Rebirth of Hong Kong 1981

Chapter 847: independent of

   Chapter 847 Independent

This shows what?

  Many people say that Lincoln's death was because he harmed the interests of the southern slave owners and was killed by the thugs sent by the southern slave owners.

  The thug turned into an actor, which is a bit of a big change in identity.

   And later generations speculated that Lincoln's death, the closest to the truth, was because he harmed the interests of the bankers.

  In the American Civil War, besides the slave owners, there was another important group that suffered the most losses, that is, the international banking organization that has been providing financial support to the southern slave owners.

Because the South was defeated, the slave owners went bankrupt one after another, and the money lent by the international banks could not be recovered all of a sudden, and the U.S. government, which unified the forces of the South by the North, did not recognize these debts and did not repay the loans lent by the international banks. loan.

   In the eyes of the northern powers, these financiers supported the southern powers and promoted the outbreak of the American Civil War.

  In this way, Lincoln's death, on the surface, was related to those southern slave owners and international banks who were unwilling to fail.

   But if that's the case, supporting Lincoln's northern forces, what do they eat? Why don't you know to protect the president Lincoln?

   Obviously, Lincoln's murder was not only caused by southern slave-owner forces, or some international banking forces. There must be inner ghosts among them, and northern forces must also be involved.

  How to make the northern forces who have always supported him also abandon him, there must be a direct connection with interests.

   There was a saying in America

  Democracy & Democrats belong to the Morgan family

  Republicans belong to the Rockefeller family

   The United States has always given the impression that the president of the United States represents the interests of the people, because the president is elected by all the American people, so legally speaking, it represents the interests of the people.

   However, everyone knows, including the Americans themselves, that it is not the US president elected by the people or the US government that really controls everything in the US, but the financial oligarchs hiding behind them.

  What is not known is that after the end of the Civil War, Lincoln once advocated the issuance of "green coins", the so-called credit currency, in an attempt to break the control of American bankers over the economy.

  Lincoln's move undoubtedly directly touched the cheese of all bankers in the United States.

  Whether it is a banker in the south, a banker in the north, or an international banker, the interests of all bankers will be affected by this attack.

  The President of the United States wants to end the bankers' manipulation of the US economy and end the US dollar system, which is equivalent to making himself the enemy of all banking giants and against the entire US financial system.

   If this is placed in a socialist country, with the prestige that Lincoln had accumulated before, it would definitely be an easy thing to implement his own set.

   Not to mention ending the bankers' control over the US economy, even if it ends the lives of all the bankers, that's a matter of one sentence.

  Unfortunately, as an early British colony, the United States inherited all systems from the United Kingdom, and the financial system is no exception.

  The earliest bank established in the world should be the Bank of England in the United Kingdom. The Bank of England was established in 1694 under the charter of the King of England.

At the beginning of its establishment, the main task of the Bank of England was to make advances to the British government.

In the 1830s, the Bank of England obtained the qualification for unlimited legal compensation of banknotes, and then obtained the right to issue sterling. With the qualification of the issuing bank, the status of the Bank of England increased day by day. Finally, with the continuous rise of the international status of the United Kingdom, it finally became Banking giants that influence the direction of the world economy.

   It is worth mentioning that before World War II, the Bank of England was the central bank of the United Kingdom, but it was a private bank.

  At that time, private banks controlled the direction of the entire UK economy, and the Bank of England played the same role as the Federal Reserve today.

   After the end of World War II, the entire British economy was greatly affected due to the war. Finally, the private central bank of England was also nationalized by the British government and became a state-owned central bank.

The biggest difference between    and the United Kingdom is that although the United Kingdom is a country that pursues capitalism, it is also a monarchy.

  The establishment of the Bank of England was chartered by the King of England. Many British banks have more or less the shadow of the British royal family behind them.

   Therefore, if the British government wants to nationalize this private bank in England, it only needs the permission of the British royal family, and it can easily solve this matter.

But the United States is different. The United States does not have a monarchy. Even President Washington, who led them to independence in the early days, does not have the same influence and power as the British royal family. The American government is an authentic candidate government and a capitalist country. .

  The financial oligarchs in the United States are far more powerful than those in the UK. Not only do they dare to say no to the government, they dare to go against the government, and even if they are not pleasing to the eye, they directly kill those who get in the way. It is not uncommon.

   Therefore, President Lincoln, who moved the banker's cheese at that time, even though he was supported by the bottom people and lacked prestige and influence, his final outcome was still unfortunate.

   Turning over the history of the United States, we can see that the struggle between the president of the United States and the bankers has continued, and almost every president will have a fierce confrontation with the head of the Federal Reserve.

   In the history of the United States, seven presidents have been killed in office successively. The reasons for their deaths were not at the hands of enemy countries, but at the hands of each other, and all the black hands ultimately pointed at the banking giants in the United States.

   According to statistics of later generations, the American president and the financial bank giants fought to the death for nearly two hundred years, and the casualty rate exceeded that of the American soldiers who arrived on the front line in Norman.

   It can be said that the dedication of successive US presidents is still very commendable.

   However, it is a pity that although the US presidents are very heroic, they have never been able to regain the right to issue the currency. Until the 21st century, the battle between the US president and the Federal Reserve has continued.

   Even after entering the 20th century, the President of the United States has obtained a little right to intervene in the Federal Reserve, but the Federal Reserve is still outside the government and can still say no to the President very hard.

   And what Yang Chen wants to do is to learn the model of the Federal Reserve, so that the North Australian economy is independent of the Australian government and is not affected by the Australian government.

  Some of the actions of the Australian government in later generations are really too scumbags. They often find trouble in the inland from time to time. He does not want to affect his relationship with the inland because of the mindless operations of the Australian government.

   In the future, the inland will become the world's factory, and every move will affect the global economic trend. Compared with the inland, Australia is obviously not a class. How to choose, a fool knows.

   It's not that he wants to be a mindless licking dog.


   (end of this chapter)

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