei Jianying's words and proposed beside him.

"Yes, yes! I've heard about it for a long time, but I don't have time to play, and my parents won't let me out. Wei Xiaomei was the first to raise her hand in agreement, she had heard her classmates talk about it, and some of them had even gone to play, and it was like a real beach.

Wei Heping saw that everyone was so enthusiastic, and it was not easy to sweep everyone's interest, after eating, said goodbye to Mr. Wei, and more than a dozen people drove to Miyun Yunfoshan artificial bathing beach, where the seaview water park is the largest artificial bathing beach in Beijing.

Stop the car in the parking lot, see a lot of people outside, some come out, some go in, the bustling is very lively, in the capital far from the sea, and in the cold winter in the north, there is such an artificial beach, naturally it attracts a lot of tourists to come to play.

The ticket price is not expensive, forty yuan per person, you can enter the beach inside, there are a lot of places to charge, it is winter now, naturally you can't play outside, you have to enter the artificial beach inside, the temperature there is more than 27 degrees, of course, the price of the ticket is also very beautiful 888 yuan.

Wei Heping went to buy tickets, Wei Shiqi would definitely not buy tickets for them, if she bought a ticket at most, she would buy one for Wei Xiaomei, and whoever else wanted to buy a ticket would buy a ticket, after all, Wei Xiaomei was still a student and had no source of salary.

Everyone entered the artificial beach, changed into swimsuits in the VIP room, and plunged into the artificial sea water, which has an area of about 2,000 square meters, and the ceiling is as high as more than ten meters, forming an arch to shroud the sea and beach here, and I don't know how much high-power heating system is used, this power system alone is estimated to be an astronomical amount, plus up to seventy or eighty centimeters of simulated wave-making equipment, and some other facilities, the ticket is not expensive, after all, this investor also wants to make money.

Wei Shiqi was wearing a one-piece swimsuit, revealing her bumpy figure, she was wearing a swimsuit in front of so many people for the first time, and she was a little embarrassed, don't look at her and Wei Heping were very open when they were together, but here they were a little shy.

"Hmmm! Beauty! My goodness! There are such punctual beauties here. Wei Shiqi pulled Wei Heping and didn't walk into the sea, a voice came from behind, Wei Shiqi's face changed, and she wanted to make a move, but Wei Heping pulled her into the seawater, there are so many people here, it is impossible for someone to kill someone with a word!

"Hey! Belle! Can you get acquainted? This person's voice came from behind again, it seemed that it was following them down, this person stretched out his hand as he spoke, wanting to grab Wei Shiqi's shoulder, Wei Heping didn't stop it, and he didn't have time to stop it, so he could only secretly say in his heart, "Since you want to find death, the king of Hades can't stop it." "

Get out!" Wei Shiqi didn't look back, raised her hand and slapped the person who came with her with Zhenyuan, so that she wouldn't let her hand touch the skin of other men, and directly slapped this person to the beach, this person was lying on the beach and vomiting blood, and his body kept twitching.

"Ahh Killed. An exclamation was heard, and the people who were resting on the beach and playing in the sea water heard it, and the caretaker of the artificial bathing beach hurriedly ran over.

"Xu Shao, Xu Shao, what's wrong with you? Who hit this? The administrator helped up the young man named Xu Shao, and saw that his chest was purple and black, his ribs were broken, and he was unconscious, so he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called someone over.

Soon some people came to watch, and the interest of Chinese people in watching the excitement would quickly gather no matter where they were.

"Let's go! Let's get it! There were a few shouts from the back of the crowd, and the crowd made a gap for the shouting security guards to enter, and then filled the gap again.

"Who hit Xu Shao here?" After the security guard came in, he saw the scar on Xu Shao's chest, and hurriedly asked the administrator, this Xu Shao is going to be seriously injured here, and their boss will be implicated, so quickly find out the murderer and let Xu Shao's people deal with it.

"I don't know! I also ran over when I heard the shouting, you go to check the surveillance, and by the way, fence this place, now that the people here haven't left, you will definitely be able to find who hit Xu Shao. The Administrator told the security staff in charge of his thoughts.

"Xiaobai, you go to investigate the surveillance on this side of the beach, Xiao Li and Lao Liu will find a few more people to fence this place, Lao Tzu doesn't believe that he can't find the murderer." The security guard led the command to act with several security guards who came over, and took out his mobile phone to contact the manager, asking the manager to tell the boss that Xu Shao was seriously injured.

Everyone was afraid of responsibility, so they were busy looking for the murderer, but they forgot to send Xu Shao to the hospital for treatment, or someone in the onlookers said, "Let's send people to the hospital quickly!" Otherwise, the injury is getting worse and worse. "

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